books for veterinarians
A Regional Approach to the Dissection of the Dog (2nd edition)
M. S. A. Kumar, BVSc, MVSc, PhD
396 pages. 2018. Linus Learning. ISBN 978-1-60797-784-1. Price $89.00.
The second edition of A Regional Approach to the Dissection of the Dog is a reasonably priced complete dissection guide for dogs. This book is a well–thought-out and planned dissection guide that uses a regional approach to dissection rather than a body-system approach to guide readers through the structures of the canine body.
This guide incorporates several excellent features for both students and instructors. Instructions for dissection are clearly delineated from other information about the structures readers are asked to locate and learn. Through the regional approach and additional emphasis on clinically relevant and major aspects of anatomy, readers are able to appreciate the association between anatomic structures. In addition, the book provides various optional exercises that apply anatomy in key contexts, such as surgical approaches. Those exercises help emphasize to readers the importance of learning anatomy and how that knowledge is applied in practice. This dissection guide has multiple types of illustrations and charts for each major concept that complement the text. Each chapter includes a set of “Dissection Follow-Up” questions that help readers review and integrate the material presented in the chapter. Additionally, in anticipation of the question that all readers invariably ask at some point (ie, why do I need to know this?), the author has included throughout the text key points and clearly marked explanations of the clinical significance of a structure and its dissection. My only criticism of this book is that it lacks emphasis on muscle groups and grouping, which could benefit readers in consolidating large volumes of anatomic information into functional groups and facilitate comprehension of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Overall, this is a valuable dissection guide for learning the anatomy of dogs.
Reviewed by Tamy C. Frank-Cannon, DVM, PhD
Texas A&M University College Station, Tex
Veterinary Clinical Skills Manual
Nichola Coombes, RVN, MScVetEd, & Ayona Silva-Fletcher, BVSc, PhD
397 pages. 2018. CABI. ISBN 978-1-78639-162-9. Price $58.50.
Veterinary Clinical Skills Manual is an affordable textbook, the content of which is approachable and combines material for veterinary student instruction with background and insight for instructors. It covers a broad range of small and large animal skills in a clear manner with stepwise instructions, photographs, illustrations, and videos.
The book begins with a section on pedagogy and implementation, which sets the tone for clinical skills to be fully integrated into a curriculum. Clinical skills programs at multiple institutions are reviewed to help demonstrate real-life application and generate ideas.
The didactic portions of the book are presented in a manual-like manner rather than in a textbook-like manner. Text descriptions and helpful hints are paired with “Clinical Skills Sheets” that provide visual, stepwise checklists detailing tasks. Links are provided to videos that contain additional instruction on topics that cannot be readily demonstrated in photographs or illustrations. Those videos can be accessed without an access code, but unfortunately, many have rather low resolution. The final chapters on evaluation, simulations, and program value to students include practical steps for implementation (ie, how to set up objective structured clinical examination [OSCE] stations) and outcome assessments.
The online version of the book is identical to the print version, albeit the content is assessible in a continuous vertical scrolling format. The online platform provides search, highlights, and note-taking options as well as flashcards. It has an index of videos and images, but hyperlinks are not provided in the index; thus, readers are forced to go to specific portions of the text to access those videos or images.
The clinical skills presented in this book are useful. However, it is important to note that this book reflects experiences in veterinary clinical training in the United Kingdom, and the controlled drug regulations in the United Kingdom differ from those in the United States and elsewhere. Also, this book is published by CABI, and profits are used to support farming and environmental education projects worldwide.
Reviewed by Kimberly A. Carney, DVM
Lincoln Memorial University Ewing, Va
Veterinary Emergency + Critical Care Manual (3rd edition)
Karol A. Mathews, DVM, DVSc, DACVECC
1,360 pages. 2017. LifeLearn Inc. ISBN 978-1-896985-98-5. Price $139.00.
After 11 years, Dr. Mathews and colleagues, most of whom are affiliated with the Ontario Veterinary College, have updated their extensive Veterinary Emergency + Critical Care Manual. This third edition is rich with new information and is much longer than the second edition, although still reasonably priced. New topics have been added along with a lot of new research and material, including an emphasis on the integral role of focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) techniques in emergency medicine. Common emergencies and treatment options for exotic species are discussed. Unlike the second edition, this edition includes many algorithms and diagrams, but I still wanted more of each.
This edition will be useful for new or experienced veterinary technicians and assistants, veterinary students, and veterinarians. It presents detailed information for constant rate infusions and anesthesia and analgesia protocols in an easy-to-follow format and extensive lists, tables, and formulas for almost all scenarios and calculations. The content tends to focus more on emergency medicine than critical care, but it contains important information on both topics. In general, it is also very action oriented; additional background or prognostic information to guide novice clinicians when talking with clients would have been helpful for some topics. That said, there are some very in-depth chapters with comprehensive information. The chapters on weakness, nutrition, anesthesia, acute kidney injury and failure, birds, toxins, emergency room sonography, and wounds are particularly excellent.
For those studying for examinations or performing research, this manual lacks text references but does include suggested reading. The writing style is in more of a list format, but that can be helpful when studying or quickly gathering information for an emergent case. The authors do a fantastic job of reviewing clinically relevant drug protocols for each illness discussed.
I do have 1 request for the publisher. Please put a stronger cover and binding on the next edition. The cover and binding on my copy did not survive past the first week in my busy practice.
Reviewed by Jennifer Waldrop, DVM, DACVECC
BluePearl Specialty & Emergency Pet Hospital Seattle, Wash
Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and Clinical Principles (3rd edition)
Ramesh C. Gupta, DVM, MVSc, PhD, DABT
1,205 pages. 2018 Academic Press (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-12-811410-0. Price $127.50.
The third edition of Veterinary Toxicology: Basic and Clinical Principles is a hardcover book that provides useful toxicological information geared toward readers with an interest in veterinary or comparative toxicology. This book will also be a useful supplemental reference for veterinary students and clinicians. The 85 contributing authors are an impressive group of experts from academia, government, industry, and the private sector. The book consists of 82 chapters and is divided into sections including basic toxicological concepts, organ toxicity, radiation and carcinogens, drugs, metals and micronutrients, insecticides, herbicides and fungicides, rodenticides, gases and industrial toxicants, avian and aquatic toxicology, bacterial and cyanobacterial toxins, poisonous and venomous organisms, estrogenic toxicants, poisonous plants, mycotoxins, feed and water contaminants, analytical toxicology, and prevention and treatment.
A strength of this book is that it covers a broad range of topics that encompass basic principles of regulatory, diagnostic, pathological, clinical, and environmental toxicology as they relate to many veterinary species. This edition includes information regarding toxicants important in the United States and elsewhere and a chapter that describes analytic methods for the diagnosis of intoxications. A potential weakness of this book is that some chapters contain information that primarily focuses on human toxicology with limited veterinary application. Additionally, the cost for this edition is greater than that of previous editions, and the book is perhaps not as user-friendly as other more clinically oriented textbooks for general practitioners. Nevertheless, this book will be a nice addition to veterinary reference libraries.
Reviewed by Cynthia Gaskill, DVM, PhD, DABVT
University of Kentucky Lexington, Ky
Small Animal Surgery (5th edition)
Theresa Welch Fossum, DVM, PhD, DACVS
1,568 pages. 2019. Mosby (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-323-44344-9. Price $230.00.
The fifth edition of Small Animal Surgery represents an update of a standard textbook for small animal surgery. This book contains up-to-date information for the vast majority of small animal surgical disorders described as well as adequate background on general surgical principles to provide a comprehensive reference for both inexperienced and experienced veterinary surgeons.
Each of the 44 chapters has a similar format, and the layout includes special icons that allow readers to easily organize the information for quick review. As in previous editions, the artwork is plentiful, descriptive, and accurate and is interspersed with high-quality photographs and other images that complement the detailed descriptions for the procedures covered. The text is written in a manner that can be readily understood by veterinary students and in sufficient detail to be beneficial for surgical residents. However, I found the text printed in blue italic font somewhat difficult to read.
In contrast to other surgical textbooks that frequently have multiple authors for each chapter, each chapter of this book is written by only 1 or 2 experts. This does not alter the quality of the text or the credibility of the information. I appreciate the fact that references are provided at the end of each chapter. This book is also available in an e-book format, which is equally well designed and includes videos for many of the procedures described.
Overall, this book provides excellent descriptions and illustrations of a wide breadth of surgical diseases and procedures. It will be a wonderful addition to the reference library of any small animal hospital, and upgrading to this newest edition will be a good practical investment.
Reviewed by Mitch Robins, DVM, DACVS
Veterinary Specialty Center Buffalo Grove, Ill
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology (3rd edition)
Karen Helton Rhodes, DVM, DACVD, & Alexander H. Werner, VMD, DACVD
852 pages. 2018. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-119-33724-9. Price $134.99.
The third edition of Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology succeeds in its stated intention to address veterinary students and clinicians. The book is organized into 2 sections. Section 1 provides an introduction to veterinary dermatology. Chapter 1 clearly explains the complex epidermis. Subsequent chapters contain in-depth information concerning exact disease pathomechanisms and a review of diagnostic tests, including culture of specimens for bacterial and fungal pathogens, skin biopsy, and skin and ear cytology, each of which is complemented with photographs. Differential diagnoses are grouped in broad categories on the basis of lesion description in a manner that will be very helpful for veterinary students and clinicians. The final chapter of section 1 is dedicated to antimicrobial stewardship, which is particularly relevant given that antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections are becoming more prevalent.
Section 2 delves into 43 diseases and disorders that are arranged alphabetically, thereby allowing readers to quickly and easily navigate the chapters. A chapter is dedicated to each disease, and each chapter is divided into the following subsections: Definition/Overview, Etiology/Pathophysiology, Signalment/History, Clinical Features, Differential Diagnosis, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics. Most chapters generally conclude with a Comments section, which provides useful insights into treatment and prognosis from the perspective of experienced veterinary dermatologists and also numerous photographs of patients with the disease or condition being discussed to help readers recognize it.
Another useful feature in section 2 is the drug formulary in Appendix B, which could easily be a book itself. It is formatted as an easy-to-read table, and drugs appear in alphabetical order by active ingredient. For each drug listed, important information is provided, such as pharmacology and indications, adverse effects and precautions, dosage information, formulations (including trade names), and other pertinent comments.
This book also has a companion website, which contains, among other things, client education handouts for many of the common dermatologic disorders encountered in practice. The handouts are written in basic language that should be readily understood by most clients. Overall, this book is well organized with an appropriate amount of detail such that the content can be easily referenced during a busy day.
Reviewed by Stephanie Abrams, DVM
Tufts Veterinary Emergency Treatment & Specialties Walpole, Mass
The Feline Patient (5th edition)
Gary D. Norsworthy, DVM, DABVP
1,067 pages. 2018. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-119-26903-8. Price $174.99.
The fifth edition of The Feline Patient is an upgrade of previous editions. I have always kept a copy of this book in my office as a quick reference on various feline diseases and disorders. This book has always been a practitioner-centered reference, with information on diagnosis and treatment easily found.
This latest edition has color-coded pages, which enable readers to quickly locate specific topics. The content of the book is organized in a common-sense manner. Diseases and disorders are discussed in alphabetical order in the first section, and surgical and clinical procedures are described, also in alphabetical order, in the middle portion of the book. At the end of each chapter, the author provides a synopsis of his clinical experience, complete with helpful suggestions for managing patients in relation to the topic being discussed.
In short, this edition follows the tradition set by its predecessors. It is a wonderful quick reference for any veterinarian who works with cats.
Reviewed by Marcus Brown, DVM
Chairman of the Welfare Committee and past president of the American Association of Feline Practitioners NOVA Cat Clinic Arlington, Va
Practical Feline Behaviour: Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare
Trudi Atkinson, RVN, Dip AS (CABC), CCAB
274 pages. 2018. CABI. ISBN 978-1-7806-4783-8. Price $67.50.
Practical Feline Behaviour: Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare is written by an experienced certified behavior technician in the United Kingdom. The book is divided into 2 parts: origin and basic behavior of domestic cats and applied behavior. Veterinarians will be familiar with the content of the first part. The second part is subdivided into sections intended for cat breeders, prospective cat owners, cat owners, veterinary professionals, and those in “other careers.” The section intended for veterinary professionals is only 26 pages long, but the book is promoted as a prized veterinary guide. The information presented is largely diluted and based on a limited number of references; at times, the information is poorly integrated. The author describes cats as solitary, then concedes that they probably experience grief but not separation anxiety. Feline pheromones are recommended for the treatment of cats with behavior disorders, but a 2010 systematic review of the scientific literature that largely discredits their use and subsequent studies that yield inconclusive results regarding the reliability and efficacy of feline and canine pheromone products are not mentioned. The advice provided for managing cats with behavioral problems at home or in hospital settings is weak. For example, veterinary professionals are advised not to scruff aggressive cats and to examine cats while the animals are restrained on their owners' laps (the risk of injury to the owner is not addressed). Sadly, this book is not useful for busy clinicians, especially when other excellent textbooks and guides written by veterinarians who are board-certified veterinary behaviorists are available.
Reviewed by Stefanie Schwartz, DVM, MSc, DACVB
Aliso Viejo, Calif
Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians & Animal Scientists (6th edition)
Katherine A. Houpt, VMD, PhD, DACVB
429 pages. 2018. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-119-23276-6. Price $84.99.
The sixth edition of Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians & Animal Scientists continues the tradition of providing current scientifically founded information on the behavior of cats, dogs, and common mammalian farm animals of North America and Europe. The format of this edition is similar to that of previous editions, with major categories of behavior covered. Chapters include Communication, Aggression and Social Structure, Biological Rhythms and Sleep and Stereotypic Behavior, Sexual Behavior, Maternal Behavior, Developmental Behavior, Learning, Ingestive Behavior: Food and Water Intake, and Behavioral Genetics. For each topic, relevant terminology is introduced and general information is discussed, followed by detailed information specific for horses, dogs, cats, pigs, cattle, and sheep. Given that rabbits are the third most popular mammalian pets in the United States and the increasing popularity of pet rabbits in Europe and Canada, the addition of basic information on rabbit behavior would enrich the book without making it overly large.
The great strength of this book continues to be the fact that it is soundly based on empirical scientific animal behavior research, with 2,641 references cited. Given the recent advances in understanding animal behavior, particularly in regard to learning, cognition, and behavioral genetics, this edition should be purchased to replace its predecessor as the best current resource on the basics of domestic animal behavior. It will be an excellent textbook for animal science courses on domestic animal behavior and an excellent reference for veterinarians and veterinary students who seek to better understand the normal behavior of domestic animals. Although much of the information presented in this book is relevant to the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral disorders, it is not specifically intended to be a textbook on clinical behavioral medicine.
Reviewed by Sharon L. Crowell-Davis, DVM, PhD, DACVB
University of Georgia Athens, Ga
Equitation Science (2nd edition)
Paul McGreevy, BVSc, PhD; Janne Winther Christensen, MSc, PhD; Uta König von Borstel, BSc, PhD; & Andrew McLean, PhD, BSc, DEd
404 pages. 2018. Wiley Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-119-24141-6. Price $54.99.
The second edition of Equitation Science provides readers with a foundational understanding of the ethology and learning theory of horses. The information in this updated version of the 2010 original is aimed at giving readers the tools to understand not only the intricacies of equine behavior, but also the way horses' instincts direct their learning abilities and horse-horse, horse-human, and horse-environment interactions. Subjects covered range from overviews of cognitive function and learning ability to discipline-specific training nuances, effects of tack design, and more. This edition includes a cumulative summary of research conducted since the release of the first edition and a chapter intended to provide insight into general behavioral research protocols in order to lay the foundation for future high-quality research.
This book can serve as a beginner's resource or be used by those experienced in equitation science to refine learning theory application and advance their training and handling skills. The information contained in this book will be valuable to anyone involved in horse care, use, and training, such as new horse owners and trainers of any discipline, veterinarians, and other equine professionals. The chapters are formatted well and most conclude with bulleted notes regarding ethical implications of the use of horses as it pertains to their ethology, take-home messages, and directions for further research to highlight areas of still-unelucidated subjects.
The authors endeavored to educate readers with the goal of advancing humane treatment of horses through improved horsemanship. Although the content has a scientific foundation, the text is written clearly and enough background information is provided that it should be understandable by most laypersons. Additional resources include an extensive glossary of terms, complete list of references, and an accompanying website where the figures and captions are available in a downloadable format. Overall this book is easily read, delivers extensive information, and is intended for a wide audience.
Reviewed by Alec J. Davern, DVM, MS, DACVS
Purdue University Centaur Equine Specialty Hospital Shelbyville, Ind
One Welfare: A Framework to Improve Animal Welfare and Human Well-being
Rebeca García Pinillos, BVetMed, PhD, DAWSEL, DECAWBM
90 pages. 2018. CABI. ISBN 978-1-78639-385-2. Price $40.50.
One Welfare: A Framework to Improve Animal Welfare and Human Well-being is a fascinating resource for veterinary professionals and other animal welfare stakeholders to expand the evolution of the one-health concept with a prioritization of one welfare. The author's objective is to move beyond the focus of one health, which tends to be disease recognition, treatment, prevention, and epidemiology, and expand into a broader all-inclusive appreciation of the need for a total welfare and well-being approach.
One health is recognized as an absolutely necessary entity. In this book, the welfare piece of the puzzle is championed by the author as a logical extension of caregiving that emphasizes the well-being of animals, humans, communities, and the environment. Such an approach is a necessary step that completes the health caregiving equation; improved animal welfare upgrades human well-being.
Recognition of the importance of animal welfare as a separate component of global well-being is a daunting perspective. The author discusses the impact of one welfare in 5 specific areas: the connection between animal and human abuse; the social implications of improved animal welfare; animal health and welfare, human well-being, and food security and sustainability; assisted interventions involving animals, humans, and the environment; and sustainability interconnections among biodiversity, the environment, animal welfare, and human well-being.
For readers involved in the veterinary profession, this book may pose a challenge to their tendency for proactive inclusion in the troubled world around them. Veterinarians' expertise in animal issues often leads them to feel obligated to take a leadership role in all human-animal interactions. This book provides specific clinical, sociological, and ecological examples of how veterinarians can impact the future of animal and human welfare and well-being.
One drawback of this book is that it does not have an expanded appendix of resources. Such an appendix would be a useful addition for readers who are not familiar with the various groups referenced in the text. As an aside, those interested in the topics of one health and one welfare should also consider reading Beyond One Health: From Recognition to Results by John A. Hermann and Yvette J. Johnson-Walker, which was reviewed in the September 2018 Book Review feature (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2018;253:727).
Reviewed by Brian Forsgren, DVM
Gateway Animal Clinic Cleveland, Ohio
Animal Welfare (3rd edition)
Michael C. Appleby, BSc, PhD; I. Anna S. Olsson, MSc, PhD; & Francisco Galindo, MVZ, PhD
389 pages. 2018. CABI. ISBN 978-1-78639-020-2. Price $58.50.
The third edition of Animal Welfare provides readers with an excellent broad introduction to key topics surrounding animal welfare science. Similar to the previous edition, this edition is divided into the following 5 sections: Issues, Problems, Assessment, Solutions, and Implementation. Each section provides evidence-based information and expert commentary on the complex issues surrounding animal welfare. Scientific, ethical, economic, and legal considerations are presented in an insightful and critical manner.
This book is an excellent primer for veterinarians, graduate students, researchers, and anyone else with an interest in animal welfare and behavior, including professional, paraprofessional, and lay audiences. Although this edition is very similar to the second edition in format and content, the material has been richly updated and includes new information on animal cognition and emotions. The updates reflect both the rapidly evolving nature of animal welfare science and the social circumstances surrounding it. This edition is also available in an e-book format, which contains additional materials including text, animated illustrations, videos, and hyperlinks to references and other resources.
I highly recommend this as a foundational book for anyone interested in animal welfare. The contributing authors include renowned international experts in animal welfare. The text is easy to read and understand and is well organized. Each chapter includes an abstract and a bulleted list of conclusions. This book is an excellent value for the price, and the e-book provides additional value beyond the print version. Both formats are rich with illustrations of the complex welfare issues surrounding animals, with numerous examples from the farm, zoo, and laboratory animal fields. Future editions could be improved by the addition of examples of welfare issues surrounding companion animals, including those in animal shelters.
Reviewed by Brenda Griffin, DVM, MS, DACVIM
University of Florida Gainesville, Fla
Advances in Poultry Welfare
Joy A. Mench, PhD
385 pages. 2018. Woodhead Publishing (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-08-100915-4. Price $148.75.
Advances in Poultry Welfare is an excellent overview of several major poultry welfare topics for interested professionals and laypeople. The book has 28 contributing authors and is a good resource with many references provided for each chapter. The overview of current commercial poultry production management practices provides those unfamiliar with today's modern poultry production a good basic understanding of all that goes into commercial production. That background provides readers with a solid foundation on which welfare issues can be considered. This book also points out many areas related to poultry welfare that are not well understood or defined and that require further investigation.
Some of the welfare issues reviewed include chick hatching, chick transport, beak treatments, and electrical and gas or low-atmosphere stunning at processing. On-farm welfare assessments, including both outcome-based and resource-based measures, are discussed. The chapter dedicated to individual bird assessment includes a discussion of euthanasia decisions and methods.
The last half of the book focuses on several of the big welfare-related challenges facing the poultry industry. For laying hens, topics covered include skeletal problems, feather pecking and cannibalism, sustainability of hen housing systems, and stocking density. For turkeys, topics covered include pecking and aggression, footpad dermatitis, and skeletal issues. This book also has a chapter devoted to welfare issues for backyard poultry.
Poultry welfare is an emerging discipline in which various stakeholders have very different views of what poultry welfare is. The subjective and often emotional aspect of welfare is evident in some of the chapters. This book points out the welfare challenges that the poultry industry has and is or will likely be addressing now and into the future. I recommend this book for anyone who has an interest in poultry welfare and wishes to improve the welfare of poultry.
Reviewed by David A. Pyle, DVM, DACPV
Zeeland, Mich
Advances in Cattle Welfare
Cassandra B. Tucker, PhD
250 pages. 2018. Woodhead Publishing (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-08-100938-3. Price $148.75.
Advances in Cattle Welfare is the first addition to the Farm Animal Welfare series to be authored and edited by academic leaders in cattle welfare research. The intended audience for this book is anyone interested in animal welfare or working with cattle such as veterinarians, producers, and workers in the cattle industry or supporting industries. General theories of animal welfare are introduced and revisited throughout the book, reminding readers why specific subjects were chosen for discussion. The layout of the book is easy to navigate; the chapters are subdivided into sections and contain color photographs and summary tables. The contributing authors detail studies from around the globe, comment on the limitations of currently available cattle welfare research, and suggest topics for future studies. Many of the topics covered in the book invoke strong emotions from consumers and those working in animal agriculture. The authors do a good job of explaining and exploring those topics objectively through the presentation of peer-reviewed research. This book is not meant to be a guide on what is right and wrong regarding cattle welfare; rather, it is an excellent and comprehensive review of current research on the topic. One of the best features of this book are the summary tables in each chapter that compile published findings for a subject in 1 easy-to-reference location. I highly recommend this book for veterinarians interested in animal welfare and those working with cattle in their practice.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Cox, MS, DVM
Land O'Lakes Inc Turlock, Calif
Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle (3rd edition)
Simon F. Peek, BVSc, PhD, DACVIM, & Thomas J. Divers, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC
837 pages. 2018. Saunders (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-323-39055-2. Price $175.00.
The third edition of Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle is a comprehensive resource for dairy practitioners and veterinary students with an interest in dairy cattle medicine. The book provides in-depth and detailed coverage of dairy cattle diseases in a practical manner, which makes it a valuable reference for anyone who manages disease in dairy cattle. It is well organized into 2 sections, with one section covering clinical examination, common treatments, and routine procedures and the other section covering diseases of body systems. The illustrations are excellent and complement the text to help readers accurately visualize and comprehend the various diseases discussed. New to this edition is a chapter on management and diseases of dairy bulls, the content of which focuses on the reproductive tract and musculoskeletal disorders. Also new is a companion website that contains case studies accompanied by videos and illustrations to further enhance the learning process. This edition also provides a quick reference guide to aid practitioners in proper diagnostic laboratory sample submission.
The contributing authors are respected experts from both industry and academia and accomplish their goal of accumulating the most up-to-date information on dairy cattle diseases into 1 source. They recognize that veterinary care in the dairy industry has evolved over the 20 years since the first edition of this book was published, and the content considers herd-based approaches to disease management in addition to excellent recommendations for individual-animal treatments. The amount of useful information provided in this book makes it well worth the investment.
Reviewed by Curtis R. Beidel, VMD, DABVP
Mid-Maryland Dairy Vets Hagerstown, Md
Bovine Pathology: A Text and Color Atlas
Claus D. Buergelt, DVM, PhD, DACVP; Edward G. Clark, DVM, MVSc, DACVP; & Fabio Del Piero, DVM, PhD, DACVP
436 pages. 2017. CABI. ISBN 978-1-78064-671-8. Price $184.50.
Bovine Pathology: A Text and Color Atlas is a good and valuable book. It is well organized by body systems. Common syndromes and diseases of the newborn, digestive system, respiratory system, and CNS and the topic of reproductive wastage are extensively covered. The images are numerous and well chosen. Beautiful photomicrographs and immunohistochemistry images contribute to the understanding of the diseases described. The authors have done a good job and, when necessary, recruited other contributors. Of particular note, diseases associated with lameness are described in much more detail in this book than in many other sources. The references are useful and not overly burdensome. The print copy of this book comes with an access code that allows readers to access electronic versions for mobile devices and computers.
This book will be helpful for practitioners, pathologists, and veterinary students interested in bovine diseases. I highly recommend this book. Well done!
Reviewed by Dale Miskimins, DVM
South Dakota State University Brookings, SD
Bovine Tuberculosis
Mark Chambers, BSc, PhD; Stephen Gordon, BSc, PhD; Francisco Olea-Popelka, DVM, PhD; & Paul Barrow, BSc, PhD, DSc
269 pages. 2018. CABI. ISBN 978-1-78639-152-0. Price $144.00.
Bovine Tuberculosis provides a focused, comprehensive overview of our current understanding of the disease caused by Mycobacterium bovis. The book has a beautiful cover. Inside, it is rather text heavy and would have benefitted from additional figures or images; however, the pathology section is adequate and contains some beautiful photomicrographs. The book is divided into sections that focus on public health and economics, disease mechanisms, the host immune response to infection, and disease surveillance and control. There is a strong emphasis on one health throughout the book. The importance of M bovis as a causative agent of zoonotic tuberculosis is highlighted in this book in a way that has not been appreciated in other recent reviews of the organism. This slightly different perspective makes the book a valuable reference for audiences focused on both veterinary and human health. The editors have assembled an impressive panel of leading experts in their respective fields. Unfortunately, the inclusion of so many contributors with different writing styles occasionally makes the text feel disjointed; however, the book concludes with a chapter entitled “Perspectives,” which provides a cohesive summary of the various sections. The text sometimes lacks basic background information. Thus, this book may not be adequate as a stand-alone resource for novices, but for readers who are familiar with the disease and are looking for an update on the current state of the field, this book is a one-stop reference. The impressive breadth of references also provides readers with a resource guide to many recent key findings in diagnostic testing, immunology, vaccinology, and epidemiology. Overall, although I do not recommend this book as a first read for students new to the topic, it is an excellent resource for researchers, veterinarians, and human health experts concerned with the current state of this fascinating and impactful disease.
Reviewed by Jodi L. McGill, BSc, PhD
Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Current Therapy (Volume 9)
R. Eric Miller, DVM, DACZM; Nadine Lamberski, DVM, DACZM; & Paul Calle, DVM, DACZM
734 pages. 2019. Saunders (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-323-5528-8. Price $195.00.
Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine was the first clinically oriented textbook about zoological medicine available in English. As such, it has justifiably held a position of prominence as a go-to source of information for the discipline through its many iterations. After the first few editions, it has come in 2 flavors, with the most valuable arguably being the editions that have emulated the first in attempting to provide a complete overview of the field. The eighth edition is the most recent of those editions. The ninth, and current, iteration represents the other flavor. It has a true current-contents approach in that it provides short chapters on rapidly developing and evolving topics rather than a complete overview. This edition has 715 pages of content and consists of 100 chapters prepared by 146 contributors and organized by 3 editors and 6 consulting editors. As is usually the case with these types of publications, the organization is a bit chaotic and the practical content of chapters is variable, but there should be something for almost everyone. The book begins with general topics and then transitions to a taxonomic organization. Of particular note for those studying for the American College of Zoological Medicine board certification examination, the early sections contain a number of chapters important to the discipline involving topics that are just starting to be documented in the formal literature. Examples include discussions on strategic planning, contingency planning, and an essay on leadership by Don Jannsen. Chapters on quality of life assessment, stress assessment (primarily limited to analytical glucocorticoid quantitation), and diagnosis of behavioral problems are also worthy of study. The chapter dedicated to the effects of alternative energy on wildlife represents an important nonclinical issue for the discipline. Dedicated clinicians who work with zoo and wild animals will find much to be excited about in this book. Examples include a very well-illustrated overview on diagnostic imaging, a solid review of vaporizers, useful chapters on opioid formulations, naltrexone and atipamezole use in response to human exposures to ultrapotent opioids, and too many other engaging topics to list.
Reviewed by Michael K. Stoskopf, DVM, PhD, DACZM
North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC
CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine (3rd edition)
Frances M. D. Gulland, Vet MB, PhD; Leslie A. Dierauf, VMD; & Karyl L. Whitman, PhD
1124 pages. 2018. CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group). ISBN 978-1-4987-9687-3. Price $135.96.
The third edition of the CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine continues the tradition set by previous editions of providing readers with up-to-date and comprehensive information regarding the health care of marine mammals. This edition reflects the substantial global advancements in marine mammal medicine and husbandry made during the last 2 decades. The book consists of 45 chapters dedicated to the veterinary care and husbandry of cetaceans, seals and sea lions, walruses, manatees, sea otters, and polar bears written by internationally recognized experts. New chapters include Oil Spill Response and Effects, Whale Entanglement Response and Diagnosis, Ethics and Animal Welfare, Dive Response, Dentistry, Ophthalmology, and Health Assessments. Previously published chapters covering topics such as reproduction, anesthesia, and pharmaceuticals (formularies) have been updated and reflect the important clinical and scientific advancements made since the last edition.
The format of the chapters has been refined, which makes this edition an easy-to-use clinical reference. Some notable strengths of this edition include the increased number of global contributors (n = 97), the rich quality and usefulness of figures and illustrations, a list of contents at the beginning of each chapter, extensive referencing of published material and digital and website information, inclusion of marine mammal conservation medicine topics, and a list of international stranding networks. The editors of this edition have succeeded in creating a well-written and extremely valuable tool for individuals of all experience levels working in the fields of conservation and managed marine mammal medicine and husbandry.
Reviewed by Eric D. Jensen, DVM
US Navy Marine Mammal Program San Diego, Calif
The Happy Veterinarian: A Guide for Finding Happiness in Veterinary Medicine During Challenging Times
Mark P. Helfat, DVM
71 pages. 2018. Mark P. Helfat, DVM. ISBN 978-1-9817-8443-1. Price $5.38.
The Happy Veterinarian: A Guide for Finding Happiness in Veterinary Medicine During Challenging Times exceeded my expectations. It is entertaining and heartfelt and provides insight and advice. I was not expecting to laugh out loud or feel so connected with the author. It was a very quick read, particularly since I could not put the book down until I finished it. I found it so nice and refreshing to finally hear a colleague say, “Do what makes you happy.” As veterinarians, we put so much pressure on ourselves to make everyone else happy and put others' needs first.
The author offers excellent advice on how to find happiness in the challenging discipline that is veterinary medicine. I look forward to sharing this book with colleagues because I feel that it provides outstanding guidance during a bewildering time for our profession.
The price seems reasonable, which will hopefully make this book very accessible. I think this book is a great read for all generations, and all veterinarians will benefit from reading it.
One thing I found missing from the book is a discussion on how to handle hostile work environments and challenging bosses and coworkers. I think that is an issue many veterinary associates face and with which they have difficulty coping.
Reviewed by Shana Bohac, DVM
Lakeway Veterinary Clinic Edna, Tex
books for veterinary technicians
Parasites and Pets: A Veterinary Nursing Guide
Hany M. Elsheikha, BVSc, PhD, DEVPC; Ian Wright, BVS, MSc; & John McGarry, PhD
158 pages. 2018. CABI. ISBN 978-1-78639-404-0. Price $45.00.
Parasites and Pets: A Veterinary Nursing Guide is presented in a question and answer format and is intended to serve as a quick reference for veterinary technicians in regard to the management of parasitic diseases in clinical practice. Although the content focuses primarily on parasitic diseases of dogs and cats, it also addresses questions that are commonly posed by clients with an emphasis on potential zoonoses. The book is well organized with parasitic diseases divided into chapters on the basis of the body system affected. Each chapter contains illustrations and essential information about the parasites being discussed, including geographic distribution, life cycle, transmission, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and zoonotic potential. It also has chapters that focus on key skills in diagnostic parasitology and parasite control. At the end of each chapter is a series of 5 multiple-choice questions to encourage readers to assess their knowledge and delivery of care to patients. Even though self-assessment is a valuable tool, the provision of > 5 questions/subject would strengthen that aspect of the book. The various illustrations and photographs of the different life stages of parasites are aligned with the intention of providing a practical guide. Missing from this book, however, are illustrations of the life cycles that would help readers better understand a key concept, which often differentiates effective from ineffective parasite control. The authors of this book are based in the United Kingdom; therefore, the book predominately focuses on parasitic diseases of Europe and North America. However, given that pet travel has essentially eliminated geographic boundaries for many diseases, this book is relevant for a global audience. The authors state in the preface that this book is specifically designed to be a consolidated source of practical information on parasitology for veterinary technicians, not an in-depth discourse on the subject. Overall, the authors have succeeded in creating a good quick reference on parasitology for veterinary technicians in clinical practice.
Reviewed by Lisa E. Schenkel, DVM, CCRT, CVMA
Mercy College Veterinary Technology Program Dobbs Ferry, NY and Animal Medical of New City New City, NY