An integrative review of lateral line depigmentation in marine and freshwater fish

Nicholas G. Dannemiller From the Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80526 (Dannemiller); and A. Watson Armour III Center for Animal Health and Welfare, John G. Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL 60605 (O'Connor, Van Bonn).

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Matthew R. O'Connor From the Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80526 (Dannemiller); and A. Watson Armour III Center for Animal Health and Welfare, John G. Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL 60605 (O'Connor, Van Bonn).

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William G. Van Bonn From the Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80526 (Dannemiller); and A. Watson Armour III Center for Animal Health and Welfare, John G. Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL 60605 (O'Connor, Van Bonn).

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To qualitatively review reports on lateral line depigmentation (LLD) in marine and freshwater fish.


English-language publications concerning LLD published before March 1, 2020.


Electronic searches of CAB abstracts, PubMed, and Web of Science databases and the proceedings of the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine were performed. Records were systematically screened and selected for inclusion in an integrative review. Bibliographies of records included in the review were examined to identify other records to be screened. Included records were qualitatively reviewed. Evidence level and quality were graded according to previously described criteria. Information pertinent to epidemiological factors, etiopathogenesis, clinical and histopathologic findings, treatment, and prevention of LLD was collected.


401 records were screened, and 24 unique publications (16 peer-reviewed articles, 1 textbook, and 7 abstracts) were included in the study; 12 (50%), 1 (4%), 6 (25%), and 5 (21%) were classified as evidence level I (experimental), II (quasi-experimental), III (nonexperimental), and V (clinical reports or clinician experience), respectively. Seventeen (71%) and 7 (29%) reports were classified as high quality and good quality, respectively.


LLD should be considered a clinical observation indicative of a dermato-logic response of fish to suboptimal conditions; LLD should continue to be adopted as the preferred term to describe the classic signs. Whereas gross findings are similar among species, histologic findings can vary. Evidence-based treatment of LLD for individual fish consists of source control (changing tanks or systems), topical treatment with 0.01% becaplermin gel, supportive care, and antimicrobial treatment when warranted. For schools of fish, treatment and prevention of LLD should be focused on improving suboptimal environmental and physiologic conditions. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2021;259:617–625)



To qualitatively review reports on lateral line depigmentation (LLD) in marine and freshwater fish.


English-language publications concerning LLD published before March 1, 2020.


Electronic searches of CAB abstracts, PubMed, and Web of Science databases and the proceedings of the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine were performed. Records were systematically screened and selected for inclusion in an integrative review. Bibliographies of records included in the review were examined to identify other records to be screened. Included records were qualitatively reviewed. Evidence level and quality were graded according to previously described criteria. Information pertinent to epidemiological factors, etiopathogenesis, clinical and histopathologic findings, treatment, and prevention of LLD was collected.


401 records were screened, and 24 unique publications (16 peer-reviewed articles, 1 textbook, and 7 abstracts) were included in the study; 12 (50%), 1 (4%), 6 (25%), and 5 (21%) were classified as evidence level I (experimental), II (quasi-experimental), III (nonexperimental), and V (clinical reports or clinician experience), respectively. Seventeen (71%) and 7 (29%) reports were classified as high quality and good quality, respectively.


LLD should be considered a clinical observation indicative of a dermato-logic response of fish to suboptimal conditions; LLD should continue to be adopted as the preferred term to describe the classic signs. Whereas gross findings are similar among species, histologic findings can vary. Evidence-based treatment of LLD for individual fish consists of source control (changing tanks or systems), topical treatment with 0.01% becaplermin gel, supportive care, and antimicrobial treatment when warranted. For schools of fish, treatment and prevention of LLD should be focused on improving suboptimal environmental and physiologic conditions. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2021;259:617–625)


Lateral line depigmentation is an economically important chronic dermatopathy affecting marine and freshwater fish species globally. The condition has been previously referred to by a variety of terms in the peer-reviewed and popular literature, including hole-in-the-head disease, lateral line erosion, head and lateral line erosion syndrome, chronic ulcerative dermatopathy, and chronic erosive dermatopathy. To the authors' knowledge, the first published report of lesions consistent with LLD concerned Orangespotted sunfish (Lepomis humilis) in Oklahoma in the late 1950s.1 In the years since, discussion regarding almost every aspect of LLD has been circulated in the popular literature, although published scientific reports on the subject have been sporadic and scarce. This common, yet enigmatic condition frequently manifests grossly as chronic, focally depigmented skin along the lateral lines of the head and flanks of affected fish. Although LLD is not usually fatal, affected fish can become permanently disfigured. Hobbyists and consumers highly value the appearance of commercially raised ornamental and food fish, making fish disfigured from LLD undesirable for display in aquariums or use in the aquaculture supply chain.

Despite its global prevalence, there is a lack of consensus among aquarists, producers, and aquatic animal veterinarians about the underlying etiopatho-genesis, treatment, and prevention of LLD. Recent evidence-based practice initiatives have increased the need and production of literature reviews in both human and veterinary medicine.2 Within the diverse typology of literature reviews, integrative reviews allow for the synthesis of qualitative and quantitative data to draw conclusions that provide a more comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon.2 The objective of the study reported here was to conduct an integrative review of peer-reviewed reports on LLD. To our knowledge, no previous comprehensive overview of the nomenclature, epidemiological features, etiopathogenesis, clinical signs, histopathologic findings, treatment, and prevention of LLD in marine and freshwater fish has been published.

Materials and Methods

We conducted an integrative review following a protocol modeled after recommended integrative review methodology for human nursing research.3,4 All peer-reviewed publications, relevant textbook chapters, or professional conference proceeding abstracts published in English language before March 1, 2020, were eligible for review. Information sources included electronic CAB abstracts, PubMed, and Web of Science databases and annual conference proceedings of the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine available through the Veterinary Information Network. We also examined the bibliographies of publications or abstracts included in the review to identify records not found by means of the electronic searches. Across information sources, we used the following Boolean electronic search string: lateral line depigmentation OR hole-in-the-head OR lateral line erosion OR head and lateral line erosion OR chronic ulcerative dermatopathy OR chronic erosive dermatopathy AND fish. The electronic searches were performed by 1 author (NGD) between March 2, 2020, and March 27, 2020.

Records were initially screened by 1 author (NGD) to ensure they pertained to fish and LLD. Hole-in-the-head disease is a historical name for an unrelated, highly fatal disease of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) that is caused by systemic infection with Edwardsiella ictaluri and is presently more appropriately referred to as enteric septicemia of catfish.5 Consequently, records concerning enteric septicemia of catfish were excluded during screening. Following screening, we collated the selected records, removed duplicates, and assessed the full text of remaining records for eligibility. To be included in the review,3 1 research objective of the report had to pertain to the epidemiological features, etiopathogenesis, clinical signs, gross or histologic description, treatment, or prevention of LLD. Included records were reviewed qualitatively with results summarized and synthesized thematically. Evidence level and quality of included studies were categorized by 1 author (NGD) using an evidence level and quality guide adapted from the guide outlined in the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model.4 In the described model, a lower value indicates a greater scientific strength of a source, whereas a higher value indicates the source is more likely to be drawn from expert or anecdotal experience or a single clinical (case) report. The highest and lowest evidence levels are I and V, respectively (Appendix). Specific criteria for categorical quality ratings vary among evidence levels to aid objective assessment of reviewed studies. Data related to nomenclature, epidemiological features, etio-pathogenesis, clinical and histopathologic findings, and treatment and prevention of LLD were extracted and synthesized.


We initially identified 398 records for screening through electronic searches, and 3 additional records were added from the bibliographies of publications or abstracts included in the review (Figure 1). Of the 401 records initially screened, 327 were not related to marine or freshwater fish, 20 did not relate to LLD, and 8 concerned enteric septicemia of catfish. After collation and removal of duplicates, we assessed the full text of 26 records for eligibility; 2 were excluded because they were not available in English language, and the remaining 24 unique publications (16 peer-reviewed full articles,1,620 1 textbook,5 and 7 abstractsag) were qualitatively synthesized (Table 1).

Figure 1
Figure 1

Flow diagram depicting screening, exclusion, and selection of records for use in an integrative review of LLD in fish. ESC = Enteric septicemia of catfish. IAAAM = International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine.

Citation: Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 259, 6; 10.2460/javma.259.6.617

Table 1

Twenty-four unique publications (16 peer-reviewed articles, 1 textbook, and 7 abstracts) included and qualitatively synthesized in an integrative review of LLD in marine and freshwater fish. Evidence level and quality were categorized according to an evidence level and quality guide adapted from that outlined in the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model.4

Authors Year Record type Study type Level Quality Species studied Research focus
Curd1 1959 Full article Nonexperimental III Good Orangespotted sunfish Histologic features
Noga5 2010 Textbook Literature review V High Overview
Baily et al6 2005 Full article Nonexperimental III High Murray cod Etiopathogenesis, histologic features
Katharios et al7 2011 Full article Experimental I High Sharpsnout sea bream Etiopathogenesis, histologic features
Hemdal et al8 2011 Full article Experimental I Good Ocean surgeonfish Etiopathogenesis
Paull et al9 2001 Full article Nonexperimental III Good Discus fish, angelfish Etiopathogenesis
Varner et al10 1991 Full article Nonexperimental III Good Marine angelfish Etiopathogenesis
Peyghan et al11 2010 Full article Clinical (case) report V High Oscar Etiopathogenesis, treatment
Morrison et al12 2007 Full article Nonexperimental III High Nile tilapia Histologic features
Corrales et al13 2009 Full article Experimental I High Channel catfish Etiopathogenesis, histologic features
Amesberger-Freitag et al14 2019 Full article Experimental I High Discus fish Etiopathogenesis
Schultz et al15 2011 Full article Experimental I High Murray cod Etiopathogenesis
Blasiola16 1989 Full article Experimental I High Blue tang Etiopathogenesis
Stamper et al17 2011 Full article Experimental I High Ocean surgeonfish Etiopathogenesis
Schultz et al18 2008 Full article Experimental I High Murray cod Clinicopathologic features
Schultz et al19 2014 Full article Nonexperimental III High Murray cod Histologic features
Fleming et al20 2008 Full article Experimental I High Ocean surgeonfish Treatment
Francis-Floyd et ala 2005 Abstract Experimental I High Ocean surgeonfish Etiopathogenesis
Croft et alb 2005 Abstract Experimental I High Ocean surgeonfish Etiopathogenesis
Boerner et alc 2003 Abstract Clinical (case) report V High Sailfin tang Treatment
Adams et ald 2005 Abstract Experimental I High Treatment
Stremmee 2012 Abstract Quasi-experimental II Good Purple tang Treatment
Stamper et alf 2005 Abstract Clinician experience V Good Etiopathogenesis
Stamperg 2006 Abstract Clinician experience V Good Overview

— = Not reported or not applicable.

Twelve of 24 (50%) reviewed records were classified as evidence level I, 1 (4%) as level II, 6 (25%) as level III, and 5 (21%) as level V. No records were found to have evidence level IV. In terms of quality, 17 (71%) and 7 (29%) reviewed records were of high quality and good quality, respectively; none of the reviewed records were determined to be of low quality. Among reports on the potential causes of LLD, the greatest number of high-quality level I records were related to inadequate nutrition (n = 5), followed by exposure to activated carbon (used for water treatment; 3), infectious agents (3), and poor water quality (2). Six records addressed the treatment of LLD, with 2 (33%) classified as high-quality level 1 records, 1 (17%) good-quality level II record, and 3 (50%) classified as high-quality level V records.


Despite the presence of numerous other descriptive names for the condition (including hole-in-the-head disease, lateral line erosion, head and lateral line erosion syndrome, chronic ulcerative dermatopathy, and chronic erosive dermatopathy), the authors of 2 reports5,13 have proposed that LLD be adopted as an apt term for 3 reasons. First, some LLD lesions are not erosive or ulcerative but hyperplastic on histologic examination.5,13 Second, LLD is a more accurate description of the definitive diagnostic lesion found in all affected fish.5,13 Finally, and most importantly, LLD should be considered a clinical observation rather than a specific disease or syndrome.5,13

Epidemiological features

Lateral line depigmentation has been reported globally in ex situ marine and freshwater fish populations in Asia,11 Australia,6,15 Europe,7,9,10,14 and North America.8,12,13,20,a,b It is frequently observed in the ornamental marine fish families Acanthuridae (surgeon-fishes, tangs, and unicornfishes) and Pomacentridae (angelfishes) as well as the tropical freshwater fish families Anabantidae (climbing gouramies), Belontidae (gouramies) and Cichlidae (cichlids, discus, and oscars).5 Lateral line depigmentation has also been observed in the marine and freshwater food fish families Gadidae (cods), Sparidae (sea breams and porgies), and Percichthyidae (temperate perches), particularly the Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii).57 It is unclear whether the increased prevalence of LLD in these families is attributable to their overrepresentation in ex situ settings or if they have a greater inherent susceptibility than other families. To our knowledge, formal morbidity and mortality statistics for LLD have not been reported, but anecdotally, LLD has resulted in variable morbidity rates and low mortality rates.5 Similarly, analysis of associations between sex, life stage, or other demographic features and LLD was not documented in the reviewed reports, but anecdotally LLD affects larger, older fish.5


Despite the global prevalence of LLD, a consensus regarding a common underlying cause is lacking. Although the authors of 1 report8 cite an unpublished 2009 survey of 100 advanced aquarists in which > 25 potential causes for LLD in marine fish were identified, we synthesized the potential causes of LLD that were formally investigated in the reviewed reports into 4 broad categories: infectious agents, water quality, nutrition, and activated carbon.

Infectious agents—Lateral line depigmentation has historically been attributed to diplomonad flagel-late protozoa, specifically of the genus Spironucleus.9 Diplomonad flagellates are considered commensal intestinal protozoa of many fish species, including angelfish, discus, oscars, and African cichlids.21 However, a heavy intestinal burden of Spironucleus spp may lead to severe enteritis and has the potential to invade host tissues and cause systemic infection.22 A possible association between systemic infection with Spironucleus vortens and development of LLD was reported9 after the parasites were recovered from skin lesions of diseased fish with an infection that presumably originated from the intestinal tract, from which trophozoites were isolated. The presence of LLD has also been associated with a reovirus-like agent isolated from a liver-spleen homogenate from 1 moribund marine angelfish (Pomacanthus semicirculatus)10 as well as with Aeromonas hydrophila, which was isolated from lesions on the head of an affected oscar (Astronotus ocellatus).11 Whereas multiple records with level III or V evidence suggest possible infectious causes, the preponderance of records with level I or II evidence indicate that no infectious agent contributes to LLD.6,7,1214 In 1 experimental study, the presence of diplomonad flagellates in the gastrointestinal tract of 4 discus fish did not result in clinical signs, lesions, or the development of LLD.14 These discrepancies in the literature imply that secondary opportunistic infections are likely to develop in fish that have LLD lesions.

Water quality—Lateral line depigmentation, particularly in marine and freshwater food fish, has been linked to poor water quality. Murray cod and sharp-snout sea bream (Diplodus puntazzo) in 2 studies6,7 developed LLD when reared in pools of groundwater from specific sources, and the lesions spontaneously resolved when the fish were transferred pools of fresh river water or seawater, respectively. Although groundwater has multiple physicochemical properties that could contribute to the development of LLD, heavy metals have been suggested to be the most likely causative factor.6 Chloride salts of heavy metals, specifically copper, zinc, and cadmium, were shown to damage the epithelium of the head and lateral lines in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus).23 Groundwater is often poorly buffered, resulting in high concentrations of carbon dioxide and low pH,7 both of which can be responsible for the development of skin lesions in fish.24 Skin damage caused by mild decreases in pH may be exacerbated by greater concentrations of catecholamines in blood that are induced by hypercapnia and hyperglycemia resulting from aquaculture conditions or toxicants such as heavy metals.24 Interestingly, the concentrations of copper, lead, nickel, and zinc found in the groundwater used in 1 of the aforementioned studies7 were within acceptable limits for aquaculture, suggesting that chronic exposure and the lower pH of groundwater may potentiate heavy metal toxicosis. In another experimental study,15 the preconditioning of groundwater in vegetated earthen ponds or in the presence of artificial macrophytes was found to substantially reduce the incidence and severity of LLD in Murray cod, compared with findings for conspecifics in similar systems that used unpreconditioned groundwater. Preconditioning is any treatment, filtration, or processing performed for water prior to its use in an aquaculture or aquarium system.

Nutrition—Inadequate nutrition, including vita-min deficiencies, has also been linked to LLD, particularly in surgeonfish and tangs. Channel catfish that had food withheld for 12 months uniformly developed LLD.13 In the earliest experimental study16 and most widely cited report found in our review, a group of blue tangs (Acanthurus coeruleus) fed a commercial dry flake diet developed LLD after 3 weeks, whereas a control group fed the same diet but also allowed to graze on benthic algae remained unaffected. The LLD in affected fish of the treatment group resolved when they were fed green algae supplemented with vitamin C.16 In an unpublished preliminary study cited by the authors of 1 record,a blue tangs and ocean surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus), were divided into 3 treatment groups that were fed washed green algae (Ulva sp) or 1 of 2 commercially available foods (flaked or pelleted diet) marketed for marine reef fish; 27% of fish fed the flaked diet developed LLD, whereas no lesions were identified in fish fed the pelleted diet or green algae. The main nutritional difference between the 2 commercial foods was that the pelleted diet had approximately 8 times the amount of measured vita-min A (287,210 U/kg) found in the flaked diet (35,433 U/kg).a A larger-scale follow-up studya in which the control group was fed the aforementioned pelleted diet (control) and 3 treatment groups were fed a commercial finfish food containing modified concentrations of vitamin A (1,907.2, 50,231.1, and 133,404 U/ kg) supported the hypothesis that low dietary concentrations of vitamin A may cause captive ocean surgeonfish, particularly A bahianus, to develop LLD as early as 12 weeks after beginning the modified diet. Although some nutritional imbalances may cause or contribute to LLD, not all have been shown to induce LLD under experimental conditions. No significant differences in the proportions of fish that developed LLD were noted among groups of ocean surgeon-fish fed diets that contained various concentrations of vitamin C (ranging from 0 to ≥ 1,000 ppm) for 16 weeks,b and an unfavorable calcium-to-phosphorus ratio (0.03) in the diet of discus fish for a similar duration did not cause LLD.14

Activated carbon—Once the carbon cycle in a system reaches steady-state, dissolved organic carbon compounds accumulate, ultimately changing the appearance of water in an aquarium from clear to a yellow tint. Activated carbon is often used to remove dissolved organic carbons, providing better water clarity. However, some aquarists have speculated that excessive use of activated carbon may result in the circulation of carbon dust or fines, which may be irritating to fish and result in LLD. Results of 1 experimental study17 revealed that filtering of aquarium water with extruded activated carbon derived from coconut shells at a full-stream rate was associated with development of LLD in ocean surgeonfish, with LLD appearing and progressing exponentially over 15 days. After the use of activated carbon was discontinued and the fish were placed in untreated water, the LLD improved and lesions resolved within 49 days.17 A similar experimental study8 found that ocean surgeonfish housed in systems filtered with lignite carbon developed severe LLD in ≤ 3 months, and ocean surgeonfish exposed to extruded carbon developed histologic lesions consistent with LLD but did not have gross lesions detectable after 4 months. In the previously described studya of potential associations between dietary vitamin A content and LLD in Atlantic surgeonfish, activated carbon was added to the water systems of all treatment groups to clarify the water after 14 weeks of observation, and within 2 weeks, LLD became apparent in all blue tangs and ocean surgeonfish across all treatment groups. In a study7 of sharpsnout sea bream, LLD attributed to poor water quality was exacerbated by the use of activated carbon, with an increase in the size of lesions on the head and flank as well as extensive erosion of the fins. Although multiple reports7,8,17,a indicate that activated carbon use can cause LLD, the quality of the activated carbon used and filter flow rates are likely meaningful factors, because the proportions of affected fish and severity of signs vary among investigations.

Clinical signs

Across species, the classic appearance of LLD comprises mild to severe, focal to coalescing areas of grossly depigmented skin along the lateral lines of affected fish.5 Gross lesions usually begin on the lateral lines of the head as shallow, pinpoint foci that can expand in size, depth, and surface area over time.5 Affected fish often behave normally, but many eventually become anorexic, lethargic, or both as LLD worsens.5 No hematologic or plasma biochemical abnormalities were found in Murray cod with LLD, even in fish that had advanced signs.15,18 The presence of LLD may be detected in individual fish or entire schools in systems or tanks. A presumptive diagnosis of LLD can be made solely on the observance of depigmented, often pitted, symmetrical lesions associated with the head, lateral lines, or both5; a postmortem example is provided (Figure 2). Additional images depicting LLD in several species are available in records57 included in our review.

Figure 2
Figure 2

Representative postmortem photographs depicting gross lesions characteristic of LLD in an affected tang. Notice the focal to coalescing areas of grossly ulcerated, depigmented skin along the head and lateral line. © Shedd Aquarium. Reproduced with permission.

Citation: Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 259, 6; 10.2460/javma.259.6.617

Histopathologic findings

Although the gross presentation of LLD is highly similar among species, the histopathologic features of lesions can be highly variable. We found comprehensive histopathologic descriptions of LLD in 5 species: blue tang, Murray cod, Nile tilapia, channel catfish, and sharpsnout sea bream.6,7,12,13,16 Across these species, the lateral line system and epidermis overlying the lateral line canals were affected, and no microorganisms were found to be directly associated with the lesions. However, pathological changes of the epidermis overlying the lateral line canals varied among species. In some species, such as blue tang, channel catfish, and sharpsnout sea bream, thickness of the epidermis was often reduced to a single cell layer over the canals, and there was no inflammation present.7,13,16 In other species, marked epithelial hyperplasia, including hyperplasia of mucous-producing cells, as well as inflammation characterized by granular cells and lymphocytes, were observed in the epithelium overlying the canals in Murray cod and Nile tilapia.6,12

Rodlet cells are an enigmatic cell type found in teleost fish that have been implicated as having some role in the host's response to disease or the environment.19 One investigation identified a significantly higher number of rodlet cells in the gills and collecting ducts of the kidneys in LLD-affected Murray cod than in unaffected conspecifics when both groups were reared in groundwater. However, rodlet cells were present in the gills, kidneys, and intestines of Murray cod with and without LLD, suggesting that rodlet cells may more likely be a response to the poor water quality of groundwater rather than a result of LLD.19 Results of another study18 showed that, although Na+, K+-ATPase activity in the gills of Murray cod with severe LLD was significantly higher in than that in unaffected conspecifics, LLD-affected Murray cod were able to osmoregulate effectively, perhaps at an increased energetic cost. Channel catfish and blue tang with LLD were described as having reduced numbers of expanded melanocytes at the dermo-epidermal junction, with melanocytes forming aggregates of contracted cells in the epidermis.13,16 Expanded melanocytes are responsible for the gross dark appearance of the skin of fish, and contracted melanocytes produce a blanched (depigmented) gross appearance13; thus, the gross depigmentation of lateral lines in affected fish may result from the loss of expanded melanocytes at the dermo-epidermal junction.

The anatomic distribution of LLD lesions (ie, the intimate association with the lateral lines) has led some authors to suggest that it might be linked to changes in the function of the lateral line system. A change in intercellular signaling from neuromast cells to epidermal cells might result in the regional thinning of skin due to a lack of nerve input, and therefore, the decreased epidermal thickness in some LLD lesions might result from atrophy rather than erosion.13 However, evidence of neuromast degeneration and subsequent changes in the function of the lateral line system varies across species. The condition of exposed neuromasts of LLD-affected sharpsnout sea bream were found to vary from apparently healthy to completely necrotic.7 No evidence of neuromast degeneration was found in Murray cod or Oranges-potted sunfish.1,6 However, vacuolation and degeneration of superficial neuromasts were observed in LLD-affected goldfish exposed to groundwater.6


In addition to supportive care that may benefit any ill fish, current evidence-based treatment of LLD in individual fish consists of source control, topical application of 0.01% becaplermin gel,h and if warranted, antimicrobial treatment. In the context of LLD, source control consists of moving affected fish from the system or tank where lesions were first observed to a different system or tank. Moving affected fish to a different system or tank alone has been shown to be therapeutic and curative in Murray cod and sharpsnout sea bream.6,7 The LLD-affected fish treated in the system or tank where lesions were first observed continued to develop LLD lesions despite targeted treatment.20 Similarly, treating fish and returning them to the same system in which they developed LLD was shown to be of little clinical value.20

The LLD lesions in multiple species of fish treated topically with 0.01% becaplermin gel were found to heal significantly more and faster than those in control fish with untreated LLD lesions or untreated LLD lesions on the contralateral side of the same fish.20,ce Becaplermin (recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor BB suspended in a nonsterile water-soluble gel) is a treatment approved for human use that stimulates blood vessel growth in vertebrates, ultimately assisting in the development of granulation tissue and then healthy epithelial tissue in wounds.c It is currently cost-prohibitive for many veterinary practices; however, a single treatment of 0.01% becaplermin diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride in a 1:3 ratio applied with no minimum contact time was subjectively found to have results similar to those achieved with the full-strength product in LLD-affected fish.20,d Applying a single treatment of becaplermin gel at the described dilution can help to reduce the cost of treatment, staff labor, and potential stress to the fish. One quasi-experimental preliminary studye suggested that combining topical becaplermin treatment with low-level laser treatment may further improve the healing of LLD lesions, but more research is needed before this can be recommended. It is advisable to culture LLD lesions for bacteria to guide judicious antimicrobial treatment, given the risk of opportunistic infection9,14 and an anecdotal finding that LLD-affected fish seemed to improve faster when treated with antimicrobials.5


Our integrative review of reports on LLD in marine and freshwater fish allowed us to draw a few broad, clinically relevant conclusions. First, use of the term LLD instead of other historical names prevents confusion with similar colloquially named conditions (eg, enteric septicemia of catfish). Although it will likely take time for LLD to become a widely accepted name for the condition owing to the multiple histologic findings that can accompany the classic lesions, we believe it is an appropriate shift that better reflects and communicates the recent growth in knowledge of this clinical problem. Second, given the diverse and multiple potential causes and contributing factors, LLD is likely a gross dermatologic manifestation of a generalized response in fish to suboptimal environmental or physiologic conditions. The highly variable pathological features of LLD among species indicates there are likely multiple pathways for its pathogenesis and further supports the theory that LLD does not arise from a single common cause. Third, we did not identify any reports of LLD in marine and freshwater fish populations in situ, suggesting that anthropogenic factors related to husbandry and management and resultant suboptimal environmental or physiologic conditions create a risk for LLD.

Medical treatments identified in the review included becaplermin and antimicrobials.5,20,ce The use of becaplermin and some antimicrobials in fish constitutes extralabel drug use, which is regulated by the United States FDA and subject to the restrictions and prohibitions described in the AMDUCA. Professional caution is advised for extralabel drug administration to LLD-affected fish, particularly those that have any potential for human consumption.

In the authors' experience, source control is likely the most critical and primary treatment for LLD, and supportive care consisting of reduced handling, minimizing other stressors, and assisted feedings if fish are anorexic is helpful in the management of LLD as in many fish diseases. Treatment of LLD in schools of fish and prevention of LLD can be approached in the same manner, by improving all suboptimal environmental and physiologic variables within a system or tank. A careful review of the husbandry and life support systems for habitats in which fish develop LLD, especially water quality,6,7 nutrition,13,16,a and the use of activated carbon7,8,17,a is imperative; water changes, feeding a balanced or diverse diet, and limiting the use of activated carbon are all possible adjustments. It is also important to consider the density of fish and social dynamics within a system or tank and attempt to limit stressors from overcrowding, such as intraspecific and interspecific aggression. Anecdotally, fish with LLD have a good prognosis for long-term survival; however, fish can develop LLD again after recovery and lesions can be permanently disfiguring,5 making prevention more cost-effective in addition to enhancing the welfare of the fish.

Despite efforts to prevent bias in our review, the present study had limitations. Although a previous investigation found no evidence of bias resulting from the use of language restrictions in human medical literature reviews,25 the English language restriction in our eligibility criteria was a potential limitation. Furthermore, most descriptive accounts and information about LLD are found in the popular aquarium literature, including magazines and online forums. These sources could potentially contain new information about LLD; however, non–peer-reviewed journal articles were ineligible for inclusion, and many articles were found to be inaccessible or not well archived, potentially limiting the reproducibility of our review if such reports had been included. The multiple historical and colloquial names used for LLD may have resulted in failure to identify some reports or conference proceedings that contained information regarding LLD in our electronic searches. Finally, as for any investigation of this type, it was also possible that our review was not exhaustive and that some novel or pertinent records were not included in the study.


No third-party funding or support was received in connection with this study or the writing or publication of the manuscript. The authors declare that there were no conflicts of interest.



Lateral line depigmentation



Francis-Floyd R, Tilghman GC, Cichra C, et al. Captive nutritional management of Atlantic surgeon fish: effect of dietary vitamin A on development of head and lateral line erosion lesions. In: Proceedings. 36th Ann Conf Int Assoc Aquatic Anim Med 2005. Available at: defaultadv1.aspx?pId=11195&meta=generic&id=3980666. Accessed Mar 27, 2020.


Croft L, Francis-Floyd R, Petty BD, et al. The effect of dietary vitamin C levels on the development of head and lateral line erosion syndrome (HLLES) in ocean surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus). In: Proceedings. 36th Ann Conf Int Assoc Aquatic Anim Med 2005. Available at: defaultadv1.aspx?pId=11195&meta=generic&id=3980658. Accessed Mar 27, 2020.


Boerner L, Dube K, Peterson K, et al. Angiogenic growth factor therapy using recombinant platelet-derived growth factor (Regranex) for lateral line disease in marine fish. In: Proceedings. 34th Ann Conf Int Assoc Aquatic Anim Med 2003. Available at: 9&meta=generic&id=3980985. Accessed Mar 27, 2020.


Adams L, Michalkiewicz J. Effect of Regranex gel concentration or post application contact time on the healing rate of head and lateral line erosions in marine tropical fish. In: Proceedings. 36th Ann Conf Int Assoc Aquatic Anim Med 2005. Available at: 11195&meta=generic&id=3980667. Accessed Mar 27, 2020.


Stremme DW. Applications of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in an aquarium setting including treating head and lateral line erosions (HLLE). In: Proceedings. 43rd Ann Conf Int Assoc Aquatic Anim Med 2012. Available at: vin. com/apputil/content/defaultadv1.aspx?pId=11354&meta =generic&id=5378076. Accessed Mar 27, 2020.


Stamper MA, McCoy AJ, Corwin A. Head and lateral line erosion syndrome in ocean surgeons (Acanthurus bahianus), current efforts to determine etiologies. In: Proceedings. 36th Ann Conf Int Assoc Aquatic Anim Med 2005. Available at: Accessed Mar 27, 2020.


Stamper MA. Head and lateral line erosion syndrome in fish. In: Proceedings. 20th North American Veterinary Conference 2006;1520.


Regranex, Johnson & Johnson, NB, NJ.


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Evidence level and quality guide adapted from the Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Model4 and used in an integrative review of LLD in marine and freshwater fish.

Evidence level Quality ratings

    Level I

  • - Experimental study, RCT

  • - Explanatory mixed-method design that includes only a level I quantitative study

  • - Systematic review of RCTs, with or without metaanalysis

    Level II

  • - Quasi-experimental study

  • - Explanatory mixed-method design that includes only a level II quantitative study

  • - Systematic review of a combination of RCTs and quasi-experimental studies, or quasi-experimental studies only, with or without meta-analysis

    Level III

  • - Nonexperimental study

  • - Systematic review of a combination of RCTs, quasi-experimental and nonexperimental studies, or non-experimental studies only, with or without metaanalysis

  • - Exploratory, convergent, or multiphasic mixed-method studies

  • - Explanatory mixed-method design that includes only a level III quantitative study

  • - Qualitative study meta-synthesis

    Quantitative studies

  1. High quality: consistent, generalizable results; sufficient sample size for the study design; adequate control; definitive conclusions; consistent recommendations based on comprehensive literature review that includes thorough reference to scientific evidence.

  2. Good quality: reasonably consistent results; sufficient sample size for the study design; some control, fairly definitive conclusions; reasonably consistent recommendations based on fairly comprehensive literature review that includes some reference to scientific evidence.

  3. Low quality or major flaws: little evidence with inconsistent results; insufficient sample size for the study design; conclusions cannot be drawn.

    Qualitative studies

  • No commonly agreed-on principles exist for judging the quality of qualitative studies. It is a subjective process based on the extent to which study data contributes to synthesis and how much information is known about the researchers' efforts to meet the appraisal criteria. For meta-synthesis, there is preliminary agreement that quality assessments of individual studies should be made before synthesis to screen out poor-quality studies.

  • A-B. High-good quality is used for single studies and meta-syntheses. The report discusses efforts to enhance or evaluate the quality of the data and the overall inquiry in sufficient detail; and it describes the specific techniques used to enhance the quality of the inquiry. Evidence of some or all of the following is found in the report.

    • Transparency: describes how information was documented to justify decisions, how data were reviewed by others, and how themes and categories were formulated.

    • Diligence: reads and rereads data to check interpretations; seeks opportunity to find multiple sources to corroborate evidence.

    • Verification: the process of checking, confirming, and ensuring methodologic coherence.

    • Self-reflection and scrutiny: being continuously aware of how a researcher's experiences, background, or prejudices might shape and bias analysis and interpretations.

    • Participant-driven inquiry: participants shape the scope and breadth of questions; analysis and interpretation give voice to those who participated.

    • Insightful interpretation: data and knowledge are linked in meaningful ways to relevant literature.

  • C. Low-quality studies contribute little to the overall review of findings and have few, if any, of the features listed for high-good quality.

    Level IV

  • Opinion of respected authorities, nationally recognized expert committees, or consensus panels based on scientific evidence Includes:

    • Clinical practice guidelines

    • Consensus panel or position statements

  1. High quality: material officially sponsored by a professional, public, or private organization or a government agency; documentation of a systematic literature search strategy; consistent results with sufficient numbers of well-designed studies; criteria-based evaluation of overall scientific strength and quality of included studies and definitive conclusions; national expertise clearly evident; developed or revised within the past 5 y.

  2. Good quality: material officially sponsored by a professional, public, or private organization or a government agency; reasonably thorough and appropriate systematic literature search strategy; reasonably consistent results, sufficient numbers of well-designed studies; evaluation of strengths and limitations of included studies with fairly definitive conclusions; national expertise clearly evident; developed or revised within the past 5 y.

  3. Low quality or major flaws: material not sponsored by an official organization or agency; undefined, poorly defined, or limited literature search strategy; no evaluation of strengths and limitations of included studies, insufficient evidence with inconsistent results, conclusions cannot be drawn; not revised within the past 5 y.

    Level V

  • Based on experiential and nonresearch evidence Includes:

    • Integrative reviews

    • Literature reviews

    • Quality improvement, program, or financial evaluations

    • Case reports

    • Opinions of nationally recognized experts based on experiential evidence

    Organizational experience (quality improvement, program or financial evaluation)

  1. High quality: clear aims and objectives; consistent results across multiple settings; formal quality improvement, financial, or program evaluation methods used; definitive conclusions; consistent recommendations with thorough reference to scientific evidence.

  2. Good quality: clear aims and objectives; consistent results in a single setting; formal quality improvement, financial, or program evaluation methods used; reasonably consistent recommendations with some reference to scientific evidence.

  3. Low quality or major flaws: unclear or missing aims and objectives; inconsistent results; poorly defined quality improvement, financial, or program evaluation methods; recommendations cannot be made.

    Integrative review, literature review, expert opinion, case report, community standard, clinician experience, consumer preference

  1. High quality: expertise is clearly evident; draws definitive conclusions; provides scientific rationale; thought leaders in the field.

  2. Good quality: expertise appears to be credible; draws fairly definitive conclusions; provides logical argument for opinions.

  3. Low quality or major flaws: expertise is not discernable or is dubious; conclusions cannot be drawn.

RCT = Randomized controlled trial.

Adapted from Dang D, Dearholt SL. Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: model and guidelines. 3rd ed. Indianapolis, Ind: Sigma Theta Tau International, 2017;277–280. Reprinted with permission.

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