Book Reviews: For Your Library

Feline Orthopedics

Reviewed by Joseph Harari, DVM, MS, DACVS

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The goal of Feline Orthopedics is to provide all of the salient facts concerning musculoskeletal disease in cats in a user-friendly format for veterinary medical students and practitioners. The authors are seeking to advance feline orthopedics on the basis of their own clinical experiences and published scientific reports involving cats (compared with data extrapolated from studies in dogs).

The book is divided into 13 chapters that range from generalized topics (Management of the Orthopedic Trauma Patient, Fracture Classification and Bone Healing, Instrumentation, and Principles and Techniques of Fracture Fixation) to specific bone and joint lesions. Additionally, there are chapters on neuromuscular and metabolic conditions and the vertebral column. Chapters are appropriately illustrated with photographs of clinically affected animals, radiographs, and diagrams; tables are also provided. Hopefully, readers will not underestimate the difficulty of surgery when viewing clean and simple artwork. Advanced imaging scans (eg, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography) are few in number. References for each chapter are current (some publications cited are from 2005); however, they are provided at the end of the text and not at the end of each chapter. A list of medical abbreviations and an appendix of international manufacturers are also included in the book.

The material is relevant, useful, and easy to absorb. Veterinary medical students and clinicians will benefit from having this text as a reference in their medical library. Hopefully, the cost will not be a deterrent.—By Harry W. Scott & Ronald McLaughlin. 400 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-1-84076-056-9. 2007. Price $189.99.

An Atlas of Interpretive Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat (2nd edition)

Reviewed by Rachel E. Pollard, DVM, PhD, DACVR

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The second edition of An Atlas of Interpretive Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat accomplishes its stated goal of providing a detailed reference for the basic radiographic anatomy of dogs and cats. Orthopedic (appendicular and axial), abdominal, thoracic, and contrast radiography are covered thoroughly for clinically normal dogs and cats. Common interpretation pitfalls are addressed throughout the text. In addition, line drawings and pictorial descriptions of animal positioning have been added from the first edition of the book and accompany most radiographs. Associated text has been lengthened and provides adequate detail without being overwhelming.

Of particular mention is the outstanding quality of the orthopedic sections of this text. Sections on canine orthopedics include radiographs of clinically normal dogs of standard breeds as well as chondrodystrophic, toy, and giant breeds. Moreover, detailed images of juvenile animals (both dogs and cats) are provided to clearly define the stages of physeal development and closure. Images are of superior quality, which makes this a go-to text for orthopedic radiographic anatomy of clinically normal animals.

The sections on thoracic and abdominal radiography include clinically normal and juvenile animals as well as important variations among breeds. The section on contrast radiography covers normal anatomy for barium imaging of the gastrointestinal tract as well as iodine-based contrast evaluations, such as IV pyelography, cystography-urethrography, portography, and sialography. Myelography and arthrography are covered in the section on skeletal contrast radiography. Minor oversights involve the contrast radiography sections in which image quality is not as good, and there is no description of the dosage of contrast agents or the frequency of radiographic acquisition. These shortcomings notwithstanding, this reference is fairly priced and should be a welcome addition to the library of general practitioners and specialists alike.—By Arlene Coulson & Noreen Lewis. 651 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-1-4051-3899-4. 2008. Price $229.99.

Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology (4th edition)

Reviewed by Tacy Rupp, DVM, MS, DACVIM

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The fourth edition of the Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology is an excellent resource that provides unique insight into the practice of veterinary cardiology. Among the current cardiology references available, this textbook provides a concise yet extremely detailed summary of all major cardiology topics and includes important updates on new therapeutic and diagnostic options. The authors excel in condensing cumbersome topics into manageable flowcharts, bulleted lists, and illustrations. The book serves as a rapid reference for clinical settings as well as an exceptional, informative resource for education purposes. Practitioners of many experience levels, including board-certified specialists, will find this a useful resource. However, it is a serious cardiology text and is not suitable as a basic, introductory selection. To condense the text, numerous acronyms are used in some of the chapters. This may prove confusing for those less familiar with advanced cardiology terms.

The text includes current summaries of digital radiography options; newer drug therapies, such as pimobendan and sildenafil; state-of-the-art recommendations for management of arrhythmias, heart failure, and systemic hypertension; and recommendations for anesthesia in patients with cardiac conditions. Each chapter is dense with keen insights as the authors share the depth of their knowledge and experience. Consider this textbook a must-have reference for individuals with an interest in cardiology of dogs and cats.—By Larry P. Tilley, Francis W. K. Smith Jr, Mark Oyama, & Meg M. Sleeper. 443 pages; illustrated. Elsevier Saunders, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 978-1-4160-2398-2. 2008. Price $99.00.

Lumb and Jones' Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia (4th edition)

Reviewed by Ronald E. Mandsager, DVM, DACVA

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The 4th edition of Lumb & Jones' Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia continues to build on the existing depth and breadth of knowledge within the field of veterinary anesthesiology. An area of expanded emphasis in this text, compared with its predecessors, is in the field of analgesia. This text and its predecessors have now served the veterinary community for 34 years. With 3 principal editors and more than 65 contributing authors, this edition includes information from people with a wide range of experience and training from within the field of veterinary anesthesiology as well as from a broad range of allied clinical areas.

The text is divided into several areas, including general topics, physiology, pharmacology, equipment and monitoring, selected anesthetic and analgesic techniques, anesthesia, analgesia and immobilization of selected species and classes of animals, anesthesia and analgesia of patients with specific diseases, and anesthesia and analgesia for selected patients and procedures. Although many of the chapters remain from the preceding edition, revisions provide new information on a variety of topics, most notably pain management as well as anesthesia and analgesia in dental, cancer, orthopedic, and equine patients with colic and chapters on acupuncture, physical rehabilitation, and palliative analgesia. This is one of the few textbooks currently available that attempts to cover the entire spectrum of clinical veterinary anesthesiology in depth, and the authors have done an admirable job. It is a comprehensive text that serves as an introductory textbook for veterinary medical students, is required reading for those training in the specialty of veterinary anesthesia, and provides a valuable reference text for veterinary practitioners.—By William J. Tranquilli, John C. Thurmon, & Kurt A. Grimm. 1,096 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-7817-5471-2. 2007. Price $149.99.

Natural Remedies Dogs and Cats Wish You Knew: A Holistic Care Guide

Reviewed by Douglas R. Yearout, DVM

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Natural Remedies Dogs and Cats Wish You Knew: A Holistic Care Guide is an original, appropriately conceived, concise, and basic holistic guide to home health care for dogs and cats. It is small enough to be easily carried as a reference, and it is a joy to read. The author, a holistic veterinarian for 20 years and president of the New Zealand Holistic Veterinary Society, weaves her pioneering quest for knowledge into an eye-opening and humbling firsthand story of her experiences.

This book surpasses its goal of being only a primer for pet caretakers, and it can be easily understood by laypeople with its concise, semitechnical, thorough, and well-explained style. It will also find favor by a broad audience of veterinary medical students, recent graduates, and seasoned conventional practitioners who want to expand their repertoire and begin to add tools to their toolbox. The book will help open minds to look at the science and art from a whole-life perspective, a view that embodies energy; balance in all things; and the tenets of holism, which incorporate the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It is not a substitute for seeking regular veterinary care. The writer is clear and careful to let readers know what may be accomplished at home versus when to go to a practitioner (conventional or holistic).

The book is organized into 8 chapters that cover basic health, the approach to health care, various alternative modalities, and common problems and their treatment. It includes first aid, raising puppies and kittens, and euthanasia concerns, all from a holistic perspective. There is a section on basic suppliers and a nonexhaustive further reading list, along with an accurate and complete index. References are appropriately cited and broad.

Several so-called alternative or holistic modalities are covered, including nutrition (whole and raw foods, supplemental products), acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, flower essences (Bach), homeopathy, veterinary chiropractic, aromatherapy, herbal-botanical medicine, and allergy elimination testing.

This well-rounded guide covers many common diseases and their many holistic treatment options. These include cancer; renal, urinary, and hepatic conditions; gastrointestinal issues; allergies; arthritis; behavior problems; endocrine disorders; conditions affecting the skin, ears, and eyes; anal gland problems; abscesses; wounds; ectoparasites; and epilepsy. There are clear diagrams and illustrations throughout, which complement information in the text. Special cautionary notes, extra questions to consider, and useful summaries that reinforce the main points are sprinkled throughout the chapters. Charts, recipes, and comprehensive lists of various herbs and remedies alone are worth the price of the book.

I highly recommend this book for clients to use at home because it packs a myriad amount of useful information into 288 pages. It is worth every penny of the price.—By Viv Harris. 288 pages; illustrated. Ulysses Press, PO Box 3440, Berkeley, CA 94703. ISBN 978-1-56975-637-9. 2008. Price $14.95.

Concise Guide to Medications, Herbs, and Supplements for the Horse

Reviewed by Marta W. Engel, DVM

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For all practical purposes, the Concise Guide to Medications, Herbs, and Supplements for the Horse is designed as a quick alphabetic guide to the use of drugs, herbs, and products primarily for laypeople (ie, horse owners). There is value in the short overviews of common veterinary drugs. Some of these are over-the-counter drugs, but many of them are for prescription only (ie, by or on the order of a veterinarian). A consumer or owner is able to obtain a rapid understanding of the drug and its uses. When a veterinarian prescribes drugs, often there is not time to explain the full impact of the drug. This book provides a simple, straightforward explanation that most people with limited medical background can readily understand.

The author appears to take exception to the value of most herbs or supplemental products. In most cases, he does not believe there is good evidence to use nutritional products. Most of his monographs on nutritional supplementation indicate that most horses do not need supplementation. In general, this may be true. However, there may be more specific uses that might provide benefit for high-performance horses, such as horses used for racing, endurance rides, or barrel racing.

The author is also skeptical of glucosamine products for joint health. Although glucosamine is widely used and accepted, the author cites a lack of sufficient controlled studies to prove its merit. Another problem is that the concentration of glucosamine in the numerous brands of products is highly variable. More research on supplementation to promote joint health is warranted because horses are susceptible to joint disease.

In the case of herbs, the author clearly believes that most herbal products have no evidence of efficacy. There are several reasons for this. Probably the main one is that there is little or no research money for herbs (or botanicals). I think this is an area in which the author falls short of the mark. There is evidence (not all of them double-blind studies, however) that botanical formulas are effective. In fact, many of the Chinese herbal formulas have been used in animals for thousands of years. Much of the information on herbs in horses is anecdotal, rather than based on scientific research.

I would recommend this book as a quick concise guide to drugs, but I would look elsewhere for information on herbs and nutritional supplementation.—By David W. Ramey. 206 pages; illustrated. Trafalgar Square, PO Box 257, Howe Hill Rd, North Pomfret, VT 05053. ISBN 978-1-57076-365-6. 2007. Price $14.95.

Equine Neurology

Reviewed by Amy L. Johnson, DVM

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The stated purpose of Equine Neurology is to integrate fundamental concepts into a clinical approach to neurologic problems of horses while providing a wellreferenced, encyclopedic text. The book is divided into 3 sections: the first discusses fundamental concepts, the second provides various clinical problems, and the third covers specific diagnoses. The intended audience is broad and extends from veterinary medical students to board-certified specialists. Seventeen authors, most of whom are board-certified specialists, contribute to the text.

The overview of neuroanatomy provides an excellent summary of a complex topic. Additional chapters in the first section are on CSF, the blood-brain barrier, immunology, and pharmaceutical considerations. The second section is arguably the weakest of the 3 sections, probably as a result of the difficulty in describing a neurologic examination and neurologic abnormalities without the use of visual aids. For example, the inclusion of equine motor neuron disease in the spinal ataxia chapter is confusing because this condition causes lower motor neuron signs. The third section (specific disease syndromes) is fairly comprehensive and appropriately referenced; it also contains some excellent illustrations.

Criticisms of the text include a number of typographic errors, which usually do not interfere with the meaning of the text but can occasionally confuse readers. Although the authors succeed in providing a well-referenced textbook, many of the recommendations included throughout the chapters have limited supporting evidence. This statement is not a criticism of the authors; rather, it is a comment on the limited evidence available.

Overall, the authors fulfill their goals and provide a fairly priced text that will be helpful to many veterinary medical students and clinicians.—By Martin Furr & Stephen Reed. 412 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-8138-2519-9. 2007. Price $99.99.

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