Calfhood pneumonia incited by acutely infecting viruses such as BRSV continues to be a major clinical and economic problem in cattle-rearing operations.1,2 There has been little improvement in the morbidity and mortality rates associated with the syndrome in the past 20 years.2 In part because of the persistence of this problem, there is renewed and increasing interest in and use of IN vaccines in young calves as a means of improved prophylaxis.1–3
That mucosal antibody in nasal secretions can have protective effects against viral respiratory infections was first determined in the 1930s with influenza virus in humans.4 Similarly, interest and research in the IN application of vaccines to induce local immune responses to protect cattle from respiratory tract disease span > 40 years, to the late 1960s.5–7 The efficacy of such vaccines for BPIV-3 and BHV-1 has been proven for > 30 years.6,7
The variable efficacy of IN administration of BRSV vaccines in experimental challenge studies8,9 that mimic the severity of natural disease has been reported. What remains unresolved and continues to be controversial is the effect of maternal antibodies on the success of induction of immunity in response to vaccines administered IN and the duration of immunity following a single perinatal IN administration. There are few reported studies of vaccine efficacy in passively immune calves, in large part because regulatory agencies generally require studies in seronegative animals for licensure.9,10 The purpose of the study reported here was to determine whether a combination modified-live BRSV vaccine could stimulate protective immunity in young BRSV-seropositive calves following IN administration and determine the duration of clinical immunity.
Materials and Methods
Calves—Newborn Holstein calves were fed 1.5 L of either anti-BRSV antibody–negative pooled dairy colostrum (n = 26 calves) or a commercial colostrum replacement product containing 100 g of IgG that was anti-BRSV antibody positivea (n = 58), both of which were obtained from the manufacturer.b All calves were given 1.5 mL of tulathromycinc SC and 2 mL of a modified-live combination bovine coronavirus and bovine rotavirus vaccined IN, were tested for bovine viral diarrhea virus,11 and were reared as described,9 consistent with Canadian Council of Animal Care guidelines that were approved by the Committee on Animal Care and Supply at the University of Saskatchewan.
Vaccines and BRSV challenge inoculum—A combination 3-way vaccinee containing modified-live BRSV, BPIV-3, and BHV-1 and a 2-way (BPIV-3 and BHV-1) control vaccine that did not contain BRSV were obtained from the manufacturer. The 3-way vaccine contained either the full commercial dose of BRSV or an MID (1/100 dose of BRSV) and, in both instances, the full commercial dose of BPIV-3 and BHV-1. The challenge inoculum consisted of lung lavage fluid obtained from a newborn calf infected with BRSV (Asquith strain)12 and was tested for purity as described.9–12
Clinical assessment—Calves were observed for clinical signs as described9 following vaccination, on days −1 and 0 prior to challenge (on day 0), and on days 1 through 8 after challenge with the BRSV inoculum. Calves were euthanized on day 8 after challenge or earlier on the basis of predetermined criteria9 if 2 clinical signs indicative of substantial respiratory tract disease were observed, including moderate signs of depression, dull eyes, droopy ears, rough coat, gauntness, and moderate respiratory distress or dyspnea (> 100 breaths/min), for 2 consecutive days. Calves were euthanized immediately if they were observed at any time with signs of severe respiratory distress, such as pronounced open-mouthed, labored breathing (as evidenced by an expiratory grunt); signs of severe depression, recumbency, and refusal to rise; or a Pao2 < 45 mm Hg. These criteria were consistent with Canadian Council of Animal Care guidelines that were approved by the Committee on Animal Care and Supply at the University of Saskatchewan.
Sample collection—Deep nasal swab specimens were taken from both nares prior to challenge and on days 2 through 8 after challenge for virus isolation.9,12 Serum samples were obtained from blood collected by jugular venipuncture. Arterial blood samples were collected from the caudal portion of the thoracic aorta,9,12,13 and Pao2 measurements, corrected for rectal temperature, were performed as described.9
Antibody assays, quantitative virus isolation, and postmortem analysis—The BRSV neutralization tests, BRSV-specific IgG ELISAs for serum and colostral antibodies, and a BRSV-specific IgA ELISA for nasal secretions were performed and analyzed as described.9,14 Virus shedding was quantitatively determined by use of a microisolation plaque assay with bovine embryonic lung fibroblasts.15 On necropsy, the respiratory tract of each calf was harvested and analyzed for the percentage of pneumonic tissue as described.9
Experimental design—Three experiments were conducted. In experiment 1 (conducted during the winter), sixteen 3- to 9-day-old seronegative calves (group A) were given the 3-way vaccine containing the MID of the BRSV component IN and 10 (group B) were given the control vaccine IN. The groups were housed in 2 air spaces in a calf barn, with each calf in an individual pen in a completely randomized design and challenged together9 approximately 7 weeks after vaccination. In experiment 2, fifteen 3- to 11-day-old BRSV-seropositive calves (group C) were given the 3-way vaccine containing the full commercial dose of the BRSV IN and 15 (group D) were given the control vaccine IN and challenged together 9 weeks after vaccination. In experiment 3, fourteen 3- to 11-day-old BRSV-seropositive calves (group E) were given the 3-way vaccine containing the full commercial dose of the BRSV IN and 14 (group F) were given the control vaccine IN and challenged approximately 3.5 months after vaccination In experiments 2 and 3 (conducted during the summer), calves were housed outdoors in individual calf hutches in 4 pens (2 control pens and 2 vaccinate pens) during the rearing and vaccination phases in a generalized randomized block design, with the blocking factor based on the order of enrollment and pen where the calves were housed. In each experiment, calves were challenged as a single group as described9 by aerosol exposure to approximately 80 mL (103.4 plaque-forming units/mL) of the same lot (11-07) of BRSV in a sealed 24 × 8 × 8-foot transport (stock) trailer (1,024 cubic feet of air space) for approximately 30 minutes and afterward maintained as a single group in 1 large covered pen.
Statistical analysis—Clinical and laboratory outcome variables (with appropriate transformations) in all 3 experiments were analyzed individually with a computerized general linear repeated measures mixed model software package16,e and, in experiments 2 and 3, included the random effect of block in the statistical models. Clinical outcome variables that were determined for each calf during the challenge period included the proportion of days alive that the postchallenge rectal temperature was > 39.6°C (103.3°F), proportion of days alive that BRSV nasal shedding occurred, proportion of days alive that a calf had an abnormal cough, proportion of days alive that a calf had signs of depression, proportion of days alive that calf had dyspnea, and proportion of days alive that a calf had an abnormal respiratory rate. For each day of the study and for each calf a total clinical score was calculated by summing the recorded clinical scores (Appendix) for that day. From this the maximum clinical score that a calf obtained during the trial was determined. The proportion of days alive that a calf had a clinical score ≥ 1 was also determined.9 Differences between the vaccinated and control groups in these variables were determined by means of the Mann-Whitney U test.e Associations between pneumonic lesions and Pao2 and antibody responses were assessed on the basis of Spearman rank correlations (ρ).e Differences in all variables examined were considered significant at values of P < 0.05.
Clinical signs and mortality rate—Calves in all groups developed variable signs of respiratory tract disease characteristic of BRSV infection, including pyrexia, cough, dyspnea, and increased respiratory rates. There were no significant differences between the 2 groups in each experiment in any individual clinical variable, except in the prevalence of signs of depression in experiments 1 and 2. Vaccinated calves (group A) had a significantly lower proportion of days alive with signs of depression (back-transformed LSM ± SE, 1.2% ± 1.12%) than did control calves (group B; 11.9% ± 5.04%), and vaccinated calves (group A; 25%) had a significantly lower proportion of calves that developed signs of depression than did control calves (group B; 70%). Vaccinated group C calves had a significantly (P = 0.04) lower proportion of days alive with signs of depression (1.3% ± 2.23%) than did control calves in group D (8.3% ± 5.64%).
In experiment 1, group A had a significantly (P = 0.01) lower maximum clinical score (median, 5; range, 0 to 7) than did group B (median, 6; range, 4 to 7). In experiment 2, group C had a significantly (P = 0.01) lower maximum clinical score (median, 4; range, 1 to 7) than did group D (median, 6; range, 5 to 8). In contrast, in experiment 3, there was no significant (P = 0.88) difference between groups in the maximum clinical scores, but there was a significant (P = 0.04) difference between groups in the proportion of days that a calf had a clinical score > 1. Group F had a higher proportion of days alive that a calf had a clinical score > 1 (median, 71%; range, 50% to 100%) than did group E (median, 61%; range, 25% to 86%).
There was a significant difference between groups in mortality rate (as defined by death or requirement for euthanasia) prior to termination of the study on day 8 after challenge in experiments 1 and 2. Significantly (P < 0.001) fewer (0/16) seronegative calves in group A required euthanasia prior to day 8; 9 of the 10 group B calves required euthanasia on days 4 (n = 2), 5 (4), 6 (2), and 7 (1) after challenge. In group C, there was a significantly (P = 0.021) lower mortality rate, with 3 of 15 calves requiring euthanasia prior (day 7) to the end of the study, compared with 10 of the 15 group D calves euthanized on days 5 (n = 1), 6 (5), and 7 (4) after challenge. There was no significant difference in mortality rate between groups E and F prior to day 8; 7 group E calves died (n = 1) or required euthanasia (6), compared with 10 group F calves that required euthanasia.
Nasal shedding of BRSV—No shedding of BRSV was detected in any calf prior to challenge in any of the groups. Following challenge, no differences were found among any of the groups for the total amount of BRSV shed or prevalence of shedding, except in experiment 1 for seronegative calves in which the proportion of days shedding for each day alive was significantly (P = 0.04) lower in group A (back-transformed LSM ± SE, 8.3% ± 9.3%) than in group B (29.9% ± 4.4%).
Pao2 and pneumonic lesions—Arterial blood oxygen concentrations on day 6 after challenge were significantly (P < 0.001) higher in group A (back-transformed LSM ± SE, 75 ± 2.1 mm Hg), compared with group B (49 ± 4.3 mm Hg [Figure 1]) and in group C (67 ± 3.5 mm Hg; P = 0.02) versus group D (57 ± 2.3 mm Hg [Figure 2]). There were no significant differences in Pao2 between group E (69 ± 4.2 mm Hg) and group F (58 ± 4.6 mm Hg [Figure 3]).
Calves in all groups had pneumonic lesions typical of acute BRSV infection, but the percentage of pneumonic lung tissue in group A (back-transformed LSM ± SE, 10% ± 2.1%) was significantly (P < 0.001) less than that in group B (43% ± 4.3% [Figure 1]), and the percentage of pneumonic lung tissue in group C (16.5% ± 2.4%) was significantly (P < 0.001) less than that in group D (32.3% ± 2.9% [Figure 2]). In contrast, there was no significant difference in the percentage of pneumonic lung between group E (34.7% ± 3.7%) and group F (41.7% ± 3.8%) at 3.5 months after vaccination (Figure 3).
Antibody responses and correlation analyses—Antibody responses were summarized (Table 1). There was a moderate negative association between both IgG titer (P < 0.001; ρ = −0.69) and IgA titer (P < 0.001; ρ = −0.65) and lung lesions but not Pao2 in experiment 1 (seronegative calves), indicating that as the antibody titer increased, lung lesions decreased. Similarly, there was a moderate negative association between IgG titer (P = 0.047; ρ = −0.37) and lung lesions, but not between IgA titer and lung lesions or between either antibody and Pao2 in experiment 2 (seropositive calves). As well, there was a significant (P < 0.001; ρ = −0.66) negative association between serum IgG titer and lung lesions (P < 0.001; ρ = −0.66) and a significant (P = 0.001; ρ = 0.61) positive association with Pao2 (ie, when IgG titer increased, the Pao2 values were also higher) in experiment 3 (seropositive calves challenged 3.5 months after vaccination); however, there was no significant association between IgA titer and lung lesions or Pao2.
Bovine RSV-specific antibody responses at the times of vaccination, challenge BRSV infection, and termination of a study in 84 calves.
Variable | Vaccination | Challenge | Termination | Seroconversion |
Group A | ||||
IgG | 11 (0–43) | 10 (0–19)* | 79 (0–154)* | 13/16 |
VN | 4 (< 1:4–1:8) | 3 (1:2–1:6)* | 30 (1:2–1:256)* | 12/16 |
IgA | ND | 1 (0–5) | 39 (4–98)* | 12/16 |
Group B | ||||
IgG | 11 (4–21) | 4 (0–8) | 3 (0–31) | 1/10 |
VN | 4 (< 1:4–1:8) | 2 (1:2) | 2 (1:2–1:8) | 0/10 |
IgA | ND | 7 (0–23) | 7 (0–35) | 3/10 |
Group C | ||||
IgG | 61 (59–83) | 23 (14–30) | 24 (12–36) | 0/15 |
VN | 34 (1:12–1:64) | 6 (1:2–1:16) | 11 (1:2–1:128)* | 4/15 |
IgA | 3.9 (0–10) | 1.4 (0–13) | 14.2 (0–96) | 10/15 |
Group D | ||||
IgG | 64 (45–88) | 22 (5–37) | 18 (0–39) | 0/15 |
VN | 34 (1:16–1:64) | 7 (1:4–1:12) | 4 (1:2–1:12) | 0/15 |
IgA | 5.4 (1–11) | 1.9 (0–32) | 5.6 (0–43) | 7/15 |
Group E | ||||
IgG | 55 (30–85) | 16 (1–40) | 36 (9–84)* | 6/14 |
VN | 75 (1:48–1:128) | 10 (1:2–1:24) | 75 (1:4–1:6,144)* | 7/14 |
IgA | 3 (0–16) | 3 (0–20) | 17 (0–58)* | 11/14 |
Group F | ||||
IgG | 52 (40–78) | 14 (5–28) | 16 (3–44) | 1/14 |
VN | 76 (1:32–1:128) | 10 (1:4–1:16) | 5 (1:4–1:16) | 1/14 |
IgA | 1 (0–1) | 1 (0–7) | 2 (0–14) | 5/14 |
Group A = BRSV-seronegative calves that were vaccinated IN with a commercially available combination modified-live virus vaccine containing an MID of the BRSV fraction and challenged with BRSV approximately 7 weeks after vaccination. Group B (control) = BRSV-seronegative calves that were given a control vaccine and challenged with BRSV approximately 7 weeks after vaccination. Group C = BRSV-seropositive calves that were vaccinated IN with a commercially available combination modified-live virus vaccine containing a full (commercial) dose of the BRSV fraction and challenged with BRSV approximately 9 weeks after vaccination. Group D (control) = BRSV-seropositive calves that were given a control vaccine and challenged with BRSV approximately 9 weeks after vaccination. Group E = BRSV-seropositive calves that were vaccinated IN with a commercially available combination modified-live virus vaccine containing a full (commercial) dose of the BRSV fraction and challenged with BRSV approximately 3.5 months after vaccination. Group F (control) = BRSV-seropositive calves that were given a control vaccine and challenged with BRSV approximately 3.5 months after vaccination. ND = Not determined. VN = Virus neutralizing antibodies.
Data for IgG are reported as BRSV-specific IgG ELISA units (LSM [range]) in serum. Data for VN are reported as geometric mean titer and range. Data for IgA are reported as BRSV-specific IgA ELISA units (LSM [range]) in nasal secretions.
Value is significantly (P < 0.05) different between vaccinated versus control groups (A vs B, C vs D, or E vs F).
Results of the present study indicated that IN administration of BRSV vaccine could effectively induce protective immunity against virus challenge in young seronegative calves under licensing conditions and also in passively immune seropositive calves; however, the immunity was of short duration. For vaccines to be useful in neonatal animals, they cannot be substantially inhibited by the passive transfer of maternal antibodies that are necessary for survival under conventional rearing conditions. Mucosal exposure to attenuated vaccinal antigens is more likely to override this inhibitory effect than is parenteral administration,3,17 as clearly determined by Kimman et al18 for BRSV. In those experiments, young seropositive calves that were administered cultured BRSV (essentially a modified-live vaccine) IN had anamnestic responses upon reexposure to the virus after maternal immunity had decreased at 3 months of age; those that received the same virus IM did not. The reasons for this are unresolved. One reason may be simply the absence of or low concentrations of maternal IgA on the mucosal surfaces in neonates.17 Bovine colostrum contains primarily IgG1,17 but there are few data concerning concentrations of virus-specific maternal IgG1 in the respiratory tract of young calves, although maternal IgG specific for BPIV-3 has been reported at mucosal surfaces in young calves.5
Experiment 1, typical of licensing conditions, revealed that IN vaccination, even with antigen doses lower than in commercial vaccines, provided priming for protection of seronegative calves against challenge at approximately 7 weeks of age. Several outcome variables in experiment 2, (and to a lesser extent in experiment 3) indicated that IN administration of the commercial vaccine containing a full-release dose of BRSV was able to prime clinically relevant immune responses in the presence of concentrations of maternal antibodies compatible with adequate passive transfer (seropositive calves received 100 g of IgG, a mass generally considered adequate for passive transfer needs).19 Compared with unvaccinated controls, seropositive calves administered this vaccine IN had significant sparing of lung lesions, less reduction in Pao2, a lower mortality rate, and variable associated anamnestic antibody responses after challenge 9 weeks after vaccination as neonates.
Maternal antibody is essential in reducing BRSV-associated disease in the neonatal period.20–22 How maternal IgG is able to neutralize virus yet allow priming of the immune system is not clear, but, primarily on the basis of work in humans, it has been suggested that this depends on the maternal antibody-to-vaccine antigen ratio at the time of immunization.23 Indeed, the differences in Pao2 and lung lesions after challenge between vaccinates and controls in experiment 2, albeit significant, were not as pronounced as in experiment 1, suggesting some inhibition of priming by maternal antibodies. The mechanism of disease sparing in vaccinated calves in experiment 2 was not clear, although disease sparing was generally associated with both IgG and IgA antibody responses in both vaccinates and controls. In experiment 1 and in previous experiments with parenteral BRSV immunization of seronegative calves,10,24 IgG and IgA responses were more consistent and of greater magnitude and calves were more solidly protected, suggesting that there was better priming for antibody responses. It is possible that local cell-mediated immune responses, such as IFN-γ secretion or cytotoxic lymphocyte activity, as has been clearly implicated in studies10,24 of parenteral immunization of seronegative calves, played a role; however, these were not examined in this study.
Similar to the results in experiment 3, in a previous study,9 we found that another commercial vaccine for IN administration was poorly efficacious in protecting neonatally vaccinated seropositive calves from challenge after maternal immunity had decayed (usually completely) approximately 4.5 months after vaccination. Similarly, the RSVs BRSV20,21 and human RSV25,26 can reinfect and cause variable disease after primary infection of their respective target species, cattle and humans. Moreover, prospective studies27–29 of experimental infection with human RSV in previously exposed and ill human volunteers have confirmed epidemiological findings from naturally acquired infections. Similar data from prospective studies of reinfection are lacking in cattle; however, data from humans and cattle indicate that immunity to RSV infection is incomplete and that the duration of clinical immunity is short. Data from the present study were also consistent with the concept that the duration of immunity to mucosally administered RSV vaccines can be short.30 Indicative of waning clinical immunity, there were no significant differences in the clinical responses or Pao2 or in the extent of pulmonary pathological changes found in vaccinated calves during experiment 3, compared with results for control calves. Most vaccinated calves had moderate to severe disease and less consistent anamnestic antibody responses (compared with seronegative vaccinates) when subsequently challenged and when maternal antibodies had decayed approximately 14 weeks after vaccination. These findings are perhaps expected, considering that successful IN vaccination with attenuated BRSV is essentially a mild mucosal infection. It is not surprising that the duration of effective clinical immunity following vaccination can be short,30 as it is in the case of natural infection and as reported for the use of another vaccine for IN administration in young calves.9 Generally, immunity at mucosal surfaces is of short duration30 and immunologic factors contributing to this are poorly understood. One factor is probably the immune exclusionary function of mucosal IgA that not only eliminates pathogens but also reduces antigen presentation, making it difficult to boost mucosal immune responses if IgA is present.30 As well, most likely there are differences in the phenotype and function of mucosal versus systemic memory cell populations generally31 and in the case of RSV infections.32 These differences are poorly documented in domestic animals.
Duration of disease-sparing immunity may also be a function of the level of challenge in the laboratory and in the field. The methodology of the present study, which used low-dose, aerosolized virus, was representative of what may occur in close confinement in some calf barns or during transit under conditions of high calf density. It results in consistent, severe disease and has been routinely used to evaluate BRSV vaccines in licensing and other efficacy studies.8–10,12,24 Disease is likely caused by rapid replication of BRSV in the lower portion of the respiratory tract as a result of deep inhalation of the virus, which could occur in high-density conditions, even if only a few calves were sneezing, coughing, or otherwise aerosolizing virus. This is probably different than under low-density conditions or with fomite or iatrogenic transmission. In those situations, a low dose of BRSV delivered to the upper portion of the respiratory tract would likely be more susceptible to removal by the mucociliary escalator, be low but still incite exclusionary concentrations of mucosal IgA, or incite expansion of memory cell populations. Therefore, the clinical consequences of infection or reinfection and duration of immunity may be different under the variety of challenge conditions in the field.
These data have practical implications concerning the necessity for, and timing of, revaccination (booster vaccination) of calves for BRSV and probably other acutely infecting respiratory tract viruses such as BPIV-3 and bovine coronavirus33 following neonatal IN administration of vaccines. Overall, the data indicated that this vaccine, when given to neonatal seropositive calves, was able to stimulate immune responses that engendered substantial disease sparing after infection with virulent BRSV 9 weeks after 1 administration, but that this protection had waned in most calves by approximately 3.5 months of age. Consistent with these observations was the waning of immunity (apparent short duration of immunity) in BRSV-seropositive calves administered another combination vaccine IN.9 The necessity for and timing of revaccination are likely dependent on the prevalence of natural exposure to the viruses after primary immunization, which would be expected to be high in many calf-rearing operations and cow herds or in daycare facilities that human infants and young children attend. In fact, available epidemiological data indicate that repeated exposures to RSVs with age increase the efficacy of disease-sparing immune responses at the population level in both cattle20,21 and humans.25,26 However, predicting and managing natural exposure are difficult, especially in calves with expected variation in the waning of passive immunity and entry into the window of susceptibility to infectious disease. Presently, as indicated in recent comparative literature,34,35 there is considerable interest in optimizing prime-boost strategies, especially for neonates; however, data regarding this issue are scant in domestic species and humans. Nevertheless, in disparate experimental studies of viral and bacterial infection, it was found that mucosal priming followed by parenteral booster administration induced protective antibody and T-cell–mediated immune responses in the presence of maternal antibodies.35 Whether a similar protocol or another prime-boost approach is optimal in the case of acutely infecting respiratory tract viruses in calves remains to be determined in controlled prospective laboratory infections and in field trials.
BHV | Bovine herpesvirus |
BPIV | Bovine parainfluenza virus |
BRSV | Bovine respiratory syncytial virus |
IN | Intranasal |
LSM | Least squares mean |
MID | Minimum immunizing dose |
RSV | Respiratory syncytial virus |
Calf's Choice Total, The Saskatoon Colostrum Co, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
The Saskatoon Colostrum Co, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
Draxxin, Pfizer Animal Health, Whitby, ON, Canada.
Calfguard, Pfizer Animal Health, Whitby, ON, Canada.
INFORCE 3, Pfizer Animal Health, Kalamazoo, Mich.
PROC MIXED, SAS, version 9.1.3, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC.
1 Stokka GL. Prevention of respiratory disease in cow/calf operations. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract 2010; 26: 229–241.
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Clinical scoring system used to evaluate responses to BRSV challenge in a study of seronegative calves vaccinated under licensing conditions, compared with responses of seropositive calves.
Variable | Description |
Signs of depression | |
0 (normal) | No signs of depression |
1 (mild) | Calf moves slowly, with head down |
2 (moderate) | Calf tends to lie down and staggers |
3 (severe) | Calf is recumbent or stands with difficulty |
Respiratory rate | |
0 | <44 breaths/min |
1 | 45–64 breaths/min |
2 | 65–80 breaths/min |
3 | > 81 breaths/min |
Dyspnea | |
0 (normal) | No dyspnea |
1 (mild) | Short and rapid breathing |
2 (moderate) | Labored and abdominal breathing |
3 (severe) | Very labored breathing and grunting |
Cough | |
0 | < 3 episodes |
1 | ≥ 3 episodes |
Cough scores were assigned to calves with spontaneous coughing during the clinical examination observation period (approx 1 h/d).