books for veterinarians
Dyce, Sack and Wensing's Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy (5th edition)
Baljit Singh, BVSc, MVSc, PhD
854 pages. 2018. Saunders (an imprint of Elsevier).
ISBN 978-0-323-44264-0. Price $122.40.
The fifth edition of Dyce, Sack and Wensing's Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy, like its predecessors, is written for veterinary students. The text is well organized and provides concise information regarding the macroscopic anatomy of multiple species. It also contains some advanced concepts that will be beneficial to veterinary practitioners. Important concepts regarding microscopic and developmental anatomy, which are often lacking in many other textbooks, are interwoven throughout the text. Those concepts help fill in knowledge gaps and facilitate students' understanding of basic anatomic principles.
The book provides an overview of anatomy and its systems and then highlights salient, species-specific anatomy from a regional as well as systemic approach. This is helpful because many anatomic aspects are similar among species, and once basic anatomic concepts are understood, readers can build upon those to assimilate species-specific differences. Similar to previous editions, this edition is well illustrated and includes many new diagrams and photographs. The chapters on the nervous system and birds have been expanded with relevant information for readers with an interest in those topics. This edition also contains a new chapter dedicated to camelids. In short, this book will be beneficial for all veterinary students.
Reviewed by Robert W. Henry, DVM, PhD
Lincoln Memorial University, Harrogate, Tenn
Functional Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals (5th edition)
William O. Reece, DVM, PhD & Eric W. Rowe, DVM, PhD
551 pages. 2017. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-119-27084-3. Price $79.99.
The fifth edition of Functional Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals is a useful reference for students in animal science, preveterinary, and veterinary programs. The book contains 16 chapters and a valuable appendix that contains reference values for various blood variables. There is a list of objectives provided at the beginning of each chapter for readers to consider before proceeding. The text is written at a level for anyone seeking basic knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of various domestic animal and poultry species. The book is well organized and easy to read and covers all body systems of the various species described. This edition has more pages than previous editions owing to the addition of new information and modifications to existing information.
The richness of the material presented reflects the vast experience of the authors. The colored figures, images, tables, and charts are useful and easy to follow. Self-evaluation questions appear at the end of each chapter, and to make things more challenging for readers, the answers to those questions are provided at the end of the book rather than immediately after each question as in previous editions. A list of relevant references is also provided at the end of each chapter for readers who are interested in further information regarding the topics discussed. A suggestion for future editions is to allow people who purchase the print copy of the book access to the electronic version either online or as a download.
Reviewed by Wael A. Khamas, BVMS, PhD
Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, Calif
Avian Anatomy: Textbook and Colour Atlas Veterinary Clinical Reference (2nd edition)
Horst E. König, Rüdiger Korbel, & Hans-Georg Liebich
340 pages. 2016. 5M Publishing Ltd.
ISBN 978-1-910455-60-9. Price $175.92.
The second edition of Avian Anatomy: Textbook and Colour Atlas Veterinary Clinical Reference has a wealth of knowledge. It contains numerous photographs of anatomic specimens that are of excellent quality along with graphic illustrations and radiographs that enhance understanding of avian anatomy. Tables are well organized, frequently printed in color, and placed appropriately within the text. Overall, the format of the book facilitates easy access of information.
Aside from anatomy, the book contains 7 chapters that are dedicated to clinically relevant topics, such as diagnostic imaging techniques, restraint and handling, and medication techniques.
This book is an excellent reference for avian veterinarians, poultry specialists, veterinary students, and others interested in enhancing their knowledge of avian anatomy.
Reviewed by Alice Blue-McLendon, DVM
Texas A&M University, College Station, Tex
Handbook of Symptoms in Dogs and Cats: Assessing Common Illnesses by Differential Diagnosis (3rd edition)
Christian F. Schrey, Dr Med Vet, MS
392 pages. 2017. 5M Publishing.
ISBN 978-1-910455-72-2. Price $72.50.
The third edition of Handbook of Symptoms in Dogs and Cats: Assessing Common Illnesses by Differential Diagnosis is a useful reference for veterinarians in general practice. The authors provide an exhaustive list of differential diseases and diagnostic plans to address each of the symptoms described. The format is particularly helpful for veterinary students and new graduates who are still developing their problem-based learning skills. This book will also be handy for seasoned practitioners who need to quickly formulate rule-out lists and diagnostic plans during a busy day of appointments. One drawback is that this book is a little pricey; I believe an ideal price would be < $50.
Reviewed by Suma M. Rao, DVM, MBA, DABVP
Norwood, Mass
Normal Cell Morphology in Canine and Feline Cytology: An Identification Guide
Lorenzo Ressel, DVM, PhD, DECVP
177 pages. 2018. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-119-27889-4. Price $50.00.
Normal Cell Morphology in Canine and Feline Cytology: an Identification Guide contains 6 chapters that cover principles of cytomorphologic identification including cellular and nuclear features (mainly normal cell morphology, with some introductory data about cell degeneration and malignancy criteria), cytoarchitecture, and descriptions of noncellular background material pertinent to evaluation of sampled tissues. These chapters provide a user-friendly approach to the basic tenets of cytologic evaluation.
The chapter entitled “Distribution of Cells in Tissues and Organs” includes body maps of the different organ systems (eg, digestive system) of dogs, which describe characteristic cell types with schematic depictions of the cytologic appearance and correlating histologic photomicrographs of those cells. The alphabetically arranged “Cytotype” chapter is the largest chapter of the book. Each page is devoted to a single cell type and provides concise facts regarding general characteristics and biological function, shape and size, nuclear and cytoplasmic features, location or tissue source, cytoarchitecture, associated extracellular background, and possible differentials for similarly appearing cell types. The accompanying photomicrographs are well chosen for microscopic identification. Further detailed material on abnormal cytopathology will require supplementary reference sources.
Although this book is not a comprehensive guide to cytology of dogs and cats, I found the information it contains to be well presented and attractively complemented with relevant schematics, illustrations, and photomicrographs. It is reasonably priced and provides practical information and clear direction on basic diagnostic cytopathology in dogs and cats. It will be a valuable reference for veterinary students and clinicians for use as a quick review of the cytologic features of various specimens and as a guide to help correlate clinical impressions with official cytologic and hematologic results.
Reviewed by Maria Vandis, DVM, DACVP
Idexx Laboratories, North Grafton, Mass
Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology
Andrew G. Burton, BVSc, DACVP
364 pages. 2018. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-119-21512-7. Price $109.99.
Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology consists of approximately 350 pages of high-resolution color images with accompanying figure legends and brief text. This book is intended to provide readers with concise and comprehensive information regarding the identification of common cytologic abnormalities observed in small animal practice. It contains photomicrographs of the most routinely collected tissue specimens from most organ systems. The image quality of the photomicrographs is excellent. Key features of pathological lesions are indicated, and all images are accompanied by a brief morphological description. The first chapter serves as a basic review of how to approach cytologic evaluation and classify pathological lesions. The remaining chapters are organized by body system and provide information regarding key clinical considerations and cytologic appearance, along with a brief description of the prognosis and potential for zoonosis of common disorders and diseases, such as inflammation, infections, and benign and malignant neoplasms. Because it is an atlas, the text is minimal; nevertheless, the figure legends include key descriptors that complement the indicators provided in the images. The text is appropriately referenced so that readers can find more information if desired. In my opinion, this book is competitively priced and is a good value for those looking for a quick cytology reference.
Reviewed by Sarah Beatty, DVM, DACVP
University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla
Veterinary Cytology: Dog, Cat, Horse and Cow—Self-Assessment Color Review (2nd edition)
Francesco Cian, DVM, DECVCP & Kathleen Freeman, DVM, PhD, DECVCP
219 pages. 2017. CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group).
ISBN 978-1-4987-6671-5. Price $43.95.
The second edition of Veterinary Cytology: Dog, Cat, Horse and Cow—Self-Assessment Color Review is a great self-assessment tool that will be beneficial to veterinary pathology residents as well as veterinarians and veterinary students, nurses, and technicians who have an interest in cytology. The first half of the book contains case descriptions and questions, and the second half of the book contains the answers to the questions (in the first edition, the answers to the questions were provided on the next page). Various cytologic conditions are described and represented with excellent-quality photomicrographs. The practical clinical approach used to describe cases makes for enjoyable and fast reading and underscores the importance of correlating clinical findings with cytologic results. Pathology residents will appreciate the recommended exercise of composing cytologic descriptions, which can then be compared with those composed by the authors. For each case, excellent descriptions of differential diagnoses, pathophysiology, additional testing, artifacts, and diagnostic challenges are provided. This edition retains some of the cases presented in the first edition but with additional descriptions or commentary as well as new cases. The frequently-asked-questions section at the end of the book is a great resource that addresses collection, preparation, staining, and assessment of the adequacy of specimens. This book is a reasonably priced self-assessment tool and reference for veterinary cytology.
Reviewed by Ashlee Urbasic, DVM, DACVP
University of Illinois, Buffalo Grove, Ill
Atlas of Canine and Feline Urinalysis
Theresa E. Rizzi, DVM, DACVP; Amy Valenciano, DVM, MS, DACVP; Mary Bowles, DVM, DACVIM; Rick Cowell, DVM, MS, DACVP; Ronald Tyler, DVM, PhD, DACVP, DABT; Dennis B. DeNicola, DVM, PhD, DACVP
185 pages. 2017. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-119-11035-4. Price $69.99.
Urinalysis is one of the most common and affordable diagnostic tests available to practicing veterinarians and, arguably, may also be one of the most underutilized clinical assessments. I encourage you to browse Atlas of Canine and Feline Urinalysis and take a moment to review how your practice uses urinalysis as a screening and diagnostic tool. Chances are your team would benefit from the information provided in this well-written and extremely well-illustrated laboratory guide.
Chapter 1 details important preanalytic steps of urine sample collection and handling, which are often overlooked. Even experienced team members will benefit from this creative review of fundamental procedures. In chapter 3, clinical recommendations for dogs and cats with proteinuria are brilliantly outlined in text and tables. The tables provide quick and practical references, with ready-to-implement steps for forming medical plans. Chapter 4 reviews the steps for creating a slide for urine sediment examination and contains numerous color photomicrographs that illustrate various urine casts and crystals in excellent detail. Identification of urine crystals and casts is a common stumbling block for veterinarians and technical team members during evaluation and interpretation of a urinalysis. The photomicrographs and accompanying text descriptions are outstanding.
This atlas is a must-have reference for any practice that performs urinalyses in-house. It is a small glossy softcover book that might be easily overlooked if one does not take a few minutes to browse its pages. In fact, it is a really stellar example of a practical laboratory reference guide. Urinalyses are performed multiple times daily in many veterinary practices; this atlas can help you make the most of those evaluations.
Reviewed by Kirk Ryan, DVM, DACVIM
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Endocrinology and Reproduction
Deborah S. Greco, DVM, PhD, DACVIM & Autumn P. Davidson, DVM, MS, DACVIM
576 pages. 2017. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-118-35637-1. Price $109.99.
In Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Endocrinology and Reproduction, international experts review a broad variety of topics (67 chapters), such as dystocia, disorders of sexual differentiation, hyperadrenocorticism, and glucagonoma. The editors state that their goal was to create a comprehensive but concise reference text in which practitioners can review clinical conditions within about 10 minutes. This book generally contains more detail than that in other Five-Minute Veterinary Consults, less detail than a comprehensive endocrinology book, and about the same amount of detail as other clinical endocrinology textbooks. A substantial advantage of this book relative to similar endocrinology textbooks is that half of the chapters are dedicated to reproductive medicine.
In addition to endocrinopathies and reproductive conditions, this book includes chapters such as “Breeding Management for the Bitch and Ovulation Timing for Optimal Reproductive Efficiency” and “Hyperkalemia,” which provide relevant and practical information for veterinarians who need a refresher or veterinary students who are researching a subject prior to rounds. This book has plenty of useful pictures, charts, and algorithms that contribute to its visual appeal and easy reading. In summary, the authors and editors have succeeded in producing a well-written, fairly comprehensive, and generally concise textbook that will be a good addition to the libraries of veterinary students, general practitioners, emergency practitioners, and specialists.
Reviewed by Patty Lathan, VMD, DACVIM
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Miss
Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology (6th edition)
David J. Maggs, BVSc, DACVO; Paul E. Miller, DVM, DACVO; Ron Ofri, DVM, PhD, DECVO
565 pages. 2018. Saunders (an imprint of Elsevier).
ISBN 978-0-323-44337-1. Price $145.00.
The sixth edition of Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology is an updated and enhanced version of an already excellent ophthalmology resource for veterinary students and practitioners. This edition continues to provide condensed, yet precise, information valuable to both small and large animal practitioners. The authors have responded to feedback from students, practitioners, and specialists, which has resulted in the removal of some content and the addition of new content. The most notable new content includes chapters on equine and livestock ophthalmology as well as an updated chapter on exotic pets. Over 400 of the 1,000 color photographs and figures are new or have been updated or revised. This edition continues to manage the delicate balance between providing a breadth of information and condensing and assimilating that information in a useful manner. The creative addition of well-done callout boxes, which highlight new or controversial information, interesting facts, and evidence-based medicine or direct readers to other helpful information, is extremely beneficial. As in previous editions, each chapter contains excellent tables that collate clinical signs, differential diagnoses, treatment options, and diagnostic data. I continue to find the numerous color figures of superior quality and particularly useful. The color plates that depict ocular anatomy or diagnostic or surgical procedures are well done and remain a helpful tool. I believe that all practitioners who purchase this book will find it to be an excellent addition to their libraries.
Reviewed by Ralph E. Hamor, DVM, MS, DACVO
University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla
Manual of Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery (2nd edition)
Karen Tobias, DVM, MS, DACVS
605 pages. 2017. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-119-11724-7. Price $99.99.
The second edition of Manual of Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery fulfills its intended purpose of being a simple well-illustrated guide to soft tissue procedures. Although some fairly complicated procedures are outlined in this book, most of the described procedures are commonly performed in small animal practice. Therefore, veterinary students and novice general practitioners are the readers most likely to benefit from this book.
The description and illustrations provided for each procedure are clear, and the manual does an excellent job of walking readers through each step. In the specialty practice where I work, we have used the first edition of this book to teach and review surgical techniques with our rotating interns, and I have witnessed them often referring to the manual even as their skills increase throughout the year. I am certain that the second edition will be similarly used.
Changes from the first edition include descriptions of new procedures and the addition of 8 chapters on limb and toe amputations, more in-depth explanations and photographs for several techniques, and expanded information about wound management and bandage selection. Overall, this book is a good value and will be a welcome addition to the library of any small animal practice.
Reviewed by Mitch Robbins, DVM, DACVS
Veterinary Specialty Center, Buffalo Grove, Ill
Current Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery
Andy Shores, DVM, PhD, DACVIM & Brigitte A. Brisson, DMV, DVSc, DACVS
281 pages. 2017. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-118-43328-7. Price $169.99.
I am impressed with the quality of the work recently published as Current Techniques in Canine and Feline Neurosurgery. The editors faced a huge challenge when they endeavored to create a cohesive and complete textbook that describes current standards of care in veterinary neurosurgery. The book incorporates opinions and experiences from multiple board-certified veterinary surgeons and neurosurgeons, which strengthens its value because of the different viewpoints presented. The text contains an extensive review of relevant literature, both historical and current. In general, although I appreciate the figures, future editions will benefit if the figures were presented in a consistent style and resolution. The book has a companion website that contains numerous videos of procedures that complement the descriptions in the text and provide readers visual demonstrations of procedures with which they may be unfamiliar. This book will be a useful reference for residents training in neurosurgery as well as experienced neurosurgeons. It may also be helpful for general practitioners who are seeking a deeper understanding of preparatory diagnostics and current surgical techniques. I commend the authors of this book and highly recommend it to all of my colleagues.
Reviewed by Joy Delamaide Gasper, DVM, DACVIM
Veterinary Specialty Hospital of San Diego, San Diego, Calif
Treatment and Care of the Geriatric Veterinary Patient
Mary Gardner, DVM & Dani McVety, DVM
352 pages. 2017. Wiley Black well.
ISBN 978-1-119-18721-9. Price $79.99.
Treatment and Care of the Geriatric Veterinary Patient is a book that contains an interesting mix of memoirs and medical knowledge. Readers are introduced to the complex lives of geriatric patients, including the struggles all devoted caregivers face during end-of-life decisions. The book has wonderful photographs and charts that highlight this special and unique chapter of life. Most chapters are fairly short yet contain enough information to provide readers with a good perspective into the treatment and care of geriatric patients. Some chapters would have been enhanced by more detailed descriptions; however, a book could be devoted to each topic discussed and compromises had to be made. In my opinion, the chapters on mobility issues and cognitive dysfunction syndrome are especially well done. In subsequent editions, topics that would benefit from additional discussion include vestibular disease, nutrition, and age-related alterations to the body's circadian rhythm. Overall, this book provides practical suggestions and tools for the care of geriatric veterinary patients and will be a valuable resource for all veterinary personnel.
Reviewed by Kathleen Cooney, DVM, MS, CHPV
Home to Heaven, Cooney Animal Hospice Consulting, Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy, Guardian Pet Aquamation, Loveland, Colo
BSAVA Small Animal Formulary, Part A: Canine and Feline (9th edition)
Ian Ramsey, BVSc, PhD, DSAM, DECVIM
474 pages. 2017. Wiley-Blackwell & British Small Animal Veterinary Association.
ISBN 978-1-905319-95-4. Price $65.00.
The ninth edition of BSAVA Small Animal Formulary, Part A: Canine and Feline intends to provide an “easy, rapidly accessible resource” for “immediate prescribing advice.” Users will find the resource to be well organized with colored page labels, easy-to-access appendices, and well-outlined text.
In contrast to previous editions, which contained references for dogs, cats, and exotic animals, this edition focuses on expanding the details and references of drug monographs for dogs and cats exclusively. This edition includes an “Emergency Doses” reference conveniently located inside the front cover for quick access and a new appendix on “Guidelines for Prescribing Glucocorticoids.” As in previous editions, this edition maintains concise A-to-Z drug monographs and clinically relevant appendices for everyday use.
This concise formulary, likely in an effort to meet its intended goal of being an “easy, rapidly accessible resource,” contains limited pharmacokinetic information. Likewise, necessary information regarding monitoring parameters and reproductive safety and toxicity data is compiled in alternative entry sections rather than in each monograph.
This book was published in conjunction with the British Small Animal Veterinary Association. Therefore, users in the United States will need to be able to appreciate differences in drug names and availability, drug regulatory categories, and prescribing laws. Nevertheless, the clinical information and drug monograph resources are useful for all users. Overall, this book is an efficient and well-organized reference for veterinary students, veterinarians, and veterinary pharmacists and will be an excellent addition to the library of all veterinary practices.
Reviewed by Emily Sorah, PhD, PharmD
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Dog Bites: a Multidisciplinary Perspective
Daniel S. Mills, RCVS, PhD & Carri Westgarth, MPH, PhD
442 pages. 2017. 5M Publishing Ltd.
ISBN 978-1-910455-61-6. Price $85.00.
Dog Bites: a Multidisciplinary Perspective is a much-needed textbook that addresses the complicated subject of dog aggression and bites. It is co-edited by veterinary behaviorist Daniel S. Mills and research fellow Carri Westgarth, who has a special interest in animal behavior and dog-human relationships. This book is the first comprehensive resource on the subject of dog bites and includes input from numerous experts from different disciplines. The overall intent of the book is to prevent dog bites. As Dr. Westgarth says in the introduction, “Although we know a bit about some of the measures that do not work … we actually know very little about how to prevent dog bites effectively.” Both editors reiterate this when they promise readers that the book will “highlight how complex the issue of dog bites is, and how little we know.”
The book is organized into 9 broad sections, which are further subdivided into 32 chapters. Topics addressed include the genetic basis of aggression, public image of aggressive dogs, bite statistics, risk factors, forensics and surgical aspects of dog bites, international legal perspectives, court evidence, first aid treatment, zoonotic disease potential, behavioral rehabilitation options, risk to children, and a consideration of why some dogs kill. Most chapters kept my interest, are presented in an easy-to-read style, and are well referenced. A perfect example is the chapter entitled “Dog Bites and Aggressive Behaviour—Key Underpinning Principles for their Scientific Study,” in which the author meticulously examines the ambiguities and inconsistencies in the literature, specifically regarding the meaning of dog aggression and dog bites. I also found the chapter entitled “Risk Factors for Dog Bites—An Epidemiological Perspective” particularly captivating. However, in my opinion, some of the chapters, such as “Fatal Dog Attacks” and “Jaw Structure and Bite Potential,” did not adhere to the editors' stated goals and fell back on common misperceptions and widely disseminated misinformation.
Overall, the book does a good job of compiling the information we think we know about dog bites into 1 place. It also debunks much of what were previously accepted truths about dog bites to humans. In the final chapter, the editors state they hope that “highlighting the many deficiencies in our understanding will inspire rather than demoralize” and that they “have offered a point of reference not just to the problems but also the solutions.” Most chapters are written by European authors. I would have appreciated the addition of more information based on resources from the United States because, although there are many similarities, there are differences between the 2 regions. I recommend this book to veterinarians and animal behaviorists who work with dogs, dog trainers, people who work with animal shelters and animal control departments, academic researchers who study dog bites, and attorneys who represent dogs and dog bite victims.
Reviewed by Amy Marder, VMD, CAAB
University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla
Equine Color Genetics (4th edition)
D. Phillip Sponenberg, DVM, PhD & Rebecca Bellone, PhD
337 pages. 2017. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-119-13058-1. Price $109.99.
The fourth edition of Equine Color Genetics provides in-depth descriptions for dozens of equine coat colors. The authors describe each color in exceptional detail, and the accompanying photographs provide readers with examples of basic colors, and in many instances, multiple photographs demonstrate common variations of those colors. The organization of the book, beginning with a description of basic coat colors and the interaction between agouti and extension genetic loci, followed by modifications of those basic colors by variations in shade, dappling, dilutions, white markings, and other factors, breaks the complicated genetics underlying coat color into digestible bits of information, allowing readers to slowly build their understanding of the genetic control of the coat color of horses. The beginning of the book has an excellent review of genetics and molecular genetics, which provides readers a basic understanding of inheritance and makes the information accessible even for readers who are unfamiliar with genetics. The text and photographs are complemented by numerous schematic drawings that make complex genetic concepts clear. Descriptions of the molecular actions of known coat color mutations are excellent. Overall, this book is a well-written and thorough review of equine coat color genetics. It will be an excellent resource for readers with an interest in the subject and those like myself, who are often asked questions about coat color by interested horse owners and breeders.
Reviewed by Molly E. McCue, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Minn
Equine Internal Medicine (4th edition)
Stephen M. Reed, DVM, DACVIM; Warwick M. Bayly, BVSc, PhD, DACVIM; Debra C. Sellon, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
1,566 pages. 2018. Saunders (an imprint of Elsevier).
ISBN 978-0-323-44329-6. Price $246.00.
Equine Internal Medicine has been a staple reference for equine practitioners for 20 years, and the fourth edition is no exception. This edition contains updated information on relevant emerging diseases and clarifications for controversial diseases. Each section is authored by acknowledged experts who have funneled their impressive knowledge into a fairly easy-to-navigate source. I think it is an excellent first-line reference for equine practitioners.
In the preface, the editors state that the aim of this edition was to promote a “clearer comprehension of the principles of medical disease and/or problem development by focusing on the basic pathophysiologic mechanisms.” I believe they have achieved that aim. Medicine can seem huge and daunting, and this book breaks it up into commonly encountered clinical problems (chapter 7) and then by specialized disease synopses for specific organ systems (chapters 8 through 21).
The overall layout of this edition is similar to that of previous editions with a few notable exceptions. The sections on pain and evidence-based medicine were moved to the front of the book, which reflects the importance of those topics and makes them seem less of an afterthought as they were in the previous edition. This edition has a new appendix dedicated to donkeys, which contains handy information as well as some facts and suggestions that were novel to me. That appendix will be a great reference for veterinarians who work with those animals infrequently. There is also a fascinating new section on microbiota, which has been a focus of research in recent years and has promise as a tool for both the diagnosis and treatment of disease in the future. Some sections appear to focus on brevity rather than an exhaustive literature review, which makes this book an ideal quick reference. Overall, this edition continues the tradition of excellence set by its predecessors. Enjoy.
Reviewed by Laura Waitt, DVM, DACVIM
Midwestern University, Glendale, Ariz
The Equine Acute Abdomen (3rd edition)
Anthony T. Blikslager, DVM, PhD, DACVS; Nathaniel A. White II, DVM, MS, DACVS; James N. Moore, DVM, PhD, DACVS; Tim S. Mair, BVSc, PhD, DEIM, DESTS, DECEIM
890 pages. 2017. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-119-06321-6. Price $224.99.
The third edition of The Equine Acute Abdomen is a comprehensive and well-written textbook on abdominal issues in pediatric and adult equids. This edition has been fully updated with contributions from over 40 experts, a streamlined table of contents, and a simplified arrangement of topics. The book still has > 450 color images and now has an easy-to-access companion website that includes animations and enlarged figures. Although the gastrointestinal tract is the main focus of the book, it also contains informative chapters on liver disease, rectal tears, trauma, and other abdominal abnormalities. The chapters pertaining to colic in foals have been compiled into a separate section, which makes it easy to find information on that topic. The chapters dedicated to diagnostic modalities and procedures will be an excellent resource for novice veterinarians and a good review for experienced practitioners. Each condition discussed contains descriptions of the pathophysiology in addition to diagnostic and treatment options. This book is not intended to be a surgical textbook, but the surgical descriptions provided are clear and descriptive with excellent illustrations. Several tables are strategically placed throughout the text. The tables summarize key points and provide current references in an easy-to-view format, which facilitates prognostication for various abdominal diseases. New to this edition are chapters on intestinal microbiota, pain, and colic in donkeys. Additionally, chapters on critical care, epidemiology, diagnostic imaging, inflammatory biomarkers, and biosecurity have been expanded. Overall, this book represents a reasonably priced and comprehensive reference for any practitioner who treats abdominal disease in equids of any age.
Reviewed by Tamara M. Swor, DVM, DACVS, DACVECC
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
No Way to Treat a Friend: Lifting the Lid on Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine
Niall Taylor, BVM&S & Alex Gough, MA, VetMB
369 pages. 2017. 5M Publishing.
ISBN 978-1-910-45591-3. Price $24.95.
Veterinarians who cringe when their clients refuse vaccinations, feed their pets raw food, and consult animal psychics will relish No Way to Treat a Friend: Lifting the Lid on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The authors “lift the lid” on unsavory alternative practices, some of which have successfully escaped scrutiny so that they now appear in veterinary school curricula. For example, faculty certified in traditional Chinese medicine may teach students to perform dubious diagnostics (eg, tongue and pulse analyses) and recommend secret Chinese cures as legitimate treatment options. Fortunately, veterinary faculty, students, and clients who read this book will learn about the dark side of this unscientific methodology. Forewarned is forearmed.
Likewise, animal chiropractic has proliferated in a profession too willing to adopt human practices without critical evaluation. The authors highlight risks of stroke and death from high-force cervical manipulation, raising awareness of chiropractic's overlooked potential to harm.
Although this book exposes the unpleasant underbelly of assorted alternative treatments, its blanket disavowal of nearly all nondrug and nonsurgical treatment options could be construed as myopic, uninformed, and outdated. In human medicine, even mainstream institutions, such as the US military, CDC, and American Medical Association, are promoting science-based integrative methods (eg, acupuncture) instead of medications (eg, opioids) in light of the hundreds of thousands of deaths from drug overdose and addiction. Accumulating evidence indicates that refusing to recommend rational, science-based, integrative medical options for animals is, similarly, no way to treat a friend.
Reviewed by Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS
CuraCore Integrative Medicine & Education Centers, Fort Collins, Colo
Laboratory Animals: Regulations and Recommendations for the Care and Use of Animals in Research (2nd edition)
Javier Guillén, DVM
444 pages. 2018. Academia Press (an imprint of Elsevier).
ISBN 978-0-12-849880-4. Price $72.21.
Laboratory Animals: Regulations and Recommendations for the Care and Use of Animals in Research is the second edition of a book entitled Laboratory Animals: Recommendations for Global Collaborative Research. These 2 books represent the only global compilation of regulations related to the care and use of animals in research. The second edition consists of 12 chapters written by 60 contributors from various countries and regions. It provides an overview of laboratory animal regulations in both developed and developing countries across the globe.
The introductory chapter, “Global Guiding Principles: A Tool for Harmonization,” reviews the concept of the 3 R's (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement), which serves as the foundation on which regulations in many countries are based, as well as several organizations engaged in global harmonization. Subsequent chapters detail regulations by either individual country (eg, Canada, China, Israel, and United States) or geographic region (eg, Europe, Far East Asia, and Latin America). Geographic regions are occasionally subdivided by country when individual countries within that region have developed regulations.
Most chapters are organized with similar subsections, although country- or region-specific differences occasionally necessitate customized subsections. Each chapter contains sections on oversight, education and training, and ethical review of laboratory animal research that provide a helpful overview of methods and criteria used across countries and regions, which will be useful for individuals seeking guidance on global harmonization. Even though the use of a standard format for all chapters is laudable, it sometimes results in redundancy within chapters and makes understanding the regulations for some countries challenging. For example, regulation of laboratory animal use in the United Kingdom is substantially different than that in other countries of the European Union. Therefore, we suggest that the United Kingdom be discussed as an individual country in subsequent editions. Nevertheless, this book is a valuable single-source reference for those seeking a comprehensive perspective on the global regulatory environment pertaining to the use of animals in research.
Reviewed by Neil S. Lipman, VMD, DACLAM & Odessa Giardino, MS
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY
Meat Inspection: the Pathoanatomic Basis
Henrik E. Jensen, DVM, PhD, DVSc; Páll S. Leifsson, DVM, PhD; Ole L. Nielsen, DVM, PhD; Jørgen S. Agerholm, DVM, PhD, DVSc; Tine Iburg, DVM, PhD
839 pages. 2017. Biofolia (an imprint of Samfundslitteratur).
ISBN 978-87-91319-54-9. Price $120.00.
Meat Inspection: the Pathoanatomic Basis describes and illustrates various abnormalities found in livestock at slaughter and the resulting disposition (passed or condemned) of carcasses with those abnormalities. It includes common conditions found in domestic animals in Denmark and discusses inspection and scoring standards based on provisions of European regulations. Thus, the terminology used and standards discussed occasionally differ from the terminology and standards used by the USDA. However, judgment rules for individual diseases and disposition determinations are based on the recommended international code for antemortem and postmortem inspection of slaughter animals. Consequently, most disease descriptions and their dispositions are similar to those used by the USDA.
The book contains 22 chapters, and most are arranged by organ or organ systems. Organs, such as the liver, in which abnormalities are frequently observed are given their own chapter. Each chapter describes various developmental anomalies and common diseases and lesions and includes several excellent-quality color photographs of the described conditions. Descriptions and illustrations are inclusive and reflective of those I have observed throughout my career. Few books cover the topic of meat inspection and even fewer contain photographs. This book will be useful as a training tool and reference for veterinarians new to or interested in meat inspection or pathology.
Reviewed by Andrea L. Grondahl, DVM
North Dakota Department of Agriculture, Bismarck, ND
books for veterinary technicians
Cardiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
H. Edward Durham Jr, CVT, RVT, LATG, VTS
486 pages. 2017. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-0-8138-1353-0. Price $85.99.
Cardiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is an excellent book, and I highly recommend it to anyone in a veterinary-related field who is interested in cardiology. This book provides comprehensive information on the topic and will be an excellent resource for veterinary technicians and nurses as well as veterinarians and nonveterinarians with an interest in veterinary cardiology. The explanations of basic and advanced concepts related to heart disease in animals are very good.
I found the organization and arrangement of subjects straightforward. The content is easy to follow and reads well, which is a feat given the large number of authors who contributed to the book. Specific information is easily located owing to the inclusive table of contents and index. The illustrations are generally excellent, and the figures in the chapter on thoracic radiography are especially good and complement the text well. Descriptions for obtaining echocardiographic images in the standard planes are clear and understandable. It is particularly useful that tables of reference values for echocardiographic measurements in cats and dogs of several specific breeds are included. There are a few minor omissions and variations in emphasis that could have been included, but they do not substantially detract from the overall value of the book.
An editor's note at the beginning of the chapter on drugs for cardiac therapy indicates that dosages of medications are omitted because it is not within a technician's purview to prescribe medications. Although I understand that fact, I disagree with the omission. In clinical practice, a technician's knowledge of dosages serves a valuable function in the double-checking and efficient preparation of prescriptions as well as for client communication. Interestingly, drug dosages are included in other chapters of the book.
This book does not contain any discussion of constant rate infusion, a basic concept and skill with which technicians should be familiar. Also missing are recommendations for clients on how to monitor their pets for signs of congestive heart failure at home, such as monitoring sleeping respiratory rates. The discussion of b-type natriuretic peptide and N-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide is incomplete, especially given the robust literature and growing usefulness of those biomarkers in clinical practice. The coverage of genetic markers for congenital and acquired heart disease in dogs and cats is inadequate. Finally, given that cardiologic abnormalities of camelids are mentioned, it seems odd that those of other species commonly kept as pets, such as ferrets and parrots, are not.
Because this book generally provides comprehensive coverage of the topics discussed, it is easy to criticize the few things it lacks. Nevertheless, it provides an overall balanced view of cardiology that will meet the needs of veterinary technicians and appeal to many veterinarians.
Reviewed by Gary L. Wood, DVM, DACVIM
Cardiology Northwest, Lake Oswego, Ore