Heart rate (HR) is one of the main signs for clinical examination and is used to assess the prognosis and response to treatment.1 Peripheral oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SpO2) is a useful variable to monitor a patient’s oxygen status.2 The reference method for evaluating oxygen saturation is cooximetry or using the calculated arterial oxygen saturation from an arterial blood gas.3 However, the technique requires needle puncture of a peripheral artery and may be challenging for inexperienced veterinarians.4
Smartwatches are increasingly used to evaluate physiologic biomarkers.5 Apple Watch 6 (Apple Inc [AppW6]) is a reliable way to obtain HR and SpO2 in humans.6,7 The HR values obtained using Fenix 5X Plus (Garmin Ltd [GF5xp]) correlate well with the reference method,8 but overall, it tends to overestimate SpO2.9 Furthermore, GF5xp accurately measures HR in dogs.10 However, the reliability of GF5xp and AppW6 to measure HR and SpO2 in cats remains to be demonstrated. The aim of the study reported here was to evaluate the accuracy for 2 smartwatches with oximetry technology and optical wrist HR or single-lead ECG technology (Fenix 5X Plus [GF5xp], Garmin Ltd and Apple Watch 6 [AppW6], Apple Inc, respectively) versus gold standards (ECG and transmittance pulse oximetry [TPO], respectively) in measuring HR and SpO2 in cats.
Materials and Methods
The Atatürk University Local Board of Ethics Committee for Animal Experiments approved the experimental protocol. Written informed consent was obtained from the owners of the participating cats. The study was performed based on the guidelines outlined in the National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.11
A total of 10 male mixed-breed cats that were American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status 1, aged 8 to 12 months, and weighing 3.2 to 4.5 kg that were referred to Atatürk University Animal Hospital for elective castration between March 10 and April 15, 2022, were eligible for enrollment. Food was withheld for 6 hours and water was withheld for 2 hours before surgery. Animals received butorphanol (0.2 mg kg−1, IM), followed with dexmedetomidine (0.02 mg kg−1, IM) for sedation. Following the placement of the cephalic venous catheter, cefazolin (25 mg kg−1, IV) was administered. Induction of anesthesia was achieved with propofol (2 to 6 mg kg−1, IV) bolus. Each cat was intubated with a 4.5-mm endotracheal tube after its larynx was desensitized with 0.1 mL of 2% lidocaine. Then, oxygen (2 L/min) was supplied till extubation. Approximately 3 to 5 mL kg h−1 sterile saline (0.9% NaCl) solution was intravenously administered throughout anesthesia. A multiparameter monitor (Cardell 9405; Sharn Veterinary Inc) was used to monitor the HR (via 3-lead ECG), respiratory rate, rectal temperature, end-tidal carbon dioxide, non-invasive blood pressure, and SpO2 (via TPO). Meloxicam (0.2 mg kg−1, IV) was administered immediately after castration.
All animals were placed in sternal recumbency throughout the experiment. An ECG with 3-lead systems (assumed as the reference method for HR)12 was used to collect HR measurements. The HR was also measured via thoracic auscultation with a stethoscope for 30 seconds to verify the accuracy of the ECG measurements. The SpO2 measurements were obtained from a probe attached to the tongue with TPO (assumed as the reference method for SpO2).13
Two smartwatches were used to measure the HR and SpO2 values: GF5xp and AppW6. An area over the proximolateral aspect of each tibia was clipped with a clipper (blade no: 40), and the GF5xp and AppW6 were then randomly attached with a watch strap over these prepared sites (Supplementary Figure S1). Each HR and SpO2 measurement obtained from the devices was recorded by the same person; 4 people (1 for ECG, 1 for stethoscope, 1 for GF5xp, and 1 for AppW6) simultaneously recorded measurements. Each person recorded their device’s HR measurements on the datasheet at an interval of 30 seconds for 10 minutes, whereas SpO2 measurements were collected at any point during the respiratory cycle without any specific time intervals. All data were then transferred to a spreadsheet file (Excel; Microsoft Corp) for statistical analysis. The results were classified as device failure when the HR or SpO2 were not displayed.
Statistical analysis
Power analysis (PS-Power and Sample Size calculation; version 3.1.2) was employed to determine the minimum number of measurements required in each device to consider a 2% difference in the HR significant, thus 10 animals (200 measurements) were needed. The level of significance was 0.05 (Type I) and a power of 80% (Type II). The analysis was based on data by previous study which compares HR measurement in dogs using different smartwatches.10
Results are presented in terms of the mean difference (%) and the 95% limits of agreement (LoA) with appropriate measurements of precision for each estimated parameter. For each comparison pair, we also regressed the differences on the mean of the combined measurements to assess the relationship between bias and the magnitude of the measurement.14 Finally, for each comparison method we have also reported the proportion of measurements falling within the LoA.
Commercial software (Med-Calc; version 20.110; MedCalc Software Ltd) was used for statistical analysis. The normality of the data was tested prior to analysis using the Shapiro–Wilk test. Non-normal distributed data (ECG and stethoscope) were subjected to the Mann–Whitney U test. The failure rate for the SpO2 measurements was subjected to cross-tabulation for χ2 analysis. Agreement between results obtained with ECG or TPO versus those obtained with the tested smartwatches were evaluated using the Bland-Altman plot, in which the differences (%) between methods were plotted against their mean HR or SpO2 (reference method measurement – test device measurement) and the LoA (mean ± 1.96 × SD).15 Values of P < .05 were considered statistically significant. Data were presented as mean ± SD or as median (range).
All animals recovered from anesthesia without any complications. A total of 800 HR measurements were obtained from ECG (n = 200 measurements), stethoscope (200 measurements), AppW6 (200 measurements), and GF5xp (200 measurements). No failure rate was recorded for HR in any of the devices. No significant (P = .843) difference was observed between the HR values of the ECG (median, 166 beats/min; range, 148 to 181 beats/min) and stethoscope (median, 164 beats/min; range, 152 to 180 beats/min]). Compared with ECG measurements of HR, GF5xp had superior bias (–0.1%) and LoA (3.0% to –3.3%) versus the AppW6 (bias, 0.2%; LoA, 3.7% to –3.4%; ; Figure 1). GF5xp (3.04) achieved a lower bias than AppW6 (3.71) in estimating HR. The SE of estimate for HR was quite low for GF5xp (0.0124) and AppW6 (0.014).
A total of 216 measurements were obtained from 3 different devices for SpO2. The failure rate for SpO2 measurement was significantly (P < .001) lower in GF5xp (94 in 140 attempts) than in AppW6 (110 in 140 attempts). No failure rate for SpO2 was observed in the TPO (140 in 140 attempts). Compared with TPO measurements of SpO2, AppW6 had superior bias (0.2%) and LoA (3.0% to –2.5%) versus those of the GF5xp (bias, –2.1%; LoA, 0.2 to –4.4%; Figure 2). The GF5xp (0.18) achieved a lower bias than AppW6 (–2.50) in estimating SpO2. The SE of estimate for SpO2 was quite low in both GF5xp (0.136) and AppW6 (0.165).
The present study determined the accuracy of 2 smartwatch devices for HR and SpO2 in anesthetized cats. Our findings indicated that data from GF5xp and AppW6 were overall acceptable and consistent with that from ECG over the range of HR and SpO2 observed. GF5xp was superior to AppW6 as an alternative measurement, with a lower LoA for detecting HR compared with that of the reference method. A previous study in dogs has reported that GF5xp has high accuracy for detecting HR.10 To our knowledge, no other study has investigated the accuracy of HR in animals using AppW6. However, our results were consistent with a previous study that showed that AppW6 has a high level of accuracy for HR monitoring in humans.16
To the authors’ knowledge, this study was the first to evaluate the validity of GF5xp and AppW6 in measuring SpO2 in cats. Therefore, comparing the current findings with previous reports on animals may not be possible. Nevertheless, a previous study that utilized AppW6 in humans have found that the mean biases of HR and SpO2 are 0% and 0.8%,6 respectively, which was consistent with our findings (mean biases of HR and SpO2 are –0.1% and 0.2%, respectively).
The accuracy of SpO2 measurements obtained from GF5xp exhibits minimal overestimation (mean bias, 3.3%; LoA, −1.9 to 8.6%),17 whereas minimal underestimation was acquired in the present work (mean bias, –2.1%; LoA, 0.2 to –4.4%). Schiefer et al9 evaluated the accuracy of GF5xp to monitor SpO2 at high altitudes. Although GF5xp showed high validity (mean bias, 0.1%; LoA, –10.7 to 10.9%), arterial blood gas analysis showed a mean bias of 7.0% with a wide LoA (−6.5 to 20.5%). Therefore, using GF5xp for monitoring SpO2 for predictive health status is not recommended.9 This finding is likely related to the extreme values obtained at high altitudes. Smartwatches exhibit poor accuracy during rigorous exercises.18,19 The low LoA in the current study may be associated with anesthesia, which is related to stable conditions in cats. Notably, false values may be recorded in humans when motion and hand movement occur.20 Future studies should be performed in cats during physical activity to understand whether both devices can be surrogates to reference methods.
Although we demonstrated that GF5xp and AppW6 could be used to assess SpO2 in cats, both smartwatches frequently failed to display values for pulse oximetry. This result might restrict the clinical use of devices in cats. The tightness of the watch and the environmental light may affect successful measurements.21 These factors were not considered in the current study and might be considered as limitations. We conclude that HR measurements can easily be obtained when smartwatches are tightly wrapped over the proximal tibia. Nevertheless, this procedure may not enable us to record most of the SpO2 measurements. Future research can be conducted by placing smartwatches on different anatomic regions to examine how correct measurements can be obtained.
In conclusion, various brands of smartwatches have been used in human healthcare. Apple and Garmin are both well known in the world of smartwatches; however, no study has evaluated the use of these devices in cats to monitor HR and SpO2. Based on our findings, both GF5xp and AppW6 exhibit high accuracy in evaluating HR and SpO2 when compared with the reference methods. Both devices are cost-effective when used to monitor HR in cats and can be used for follow-up assessment for screening heart disorders. Thus, both wearable devices may not only serve to humans but also cats. However, the technology may not be suitable for screening SpO2 in cats because of high failure rates. Given that the cats used in this study are free of any cardiac disease, future studies are required to determine the effectiveness of both devices in detecting cardiovascular problems.
Supplementary Materials
Supplementary materials are posted online at the journal website:
No third-party funding or support was received in connection with this study or the writing or publication of the manuscript. The authors report no conflicts of interest related to this study.
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