Intervertebral disk herniation is the most common cause of acute spinal cord injury in dogs and according to the findings in 1 study1 leads to 2.3% of hospitalizations of all dogs.2,3 Primary and secondary spinal cord injury can occur as a result of disk herniation.4–6 Primary injury refers to the initial mechanical insult to the spinal cord and can consist of compression, concussion, contusion, and laceration.7 Secondary injury is the biochemical cascade that results from the primary insult and involves components of oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, inflammation, and vascular dysregulation.4,7 Surgical removal of herniated disk material often is performed in dogs with severe myelopathy, as it likely aids in relieving ongoing compression-related primary injury and may prevent the exacerbation of secondary processes. Treatment of secondary spinal cord injury is an active area of clinical and experimental research in veterinary and human medicine. High doses of glucocorticoids are the most widely used, commonly investigated, and frequently debated treatment for secondary injury.8
Experimental and clinical evidence exists supporting the use of high doses of glucocorticoids for acute spinal cord injury.9 High-dose glucocorticoid treatment is believed to contribute to neuronal protection principally by inhibiting lipid peroxidation, which may improve mitochondrial metabolism, preserve spinal cord blood flow, favorably alter ionic homeostasis, and reduce the amount of excitotoxic glutamate release.9–12 Results of various studies13–17 of rats with spinal cord injury support the benefits of high-dose methylprednisolone and high-dose dexamethasone administration, showing improved motor recovery when treatment is provided soon after trauma. Clinically derived evidence from doubleblinded, placebo-controlled studies18–21 indicates that methylprednisolone sodium succinate,a if administered within 8 hours of injury, can improve motor outcome in humans with acute traumatic myelopathy.
Despite numerous reports18–21 extolling the benefits of high-dose glucocorticoid treatment in acute spinal cord injury, substantial data exist to suggest that these benefits may be limited, transient, or nonexistent in the clinical setting. Results of studies9,22,23 on experimentally induced spinal cord injury indicate that high doses of glucocorticoids can lead to excitotoxic neuronal death,22 worsening of oxidative injury through membrane phospholipase A2 inhibition,9 and lactate accumulation within the spinal cord parenchyma.23 Findings in several clinical studies24–26 in humans with traumatic myelopathy have not revealed the purported benefits of high-dose methylprednisolone sodium succinate treatment. Results of a small retrospective study27 of dogs with intervertebral disk herniation did not reveal a positive benefit of high-dose methylprednisolone sodium succinate administration. Finally, numerous adverse effects are associated with high-dose glucocorticoid treatment in humans with spinal cord injury including gastrointestinal hemorrhage, wound infection, and pneumonia.8 Data from dogs with spinal cord injury suggest that gastrointestinal signs, such as diarrhea and colonic perforation, are potential consequences of high-dose glucocorticoid treatment.27–30
Although dexamethasone is used frequently in veterinary and human medicine as a treatment for acute spinal cord injury, information pertaining to its efficacy is limited, compared with treatment with other glucocorticoids such as methylprednisolone sodium succinate. The primary goal of the study reported here was to retrospectively evaluate the adverse effects associated with dexamethasone treatment in the immediate preoperative period in dogs with surgically addressed thoracolumbar disk herniation treated within 36 hours of hospitalization. A secondary goal was to obtain preliminary information concerning the efficacy of dexamethasone treatment in improving outcome in dogs with thoracolumbar disk herniation following surgery. It was our hypothesis that, compared with dogs that did not receive any glucocorticoids or received treatment with glucocorticoids other than dexamethasone, dogs that were provided dexamethasone would be more likely to have adverse effects associated with the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.
Materials and Methods
Case selection—Medical records from dogs admitted to TAMU and the UGA veterinary medical hospitals between 2000 and 2006 with the diagnosis codes of lumbar intervertebral disk herniation, thoracic intervertebral disk herniation, and thoracolumbar intervertebral disk herniation were reviewed. To be included in the study, dogs had to meet the following criteria. All dogs had to have a < 7 day history of neurologic signs at the time of initial evaluation at the universities. Findings on neurologic examination needed to suggest involvement of T3-L7 vertebrae and associated spinal cord segments. The diagnosis of disk herniation (protrusion or extrusion) had to be confirmed by surgery, and all surgeries had to be performed within 36 hours of examination at the universities. It also was required that copies of referring veterinarian medical records generated ≤ 1 month prior to university hospital admission be available for review.
Medical records review—No dogs in this study received glucocorticoids while hospitalized at either university. Dogs that were not provided any glucocorticoids within 1 month of admission to either university hospital were included in the nontreatment group. Dexamethasone group dogs were provided dexamethasone by referring veterinarians within 48 hours of university hospital admission and did not receive treatment with any other glucocorticoid within 1 month of university hospital admission. Dogs that received either methylprednisolone sodium succinate or prednisone at referring veterinary clinics within 48 hours of university hospital admission and that did not receive treatment with any other glucocorticoids within 1 month of admission were included in the other-glucocorticoid group. Although no dosage requirements were followed for inclusion into the other-glucocorticoid and dexamethasone groups, the duration of glucocorticoid treatment was limited to a maximum of 48 hours on the basis of results of experimental and clinical studies21,23,31 indicating that administration of this duration can be effective in reducing the extent of spinal cord injury.
Procedures—Age, sex, breed, weight, university (TAMU or UGA), duration of hospitalization, and dollar cost of hospitalization were obtained from the records for all dogs included in this study. A modified numerical Frankel spinal cord injury scale5,32,33 was used to retrospectively grade all dogs at initial evaluation and discharge from the universities as having paraplegia with no deep nociception (grade 0), paraplegia with no superficial nociception (grade 1), paraplegia with nociception (grade 2), nonambulatory paraparesis (grade 3), ambulatory paraparesis and ataxia (grade 4), spinal hyperesthesia only (grade 5), or no dysfunction (grade 6). Dexamethasone and other-glucocorticoid group dogs had the route of drug administration, dosage (mg/kg/d [mg/lb/d]), and number of days of treatment (1 or 2) recorded, although timing of drug delivery relative to date of client-reported onset of clinical signs was not examined because of variability in injury progression and the presence of ongoing injury throughout the interval before referral. Dexamethasone and other-glucocorticoid group dogs also had the type and duration of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory treatment recorded, if this was provided.
Complete blood count, serum biochemical analysis, blood lactate concentration, urinalysis, and urine bacterial culture data derived from initial evaluation at the universities were examined. The PCV, serum albumin concentration, BUN concentration, and serum creatinine concentration were recorded. Hypernatremia (> 147 mEq of sodium/L) and hyperchloremia (> 116 mEq of chloride/L), if present, were recorded. Blood lactate concentrationsb also were recorded when available (from TAMU only). Dogs were classified as having a UTI if they had > 5 WBCs/hpf and > 5 CFUs/mL of urine on urinalysis and urine bacterial culture results, respectively.
Intensive care unit reports, discharge summaries, daily treatment logs, and daily subjective-objective assessments were examined for evidence suggesting vomiting, diarrhea, pneumonia, or wound infection during hospitalization. The diagnosis of wound infection was based on the admitting veterinarian assessment and did not require positive bacterial culture results. No attempt was made to categorize the number or severity of events.
Statistical analysis—Data were summarized among the 3 treatment groups (dexamethasone, otherglucocorticoid, and nontreatment groups) by use of descriptive statistics. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare medians of quantitative data among groups, and pairwise comparisons were performed by use of Mann-Whitney U tests with Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons.
Categoric variables were compared among the 3 treatment groups by use of χ2 tests. Quantitative variables were compared between TAMU and UGA by use of Mann-Whitney U tests. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify factors significantly associated with possible adverse effects. Models were built independently for all adverse effects that were significant in the descriptive analysis (outcome) with the primary exposure of interest being whether the dog was treated with dexamethasone (vs all other dogs). Hospital (TAMU vs UGA) and modified Frankel score at admission were included in all models as potential confounders. The variables age (years), weight (kg [lb]), sex, neutering status (sexually intact vs neutered), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory administration (yes or no) were added to the model, and a backward stepwise procedure was used to remove variables 1 by 1 on the basis of conditional likelihood ratio tests. Within dexamethasone group dogs, the association between total dose and number of recorded adverse effects was assessed by use of the Pearson correlation coefficient.
For comparisons and modeling, immediate improvement was defined as any dog that was discharged alive with a modified Frankel score greater than the value at initial evaluation. Short-term improvement was defined as an improvement of ≥ 2 in the modified Frankel score between admission and the first recheck examination after surgery (typically 4 to 6 weeks after surgery). Proportions of immediate and short-term improvement were compared among groups by use of χ2 tests. Multivariable logistic regression models were built to compare immediate and short-term improvement between dexamethasone group dogs, compared with other group dogs. Models were built in the same manner as described for the prediction of adverse effects. Continuous variables that did not satisfy the assumption of being linear in plots of the log-odds were included in logistic models as categoric variables. Hosmer and Lemeshow tests were calculated to assess the fit of models. The effect of dexamethasone treatment on the quantitative variables days in the hospital and client cost were modeled by use of a mixed linear approach with hospital included as a random effect and modified Frankel score at admission as a fixed effect to control for confounding. All analyses were performed by use of commercially available softwarec and interpreted at the 5% level of significance.
A total of 1,003 records were searched at TAMU with 35 nontreatment, 43 dexamethasone, and 23 (17 received methylprednisolone sodium succinate and 6 received prednisone) other-glucocorticoid group dogs meeting inclusion criteria. A total of 1,005 records were searched at the UGA with 45 nontreatment, 6 dexamethasone, and 9 (6 received methylprednisolone sodium succinate and 3 received prednisolone) otherglucocorticoid group dogs meeting inclusion criteria. Mean ± SD age for dogs of all groups was 5.95 ± 2.82 years (range, 1 to 15 years). A total of 161 dogs with 6 sexually intact females, 68 spayed females, 28 sexually intact males, and 59 male castrates were included. Breeds included Dachshund (miniature and standard grouped together; n = 87), mixed breed (14), Pekingese (11), Cocker Spaniel (8), Poodle (Miniature and Standard grouped together; 6), Shih Tzu (6), and 20 other breeds that included < 5 dogs each (29). No significant differences were found in age, sex, or breed among the treatment groups (Table 1). For dexamethasone group dogs, mean ± SD total dose of dexamethasone was 2.25 ± 4.28 mg/kg (1.02 ± 1.95 mg/lb) with a range of 1 to 30 mg/kg (0.45 to 13.6 mg/lb). Modified Frankel scores at initial evaluation were not significantly (P = 0.56) different among groups, but the scores were significantly (P = 0.009) lower in dexamethasone group dogs at discharge, compared with admission. Treatment group dogs were significantly different in their admission date, with nontreatment group dogs being evaluated more recently (P < 0.001), compared with other group dogs. Client cost was significantly (P = 0.049) greater in nontreatment group dogs, although when adjusted for confounding by use of linear regression, this relationship was no longer significantly different among groups. Dexamethasone group dogs had shorter hospitalization duration, compared with nontreatment group dogs (5.5 days vs 7.8 days, respectively), but this finding was not significant when adjusted for confounding by hospital. Dogs treated at TAMU had significantly shorter hospital duration, compared with dogs treated at UGA (Table 2).
Descriptive statistics and comparison of potential confounders for 161 dogs with confirmed intervertebral disk herniation diagnosed at surgery in 2 veterinary referral institutions and treated with or without glucocorticoids by referring veterinarians during 2000 to 2006.
Descriptive statistics and comparison of potential confounders for 161 dogs with confirmed intervertebral disk herniation diagnosed at surgery in 2 veterinary referral institutions and treated with or without glucocorticoids by referring veterinarians during 2000 to 2006.
Serum biochemical analytes including serum albumin, BUN, serum sodium, and serum chloride concentrations were not different among groups. Serum creatinine concentration was higher in nontreatment group dogs (0.91 mg/dL), compared with other-glucocorticoid (0.72 mg/dL) and dexamethasone (0.78 mg/dL) group dogs. The mean blood lactate concentration in nontreatment group dogs was lower (2.25 mg/dL) than for dexamethasone (3.37 mg/dL) and other-glucocorticoid (4.36 mg/dL) group dogs, but this difference was not significant (P = 0.20). Median PCV in dexamethasone group dogs was lower than in nontreatment group dogs. A greater proportion of dexamethasone group dogs (3/49) were anemic, compared with other-glucocorticoid (0/32) or nontreatment group (2/78; PCV not recorded for 2 dogs) dogs, but this difference was not significant (Table 3).
Comparison of immediate and short-term improvement and potential adverse effects for 161 dogs with confirmed intervertebral disk herniation diagnosed at surgery in 2 veterinary referral institutions and treated with or without glucocorticoids by referring veterinarians during 2000 to 2006.
Dexamethasone group dogs (19/49) were more likely to have diarrhea than nontreatment group dogs (13/80). The proportion of dogs with vomiting or diarrhea was greater in the dexamethasone group (23/49) than the nontreatment group (17/80). Urinary tract infections also were more likely in dexamethasone group dogs (11/16; urine not evaluated for 33 dogs), compared with the nontreatment group dogs (2/15; urine not evaluated for 65 dogs). Five of 161 dogs had wound infections after surgery (3 in the nontreatment group, 2 in the other-glucocorticoid group). No dogs had aspiration pneumonia. When all adverse effects were combined, 92% (45/49) of dexamethasone group dogs had ≥ 1 abnormalities, compared with 66% (53/80) of nontreatment group dogs. Higher doses of dexamethasone were not associated with more adverse effects (r = −0.183; P = 0.208).
Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate the association between dexamethasone treatment and possible adverse effects while adjusting for confounding by other variables included in the models. The modified Frankel score at admission did not satisfy the assumption of being linear in a plot of the log-odds and was therefore included in all logistic models as a categoric variable. Multivariable logistic models predicting the adverse effects of diarrhea, diarrhea and vomiting, UTI, and any 1 or more adverse effect fit the data well on the basis of the Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test with P values of 0.994, 0.689, 0.930, and 0.996, respectively. Dexamethasone group dogs were 3.5 (95% CI, 1.4 to 8.3) times as likely to develop diarrhea, compared with dogs in other groups, when adjusted for hospital, modified Frankel score at admission, sex, and neutering status. When vomiting and diarrhea were considered together, dexamethasone group dogs were 2.9 (95% CI, 1.3 to 6.4) times as likely to develop one of these adverse effects, compared with dogs in other groups, when adjusted for hospital, modified Frankel score at admission, and sex. Dexamethasone group dogs were 11.4 (95% CI, 1.5 to 88.8) times as likely to develop a UTI, compared with dogs in other groups. Female dogs were 18.5 (95% CI, 1.3 to 271) times as likely to develop a UTI, compared with male dogs. The multivariable model for the prediction of UTI adjusted the effects of hospital, modified Frankel score at admission, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory administration. Dexamethasone group dogs were 3.4 (95% CI, 1.0 to 11.2) times as likely to develop any adverse effect, compared with dogs in other groups. Dogs in all groups at TAMU were 5.9 (95% CI, 2.4 to 14.7) times as likely to have a report of adverse effects, compared with dogs at UGA. Variables of hospital and dog weight also were included in the multivariable model predicting any 1 or more adverse effect.
The proportion of dogs with immediate improvement (increase in modified Frankel score between admission and discharge; mean time, 6.9 days) in the dexamethasone group (19/46) was smaller than the proportion of dogs with immediate improvement in the nontreatment (46/78) or other-glucocorticoid (15/29) groups (Table 3), although this difference was not significant (P = 0.076). No significant differences were found in short-term outcome (increase in modified Frankel score by ≥ 2 between admission and reevaluation; mean follow-up, 29 days) with respect to groups.
Since the 1960s, dexamethasone has been used as a treatment for acute spinal cord injury resulting from disk herniation in dogs, and it is currently recommended for this purpose by several investigators.34–36 Dexamethasone can reduce the severity of traumatically induced edema and lipid peroxidation in the experimental setting, which has been a justification for its use in spinal cord injury.37,38 Early motor recovery has been enhanced in some spinal cord injury studies38,39 after administration of dexamethasone, although other investigators40–42 have found no benefit associated with this intervention. Despite the frequent use of dexamethasone in dogs with injured spinal cords, few data exist concerning the frequency and type of adverse effects in this population or the efficacy of treatment in the clinical setting.
High doses of glucocorticoids have been suggested to increase complications in animals and humans with endogenous spinal cord injury. The most frequently identified adverse effects in veterinary patients are gastrointestinal, although humans receiving methylprednisolone sodium succinate have increased rates of infection and aspiration pneumonia.43–45 Overall rates of perioperative adverse effects seem to be higher in humans treated with high doses of glucocorticoids, compared with untreated control patients.43,44
In the study reported here, vomiting, diarrhea, UTI, wound infection, pneumonia, anemia, and various serum biochemical abnormalities associated with free water loss (high serum sodium, chloride, and albumin concentrations) were investigated with reference to glucocorticoid treatment. Dexamethasone group dogs were more likely to develop complications (45/49), compared with nontreatment group dogs (53/80), although the proportion of adverse effects (66%) was still substantial in the nontreatment group dogs. When multivariable logistic regression was used to adjust for confounding, dexamethasone group dogs were found to be 3.4 times as likely to develop adverse effects, compared with dogs in other groups.
Complications associated with dexamethasone treatment were diarrhea and UTI in the study population of this report. Diarrhea was identified in 19 of 49 dexamethasone group dogs, compared with 13 of 80 nontreatment group dogs. Multivariable logistic regression analysis indicated that dexamethasone group dogs were 3.5 times as likely to develop diarrhea, compared with dogs in other groups. High-dose glucocorticoid administration can induce immunosuppression, gastric hyperacidity, and alterations in gastric mucosa, which, when coupled with preexisting spinal cord injury, may increase the risk of gastrointestinal complications.46–48 Dexamethasone group dogs also were 11.4 times as likely to have UTIs, compared with dogs in other groups. Although long-term glucocorticoid treatment has been recognized as a risk factor in the development of UTIs in pruritic dogs,49 short-term high-dose glucocorticoid administration has not, to our knowledge, been associated with UTI. Voiding disability resulting from spinal cord injury is well known to increase UTIs in dogs and may magnify the impact of altered bladder immune function that results from high-dose glucocorticoid administration.50,51 The inclusion of the Frankel score at admission in the multivariable model should have controlled for potential confounding by severity of disability for this comparison. Aspiration pneumonia and wound infection were not associated with dexamethasone administration.
Few of the biochemical or hematologic variables assessed were different among groups after correcting for confounding, although further investigation may be needed. Dexamethasone group dogs did have a significantly lower PCV than the nontreatment group dogs, and a greater proportion of dexamethasone group dogs were anemic (3/49), compared with the other-glucocorticoid (0/32) or nontreatment group (2/78) dogs. Lactate concentrations were higher in the dexamethasone group dogs (3.37 mg/dL) than in the nontreatment group dogs (2.25 mg/dL), although these differences were not significant.
The use of high doses of glucocorticoids in acute spinal cord injury is an ongoing controversy in human and veterinary medicine. Results of some studies18,21 indicate that humans with traumatic myelopathy may benefit from methylprednisolone sodium succinate, although the results of other studies8,25 have not supported the merit of this intervention. Results of 1 study27 in dogs with surgically confirmed thoracolumbar disk herniation did not reveal an improved outcome with methylprednisolone administration. In a study52 of 223 dogs with medically managed presumptive thoracolumbar disk herniation, glucocorticoid treatment was associated with reduced success and lower quality-of-life indices when logistic regression modeling was used to control for confounding variables. Any potential associations between outcome and treatment group in the study reported here must be interpreted with caution, as data were obtained retrospectively, substantial variability existed in drug delivery protocol (timing relative to spinal cord injury, duration of treatment, and dosage), and examiners likely differed in assessment techniques.
Given the results of the study reported here and the limited information available from other experimental and clinical reports, we suggest that practitioners carefully consider the potential detriments and benefits of dexamethasone treatment prior to administering this drug to dogs with thoracolumbar disk herniation. Experimental evidence is controversial concerning effects on motor recovery after spinal cord injury, and clinical reports have yet to establish a substantial impact on outcome. Gastrointestinal signs and UTIs are potential complications associated with dexamethasone administration. Although death was not associated with adverse effects in the study reported here, clients should be warned about these risks prior to dexamethasone treatment. Additional retrospective and prospective studies are required to clarify the effects of dexamethasone in dogs with thoracolumbar disk herniation.
TAMU | Texas A&M University |
UGA | University of Georgia |
UTI | Urinary tract infection |
CI | Confidence interval |
Solu-Medrol, Pharmacia, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Critical Care Xpress, Nova Biomedical, Waltham, Mass.
SPSS, version 14.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill.
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