Book Reviews: For Your Library

Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue

Reviewed by Langdon Fielding, DVM, DACVECC

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Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue is an excellent resource on a topic for which little information is readily available. It outlines the history of large animal rescue as well as the planning and logistics required to organize a successful response to these emergency situations. The chapters offer a mixture of general information as well as more detailed point-by-point descriptions of specific emergency procedures.

Chapters that are particularly helpful include those addressing trailer accidents, rope and pulley systems, and helicopter rescues. These chapters describe aspects of large animal rescue that cannot be easily found elsewhere. The book is not designed as a manual for rapid fact finding; therefore, it should be reviewed before emergency situations arise.

This book appears to be targeted toward the technical components of large animal rescue (as the name accurately implies). Readers looking for a reference describing veterinary medical treatment in rescue situations would need additional resources. This text is ideal for training support staff, such as local volunteers and search-and-rescue teams—By Rebecca Gimenez, Tomas Gimenez, & Kimberly A. May. 409 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-8138-1998-3. 2008. Price $124.99.

Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management (3rd edition)

Reviewed by John D. Dascanio, VMD, DACT, DABVP

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This is the third edition of Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management; the second edition was printed in 2003. The title of the book gives the expectation that it should be a large-volume textbook, but the author is able to compile information in a concise manner and includes many illustrations and photographs to augment the text. The book covers a wide range of subjects from oocyte development and spermatogenesis to advanced reproductive techniques, such as oocyte transfer, hysteroscopic insemination, and embryo freezing. The text also describes many basic procedures, such as semen collection or natural breeding, but it does not provide details on how to perform some of the more advanced techniques. It does provide a good introduction to a wide variety of subjects and an excellent review of the literature on these topics. This text also provides an overview of basic reproductive physiologic processes and general reproductive medicine along with management of weanlings, stallions, and mares. The author states that the book would be good for stud farm managers, but some of the topics (such as the physiology of lactation and embryogenesis) seem a little too in-depth for a typical manager. This book is quite a find, and the author has done a superb job of distilling a lot of information across the spectrum of reproduction and packing it into a nice desktop reference book. It is suitable for equine science students, veterinary students, and practicing veterinarians.—By Mina C. G. Davies Morel. 378 pages; illustrated. CABI, 875 Massachusetts Ave, 7th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139. ISBN 978-1-84593-450-7. 2008. Price $75.00.

Clinical Radiology of the Horse (3rd edition)

Reviewed by Debra M. Beard, DVM, MS, DACVR

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The third edition of Clinical Radiology of the Horse has been substantially updated and expanded from the second edition (which was published in 2000), but it still remains true to the format that has made it so valued by equine practitioners and specialists. Although this edition remains focused on equine radiography and radiology, alternate imaging techniques (such as nuclear medicine, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging) that are increasingly available to practitioners are among the new information and updated literature references. An entire chapter discussing digital and computed radiography has been included as well as references throughout the text of radiographic artifacts seen during digital imaging.

The strengths of this book include the abundance of illustrations as well as the incorporation of the clinical experience of the authors in the discussion of disease conditions. The excellent line drawings remain from the previous editions, but many of the original radiographic illustrations have been replaced by digital images; this results in increased image quality in the text. A CD-ROM with images and illustrations from the book is included. The CD-ROM is searchable by words included in the image captions and can be used as a quick reference or for client education. The book is expensive, but it is an exceptional reference that should be in the library of every equine practice.—By Janet A. Butler, Christopher M. Colles, Sue J. Dyson, Svend E. Kold, & Paul W. Poulos. 748 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-1-4051-7108-4. 2008. Price $279.99.

The Equine Hospital Manual

Reviewed by Tanya Balaam-Morgan, DVM

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The Equine Hospital Manual is a nice reference manual with concise information about performing procedures on and the monitoring and treatment of hospitalized equids. As clearly stated in the preface, this text is not meant to be a complete medical or surgical manual, but rather a quick reference text. There are 2 extensive procedural chapters: 1 on adult horses and 1 on neonatal foals. Both contain valuable information for performing basic diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, such as IV collection of blood samples and bandaging, and for performing advanced procedures, such as CSF collection and mechanical ventilation of neonatal foals. Other chapters include anesthesia, nutritional management, common treatments, common problems encountered in hospitalized horses, physiotherapy, and monitoring and treating each organ system. The treatment sections include the mechanism of action for medications used for treatment and management of horses. Each chapter and section contains convenient information listed or outlined in table or box format. In general, there are good clear photographs or diagrams of procedures, various diseases and abnormalities, and diagnostic results (ie, ultrasonographic and radiographic images).

In addition to the chapters covering veterinary medicine, there is also a chapter on hospital design and organization. This chapter contains information on designing and building an equine hospital, diagnostic imaging, and biosecurity. There is also a section that contains numerous hospital forms (eg, consent, examination, admission, intensive care unit records, and in-house hospital records). On the inside cover is a reference (in outline format) of guidelines for adult intensive care patients, including cardiopulmonary treatments, fluid administration, and maintenance of several key electrolytes. The back cover contains a basic flowchart on CPR for use in newborn foals. There is a helpful and convenient appendix in the back of the book that rapidly provides information, including a drug formulary, hematologic values, various fluid analyses, cardiac assessment, and common diagnostic tests performed as well as a brief guide to the use of teeth for aging animals.

I believe the strengths of the book are the ease with which information can be found, the chapters on procedures, and the appendices. This textbook is reasonably priced and is a good addition to the library of veterinary technicians, veterinary students, or practicing veterinarians.—By Kevin Corley & Jennifer Stephen. 736 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-1-4051-3016-5. 2008. Price $139.99.

Maddie's® Infection Control Manual for Animal Shelters: For Veterinary Personnel

Reviewed by Leslie Sinclair, DVM

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Maddie's® Infection Control Manual for Animal Shelters: For Veterinary Personnel might best be described as a toolbox, rather than a manual. Little of the information within it will be new or surprising to veterinarians, but this clear overview of the principles of infection control as they apply to the animal shelter environment is worth review by veterinary professionals associated with the animal care-and-control field. The manual is well-designed for a task that few shelter veterinarians have adequate time for: educating various shelter and veterinary staff about in-house disease and infection control. Although the manual primarily addresses infection control in canine and feline shelters, many of the principles also apply to shelters that house other species, such as reptiles, birds, small mammals, and livestock.

A useful accompaniment is the CD-ROM that contains all of the infection control training and educational tools included in Chapter 5. These materials are also available online at the Iowa State University Center for Food Security & Public Health site (www.cfsph.iastate. edu/FastFacts), which makes them widely useful.

The manual provides valuable assistance for standardizing procedures and knowledge within any shelter facility environment. I highly recommend it.—By Christine A. Petersen, Glenda Dvorak, & Anna Rovid Spickler. 136 pages and a CD-ROM; illustrated. Center for Food Security & Public Health, Iowa State University, 2160 College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames, IA 50011. ISBN 0-9745525-7-7. 2008. Price $30.00.

Decision Making in Small Animal Oncology

Reviewed by Janean L. Fidel, DVM, MS, DACVR, DACVIM

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The stated purpose of Decision Making in Small Animal Oncology is to serve as a “practical manual for the increasing number of veterinarians called upon to treat patients with cancer,” and this goal has been met. The book is written in bullet points (more like a lecture outline) and not as a complete detailed text on veterinary oncology. The general style is case-oriented material, often with discussion of quality-of-life issues, versus a detailed discussion of the diseases. The chapter divisions are clear and will help those who are not board-certified in veterinary oncology to find the information they need in a quick and easy manner. There are also well-written practical sections on subjects, such as how to safely administer chemotherapy and the importance of nutritional support. In general, it is a book that allows for rapid access to some basic knowledge about cancer treatment in animals, with more of an emphasis on diagnostics and setting up a plan than on actual treatment. The book is good at emphasizing when not to do something (eg, rule out renal lymphosarcoma in a cat before ever considering removing an enlarged kidney). This approach makes it highly unlikely a reader with little experience in oncology could get into trouble. This book is not adequate for readers who desire a complete discussion of veterinary tumors and their treatments, and it only contains references from other textbooks. The page-by-page organization is difficult to follow at times, with flowcharts interrupting text; the text on a page is often not related to the flowchart on the page. The first 3 chapters about basic cancer concepts (biology, paraneoplastic syndromes, and clinical approach) are hard to read and generally not that helpful, but it is likely that these subjects do not fit the mold of the other tumor-based chapters. Overall, this is a useful, reasonably priced textbook for someone with little knowledge of veterinary oncology who desires a quick and easy guide to the many tumors of dogs and cats.—By David J. Argyle, Malcolm J. Brearley, & Michelle M. Turek. 390 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-8138-2275-4. 2008. Price $69.99.

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Thoracic Imaging

Reviewed by Valerie M. Sadler, DVM, DACVR

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The BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Thoracic Imaging is a comprehensive text of thoracic imaging in dogs and cats that is logically organized, clearly and concisely written, extensively illustrated, and appropriately referenced. The text is divided into 2 broad categories: imaging (which is divided into sections on radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine, and interventional radiology) and normal anatomy and the effects of disease (which is divided into sections on the heart and major vessels, mediastinum, esophagus, trachea and bronchial tree, lungs, pleural space, and thoracic boundaries).

The imaging section contains a detailed discussion of thoracic radiology as well as a concise discussion of other imaging modalities, including their techniques, indications, limitations, and risks. The anatomy section contains text and numerous illustrations on radiographic anatomy, anatomic variants, interpretive principles, and signs of diseases.

The intent of the authors to provide an up-to-date, accurate, and comprehensive manual to be used by students, radiology residents, and practitioners has been surpassed. This text is a great addition to those currently found on the reference shelf in any small animal radiology area. The use of this textbook will exceed the strength of its softcover.—By Tobias Schwarz & Victoria Johnson. 396 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-905214-97-9. 2008. Price $139.99.

Clinical Radiology of Exotic Companion Mammals

Reviewed by Federica Morandi, DVM, MS, DACVR

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Clinical Radiology of Exotic Companion Mammals is an excellent reference for general practitioners, exotic animal specialists, and radiologists. The book is organized in well-structured sections, beginning with an introduction that reviews general equipment, patient positioning, and radiation safety. An excellent aspect of this chapter is the abundance of illustrations depicting animal positioning, coupled with the corresponding radiographic views. A brief section on contrast radiography is limited to the discussion of myelography in rabbits. Similarly, the discussion of computed tomography (CT) is limited to a general introduction to the operation of the CT scanner and 3-dimensional reconstructions; however, references are provided for readers who want to find additional information on this topic.

The subsequent chapters are divided among species and include all of the most common exotic pets: rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, degus, rats, mice, hamsters, prairie dogs, ferrets, skunks, sugar gliders, opossums, potbellied pigs, and hedgehogs. Each chapter starts with reference radiographs of normal anatomy, followed by a variable number of case examples, which are usually proportional to the popularity of the species. Radiographs of normal anatomy are clearly labeled, albeit often not in detail. Some radiographs illustrating examples of disease would have benefitted from additional labeling to clarify the description provided in the figure legends. Small color figures illustrating pathologic specimens or clinical appearance of disease are a nice complement to some of the case examples. For rabbits, guinea pigs, and chinchillas, CT images of the normal skull and a few case examples of disease are also included, which provide a good reference considering the usefulness of CT in the evaluation of dental pathologic conditions in these species. Image quality is consistently good to excellent, especially for skeletal radiographs. Some illustrations of thoracic abnormalities, especially those affecting the lungs, do not reproduce clearly; however, this is a common problem for animals of such small size and is not easily solved in print.

Although the price of this book is relatively high, the content and image quality make it a valuable investment for radiologists, exotic animal specialists, and residents in training programs as well as for veterinarians whose practice consists of a substantial percentage of exotic pets.—By Vittorio Capello & Angela M. Lennox, with William R. Widmer. 506 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-8138-1049-2. 2008. Price $149.99.

Veterinary Hematology: Atlas of Common Domestic and Non-Domestic Species (2nd edition)

Reviewed by Kristen R. Friedrichs, DVM, DACVP

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The second edition of Veterinary Hematology: Atlas of Common Domestic and Non-Domestic Species improves on an already excellent atlas by the inclusion of additional species. Joining the species covered in the original edition (dogs, cats, horses, ruminants, and llamas) are rats, mice, nonhuman primates, ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, avians, and reptiles. The authors' goal “to provide the fundamentals for recognizing morphologic features of blood cells” is admirably achieved without extraneous details. The text remains straightforward and unencumbered and includes descriptions of cell morphology that complement the excellent images. Higher-magnification insets for viewing specific features are a useful addition. Common mistakes of misidentification are described, as are familiar artifacts and pseudoinclusions. Descriptions and images of toxin change in avian and reptilian heterophils and the overview diagrams of leukocytes in healthy avian and reptile species found at the end of each respective chapter are excellent inclusions. Although bone marrow evaluation is not an intended topic of this text, cells found in the bone marrow are described and accompanied by images and a discussion on hematopoiesis. Appendices on grading schemes for erythrocyte and granulocyte morphology are accompanied by an expanded glossary, a selected reference list, and an index. The text is supplemented by a CD-ROM containing an additional 2,109 images that can be viewed in either search or random mode. Descriptions of the images can be hidden if a reader wants to conduct self-assessments. This book is an exceptional value and is highly recommended for any clinical or research laboratory that is performing manual hematologic evaluations on veterinary species.—By William J. Reagan, Armando R. Irizzary Rovira, & Dennis B. DeNicola. 112 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-8138-2809-1. 2008. Price $59.99.

Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds

Reviewed by Marcy J. Souza, DVM, MPH, DABVP

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Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds is a companion volume to Infectious Diseases of Wild Birds (published in 2007); the 2 topics originally were covered in a single volume published in 1971. The 2 books published in 2007 and 2008 also complement similar volumes that focus on parasitic and infectious diseases of mammals.

The text begins with an overview of the costs and effects of parasitism in wild birds. Determining the deleterious effects of parasitism in domestic species (loss of production and reduced sale value) can be fairly straightforward, but consequences on wild populations can be much more challenging to ascertain. The difficulty in determining true prevalence rates and effects of parasitism in wild birds is discussed.

The remainder of the text is divided into 4 main sections: protozoa, helminths, leeches, and arthropods. Each of these sections is then divided into chapters that cover specific parasites. The chapters are fairly uniformly organized, which makes it easy to find information. Chapters contain sections that cover the history, distribution, host range, etiology, epizootiology, clinical signs, pathogenesis or pathology, diagnosis, public health concerns, implications for domestic and wild species, treatment, and management considerations for each of the parasites. Additionally, many chapters contain numerous figures and diagrams that provide further details of the parasites and their role in wild bird populations. All figures are in black and white, and the inclusion of color plates in a future edition would be an excellent addition. Those color plates could include examples of cytologic samples (blood smears and fecal samples) that could be used to aid clinicians in making an antemortem diagnosis.

Overall, this is an excellent text that contains a tremendous amount of information useful for both wildlife biologists and veterinarians.—By Carter T. Atkinson, Nancy J. Thomas, & D. Bruce Hunter. 595 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-8138-2081-1. 2008. Price $99.99.

Principles & Applications of Domestic Animal Behavior

Reviewed by Valarie V. Tynes, DVM, DACVB

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Principles & Applications of Domestic Animal Behavior is written in a conversational, easy-to-read style and provides an excellent introduction to domestic animal behavior for a reasonable price. The book is well organized, and similar to other basic behavior books, it covers all of the important behavioral categories, such as maternal behavior, sexual behavior, and agonistic behavior. However, it surpasses many other texts by also including chapters on more current issues, such as behavioral genetics, animal handling and movement, and human-animal interactions. The chapter on learning is thorough yet readable and should be read by every practicing veterinarian so they will be better able to advise their clients about proper, humane training and handling of their pets. Combined with the chapter on early experience and behavior development, it also educates readers about the complex interaction between all of these features and how they combine to affect behavior. The book is made even more enjoyable by the author's frequent use of extremely practical examples when covering each category of behavior. Examples for livestock species as well as for dogs, cats, primates, and wildlife provide further testament to the fact that these basic principles can be applied to any species and used by anyone who works with animals on a regular basis.

The only chapter that is slightly less than perfect is the chapter on behavioral therapy. Although it is clearly not intended to cover all aspects of the clinical application of behavior therapy (other texts are available for that), it does briefly mention pharmacologic treatment, and the paragraph concludes with a statement that these treatments should only be used with the advice of a veterinarian or certified animal behaviorist. This can be misleading to veterinarians, who should remember that only a veterinarian can legally prescribe pharmaceuticals for animals, and dispensing pharmaceuticals on the advice of a nonveterinarian, no matter how well educated that person is, could be construed as practicing without a license.

In the preface, the author states that this is the book he wished he could have written for his introductory behavior course. Students will benefit greatly for his having accomplished this goal. In fact, this is the book I would use to teach an introductory behavior course. Any veterinarian who currently works with animals on a daily basis but who did not receive any behavior training in school will benefit from reading this book.—By Edward O. Price. 332 pages; illustrated. CABI, 875 Massachusetts Ave, 7th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139. ISBN 978-1-84593-398-2. 2008. Price $60.00.

Safety of Dietary Supplements for Horses, Dogs, and Cats (Animal Nutrition Series)

Reviewed by Ana S. Hill, DVM, PhD

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Overall, Safety of Dietary Supplements for Horses, Dogs, and Cats is an excellent reference book. The purposes of the book and the committee of authors are clearly stated and adhered to throughout the text. The first 5 chapters are useful to many practitioners, nutritionists, and those interested in toxicology. These chapters clearly explain the importance of dietary supplements in animal care and nutrition, regulation of these supplements, and assessment of their safety. The authors are successful at integrating many types of sources and information about supplements, life stages, and species differences into a comprehensive and readable format. The tables and figures in Chapter 4 are especially useful. The glossary and the index are thorough and extremely helpful.

The chapters in which individual supplements (garlic, evening primrose oil, and lutein) are reviewed are thorough and should answer almost any question that a practitioner or nutritionist may have about their use in a specific species. Inclusion of information from nontarget species is also appreciated.

Two concerns come to mind. First, the title of the book may suggest to readers that many supplements are covered in detail, whereas, in fact, I am somewhat disappointed that only 3 supplements are reviewed. Practitioners and nutritionists may be looking to a book like this for information on many other supplements (such as milk thistle, S-adenosyl-L-methionine [ie, SAMe], and flavinoids). Second, the price seems high, compared with the price of other nutritional reviews (such as by the National Research Council), which overlap a little with this book but cover a larger number of nutrients and studies with supporting information. However, I look forward to recommending this book as a reference.—By the Committee on Examining the Safety of Dietary Supplements for Horses, Dogs, and Cats, Jim E. Riviere, Chair. 203 pages. National Academies Press, 500 Fifth St NW, Washington, DC 20055. ISBN 978-0-309-12570-3. 2008. Price $295.00.

Understanding Animal Welfare: The Science in its Cultural Context

Reviewed by David M. Moore, DVM, MS, DACLAM

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Understanding Animal Welfare: The Science in its Cultural Context is truly a seminal text for laypersons and professionals to aid them in “understanding animal welfare.” The author provides many examples of point-counter-point arguments that have been made regarding the status of animals and the ranges of acceptable welfare requirements as viewed or stated during those debates. The author does an outstanding job of organizing the broad topic into 3 specific parts of the book to aid readers' in their understanding: Animal Welfare in Context, Studying Animal Welfare, and Drawing Conclusions About Animal Welfare. In the first part of the book, the author provides evidence that human moral and philosophic concern for the welfare and well-being of animals is not a recent phenomenon (eg, during the past 400 years), but instead it has its roots in ancient Greece some 2.5 millennia ago. In the second part, the author provides examples of studies to assess the impacts of environment and husbandry practices on animal well-being and observations of selection of environments by animals that they find suitable. In the third part, the author discusses the goal of combining human (and humane) concerns with scientific assessments to come to sound, reasoned, and appropriate approaches for animal care and use. The author mentions that this will require the combined effort of animal scientists, biologists, and veterinarians to draw on their different, although complementary, areas of expertise. This book is an excellent reference text for courses that address and inform veterinary students about the issues of animal welfare, the veterinary profession's position and policies or guidelines, and the role of individuals in promoting welfare in companion and production animals; however, this book is also of interest and benefit to students of ethology and animal and poultry science.—By David Fraser. 324 pages; illustrated. Wiley-Blackwell, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-1-4051-3695-2. 2008. Price $69.99.

Mastering Scientific Writing: Secrets for Success in the Agricultural, Biological, and Health Sciences with Hints for Writers in All Fields

Reviewed by Laura Hardin, DVM, PhD

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Mastering Scientific Writing: Secrets for Success in the Agricultural, Biological, and Health Sciences with Hints for Writers in All Fields describes a step-by-step method to develop writing excellence. Challenges and methods to overcome them are discussed, and the author indicates proven methods for effective writing. This book can also be used as a reference by providing criteria for writing excellence, ideas for managing a writing project, and grammatic rules.

Intended as a handbook, this book is useful for anyone writing for publication. It provides acknowledgment and discussion of the importance of written communication in its many forms. Methods to develop writing style are described in a realistic, encouraging manner. Practical suggestions, including benefits and idiosyncrasies of common computer programs, help readers improve their writing. The author provides personal insight as well as references for further study or review. This is a handy reference containing information on proper use of prefixes, correct punctuation, use of acronyms, and capitalization. The book's detailed table of contents provides a reference for any aspect of writing, which allows users to quickly find answers to specific questions.

Although many may not follow the step-by-step method described in the first few chapters, this reference is useful to all readers for those questions that arise during the writing process. Consisting of 132 pages for a price of $19.95, this book could become required reading for people beginning a graduate program or those wanting to improve their writing.—By Robert F. Kahrs. 132 pages; illustrated. Livestock Health Communications, PO Box 840039, St Augustine, FL 32080-0039. ISBN 0-7414-4695-2. 2008. Price $19.95.

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