books for veterinarians
Veterinary Microbiology (3rd edition)
D. Scott McVey, Melissa Kennedy, & M. M. Chengappa
629 pages. 2013. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-4709-5949-7. Price $99.99.
The third edition of Veterinary Microbiology comes 9 years after the second, during which there have been numerous advancements in the field. This edition is a compilation of new and traditional material. The editors and the authors have created an excellent reference for anyone studying the veterinary microbiology discipline or its many subdisciplines. The chapters are written in a complete and concise manner and illustrated well. The nomenclature is up-to-date, which is difficult considering that new agents are frequently discovered and well-known agents are periodically reclassified. The illustrations are sharp, and the color is true to that observed microscopically. Although the authors are almost exclusively from North America, the chapters address the global aspects of veterinary microbiology.
The sections and chapters of this edition are organized in a manner that allows easy access to topics about various agents and contain comprehensive information so readers do not have to search multiple sources to find the most up-to-date information for any particular agent. The section on clinical applications provides a systematic approach for understanding the pathogenesis of many agents by compiling information presented in other sections or chapters. This book should be in the library or on the desk of anyone interested in the study of veterinary microbiology.
Reviewed by Robert Ellis, PhD
Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colo
Veterinary Immunology: Principles and Practice (2nd edition)
Michael J. Day in collaboration with Ronald D. Schultz
317 pages. 2014. CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor and Francis Group). ISBN 978-1-4822-2462-7. Price $39.96.
The second edition of Veterinary Immunology: Principles and Practice is exactly the type of textbook necessary for teaching immunology to veterinary students. It is also an excellent reference for practitioners and residents who need to review immunology in preparation for board examinations. The format of the book is inviting, with diagrams or photographs on most pages. Tables with pertinent information are well placed and easily understood. Having taught immunology to veterinary students at the University of California -Davis for over 30 years, I appreciate the logical order in which the material is presented. Information on the clinical relevance of various aspects of immunology is interspersed throughout the text as well as with appropriate case descriptions at the end of the book. Abbreviations and frequently used symbols are clearly described at the beginning of the text.
The level of complexity in the book is just right. It is detailed enough to provide readers with a sound appreciation of the immune system and how it works, but it does not burden readers with frequent references to murine studies, which are more appropriate for graduate students studying veterinary immunology. For each chapter, learning objectives are detailed at the beginning and key points are listed at the end. Diagnostic tests are adequately described and well illustrated so that students can understand and appreciate how the various tests work without having to actually perform them in the laboratory.
The only deficiency I found in this book is the absence of references. I assume that the authors gathered information from the available literature, and a few pertinent references for each chapter would provide additional information for readers interested in expanding their knowledge on a particular topic. Regardless, this is a concise, well-written, and well-illustrated book that will be very useful for teaching veterinary immunology.
Reviewed by Laurel J. Gershwin, DVM, PhD, DACVM
University of California-Davis
Davis, Calif
Otitis Externa: An Essential Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
Richard G. Harvey & Sue Paterson
162 pages. 2014. CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor and Francis Group). ISBN 978-1-4822-2457-3. Price $55.96.
It is always a delight to read a book about a disease that is very common and so very frustrating to treat. Otitis Externa: An Essential Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment provides a review of a dynamic disease for which no treatment has been proven effective for all affected dogs and cats. Consequently, the diagnosis and management of ear disease vary for each patient, and many opinionated individuals, including this reviewer, have published or follow their own unique protocols and recommendations. In general, this book contains a lot of good information, but it includes the use of information and statements from references more than 20 to 25 years old, which should have been omitted. The references are listed at the end of the book, which makes it difficult to link them to the appropriate material. Finally, the references cited in the section entitled Medical Management of Ear Disease are not consistent with those in the reference list at the end of the book.
Although much of the information presented in the text is referenced, it is sometimes difficult to know whether the authors of the cited articles agreed or disagreed. For example, did the authors of all of the cited references agree, “that otitis media may be present in over 80% of cases of otitis externa?” The authors of this book are from the United Kingdom, so some of the statements that I found inconsistent with my experience may have resulted from regional differences between the United Kingdom and the United States. For example, in my experience, food allergy is frequently associated with clinical signs of otitis externa; however, it is treated as a rare occurrence in this book. The book also contains a few minor errors such as labeling cells associated with pemphigus as acanthocytes instead of acantholytic cells and inappropriate use of the term false middle ear. Moreover, I strongly disagree with the statements that cats require general anesthesia for otoscopic examinations and that bacterial culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing are mandatory for cases of otitis media from which gram-negative organisms are identified.
The gross photographs are wonderful, but the video otoscopic images, especially those in chapter 2, are yellow-tinged, and the magnification should have been provided for photomicrographs of cytologic specimens. My favorite sections are chapter 4 on ear cleaning, especially the table about which cleaning agents should or should not be used on the basis of the type of otic discharge, and chapter 8 on aural ablation and bulla osteotomy. Overall, this is a good reference to have on your shelf.
Reviewed by Sandra R. Merchant, DVM, DACVD
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, La
The Social Dog: Behaviour and Cognition
Juliane Kaminski & Sarah Marshall-Pescini
410 pages. 2014. Academic Press (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-12-407818-5. Price $59.95.
The Social Dog: Behaviour and Cognition is an outstanding review of the scientific literature and current research regarding canine cognition and social behavior. The editors provide a compilation of science-based chapters from leading experts in the fields of animal behavior and cognition. The book highlights 2 major areas of research: dogs' social behavior to people and other dogs and dogs' social cognition. The authors explore how the process of domestication evolved to create today's social dog and the intricate human-animal bond that exists between dogs and their human counterparts. Other topics discussed include how and why domestic dogs are able to solve problems and how the social and thought processes of domestic dogs differ from those of other canids. Each topic is presented in an unbiased format from several aspects, which allows readers to generate introspective conclusions.
The main goal of this book is to provide an explicitly scientific perspective on canine social behavior and cognition. That said, each chapter is presented in a manner that will appeal to an audience of comparative cognitive scientists as well as veterinarians, animal behavior specialists, and savvy dog admirers who are seeking objective knowledge on how domestic dogs evolved into the social creatures that remain our most popular companion animals. The book is an intelligent read and likely requires a strong scientific background for full comprehension. The price is fair and, in all honesty, quite a bargain.
Reviewed by Meghan E. Herron, DVM, DACVB
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Radiography and Radiology: A Foundation Manual
Andrew Holloway & Fraser McConnell
393 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-9053-1944-2. Price $129.99.
The authors state that the purpose of the BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Radiography and Radiology: A Foundation Manual is to return to the fundamental principles of image interpretation for all body systems and the making of high quality diagnostic radiographs. All 10 contributing authors are recognized diplomates of the American and European radiology community, and they have put together an outstanding resource manual for small animal practitioners, professional students, and veterinary technicians. The first edition was published in 1989 as the BSAVA Manual of Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging, which was edited by Robin Lee, with the second edition published in 1995. Subsequent publications have included discussion of many other imaging modalities; however, this edition represents a welcome return to basics and focuses on the use of radiography for the diagnosis of diseases in dogs and cats.
The manual is well organized and includes 9 chapters. The first 4 chapters are dedicated to physics and equipment, principles of radiography, principles of radiologic interpretation, and contrast radiography. The last 5 chapters cover specific interpretation methods for the identification of diseases in all anatomic regions of dogs and cats and include more than 600 radiographic images and anatomic drawings. A particularly nice feature of the manual is a bulleted list of radiographic features for each disease discussed with labelled images that depict examples of those features. Throughout the manual, there are numerous charts for quick reference and drawings that depict the anatomy and positioning of canine and feline patients for various radiographic views. The chapter on contrast radiography provides excellent descriptions of how to perform nearly all radiographic contrast procedures that were commonly used 30 years ago and may be unfamiliar to newer professionals and technicians. Yellow caution boxes warn readers about potential complications and common mistakes associated with various contrast procedures.
Although the quality of the radiographic images in this manual is not of the same high caliber as that of many in-depth radiographic imaging textbooks, the images are adequate for observation of the abnormalities discussed. This manual may be particularly helpful to graduates who may not have access to state-of-the-art imaging equipment and need a guide for producing and interpreting quality radiographs. The accompanying CD is extremely beneficial for use as a computer resource for comparison with clinical digital radiographs.
Despite the explosion of new diagnostic imaging techniques over the last 40 years, this manual gets back to the basics with emphasis on the importance of radiographic procedures and consistent radiographic interpretation. Radiography remains one of the most commonly used diagnostic tools for identification of diseases in canine and feline patients. This manual will be an excellent resource for the staff of any veterinary practice as well as for veterinary students who will benefit from its straightforward organization and figures.
Reviewed by Robert R. Badertscher II, DVM, PhD, DACVR
Consultants in Veterinary Imaging
Naperville, Ill
Diagnostic and Surgical Arthroscopy in the Horse (4th edition)
C. Wayne McIlwraith, Alan J. Nixon, & Ian M. Wright
454 pages. 2015. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-7234-3693-5. Price $270.00.
The latest edition of Diagnostic and Surgical Arthroscopy in the Horse is a necessary addition to the library of any veterinarian, resident, or student who performs, or aspires to perform, arthroscopic surgery on equine patients. It will also be a useful reference for general equine practitioners who regularly treat equine athletes and wish to remain current on treatment options available to their clients. Like previous editions, this edition serves as a comprehensive reference on almost every conceivable surgery that can be performed on a horse by use of arthroscopic instrumentation.
The introductory chapter is a comprehensive review of advances that have been made and literature that has been published since the previous edition was released in 2005; however, it does not burden readers with in-depth summaries of each reference and provides an excellent resource for locating current materials on the latest techniques and research in equine arthroscopic surgery. The second chapter provides a review of the instrumentation necessary for arthroscopic surgery as well as new sterilization techniques, which may become necessary as environmental policies force veterinarians to replace some older methods. Similar to previous editions, the third chapter describes basic arthroscopic techniques and methods, and the next 10 chapters contain in-depth descriptions of surgical techniques specific to particular joints or synovial structures. Each chapter contains recommendations for postoperative care and the latest information regarding expected postoperative outcomes, which are very insightful given that the authors possess nearly 90 years of combined experience with arthroscopic surgery in horses. The final 4 chapters provide discussions about the arthroscopic treatment of infected joints, problems and complications of arthroscopic surgery, the use of arthroscopy for cartilage repair, and postoperative management, adjunctive therapies, and rehabilitation procedures.
Just like the previous editions, the diagrams and schematics in this edition are first-rate and the intraoperative color photographs are exceptional. The radiographic images in this edition are much clearer than those in the previous editions because of the widespread adoption and availability of digital radiography. Diagrams of individual joints or photographs of skeletal models surrounded by actual arthroscopic images of each joint area are some of the most useful tools provided in this edition for young or developing surgeons. An exciting addition to this edition is an accompanying online video library. The videos are narrated and depict some of the most common lesions treatable by arthroscopic surgery along with step-by-step procedures to correct them. These alone are worth the price of the book. Although this book is not intended to replace surgical training or continuing education, it is an invaluable tool for almost anyone who performs arthroscopic surgery. Whether used to review landmarks and approaches for uncommon surgeries, to gauge outcome expectations, or as a tool to instruct and educate clients, I predict this book will become one of the most commonly used references in equine surgeons' libraries.
Reviewed by Jeff Foland, DVM, MS, DACVS
Weatherford Equine Medical Center, PC
Weatherford, Tex
Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography
Jessica A. Kidd, Kristina G. Lu, & Michele L. Frazer
508 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-65813-0. Price $199.99.
The list of quality books that deal with equine ultrasonography is short, and given the increase in image quality appreciated in this modality during the last decade, books that depict this improvement are even less common. Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography is a new book that provides a fairly comprehensive look at this modality with respect to horses and includes descriptions of musculoskeletal, abdominal, thoracic, and reproductive applications as well as applications for small, specific parts of the body such as the eyes, neck, peripheral vessels, and umbilical structures. The introductory chapter contains a brief, but reasonably in-depth and detailed explanation of the physics of diagnostic ultrasonography.
The layout and progression of each chapter are fairly consistent. Each chapter generally begins with a description of probe positioning for the region being discussed and provides some examples of clinically normal and abnormal images when applicable. Several chapters contain photographs of anatomic specimens or novel CT reconstructions with overlays that depict probe positioning to help readers define the imaging planes and interpret the clinically normal images. Some chapters contain reproduced schematic and clinically normal ultrasonographic images from previous publications. The quality of the ultrasonographic images of abnormal findings is generally very good.
The text describes common abnormalities and provides examples complete with discussion of commonly identified abnormal and incidental ultrasonographic findings. The reproductive section includes a fairly comprehensive discussion of interventional ultrasonographic procedures. In some instances, the text includes reference citations, whereas in others, there is only a list of recommended reading provided.
Overall, the quality of the ultrasonographic images contained in this atlas is substantially improved from that of previous books on the topic. The use of photographs of anatomic specimens and novel CT reconstructions with overlays to depict probe positioning provides excellent guidance for both novice and experienced sonographers.
Reviewed by Tom Wilkinson, DVM
Washington State University
Pullman, Wash
Equine Reproductive Procedures
John Dascanio & Patrick McCue
560 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-4709-6039-4. Price $99.99.
Admirably created by 2 theriogenologists who bring decades of experience, not only in equine reproductive medicine, but also in teaching veterinarians, students, and breeders, Equine Reproductive Procedures is a resource that provides guidance and education for all involved in equine breeding. The book is divided into 5 areas, with an emphasis on mares including sections on nonpregnant, pregnant, and postpartum mares, followed by a section on stallions and a short section on neonates. Each chapter was written in basic terms, and additional resources and references are provided at the end of each chapter for readers interested in pursuing further information. The strength and uniqueness of this book are the superb illustrations included in each chapter, a feature that is unparalleled in other, similar texts.
This soft-sided, spiral book is designed to be carried by ambulatory practitioners and yet is sturdy enough for students to use as a textbook or for a library shelf. Although best suited for general practitioners who provide services to breeders, the illustrations within each chapter make this book an ideal visual tool for educating clients as well as teaching students that are just beginning their career in equine reproductive medicine. For more advanced practitioners involved in equine reproduction, this book provides timely updates in areas such as the diagnosis of endometritis, in vitro fertilization, and semen diagnostic testing.
One limitation of this book is that the procedures described do not always provide equally economical or optimal options. For instance, the use of washable neoprene wraps to wrap mares' tails prior to rectal examination is preferred by many practitioners rather than wrapping tails with costly vet wrap or gauze. Additionally, the benefits of a programmable cell freezer for sperm or embryo cryopreservation were not discussed. In the section on NucleoCounter Evaluation of Sperm Concentration and Viability (section, 111; page, 364), I believe that the amount of diluent provided in the protocols for total cell count and viability count is incorrect and encourage readers to consult the manufacturer's instructions when using this particular automated cell counter. However, these rare omissions and errors should be overlooked because this book is a brilliant addition to the library of any equine practitioner involved in the reproductive management of horses.
Reviewed by Lisa Metcalf, MS, DVM, DACT
Honahlee PC
Sherwood, Ore
Robinson's Current Therapy in Equine Medicine (7th edition)
Kim A. Sprayberry & N. Edward Robinson
985 pages. 2015. Elsevier. ISBN 978-1-4557-4555-5. Price $181.00.
The seventh edition of Robinson's Current Therapy in Equine Medicine contains the most up-to-date information on a wide variety of equine disorders, diagnostic methods, and treatments. This edition focuses on relevant advances that occurred during the 6 years since the sixth edition was released that are of greatest importance to equine practitioners, senior veterinary students, recent graduates, and equine specialists. The book includes chapters written by over 200 equine specialists, and the text is outlined in a logical body-system format that allows easy navigation. The newest and most unique topics covered include biosecurity strategies in the hospital and on the farm, abused and neglected horses, updates on pain management, emerging infectious diseases, and management of various traumatic situations (eg, trailer accidents, thoracic and airway trauma, and crush injuries). Advanced imaging modalities such as new ultrasonographic techniques and the use of CT and MRI are also discussed. Each chapter contains a brief, yet complete discussion of the pathophysiology and diagnosis for a particular disease, followed by detailed information regarding treatment options. Flow charts for making diagnostic or treatment decisions supplement the text and provide a quick reference in clinical settings. At the end of each chapter is a list of suggested readings including relevant and recent peer-reviewed journal articles. The 2 appendices include information regarding drug doses for both horses and donkeys and provide a convenient reference for busy equine practitioners. The images contained throughout the text, both in black and white and color, are of high quality and aid in understanding the material presented. This book complements, rather than replaces, earlier editions and will be an excellent addition to any equine practitioner's library.
Reviewed by Karen McCormick, DVM, DACVIM
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tenn
Large Animal Internal Medicine (5th edition)
Bradford P. Smith
1661 pages. 2015. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-08839-8. Price $242.00.
The fifth edition of Large Animal Internal Medicine is a comprehensive resource for veterinary practitioners who treat horses, cattle, sheep, and goats and an excellent reference for veterinary students and academic clinicians. As in previous editions, the sections and chapters in this text are authored by experts in their respective fields and generally contain the most up-to-date information available for the diseases discussed.
Unlike many other texts of its kind, this one follows a problem-oriented approach to disease diagnosis and uses boxes to list differential diagnoses associated with the various conditions discussed to assist readers in obtaining a diagnosis. The companion website for this edition contains references with links to the associated PubMed abstracts and is an invaluable improvement from the previous editions.
In this edition, the section on preventive and therapeutic strategies is greatly expanded. Chapters on critical care, fluid administration, and antimicrobial treatment in all large animal species are detailed and well referenced and will serve as comprehensive resources for readers. Chapters that address animal welfare concerns and colostrum substitutes and supplements have been added or expanded. Color plates that provide readers with visual representations of specific disease processes have been updated and expanded. Discussions on the requirements for legal drug use in food animal species have been added and will be a valuable resource for those unfamiliar with those regulations. Finally, detailed discussions on the use of molecular diagnostic and genetic testing in large animal species are provided.
Reviewed by Brent C. Credille, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
University of Georgia
Athens, Ga
Livestock Handling and Transport (4th edition)
Temple Grandin
484 pages. 2014. CAB International. ISBN 978-1-78064-321-2. Price $162.00
The fourth edition of Livestock Handling and Transport, edited by Dr. Temple Grandin, is an essential resource and reference book for veterinarians, animal scientists, livestock producers, students, and others interested in animal welfare and behavior. This book is of particular value to livestock handlers and people who design and use equipment and facilities to house and transport cattle. Changes from the third edition include a revised introductory chapter that emphasizes the importance of a whole-system approach to livestock handling and a chapter on the handling and transport of cattle and pigs in South America.
This book serves experienced practitioners and students equally well. For students, the book provides a framework for understanding the effects handling and transportation have on livestock welfare. Experienced veterinarians will find the information thought provoking with solutions or novel approaches for livestock handling issues.
While reading this book, you will discover your own nuggets of information. For example, did you know that dairy cattle produce more milk when handled by people described as confident introverts? Information in these chapters is as important to the people handling large animals as it is for the animals themselves. One of the contributing authors noted that 50% of debilitating injuries to veterinarians occur during the examination or palpation of cattle.
If this book has a weakness, it is that the breadth of topics included under the umbrella of handling and transport is so extensive that some of the information is redundant. However, the extensive reference list allows interested readers to delve deeper into specific subject areas. Overall, this book is an essential and affordable reference for any veterinarian interested in the welfare implications of livestock handling and transport.
Reviewed by Michael J. Maroney, DVM, DABVP
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wis
Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine (Volume 8)
R. Eric Miller & Murray E. Fowler†
773 pages. 2015. Saunders (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-1-4557-7397-8. Price $169.00.
In the eighth volume of Fowler's Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine, the editors have returned to the original, comprehensive, taxa-based format last used in the fifth volume that was released in 2003. The book consists of 82 chapters, divided into taxonomic classes that include amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, and a general topics section. The editors deliberately selected new senior authors who are expert veterinary advisors for the various taxa. This international assemblage of authors is impressive, although the book would have benefited from a greater diversity of disciplinary expertise. Synthesis of the large and expanding body of knowledge about zoo and wild animal medicine is a Sisyphean task, but one that the editors have accomplished well. The chapters were well written and are beautifully illustrated with high-quality images and generally well referenced. Much of the information is summarized in tabular format, which I found both a blessing and a curse. Tabulation of hematologic variables and anesthetic doses is helpful; however, tabulation of information regarding infectious and parasitic diseases results in a loss of detail. For example, methods of diagnosis for some diseases are omitted from some tables. The need for succinctness results in trade-offs, and statements such as “Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis … is one of the most well described pathogens of anurans” with no further information leaves readers unsated. In addition, the book does not have any chapters on fish or invertebrates, which are notable omissions given the importance of these species. Those quibbles aside, this is a must-have book for all zoo and wild animal medicine students and practitioners. However, perhaps it is time to recognize that, during the 36 years since the first volume was published, this discipline has become too large to be contained in 1 book. This is largely because of the success of this book series, and it is a nice problem to have.
Reviewed by Jonathan M. Sleeman, Vet MB, MA, DACZM USGS
National Wildlife Health Center
Madison, Wis
Euryhaline Fishes (Fish Physiology Series Volume 32)
Stephen D. McCormick, Anthony P. Farrell, & Colin J. Brauner
559 pages. 2013. Academic Press (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-12-396951-4. Price $119.95.
Euryhaline Fishes was written by 14 contributing authors and contains 10 chapters that discuss the unique capability of a small population of fishes (euryhaline) to migrate between freshwater and saltwater. The introductory chapters discuss the function and role of osmoregulatory organs including the gills, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and rectal gland in adapting to a wide range of environmental salinity. Basic processes such as active transport, osmosis, and transmembrane ionic diffusion are well explained with illustrations in the text. Specific examples of osmoregulatory differences between marine and freshwater environments in divisions of fishes such as teleosts, lagfish, and elasmobranchs are well referenced. The molecular and hormonal mechanisms of osmoregulation controlled by osmosensors in the brain, plasma, and epithelium of euryhaline fishes are well illustrated, which facilitates the understanding of those processes.
The latter chapters discuss the problems and responses of euryhaline fishes with different saline origins including those that transition from freshwater to seawater, seawater to freshwater, and estuarine to intertidal waters. These chapters provide details about the metabolic costs of osmoregulation and the impact on growth caused by increased ATP demands for regulation.
The section on the impact of climate change on the habitats of euryhaline fishes aids in understanding recovery programs and management efforts for threatened species such as amphidromous gobies and the continued success for other species whose habitats are endangered by anthropogenic effects on the environment. Ideas for future studies to elucidate the adaptation by euryhaline fishes to environments with changing salinity are also discussed. The authors address the potential for an estuary to be a frontline defense against invasive species and point out that knowledge of the salinity tolerances of various fish species will aid in understanding their invasive potential.
The book has a section of plates that contain images and schematics presented in color, which facilitate the understanding of many principles explained in the text. For example, the black and white image of immunofluorescence of ionocytes presented with the text is clarified by an illustration of the image in color in this section. Images of the morphological changes of diadromous fish during transition from marine to freshwater habitats and immunofluorescent assays that depict gill ionocytes in freshwater versus brackish water are also clarified in this section. This book will be especially useful to research scientists interested in ion and water homeostasis and veterinarians involved with aquaculture or fisheries who are interested in wild and cultured euryhaline fishes.
Reviewed by Patricia S. Gaunt, DVM, PhD, DABVT
Mississippi State University
Stoneville, Miss
Biology and Diseases of the Ferret (3rd edition)
James G. Fox & Robert P. Marini
835 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-96045-5. Price $149.99.
The back cover of the third edition of Biology and Diseases of the Ferret describes this most recent iteration as “thoroughly revised and updated.” A great deal of new research and clinical knowledge and techniques for ferrets has become available since the previous edition was published. As claimed, this edition includes new information presented in a usable format. It is an excellent resource for veterinarians and technicians regardless of whether they examine and treat a small number of ferrets, work in an exclusive exotic animal practice, or are involved in research.
Topics covered include anatomy and physiology, nutrition, management, and systemic, bacterial, viral, neoplastic, fungal, and parasitic diseases. This edition parallels the prior edition in content and layout, although many chapters have been updated and expanded, including those on clinical techniques, medicine, diagnosis, anesthesia, and surgery. The addition and expansion of these topics are extremely pertinent for veterinary practitioners. This edition also includes richly updated chapters on the use and application of ferrets in research. Additionally, there are new tables, illustrations, and color images and photomicrographs to support and augment the text.
Overall, this book is a comprehensive, up-to-date description of the biology and diseases of ferrets. Although a few minor typographical errors were noted, they are not substantially distracting and the text is quite readable for medical and scientific professionals. In this edition, information from the previous edition has been updated and new information and applications are presented in appropriate and fascinating depth. This edition is well indexed and referenced and is a great practice reference. Although it is lengthier than past editions, it is a valuable addition to the library of any veterinarian who examines and treats ferrets.
Reviewed by Allen Weltig, DVM
Webster Groves Animal Hospital
St. Louis, Mo
The Welfare of Animals Used In Research: Practice and Ethics (UFAW Animal Welfare Series)
Robert C. Hubrecht
271 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-119-96707-1. Price $54.99.
The Welfare of Animals Used in Research: Practice and Ethics by Robert Hubrecht is part of the UFAW Animal Welfare Series. The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) is well-known for its scientific approach to animal welfare. Hubrecht is a zoologist who incorporates physiologic and anatomic comparisons between humans and animals in his discussion of animal welfare. The chapters are arranged well, and the writing style allows readers to easily absorb the material.
One area that researchers have been grappling with is the harm versus benefit of animal research. The author cites regulations from all over the world that pertain to ethical review of animal research. Although Hubrecht primarily uses references from the United Kingdom throughout this book, the content is relevant to research conducted in the United States. Valid questions are raised to encourage readers to think about the complexity of animal research.
This book reviews the basic premise of the 3 R's (reduction, replacement, and refinement), which was introduced by Russell and Burch in the late 1950s, and has been used to improve animal research for many years. Topics discussed include the use of existing data instead of duplication, the search for alternatives to animal use, and the use of enrichment and social housing for research animals. The author provides several tables, photographs, and diagrams throughout the book to augment the points he is trying convey. This book is geared toward members of institutional animal care and use committees, researchers, and veterinarians and is a practical guide for discussions pertaining to the welfare of animals used in research.
Reviewed by Suzanne Craig, DVM, DACLAM
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Tex
Writing Dissertation and Grant Proposals: Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics
Lisa Chasan-Taber
424 pages. 2014. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group). ISBN 978-1-4665-1206-1. Price $47.96.
Writing Dissertation and Grant Proposals: Epidemiology, Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics is a must-have book for young investigators including graduate students, postdoctoral students, and junior faculty. Even seasoned grant proposal writers can benefit from the information provided in this book. Although the topics of epidemiology, preventive medicine, and biostatistics are specified in the title, this book will be useful for scientists involved in general health and life sciences. The book begins with the “Ten Top Tips for Successful Proposal Writing,” which are very useful for anyone attempting to write dissertation and grant proposals. The subsequent 19 chapters are divided into 3 parts entitled Preparing to Write the Proposal; The Proposal, Section by Section; and Grantsmanship. The part on preparing to write the proposal contains chapters on how to do a literature search and formulate a hypothesis and provides useful tips about scientific writing. The part on the different sections of the proposal discusses specific aims, significance, preliminary data, experimental design, statistical analysis, and limitations and pitfalls. The part on grantsmanship consists of a guide on how to submit the proposal, how the review process works, and how to re-submit the proposal, if necessary. The table of contents is very elaborate and specific, which makes it quick and easy to look up any particular subject. Additional tips and examples that will be extremely useful for novice researchers are sprinkled throughout the book. I highly recommend this book for budding scientists.
Reviewed by Sagar M. Goyal, BVSc, PhD
University of Minnesota
Saint Paul, Minn
Front Office Management for the Veterinary Team (2nd edition)
Heather Prendergast
483 pages. 2015. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-26185-2. Price $74.95.
The second edition of Front Office Management for the Veterinary Team is the most complete and thorough book I have read regarding the front office of a veterinary business. It is a must read for all veterinary business managers. I have already started to use several of the suggestions presented in the book, and my staff have found some very good ideas in the book that they are in the process of customizing for our team. Simply stated, this book is outstanding and I will be promoting it to all of my consulting clients!
Reviewed by James E. Guenther, DVM, MBA
Strategic Veterinary Consulting Inc
Asheville, NC
books for veterinary technicians
Textbook for the Veterinary Assistant
Kara Burns & Lori Renda-Francis
167 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-95926-8. Price $49.99.
Textbook for the Veterinary Assistant is a well-organized book for veterinary assistants or anyone thinking about working in the veterinary profession. It provides basic comprehensive coverage of veterinary topics including medical technology, anatomy and physiology, radiology, pharmacology, handling and restraint, surgical nursing, and office procedures. It also includes discussions of topics that are often excluded in an introductory book, such as handling and treating exotic animals and horses and preparation for internships and employment. As an instructor in an AVMA-accredited veterinary technology program and having practiced small animal medicine for 18 years, I value the ability of students to present themselves with professionalism. The chapter on preparation for an internship and employment will help students learn how to write a cover letter and resume and prepare for interviews, important topics that are often inadequately addressed or overlooked in other textbooks.
This book has a companion website, and I appreciate the additional Web-based content because it provides students with alternate teaching modalities and additional study materials for the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America's veterinary assistant certification examination. My only criticism of the companion website is that it feels like it is a work in progress and would benefit from the inclusion of more material for each chapter. Regardless of that deficiency, this is a well-written book that will help veterinary assistant students prepare for the certification examination and their chosen profession.
Reviewed by Kimberly Focht, DVM
Mesa Community College
Mesa, Ariz
Animal Biology and Care (3rd edition)
Sue Dallas & Emily Jewell
356 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-118-27606-8. Price $44.99.
The third edition of Animal Biology and Care is intended for veterinary nursing assistant students and students interested in animal care. The term nursing is added to veterinary assistant in parts of the world such as the United Kingdom, where the authors originated. Therefore, it is not surprising and is actually quite interesting to read a book with references to the surgical theatre rather than operating room, currency in pounds rather than dollars, and animal welfare laws specific to the United Kingdom and European Union. New to this edition are additional photographs and diagrams plus a list of learning outcomes for each chapter. This book also has a companion website that contains questions and answers for self-assessment.
The preface of this book states that it will be useful for those working in the animal industry. I believe the text contains a lot of information to enhance the knowledge of many people in animal industries such as boarding kennels, groomers, breeders, pet sitters, and pet stores; however, those already experienced in the veterinary field will probably find the information too basic. Veterinary assistants who received on-the-job training will find some interesting sections, but much of the information provided will not add to their training or knowledge, except for the sections on physiology. This book covers primarily dogs and cats as well as birds, pocket pets, and reptiles and contains little information about livestock or wildlife.
This book has a bulleted outline format, which allows readers to locate specific topics quickly and absorb key points easily. The diagrams are colorful and stand out on the high-quality paper. They are simplistic, but simplicity can enhance the understanding of some readers. For example, the air sacs, lungs, and bronchi of birds are not nearly so complicated after seeing the colorful diagram provided in this book.
Most of the medical conditions discussed in this book involve common parasites and diseases against which dogs and cats are routinely vaccinated. The depth of the discussion is appropriate for the intended readers. Unfortunately, the section on zoonotic diseases is too brief and cursory, and the authors missed an opportunity to educate those involved in animal care industries about safety as it relates to exposure to zoonotic pathogens.
As a veterinarian and educator of veterinary technician students, I am not a member of the intended audience for this book. The depth, detail, and subject matter of this book are definitely appropriate for veterinary assistant students, and the price is in line with most soft-covered textbooks of similar size and quality. This book may not become part of the library in many veterinary hospitals, but those interested in learning relevant information about veterinary nursing will find this book valuable.
Reviewed by Scott Keller, DVM
Joliet Junior College
Joliet, Ill
Common Diseases of Companion Animals (3rd edition)
Alleice Summers
592 pages. 2014. Mosby (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-323-10126-4. Price $67.95.
The third edition of Common Diseases of Companion Animals is a comprehensive reference intended for veterinary technicians and technologists. This book covers a number of species, including dogs, cats, birds, snakes, reptiles, small mammals, horses, sheep, and goats. Not only does the text cover many species, but it also provides information on a number of disease processes that are commonly observed in veterinary medicine.
A useful feature of this book is the tech alerts that are interspersed throughout the text, which provide important reminders regarding nursing care. Although most of the photographs in the book are of high quality, some are out of focus (eg, Figures 22–2 and 41–1).
Despite the fact that a large number of diseases are discussed, the organization of the book requires readers to choose a definitive diagnosis to locate the associated information. This type of organization is not optimal for veterinary technicians and students. The sections on nursing care and treatment and client education would be improved if they were more detailed and comprehensive and interspersed throughout the book to ensure that the information necessary for high-quality nursing care was provided with each disease description.
Reviewed by Christina V. Tran, DVM
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind
Veterinary Technician's Daily Reference Guide: Canine and Feline (3rd edition)
Candyce M. Jack, Patricia M. Watson, & Valissitie Heeren
908 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-118-36350-8. Price $64.99.
Similar to previous editions, the third edition of Veterinary Technician's Daily Reference Guide: Canine and Feline is a valuable, comprehensive, well-organized, and quick reference for canine and feline clinical practice. The purpose of the book is to provide veterinary technicians with quick reminders of educational knowledge they already possess and be a tool for improving skill levels and advancing the level of patient care. The book has 6 sections: anatomy, preventative care, diagnostic skills, patient care skills, anesthesia and anesthetic procedures, and complementary and alternative veterinary medicine and pharmacology. Relevant information and descriptions of procedures needed to complete tasks more competently are outlined in revised and updated tables, charts, and skill boxes.
This edition contains 349 black-and-white images and illustrations, of which 149 are reproduced in color plates, most of them depicting cytologic specimens and techniques. The tables of contents and figures make it easy for readers to locate specific information. Unfortunately, the black-and-white images new to this edition are omitted from the list of figures, but they are included in the list of color plates. The pharmacology list lacks indexing of summary information for approximately 250 common drugs. However, neither omission voids the book's value. The appendix, abbreviation list, and glossary add to the book's worth as a sole information source. The book has a companion website that contains study guide questions and answers, notes and charts, and vocabulary flash cards, which can be used for knowledge assessment, study, and improvement.
This book is reasonably priced for the value provided. Veterinary technicians will find this book to be a very good quick reference, and as such, it warrants purchase by any small animal practice. Veterinary technician students will also find it a useful resource.
Reviewed by Janice Grumbles, DVM
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, Ga
Clinical Procedures in Veterinary Nursing (3rd edition)
Victoria Aspinall
370 pages. 2014. Butterworth-Heinemann (an imprint of Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-7020-5110-4. Price $68.95.
The third edition of Clinical Procedures in Veterinary Nursing is a step-by-step manual of clinical procedures performed in many veterinary practices. Revisions made in this latest edition include descriptions of new procedures, updates for many existing procedures, and new chapters on basic procedures in equine practice and minor surgical procedures that can be performed by veterinary nurses in the United Kingdom under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon. Readers should be aware that Schedule 3 of Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 is legislation specific to the United Kingdom and is not applicable to veterinary technicians in the United States.
The text was written in a consistent action-rationale style that allows novice veterinary technicians to follow various routine and specialized procedures in a sequential manner. Color photographs, illustrations, and tables are strategically placed to enhance the associated narratives. Purchase of the book provides access to an online library that contains short videos of many clinical procedures, which are an excellent addendum to the text.
The user-friendly format guides readers through the technical aspects of patient handling and restraint and diagnostic, medical, and surgical procedures of companion animals, exotics, and horses. This book is a substantive resource for veterinary technology students and experienced technicians who need to review procedures that are not routinely performed.
Reviewed by Cynthia Rockafellow, DVM
Bergen Community College
Paramus, NJ
books for clients and pet owners
The Truth about Dog and Cat Treatments and Anomalies
Robert L. Ridgway
344 pages. 2013. iUniverse. ISBN 978-1-4759-9673-9. Price $23.95.
The Truth about Dog and Cat Treatments and Anomalies aims to help pet owners “identify conditions and use home remedies to treat dogs and cats.” The book includes more than 150 topics and remedies organized into chapters such as skin, eyes, and medications, among others. Included in those chapters are dosing instructions for several over-the-counter medications. The book was written in nonmedical language so that lay readers should have no problem understanding the terminology. The author, a veterinarian, spends a great deal of time advising pet owners to seek veterinary help for illnesses and keep their pet current on a preventive wellness program. Few home remedies are discussed beyond the scope of normal husbandry, and those that are described are mainly confined to the treatment of parasites.
A book intended as a home treatment guide walks a fine line. The author occasionally provides information such as the doses of aspirin for dogs and cats even though he states that he is uncomfortable doing so because of the risk for its misuse. Some less-than-best practice advice is given; for example, home dental scraping is advocated as a good alternative to a veterinary cleaning. The book also contains occasional factual inaccuracies such as fenbendazole having efficacy against Dipylidium tapeworms.
Although this book contains a large amount of useful information for novice pet owners, the potential for misdiagnosis and accidental injury to pets from factual inaccuracy, recommendations of less-than-best practices, and at-home dosing of medications causes this reviewer serious concern. Consequently, I cannot recommend this book as a resource for dog and cat owners.
Reviewed by Michael T. Nappier, DVM, DABVP
Westlake Animal Hospital Inc
Westlake, Ohio