The Merck Veterinary Manual (10th edition)
Reviewed by Derek D. Nestor, DVM, DACVIM
The Merck Veterinary Manual is known as a reference for veterinary students and practitioners. The 10th edition of the Merck Veterinary Manual continues to fulfill the purpose of being a concise, but thorough, source of information on disease diagnosis and treatment in a wide variety of species.
The 10th edition of the Merck Veterinary Manual continues many of the features from previous editions. The book is divided into 2 sections. The first section of the book is arranged by anatomic systems and features information regarding diseases that affect those systems. The second half of the book covers special topics or disciplines, such as behavior, nutrition, and toxicology. Thumb tabs allow readers to rapidly locate a particular anatomic system or topic, and a table of contents at the beginning of each section can be easily navigated to find the subject of interest.
The 10th edition of this book has several changes. Each chapter has been reviewed and updated, and several chapters have been substantially rewritten. There are also 10 new chapters that include topics such as African hedgehogs and cloning of domestic animals. The most important change is the fact that images are included in the 10th edition. Photomicrographs, illustrations, and radiographic, ultrasonographic, and endoscopic images are all included and are an extremely pleasant improvement over previous editions.
This book continues to be a valuable resource for veterinary students and veterinarians. The changes made to the 10th edition make the book more useful and continue to keep it current. The book is priced appropriately, given the size and content.—By Cynthia M. Kahn. 2,945 pages; illustrated. Merck & Co Inc, White-house Station, NJ 08889. ISBN 0–911910–93–3. 2010. Price $60.00.
Communication Skills for Medical Professionals: A Concise Guide to Simple, Clear and Effective Communication
Reviewed by Jane R. Shaw, DVM, PhD
The author states his intention in the introduction of creating an Elements of Style for verbal communication, and this goal is accomplished with mastery. Communication Skills for Medical Professionals: A Concise Guide to Simple, Clear and Effective Communication is the study of medical rhetoric, which is the art and science of using language to communicate effectively with human patients or clients. In places, the text is highly technical, detailed, and explicit and provides recommendations for what to say and what not to say.
It is the journalist's voice that is provided most clearly in this concise text. The focus is on language use and careful word choices to foster relationships between clinicians and human patients or clients. The use of medical jargon excludes clients from establishing a relationship with their care-giver, understanding their (or their pet's) illness, and caring for themselves or their animals.
What I appreciated most was the clinician's voice. The most poignant message is that of the opening quote, “Nature has given man one tongue, but two ears, that we may hear twice as much as we speak.” The author makes a compelling case that our clients deserve equal conversation rights, and creating a partnership demonstrates respect for human dignity.
As a communication educator, I will share with my students the recommendation from this book to break your explanation into 3 steps: what it is, what it does, and how it does it. This simple approach provides a structure for an explanation so that information is delivered in small pieces and allows for a pause between key facts. This short book is full of lessons for mastering the spoken word and is a unique contribution to the medical communication literature.—By Mark Jerome Walters. 132 pages; illustrated. Walters & Worth Publishing, 1126 - 15th Ave N, St Petersburg, FL 33704. ISBN 978–0–615–33396–0. 2010. Price $14.95.
A Guided Tour of Veterinary Anatomy (Twenty-ten edition)
Reviewed by Alastair Watson, BVSc, MAgrSc, PhD
A bright-red spiral binding and a colorful cover are omens of what is to follow. The twenty-ten edition of A Guided Tour of Veterinary Anatomy is a dissection manual of domestic hoofed mammals (horses, oxen, goats, sheep, and pigs). It is a well-written and abundantly illustrated guided tour that should readily achieve one of its stated purposes: “to motivate students to enjoy the wonderful and exciting world of anatomy.” The twenty-ten edition is substantially improved over the Y2K edition, and it includes a more balanced coverage of horses (head and limbs in particular) and incorporation of many new, improved, or color images.
Veterinary students will appreciate that points of major importance (ie, application of anatomy to veterinary medicine, such as physiology, pathology, radiology, medicine, or surgery) are emphasized throughout the topographical tour. Selected differences among the aforementioned 5 species and dogs are mentioned, although camelids and deer are absent; pertinent literature is footnoted on selected pages. An early chapter on principles of radiography sets the scene for interpretation of normal skeletal anatomy in subsequent radiographs.
Dissectors will enjoy reading the instructions because they are laced with friendly tongue-in-check humorous comments and insightful anecdotes, which should brighten the day in the laboratory and assist retention of particularly fascinating facts (eg, the anatomy of a slab of pork belly bacon). Furthermore, this guide is aided by many clinical correlations sprinkled along the way. Overall, instructors and veterinary students will be amply rewarded by studying these attractive pages, which are sequenced as a readily accessible dissection manual that is colorful in tone and illustration.—By James E. Smallwood. 453 pages; illustrated. Millennium Print Group, 2015 Production Dr, Apex, NC 27539. ISBN 0–9702165–1–3. 2010. Price $90.00.
Atlas of Normal Radiographic Anatomy & Anatomic Variants in the Dog and Cat
Reviewed by Elizabeth Watson, DVM, MS, DACVR
Atlas of Normal Radiographic Anatomy and Anatomic Variants in the Dog and Cat features high-quality digital images accompanied by complete legends and text that describe a wide range of radiographically normal and variant anatomic structures. The oversized atlas is divided into 7 chapters: Introduction, The Skull, The Spine, The Thoracic Limb, The Pelvic Limb, The Thorax, and The Abdomen. In the introduction, the principles of obtaining images of complex joints are supported by the use of numerous diagrams, radiographs, and 3-D grayscale and color renderings. The introduction provides tables for the approximate age of appearance of ossification centers and physeal closure. Many of the remaining chapters contain > 100 high-quality radiographic images.
Each chapter begins with a brief description of the effects of patient positioning, including exposure factors and respiratory phase (when appropriate). The important anatomic features and normal variations attributable to age, body condition, and breed are identified with labeled radiographic images, which are paired with the unlabeled radiographic images. Computed tomographic images and 3-D renderings frequently are used to demonstrate various anatomic features and concepts. The text, including figure legends, provides readers with a complete description of the normal anatomy and normal variations in anatomy, and it explains normal anatomic features that may be mistaken for pathological conditions. With high-quality radiographic images and complete but not extensive text in each chapter, this book is fairly priced and makes an excellent quick reference for clinicians. Students of radiology will find the book to be a good companion to radiology textbooks that contain descriptions of disease processes.—By Donald E. Thrall & Ian D. Robertson. 214 pages; illustrated. Elsevier Saunders, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 978–1–4377–0178–4. 2010. Price $169.00.
Diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasonography of the Dog and Cat (5th edition)
Reviewed by Karen L. Morrow, DVM, MS, DACVR
The fifth edition of Diagnostic Radiology and Ultrasonography of the Dog and Cat provides an excellent textbook for veterinary students and an extremely helpful review and reference for veterinary practitioners. Every sentence is packed with information, and the authors simply state important points without being verbose. The radiographic and ultrasonographic images are of high quality and illustrate disease processes exceptionally well.
The book is divided into 6 chapters: The Radiograph, The Abdomen, The Thorax, Bones and Joints, The Skull and Vertebral Column, and Soft Tissues. The short first chapter (The Radiograph) contains concise reviews of radiographic and ultrasonographic techniques as well as brief comments on digital imaging, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear scintigraphy. Each of the body system chapters are subdivided into organ headings. For each organ heading, anatomy, radiography, normal appearance, ultrasonography, and abnormalities are discussed and illustrated by the radiographic and ultrasonographic images.
The text and images are consistent throughout. The usefulness of ultrasonography is well integrated with the radiographic and clinical picture. This book thoroughly meets the authors' goal to provide a simple and practical exposition of the basic principles of image interpretation and to provide it in such a way that it can be easily understood and assimilated.—By J. Kevin Kealy, Hester McAllister, & John P. Graham. 588 pages; illustrated. Elsevier Saunders, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 9781–4377–0150–0. 2010. Price $149.00.
Handbook of Small Animal MRI
Reviewed by Wilfried Mai, DVM, PhD, DACVR
The intent of Handbook of Small Animal MRI is to provide an introduction to small animal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The first 5 chapters cover the basic principles of MRI, system hardware, imaging parameters, image artifacts, and MRI safety. The last chapter covers more practical aspects of MRI, in particular, indications and illustration of selected conditions in small animals. An anatomy atlas is provided at the end of the book.
The authors achieve their goals in that they provide readers with a basic understanding of MRI together with a pictorial review of the main indications for use of MRI in dogs and cats. The review of physics and MRI principles is detailed but simple enough that nonexperts can gain a good understanding. The clinical part is much more succinct in terms of explanations: readers should not expect a thorough review of the appearance of all conditions that can be diagnosed with MRI. Rather, the authors illustrate the main applications of MRI with selected, clear examples. Although the lesions are usually straightforward, the use of arrows would have helped delineate the lesions to nonspecialists.
The anatomic atlas at the end of the book is accurate and has numerous legends to help readers, but the number of images included is extremely limited so that this could not be used as a comprehensive reference for interpreting MRI images. This book should be of interest to veterinary students, interns, and practitioners who use or are considering the use of an MRI facility.—By Ian Elliott & Geoff Skerritt. 156 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978–1–4051–2650–2. 2010. Price $49.99.
Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament
Reviewed by Nicole J. Buote, DVM, DACVS
In this first installment of the Advances in Veterinary Surgery book series, one of the most important anatomic structures, the canine cruciate ligament, is explored. Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament is the only book of its kind to focus solely on the canine cranial cruciate ligament, and it delves into everything from the micro-anatomy of the ligament to the myriad treatment modalities available to practitioners. Although the aim may have been for a broad audience, this book would primarily appeal to board-certified specialists, residents, or private practitioners with a strong interest in orthopedics.
The book is organized into 6 sections that include Structure and Function, Etiopathogenesis of Cruciate Ligament Rupture, Clinical Features, Surgical Treatment, Medical Management of Cruciate Rupture, and Future Directions. There is a succinct introduction to each section and each chapter that encapsulates the most important points for readers and allows them to easily find the section or chapter they need in a timely manner. The subchapters for the first 2 sections have extremely detailed basic science and biomechanical information with excellent visual aids, including photomicrographs, cadaveric photographs, and figures. In these first 2 sections, the current data regarding the role of the immune response in rupture of the cruciate ligament in dogs, stifle joint morphology, genetics, and biomechanics are discussed; however, the information may be too complex for some readers.
The sections regarding the clinical features of rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament in dogs and surgical and medical management are excellent. There is the customary information summarizing epidemiology, clinical signs, and treatment modalities, but there are also 4 chapters on diagnostic imaging of the stifle joint that highlight exciting and underused modalities for diagnosis with wonderful images. Because this book was written as a project of the American College of Veterinarian Surgeons Foundation, part of the proceeds benefit that Foundation. I believe this book would make a wonderful addition to the library at any university, specialty hospital, or general practice with a high orthopedic case load.—By Peter Muir. 289 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978–0–8138–1852–8. 2010. Price $124.99.
The Feline Patient (4th edition)
Reviewed by Sandy Sanford, DVM, DABVP
The undertaking of revising an already great book to provide an even better edition is quite an arduous task. The editors and authors have done a great job in improving the fourth edition of The Feline Patient. Combining several sections into the new section 1, Diseases and Conditions, will be extremely helpful. This section contains 30% more pages than were in the previous sections combined. The editors and authors have vastly improved the ease of use of this text for busy practitioners.
The images used throughout the text are of excellent quality and are useful for practitioners because they are clinically relevant to medical conditions seen on a day-to-day basis. The changes in all of the sections to provide the most up-to-date information are helpful and will enable busy practitioners to avoid having to look up information in other texts. The cited references will allow practitioners to find and read more in-depth information at their leisure. As the electronic age continues to progress and improve access to veterinary medical information, the possibility that the next edition would be an e-edition is extremely exciting. I use a smart tablet daily in practice, and to have this reference accessible as an e-edition would be terrific.
I believe that every practice that has feline patients should consider this new edition as a must-have reference. The editors and authors have performed excellently with the fourth edition of this textbook.—By Gary D. Norsworthy, Sharon Fooshee Grace, Mitchell A. Crystal, & Larry P. Tilley. 1,052 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978–0–8138–1848–1. 2010. Price $139.99.
Small Animal Neurology: An Illustrated Text
Reviewed by Kara Sessums, DVM, DACVIM
Small Animal Neurology: An Illustrated Text is intended to be a general neurology reference for veterinary students, general practitioners, residents, and board-certified veterinary neurologists. The book was first published as a German edition with authors from Switzerland; this year, the book was rereleased and edited for the English-speaking audience. As with any textbook, there were some things that I thought were done well and other topics that had their faults. The first half of the book focuses on general neurology topics (eg, examination, neuroradiology, pharmacology, and surgery), and the second half of the book discusses specific diseases on the basis of lesion location (eg, cerebellum, peripheral nerve or muscle, and spinal cord).
The chapter on neurologic examination and lesion location is outstanding and includes ample photographs and diagrams to illustrate the author's points. Anesthesia is covered in detail and will be extremely useful to general practitioners who need to perform routine anesthesia on a stable neurologic patient. The neuroradiology section is extensive and an exceptional reference for practicing neurologists and residents alike. Also included is an appendix of comparative sectional anatomy of the canine and feline brains (including magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and pathology sections). The rehabilitation, pharmacology, and neurosurgery chapters are also worth mentioning as they are outstanding and extremely thorough. The most useful chapter for any clinical veterinarian is the one on stabilization of the neurologic emergency patient because seizures, head trauma, and toxin ingestion are common.
Overall, this is a good book with some faults. For example, I thought that the author's discussion of anti-convulsant treatment does not cover any newer medications (eg, levetiracetam or zonisamide) that are commonly used for treating epilepsy in dogs and cats. The discussion of spinal cord trauma and treatment focuses on corticosteroids alone and unfortunately does not mention the controversy surrounding this topic or include alternative treatments. A CD-ROM accompanies the textbook and provides step-by-step instructions on the neurologic examination. However, the abnormal neurologic cases provided fails to include any voiceover explanation.
The textbook is expensive, especially in comparison with other currently available veterinary neurology textbooks. I found it an excellent reference and a must-have for those highly interested in neurology (ie, interns, residents, and specialists). However, it may not be the best clinical neurology reference for general practitioners.—By André Jaggy. 580 pages and CD-ROM; illustrated. Thieme Publishing, 333 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10001. ISBN 978–3–89993–026–9. 2010. Price $280.00.
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology
Reviewed by Steven R. Hansen, DVM, MS, MBA, DABVT
Clinical practitioners often manage suspected cases of animal poisonings in traditional practice and emergency settings. Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Toxicology continues the Five-Minute book series tradition of providing key diagnostic and treatment information in a concise and relevant manner. Animals suspected of being poisoned often have an uncertain exposure history that complicates the diagnostic process. This textbook provides adequate background information on mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, toxic effects, systems affected, and clinical signs to help ensure development of a successful diagnostic and therapeutic plan. The Index by Clinical Signs is an especially useful section. This index helps prompt clinicians to consider toxicants on the basis of the clinical signs. This information, combined with nonpoison differential diagnostic lists located in each chapter, help in the rule-out process. The text nicely covers drugs and antidotes of therapeutic choice along with dose and indication information. Future editions could be enhanced by including information on poisoning incidence to help clinicians identify the most likely causes of exposure. Overall, this is a well-organized textbook with live-saving information in an easy to use format, which makes it a useful addition to any clinical library.—By Gary D. Osweiler, Lynn R. Hovda, Ahna G. Brutlag, & Justine A. Lee. 865 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978–0–8138–1985–3. 2011. Price $99.99.
Veterinary Entomology: Livestock and Companion Animals
Reviewed by David C. Gerdon, DVM
The author states that his goals were to write a textbook for students and a reference book for anyone interested in entomology. Both goals have been fulfilled admirably, and I am amazed at how much information is contained in the Biology-Behavior section for each parasite in Veterinary Entomology: Livestock and Companion Animals. The information in the Biology-Behavior section is both pertinent and concise. It contains everything you need to know about the life cycle and biology of any ectoparasite of interest to veterinarians for a wide variety of species that include cattle, swine, poultry, companion animals, horses, sheep, and goats.
This book is perfect for any busy practitioner, industry veterinarian, consultant, or producer who needs a quick ectoparasite reference for needed facts. For readers who want to know more, the book has an excellent section on the Principles of Pest Management and a section on the Management of Pest, by species. The book is not intended to be a guide to current treatments. The author points out that the products available and the current thinking on their use are constantly changing. Instead, the book offers readers several sources for keeping up with current products and their usage. Anyone who has an interest in entomology should have this book in their library as a quick and comprehensive reference.—By Ralph E. Williams. 343 pages; illustrated. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Pkwy NW, Ste 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487. ISBN 978–1–4200–6849–8. 2010. Price $99.95.
The Laboratory Xenopus sp.
Reviewed by Robert A. Wagner, VMD
The Laboratory Animal Reference Series published by the CRC Press has yielded another excellent pocket reference for a less commonly used non-mammalian animal of biomedical research. Xenopus spp have increased in popularity as laboratory animals and continue to serve an important role in biomedical research. The Laboratory Xenopus sp. is a practical reference for the humane care and maintenance of captive clawed frogs. It is well referenced and provides important biological information on husbandry, veterinary care, and experimental methods. This reference is thorough but brief and provides a good overview of the subjects. The sections of the book that focus on husbandry and experimental methods are particularly valuable. The section on veterinary care is well written and reflects the author's mastery of the subject. It is illustrated appropriately and fairly priced.—By Sherril L. Green. 162 pages; illustrated. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Pkwy NW, Ste 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487. ISBN 978–1–4200–9109–0. 2010. Price $59.95.
Zoonotic Infections in North American Rodents
Reviewed by Katherine Wasson, DVM, PhD, DACLAM
As the author states in the preface, Zoonotic Infections in North American Rodents is a quick reference adapted from a more global publication (Infectious Diseases of Wild Rodents published in 2006). Zoonotic Infections in North American Rodents is a slim reference divided into 2 sections. The first section describes bacterial and viral diseases shared by rodents and humans. Specific diseases are treated inconsistently. For example, plague (Yersinia pestis), tularemia (Francisella tularensis), and Sin Nombre virus (Family Bunyaviridae) include interesting historical information regarding disease emergence, detection, and identification in rodent sources. However, other medically or economically important zoonotic diseases receive scant mention (brucellosis or the equine encephalitides) or no mention at all (salmonellosis). The second section provides a brief description and line drawings of each North American rodent, its geographic range, and the disease agents it carries. The appendices contain tables of select bacterial or viral agents and the rodents associated with each particular agent. Finally, the table of contents for Infectious Diseases of Wild Rodents is included as a reference source. The lack of detail regarding disease pathogenesis, diagnosis, and epidemiology for each agent, in addition to the lack of citations, is likely to disappoint medical professionals looking for a definitive reference text for the zoonotic diseases of North American rodents. However, this quick reference is reasonably priced and easy to read, and it is likely to be of interest to outdoor enthusiasts or laypersons who work in the wildlife rehabilitation field.—By Dennis J. Padovan. 141 pages; illustrated. Corvus Publishing, 6021 S Shore Rd, Anacortes, WA 98221. ISBN 978–0–9760885–0–9. 2010. Price $12.50.
Behavior of Exotic Pets
Reviewed by Andrew U. Luescher, DMV, PhD, DACVB
Behavior of Exotic Pets is a welcome publication that should be on the bookshelf of every veterinarian who practices on exotic pets. It covers a large array of species, including birds (separate chapters for psittacines and passerines), reptiles (snakes, turtles, tortoises, terrapins, and lizards), ferrets, rabbits, small rodents (guinea pigs, mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, chinchillas, and prairie dogs), South American camelids, hedgehogs, and sugar gliders. Each chapter covers normal behavior and biology of the species, including normal social behavior and communication, reproductive and parental behavior, considerations for keeping the animals as pets, practical aspects of human-pet interaction, behavior problems, and methods for treatment of behavior problems. The book concludes with general chapters on learning, behavioral pharmacology, and welfare of exotic pets. This is a stimulating, interesting, and sometimes surprising but extremely useful and practical publication.—By Valerie V. Tynes. 234 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978–0–8138–0078–3. 2010. Price $74.99.
Exotic Animal Medicine for the Veterinary Technician (2nd edition)
Reviewed by Laura Hess, DVM, DABVP, and Melissa Ortiz, LVT
The second edition of Exotic Animal Medicine for the Veterinary Technician clearly represents the basic knowledge and skills a technician needs to handle and treat companion exotic species. In comparison with the original book, this second edition expands on the initial text with almost 100 additional pages. Most notable are the extended chapters on avian medicine. This information is divided into 4 chapters, although the 2 chapters on aviary design and sex differentiation and reproduction might have been briefer to allow more discussion on avian techniques, diagnostics, and anesthesia. Other notable additions are the chapters on skunks, sugar gliders, and prairie dogs, all of which have become almost as popular as traditional companion exotic pets. There are great descriptions of techniques used for treatment and to obtain diagnostic test results as well as important information on behavior of these unique species. In general, although the text is quite descriptive throughout the book, the diagrams and photographs are not as helpful as they could have been. For example, the venipuncture diagrams could be more detailed, and color photographs may have provided better representations for performing these techniques. Because performance of these techniques can be quite difficult, visualization of how to perform them is key. Overall, the information is put together well, and this is an excellent reference for both newly trained as well as seasoned veterinary technicians in clinical practice.—By Bonnie Ballard & Ryan Cheek. 484 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978–0–8138–2206–8. 2010. Price $69.99.
Clinical Cases in Avian & Exotic Animal Hematology & Cytology
Reviewed by Kenneth S. Latimer, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Clinical Cases in Avian & Exotic Animal Hematology & Cytology consists of a compilation of 94 cases with an emphasis on hematologic (29 cases) and cytologic (65 cases) findings in exotic mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. The distribution by animal group includes 27 cases for exotic mammals, 30 cases for birds, 20 cases for reptiles, and 17 cases for fish. Admittedly, the fields of hematology and cytology are expansive; however, this text provides a diversity of important case material that will be encountered in these animal species. Each case contains the signalment, medical history, physical examination findings, interpretive discussion, and case summary. The interpretive discussions are excellent and include appropriate ancillary laboratory data, gross images, and photomicrographs as needed to enhance the learning experience. The reference list at the end of the text includes a number of textbooks and articles that supplement the information contained in this textbook. The index is also especially useful for locating specific hematologic and cytologic findings, laboratory abnormalities, and disease conditions. In summary, the educational information this textbook provides will help improve macroscopic and microscopic observation skills, enhance interpretation of clinical findings, improve diagnostic skills, and, ultimately, improve clinical case management.
Because these cases have been accumulated throughout the authors' careers, the reference intervals vary. Some have multiple sets of reference intervals from the clinical pathology laboratory where the analysis was performed as well as other published sets of reference intervals. As a clinical pathologist, I would have preferred to see only the original set of reference intervals for the laboratory where the sample analysis was performed. In addition, many of the older photomicrographs have a distinct yellow cast that could possibly be corrected in future editions of this textbook. Furthermore, the diversity of case offerings could continue to be expanded in future editions of this textbook, especially with regard to mammalian, reptilian, and piscine hematology. Despite these minor shortcomings, this textbook is an extraordinary offering that contains a wealth of information regarding avian and exotic animal hematology, cytology, and laboratory testing in a user-friendly, case-based format. This textbook will be especially useful for veterinary students, interns and residents, general practitioners, and anatomic and clinical pathologists with an interest in birds and exotic animals. In addition, this textbook will also appeal to seasoned avian and exotic animal specialists. The book is extremely reasonably priced, considering the number of pages and extensive use of color illustrations. This textbook should definitely be in the library of anyone with an interest in avian and exotic animal cytology, hematology, laboratory testing, clinical medicine, or pathology.—By Terry W. Campbell & Krystan R. Grant. 378 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978–0–8138–1661–6. 2010. Price $124.99.
Equine Ophthalmology (2nd edition)
Reviewed by Vanessa Kuonen Cavens, DVM, MS, DACVO
The second edition of Equine Ophthalmology should appeal to veterinary ophthalmologists, equine practitioners, veterinary students, and researchers in the basic science of ophthalmology. The organization of this book is excellent. The first chapter, Equine Ocular Examination, provides a thorough stepwise approach to an ophthalmic examination, with more images, charts, and diagrams than were included in the first edition. The second chapter, Practical General Field Ophthalmology, outlines an approach to the diagnosis and management of ocular disease for practitioners in ambulatory equine practice and is a wonderful addition to the textbook. The approach to each chapter is systematic and includes an outline, then proceeding with a succinct review of anatomy, physiology, or basic science. The chapters end with suggestions for future research. This book is unique because it is an excellent clinical handbook for equine practitioners as well as a current reference for veterinary ophthalmologists.—By Brian C. Gilger. 514 pages; illustrated. Elsevier Saunders, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 978–1–4377–0846–2. 2010. Price $169.00.