Another first for JAVMA and AJVR—narrated video manuscripts!

Lisa A. Fortier Editor-in-Chief, JAVMAand AJVR, Division Director of Publications, AVMA

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Dear members and readers,

JAVMA and AJVR are now accepting video articles—that are peer-reviewed, fully citable using a DOI, and discoverable in PubMed!

This versatile approach to informing our readership about best practices supports the mission of JAVMA, which is to advance and promote the science and art of veterinary medicine while upholding world-class standards in peer-reviewed veterinary medical scientific publications and of AJVR, which is to publish, in a timely manner, peer-reviewed reports of the highest-quality research that has the clear potential to enhance the health, welfare, and performance of animals and humans. A Technical/Tutorial Video is a narrated video or animation sequence that provides a practical tutorial on techniques, tools, methodologies, or approaches in any area of veterinary medicine. For information on how to create one, see our instructions for JAVMA ( and those for AJVR (

As authors, you will walk viewers through clinically relevant examinations or experimental procedures that can help our members and readers advance their practice. Either narrated videos or animated sequences are welcome, and best of all, they are official peer-reviewed publications of JAVMA or AJVR, for which authors get academic credit.

Providing technique-based teaching video resources is not, in and of itself, novel. You may have access to teaching or research videos through your university, YouTube, or a subscription to a continuing education platform. The unique feature of JAVMA’s and AJVR’s Technical/Tutorial Videos is that these “manuscripts” are an integral part of the journal and can be fully cited using a DOI. Readers can search for them using Google Scholar, PubMed, or another search engine, and can find them on the JAVMA or AJVR website. Each video includes a transcript of the narration, developed using AI-based technology generated for the journals, along with the article’s metadata, which enhances discoverability through improved search engine optimization (SEO).

Videos available on sites like YouTube and most others are not peer-reviewed. JAVMA’s and AJVR’s videos will be reviewed like any other manuscript—by an Associate Editor and by a reviewer—so you can absolutely trust the information they convey for your clinical or surgical practice.

Wouldn’t you like to see practical, professionally vetted demonstrations of the best techniques for handling diagnostics, procedures, interventions, and other issues like the following?

Examples for JAVMA:

  • Ophthalmic examination in a dog

  • Orthopedic examination in a cat

  • Epidural anesthesia in small ruminants for cesarean section

  • Field dental examination in a horse

  • Assembly of a pulley system for examination of the bovine foot

  • Radiography techniques in birds

  • Ultrasonography of the rabbit ear

  • Bone marrow aspiration in dogs and horses for mesenchymal stem cell culture

  • How to troubleshoot your anesthesia machine

Examples for AJVR:

  • Destabilization of the medial meniscus for osteoarthritis research

  • Automation of live/dead cell counting

  • Diagnostic sample techniques for fungal diseases in reptiles and amphibians

  • Survey and questionnaire design and analysis

  • Quantitative analysis of clinical CT images

  • Introduction to omics research

  • Baseline diagnostic sampling in fish (skin scrape, gill, and fin biopsy)

  • Restraint and venipuncture in exotic animal species

  • Intubation in challenging species (sheep, marsupials, rabbits)

What technique or tutorial would you like to share?

If you feel inspired to submit one of the first Technical/Tutorial Videos, please go to the Instructions for Authors at or If your video is accepted, we will provide fast publication and industry-leading social media support!

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth 10 times that!

As always, please reach out to me if you have comments, questions, or ideas for how we can continue to improve your journals!


Dr. Lisa A. Fortier

Editor-in-Chief, JAVMA and AJVR

Division Director of Publications, AVMA

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