Career Choices for Veterinarians: Private Practice and Beyond (2nd edition)
Reviewed by Peggy L. Schmidt, DVM, MS, DACVPM
The second edition of Career Choices for Veterinarians, Private Practice and Beyond is an information-packed resource about all types of careers in the veterinary profession. Chapters are designed to separate careers on the basis of employer type, but ample cross-referencing within the book gives an indication of how interrelated various aspects of veterinary medicine truly are. The Daily Work and Pros and Cons sections make it easy to find concise descriptions of lesser known areas of the veterinary profession. Add in the occasional excerpt from a veterinarian employed in these areas, and you have a great resource for people unfamiliar with how diverse and extensive the veterinary profession has become. The author provides abundant links to online resources throughout each chapter and in reference sections at the end of each chapter. These resources provide further information about specific career options or details about organizations involved in all aspects of the veterinary profession. Chapters include descriptions of full-time, part-time, volunteer, and hobby-type activities for veterinarians and qualifications needed for each type of professional activity. This book would be a good resource for high school students who are exploring potential career options in the veterinary profession, but it may be most valuable to college and professional students seeking additional resources for potential scholarships and areas of specialization or to veterinarians who are interested in a potential career change. I am not aware of a more concise, easy to access resource for information about diverse career options in the veterinary profession.—By Carin A. Smith. 279 pages. Smith Veterinary Consulting, PO Box 698, Peshastin, WA 98847. ISBN 978-1-885780-17-1. 2011. Price $57.95.
Toxoplasmosis of Animals and Humans (2nd edition)
Reviewed by Michael R. Lappin, DVM, PhD, DACVIM
The second edition of Toxoplasmosis of Animals and Humans represents new information from the hallmark textbook of the same name that was published in 1988. Since then, there have been > 9,000 peer-reviewed publications on Toxoplasma gondii infection of humans and other animals. Dr. Dubey, the author of the textbook, has been involved with much of this body of investigation. Few authors have more personal experience with the subject of their book. The author collaborated with most of the world's experts who have conducted research on T gondii, including primary care physicians who study and treat clinical toxoplasmosis in humans, veterinarians, pathologists, protozoologists, and molecular biologists. The material from these diverse disciplines is well organized, with subject matter grouped appropriately. The author does an outstanding job of organizing the immense body of information into tables that are easy to understand and usable, and the text is clear and well written. The images used in the text are excellent, and many are in color. The extensive reference list makes it easy for readers to find most of the important manuscripts on T gondii published prior to 2010; thus, this textbook will be an invaluable resource for graduate students. This textbook will also be an excellent addition to the libraries of all veterinary schools and medical schools as well as the library of anyone interested in the Apicomplexa.—By J. P. Dubey. 313 pages; illustrated. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Pkwy NW, Ste 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487. ISBN 978-1-4200-9236-3. 2010. Price $139.95.
Saunders Handbook of Veterinary Drugs: Small and Large Animal (3rd edition)
Reviewed by Sarah Wagner, DVM, PhD, DACVCP
The third edition of Saunders Handbook of Veterinary Drugs: Small and Large Animal provides information about drugs, including generic and proprietary names, pharmacology and mechanism of action, indications and instructions for use, precautionary information, patient monitoring suggestions, stability, storage, formulations, and regulatory issues. In some cases, comparisons with other drugs in the same class or that have the same indication for use are also provided; this is especially helpful. The layout is uncluttered and facilitates locating desired information. In addition, purchase of the third edition provides access to an online collection of drug information sheets that may be printed out for clients. The book also contains tables of drugs organized by functional and therapeutic classification, compatibility charts of drugs and fluid solutions, antimicrobial drug choices for various infections in small animals, and regulatory information.
Comparisons of this book with the popular Plumb's Veterinary Drug Handbook are inevitable. The 2 books are comparably priced; however, the third edition of Saunders Handbook of Veterinary Drugs has more concise information about dosing. Instead of printing a list of doses and references, the author has analyzed various sources of information and developed a dose or dosing range on the basis of that information. The author's qualifications make him appropriately suited to perform this analysis, and the analysis is a good feature of the book. Future additions of this book could be enhanced by more comprehensive information about drug interactions and discussion of the clinical implications of drug effects on cytochrome P450 and the P-glycoprotein membrane transporter.
Any reference book on drugs faces the challenge of including sufficient information about all commonly used drugs (and many uncommonly used ones) while avoiding becoming inconveniently large. The third edition of Saunders Handbook of Veterinary Drugs has achieved a good balance and should provide a reference with important information about a range of drugs for use by veterinary practitioners and veterinary students.—By Mark G. Papich. 858 pages; illustrated. Elsevier Saunders, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 978-1-4377-0152-4. 2011. Price $72.95.
Veterinary Immunology: Principles and Practice
Reviewed by Veronica Maldonado, DVM, PhD, DACLAM
Veterinary Immunology: Principles and Practice is an all-inclusive source of information on both basic and clinical concepts of veterinary immunology. It is tailored for veterinary students as well as seasoned veterinary practitioners or veterinarians in related fields. At first glance, one of the most striking features of this book is the richly illustrated and abundant diagrams and color photographs of clinical cases, pathological findings, and diagnostic tests.
Each chapter opens with an Objectives table and is summarized at the end with a Key Points table to facilitate learning and retention of the generally complex material provided. The book reviews a wide range of topics, from the basic building blocks of immunology (ie, innate vs adaptive immune system, antigens and antibodies, and cells and tissues of the immune system) to functional mechanisms of the immune system, culminating in 15 concisely summarized and illustrated small animal clinical immunology case studies. The focus is not on immunology in mice, which are favored animals in the immunology field. Instead, clinical immunology sections are primarily devoted to dogs and cats. Therefore, when differences among species exist, they are mentioned. The audience should also be pleased by the authors' approach for each chapter in that basic concepts of immunology are reviewed, when appropriate, from the perspective of mechanism of disease, prevention, or treatment. With an appropriate price for its content, it is an affordable and highly recommended edition for the aforementioned audiences.—By Michael J. Day & Ronald D. Schultz. 256 pages; illustrated. Manson Publishing/Thieme Publishing, 333 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10001. ISBN 978-1-84076-143-6. 2011. Price $49.99.
Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine. Updated and Revised Text and References
Reviewed by Amy Knollinger, DVM, DACVO
Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine. Updated and Revised Text and References provides appropriate advice for the level of ophthalmic training and equipment limitations of general practitioners. This book meets these worthy objectives by providing a logical and stepwise presentation of material that would correlate with the progress through a clinical ophthalmic examination. The book is illustrated with high-quality color photographs, black and white drawings, color drawings, tables, flow charts, and lists of differential diagnoses to assist readers in reaching a diagnosis. Both medical and surgical treatments are discussed as they pertain to common ocular diseases encountered by general practitioners as well as criteria for referral to a veterinary ophthalmologist.
This book is primarily focused on small animal practitioners; however, it does include useful information on ophthalmic conditions in exotic and large animals. The expanded table of contents provides a quick reference to any section desired by readers. The initial chapters discuss general topics such as ocular examination, ophthalmic pharmacology, and basic ocular pathology. Additional introductory chapters discuss problem-based management of ocular diseases and basic principles of ophthalmic surgery. The remaining chapters are devoted to anatomic regions of the eyes and adnexa. Each chapter begins with a brief but useful description of the embryology, anatomy, and physiology as it pertains to clinical ophthalmic disease. Diagnosis as well as medical and surgical treatment of common ophthalmic disease are discussed. The concluding chapter lists ocular diseases presumed to be inherited by a particular animal breed. Breed predisposition includes dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. Appendix 1 provides rule-outs (differential diagnoses) of systemic diseases on the basis of ocular lesions. Appendix 2 is an excellent glossary of ophthalmic terms. The chapters are well referenced and current on material.—By Charles L. Martin. 512 pages; illustrated. Manson Publishing/Thieme Publishing, 333 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10001. ISBN 978-1-84076-118-4. 2010. Price $84.99.
Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats (2nd edition)
Reviewed by Craig D. Maloney, DVM, DABVP
The second edition of Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats will be a welcome addition to any clinician's library. I have found it necessary to use several important books (a formulary, a toxicology book, a surgical text, and a good medicine or procedures manual) that can collectively provide the information necessary to deal with most situations. The second edition of this excellent book effectively takes the place of most of the others. The book is divided into 6 sections: Diseases and Disorders, Procedures and Techniques, Differential Diagnosis, Laboratory Tests, Clinical Algorithms, and a Drug Formulary. In addition, the book contains a link to 150 client-education handouts. Each section is covered concisely, but with enough detail to be clinically useful. The section on Diseases and Disorders comprises more than half of the book. This section is laid out with each condition occupying 1 to 2 pages. Each condition contains information on clinical signalment, pathophysiology, diagnostic tests, differential diagnoses, treatment, prognosis, and client education and a particularly useful section called Pearls and Considerations. This portion of the book covers approximately 700 conditions in 1,200 pages. Topics are organized by organ system or discipline and are also cross-referenced alphabetically.
The section on Procedures and Techniques covers a variety of subjects, ranging from the common (barium contrast gastrointestinal series) to the uncommon (nasal infusion of clotrimazole) to the specialized (brain biopsy). Although some subjects are covered with the apparent intent of exposure rather than an extensive review of available knowledge, the material chosen is clinically useful and provides a surprising wealth of information. Photographs and diagrams are included to provide clarity for most topics. Each procedure is covered in 1 to 3 pages, with discussion of indications, equipment, important checkpoints, a step-by-step guide to the procedure, complications, and alternative procedures (with a discussion of their merits). Clinicians may find this section of the book particularly useful when they perform critical procedures at which they are not readily proficient (eg, transfusion medicine or luxation reduction).
The sections on Differential Diagnoses and Clinical Algorithms work in tandem to provide an orderly method for approaching clinical cases. The differential diagnoses provide the expected (eg, rule-outs for ketonuria or causes of keratoconjunctivitis sicca) as well as the unexpected (eg, maps of cutaneous innervation or lists of congenital neurologic problems in cats). The algorithms are well thought-out and easy to follow.
The Laboratory Test section is concise and complete, and it covers a wide variety of tests, including many of the newer testing modalities (eg, cardiac troponins). Each test has a definition, clinical application, specimen or processing considerations, and a Pearls and Considerations section similar to those found in the Diseases and Disorders section of the book. The Formulary section is similarly complete, but it offers only limited information (indications, dosages, comments, and how supplied) for each drug.
Overall, this excellent second edition of the book will be a welcome and necessary addition to the library of any small animal clinician. It covers most clinically relevant information in a manner that is concise enough to be useful, yet complete enough to allow small animal veterinarians to make informed decisions about most of their patients.—By Etienne Côté. 1,738 pages; illustrated. Elsevier/Mosby, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 978-0-323-06864-2. 2011. Price $99.95.
Small Animal Bandaging, Casting, and Splinting Techniques
Reviewed by Jennifer L. Wardlaw, DVM, MS, DACVS
Small Animal Bandaging, Casting, and Splinting Techniques is a small paperback text loaded with clinically useful tips and suggestions. Whether a reader is a veterinary technician, veterinary student, general practitioner, veterinary surgical resident, or small animal surgeon, there is something to be learned from this book. The information is extremely easy to follow and is well indexed throughout the 5 chapters. The plethora of color step-by-step photographs makes this a great reference to add to the library of any small animal practice. Each figure is explained with clear bullet points for quick reference. Each type of bandage, cast, splint, and sling is discussed in depth with regard to indications for use, technique, aftercare, advantages, and potential complications.
The inexpensive price of this book is remarkable given the innumerable color photographs. The book provides concise advice on patient care and practical tips for maintaining bandages on any part of the body from head to tail. It discusses everything from types of contact layers to animal restraints that can help prevent an animal from disturbing bandages. This book is endorsed by the Veterinary Wound Management Society, whose mission is to advance the art and science of animal wound management, thus promoting excellence in the field. This visual clinical guide emphasizes the art and science of bandaging, while promoting patient comfort with good clinical judgment. Even readers who have no interest in surgery will find this book extremely useful for their future patients.—By Stephen F. Swaim, Walter C. Renberg, & Kathy M. Shike. 127 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978-0-8138-1962-4. 2011. Price $49.99.
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology (Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Series) (2nd edition)
Reviewed by Melissa Carr Eisenschenk, DVM, DACVD
The second edition of Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology is an easy-to-use quick reference book on skin diseases. The information has been reorganized and updated from the previous edition. The first section (Basics) covers how to correctly biopsy the skin, collect a specimen for cytologic examination, and perform other diagnostic tests. This section also includes useful differential diagnoses organized by lesions to quickly identify which diseases to consider. The midsection of the book contains information on common and many rare dermatologic diseases. Each chapter includes a summary of the disease, diagnosis, and treatments, with drug doses. There is also a brief section at the end of the book on common skin diseases of exotic pets. The appendix contains a list of breed-specific dermatoses, a drug formulary, and client handouts.
The book is complete, but some topics (such as papillomatosis) are perhaps more detailed than would be desired. The gorgeous color photographs in this book are plentiful and helpful. There are multiple photographs to illustrate different manifestations of the same disease. A CD-ROM with 22 client handouts in Word format is included. Unfortunately, these documents have inconsistent formats, and in some cases, an author's name or phone number is included. Despite a few shortcomings, this book is a useful reference for veterinary students and clinicians to quickly find information on skin diseases and differential diagnoses between appointments. Although the cost seems a bit high for a soft-cover book, the copious amount of photographs make up for the price.—By Karen Helton Rhodes & Alexander H. Werner. 749 pages with CD-ROM; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978-0-8138-1596-1. 2011. Price $99.99.
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Theriogenology (Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Series)
Reviewed by John J. Dascanio, VMD, DACT, DABVP
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Theriogenology is a new textbook on equine theriogenology that follows the format for Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult series. There are 158 chapters subdivided into sections on mares, stallions, and neonates. The stated purpose of the book is to provide a quick reference for clinicians while also potentially serving veterinary students. The book achieves this through a bulleted-list approach to the text. There are many color photographs throughout the text, augmenting an extremely practical alphabetized list of theriogenology topics. The book provides an extensive overview of equine reproductive topics and adds many equine neonatal topics not typically found in equine theriogenology texts. Although the book is an excellent resource, a few of the ultrasonographic pictures did not reproduce well and some topics seem out of order (eg, determination of fetal sex, which appears in 2 separate locations [mare and fetalneonate]). Occasionally, the use of more obscure abbreviations, all of which are expanded at the end of each chapter, is a little distracting and excessive. Overall, the text provides a lot of valuable information, including drug dosages and treatment recommendations. The limited references provided at the end of each section are right on target for a practical book. This should be an excellent day-to-day reference for equine practitioners.—By Carla L. Carleton. 1,208 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978-0-7817-7670-7. 2011. Price $124.99.
Adams & Stashak's Lameness in Horses (6th edition)
Reviewed by Lance H. Bassage II, VMD, DACVS
The sixth edition of Adams & Stashak's Lameness in Horses, the iconic book on equine lameness, has benefited greatly from the stewardship of its new editor. To borrow a phrase from an old automobile commercial, “This is not your father's Adams' Lameness in Horses.” This edition includes a DVD. The enhancements are numerous and include everything from a more visually appealing text to a nearly complete restructuring of the content. The new full-color graphics are generally excellent, and the notoriously poor-quality radiographs have been purged in favor of clear, detailed images. Many of the original chapters have undergone expansion and subdivision to provide the most up-to-date information. For example, the chapter on Diagnostic Procedures now contains sections on magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. However, the most dramatic aspect of the metamorphosis is the expansion to include chapters such as Principles of Therapy for Lameness (10 sections; 75 pages), Occupation-related Lameness Conditions (8 sections; 60 pages), and Lameness in the Young Horse (8 sections; 50 pages). The textbook has also benefitted greatly from the addition of a substantial number of highly qualified contributing authors (44, compared with only 17 for the fifth edition). Readers should be assured that some of the best features of previous editions have been maintained. The chapter on Functional Anatomy and the imaging subsection on normal radiographic anatomy are examples. This textbook is suited for a broad audience that ranges from veterinary students to experts in the field, whereas the DVD is probably most suited to veterinary students and less-experienced practitioners. The price of the book is extremely reasonable.—By Gary M. Baxter. 1,242 pages with DVD; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014. ISBN 978-0-8138-1549-7. 2011. Price $174.99.
Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice: Companion and Aviary Birds
Reviewed by Lauren V. Powers, DVM, DABVP
Avian medicine and surgery are rapidly advancing fields, and most of the available clinical textbooks have become outdated. Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice: Companion and Aviary Birds is a freshly updated and useful textbook. The book serves its intended purpose as a quick reference for practitioners and as an introductory manual and study guide for veterinary students and new graduates. The book is remarkably well organized and easy to read. There are numerous color photographs and detailed illustrations that nicely depict the subject matter. The first few chapters are dedicated to reviewing the anatomy and physiology of birds as well as physical examination and clinical evaluation of avian patients. Much of the subsequent textbook is devoted to reviews of disorders of various systems, including a separate chapter (Chapter 6–Differential Diagnoses) that allows readers to quickly access information based on clinical problems detected during the physical examination and diagnostic testing. Another chapter (Chapter 22–Behavioural Problems) is a remarkably detailed section that offers excellent basic information on the current understanding of normal and abnormal behavior in birds as well as current trends and new concepts in management of behavior problems, such as providing foraging activities. One of the most useful sections is in Chapter 29, which includes a table depicting biological values for some companion bird species, including adult body weights, age of sexual maturity, and life expectancies. The book contains practical and clinically useful facts and tips, many of which are based on the author's experience. Some information might be considered anecdotal and subjective by some readers, and the author acknowledges this in the Introduction. The book places a heavy emphasis on psittacine species, but other avian species are mentioned throughout the text when appropriate. A separate chapter on common emergency problems and advances in critical care might have been a good addition. The book is a clinically useful guide and is not intended to be an exhaustive scientific review. As such, descriptions of diseases and procedures tend to be brief, but the author provides a short list of references for additional reading materials at the end of each chapter. In short, this text is a well-organized, practical, and useful clinical resource for quick reference and review and a recommended addition to the library of any avian medicine veterinarian.—By Bob Doneley. 336 pages; illustrated. Manson Publishing/Thieme Publishing, 333 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10001 ISBN 978-1-84076-112-2. 2011. Price $100.00.
Laboratory Mouse: Procedural Techniques
Reviewed by Katherine Wasson, DVM, PhD, DACLAM
Although there is an unnecessarily harsh disclaimer at the beginning of Laboratory Mouse: Procedural Techniques (which is repeated on the DVD) that may deter (or offend) some readers, this is a practical, easy-to-follow manual and DVD for learning basic techniques of handling and manipulating adult mice. The strength of this packaged set is in its repetitiveness. The manual is divided into 3 sections. The first section contains a written description and the DVD script for each basic procedure, including mouse handling and restraint, oral gavage, routes of injection, methods of blood collection, and 2 methods (ear notching and ear tagging) for identifying individual mice. In the second section, each technique is described in a standard operating procedures format. Each procedure is described with regard to its purpose, appropriate use, recommended skills needed to perform the task, and a list of suggested supplies. Color photographs, drawings, or diagrams accompany each procedure. With proper copyright consent, this section could be photocopied and distributed as teaching or training material. The last section is an appendix that contains useful biological, physiologic, and clinical reference data on mice. The accompanying DVD provides a visual demonstration of the information in the first 2 sections of the manual. The videography is professional, and the procedures are explained and demonstrated in a slow, consistent manner. By no means is this a complete compendium of procedural techniques for mice; however, this manual and DVD are reasonably priced and appropriately targeted to novices or those who occasionally work with mice.—By John J. Bogdanske, Scott Hubbard-Van Stelle, Margaret Rankin Riley, & Beth M. Schiffman. 80 pages with DVD; illustrated. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Pkwy NW, Ste 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487. ISBN 978-1-4398-5042-8. 2011. Price $59.95.