Book Reviews: For Your Library

Veterinary Medicine: A Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, and Goats (10th edition)

Reviewed by John A. Angelos, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

The 10th edition of Veterinary Medicine: A Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, and Goats continues a tradition of providing in-depth and appropriately referenced and indexed discussions of livestock diseases. In the 10th edition, there is a new chapter on prion diseases. Approximately 40 new tables and figures have also been added. Divided into Part 1 (General Medicine) and 2 (Special Medicine), the textbook is designed to assist readers in recognizing clinical signs and systems involved. Useful review literature and updated reference lists are included after each section. Compared with the ninth edition, this edition is more visually appealing and easier to navigate. Appropriate use of color and fonts makes it easier to identify specific subheadings within any section.

Each chapter begins with a brief index of all sections and page numbers within that particular chapter. In addition, every page provides section and chapter information, making it easier to move rapidly through the book without needing to go back to the table of contents. Similar to the ninth edition, the brief synopses that are provided for sections that consist of > 1,000 words enable readers to obtain a brief overview of a specific disease. As a comprehensive textbook that covers diseases of all of the domestic livestock species, including pigs, this new edition will be useful to veterinary students, veterinarians undertaking advanced postgraduate training, and large animal veterinary practitioners.—By Otto M. Radostits, Clive C. Gay, Kenneth W. Hinchcliff, & Peter D. Constable. 2,156 pages; illustrated. Elsevier Saunders, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 9780-7020-2777-2. 2007. Price $199.00.

Natural Sheep Care

Reviewed by Joan S. Bowen, DVM

The updated version ofNatural Sheep Care is written by an Australian commercial livestock producer and provides a nutrition-based perspective for management and prevention of diseases in sheep. The emphasis of this text is clearly on manipulation of trace mineral metabolism as a mechanism to control and prevent diseases. Chapter headings include Origins and Uses of Sheep, History, Breeds of Sheep, Wool and Meat Production, Feeding Requirements, Land Management, and Management of Sheep. The last 4 chapters (Minerals, Vitamins Need Minerals, Health Problems, and Worms—Another Strategy) specifically relate the author's opinion on the nutritional causes of common health problems in sheep and how these diseases can be prevented or treated through provision of specific trace minerals and cider vinegar. The author suggests that the soil and feeds should be tested for nutrient content before modifying a feeding program and recommends that diets be forage-based with a wide variety of native plants. However, this excellent advice is accompanied by the recommendation to allow free-choice access to a specific mineral mix that contains dolomite, copper sulfate, sulfur, and seaweed meal. Readers are cautioned that trace mineral interactions are extremely complex, with the excess of 1 or more minerals inhibiting the absorption or function of other minerals, and the use of the aforementioned trace mineral combination may lead to copper toxicosis in certain regions of the United States. Sheep producers and small ruminant practitioners may find this book interesting to read, but veterinarians are warned that the text does not provide science-based information.—By Patricia Coleby. 215 pages; illustrated. Acres U S A, PO Box 91299, Austin, TX 78709-1299. ISBN 0-911311-90-4. 2006. Price $25.00.

Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants: Sheep, Goats, Cervids, and New World Camelids (Animal Nutrition Series)

Reviewed by Rodney Kott Jr, PhD, MD

Nutrient Requirements of Small Ruminants: Sheep, Goats, Cervids, and New World Camelids includes first-time recommendations for cervids (whitetailed deer, red deer, wapiti and American elk, caribou, and reindeer) and New World camelids (llamas and alpacas). In many cases, research data for cervids and New World camelids were limited but information reported in this book represents the best estimates available from current knowledge. The hardcover book contains 14 chapters. This publication represents an update of the sheep nutrient requirement series, which was last published in 1985. The textbook contains updated material on sheep primarily related to genetic changes in size and production. Nutritive requirements for goats are a major revision of the initial series that was published in 1981. This publication attempts to serve the needs of a diverse audience, ranging from biologists to practicing nutritionists to flock or herd managers. Some portions of the text are fairly technical and will probably be confusing to readers with no advanced nutritional training. This fact is acknowledged by the authors, and they do a good job of providing clearly defined sections for selective reading

Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction. Chapter 2 discusses the anatomic and physiologic characteristics of the digestive system, focusing on similarities and differences among the species included in this edition. This is more of a classic textbook discussion, but it can be extremely helpful to readers when applying the principles of nutrient requirements provided in subsequent chapters. Chapter 3 discusses factors associated with feed intake and grazing behavior or diet selection. This chapter discusses how external factors, such as the characteristics and availability of various diet sources or dietary supplementation, affect feeding behavior and feed intake.

The factors that affect dietary requirements for energy, protein, essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and water are discussed in chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, respectively. Chapter 10 includes a discussion on the effect of plant factors on nutrient availability. This is useful because the animal species mentioned in this publication use a wide range of plant species to meet their nutritional needs. A general discussion about the practical aspects of evaluating feeds and nutrient sources and feeding practices is provided in chapter 11.

A practical guide to the feeding and nutrient requirements of the various species is included in chapter 12. This summarizes much of the information included in other chapters associated with determining the nutrient needs and also assists with the use of requirement tables when formulating diets and providing supplements, yet it is written in language that is easy to comprehend. This chapter is a practical summary of the entire text and is recommended as the primary reading for many users, especially those with no advanced training in nutrition. The final section of this chapter includes a listing of the nutrient requirement tables for the various species. Chapter 13 provides a short review of the common diseases that have direct application to nutritional or feeding practices. In addition to discussing typical nutritional disorders, a discussion on the affects of nutrition on parasites is included. This should provide animal health professionals with an additional practical reference for some of the more common nutritional disorders.

The last chapter includes nutrient requirement tables for sheep, goats, cervids, and New World camelids and feed composition tables. An extensive table of nutrient compositions of common feedstuffs is included. In addition to a traditional table of harvested feeds, a table containing estimated composition of typical pasture or native range forage, browse, or other novel feedstuffs is included. That table should be an excellent reference for the nutritional management of free-ranging grazing animals.

The information provides a compilation of the most up-to-date information on nutritional management of sheep, goats, cervids, and New World camelids. Estimates of nutrient requirements should serve as a guide for any person who makes recommendations. Although this text is fairly technical in many places, the authors do an excellent job of including sections (chapter 12 in particular) designed for individuals with no advanced nutrition training. This publication would be an excellent reference text for anyone involved in sheep, goat, and other small ruminant production systems.—By The National Research Council. 362 pages; illustrated. The National Academies Press, 8700 Jericho City Dr, Landover, MD 20785. ISBN 978-0-309-10213-1. 2007. Price $129.00.

Nutrient Requirements of Horses (Animal Nutrition Series) (6th edition)

Reviewed by A. Wayne Groce, DVM, PhD

The preface to the sixth edition of Nutrient Requirements of Horses contains the profound statement, “A great deal of new information has appeared in the scientific literature on topics related to the nutrition and feeding of horses since the publication of the previous edition in 1989.” The National Research Council (NRC) Committee on Nutrient Requirements of Horses appears to have based their efforts on evaluation and integration of this new information while retaining historical information from the fifth edition that is still considered relevant and valid. The feed analysis library has been expanded, and extensive information on the composition of mare's milk is provided. This hardcover publication should withstand frequent use.

The familiar format and organization common to all books of the NRC's nutrient requirements of domestic animals series are retained. Committee members and their editorial support staff have broken slightly from the stilted scientific literature review style used in prior offerings while still providing a factual resource that is refreshingly easy to read. Readers are frequently cautioned that nutritional training and knowledge are required to properly apply the techniques and information.

Results of research on the popular topics of lipidenhanced diets and energy requirements and utilization by equine athletes are thoroughly discussed by the authors. Nutritional guidelines for all life stages of horses and most work or performance functions are provided in standard NRC nutrient requirement formats. One chapter, which is devoted to computer models used to generate the data in these tables, will only be of interest to professional nutritionists or researchers in equine nutrition. A nutrient requirement estimation utility for the sixth edition is provided on the publisher's Web site ( An expanded treatment of ration formulation and evaluation provides good refresher exercises for people with some formal nutritional training (such as a basic undergraduate nutrition or rations course).—By the National Research Council. 341 pages; illustrated. The National Academies Press, 8700 Jericho City Dr, Landover, MD 20785. ISBN 978-0-309-10212-4. 2007. Price $99.95.

Equine Infectious Diseases

Reviewed by Terry C. Gerros, DVM, DACVIM

Equine Infectious Diseases serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in equine infectious disease, be they veterinary students, academic clinicians, private practitioners, or researchers. The book represents the efforts of an impressive list of 86 authors from the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Australia, and South Africa.

The text is separated into 6 color-coded sections, including clinical problems; viral, bacterial and rickettsial, fungal, and parasitic diseases; and prevention and control of infectious disease. The accompanying CDROM contains an extensive reference list from the veterinary literature. A direct link to PubMed citations allows readers to access scientific abstracts for most of the references.

The section on clinical problems will be especially useful to veterinary students and recent graduates and should be considered a must-read. In essence, it is an overview of the information that follows in the other sections, but it is organized as problem-based rather than for specific etiologic agents. The information in the remaining chapters is complete and summarizes the current knowledge related to almost every infectious disease of horses. In some cases, the authors offer more information than would be expected.

One feature I especially liked is the inclusion of numerous color photographs throughout the text. There are also many tables of protocols and guidelines, schematics of pathogenesis, and life cycles of parasites, all of which add tremendously to the information contained in this reference and the value of it.

The chapter on control of disease outbreaks includes a table of the common causes of those outbreaks and protocols for disinfection of stalls. Those tables and the information regarding pest control and traffic control can be easily provided to farm owners and managers as an aid in protecting their livestock.

The appendices in the text and CD-ROM include a differential list of problem-based vaccination guidelines for horses in North America, as well as a concise antimicrobial drug formulary. The differential list and drug formulary are sufficiently concise that readers could copy them to have available for on-farm use.

In my opinion, this is one of the best equine textbooks written to date. The authors reach or exceed their intended goal of providing a single-source summary of the important aspects of equine infectious disease. The cost of the text is a bargain for the amount of information contained.—By Debra C. Sellon & Maureen Long. 653 pages and CD-ROM; illustrated. Elsevier Saunders, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 1-4160-2406-4. 2007. Price $149.00.

Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine (4th edition)

Reviewed by Robert L. Jones, DVM, PhD, DACVM

The fourth edition of Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine is a comprehensive textbook devoted to the scientific basis of rational and appropriate antimicrobial therapy. The challenge of compiling the expanding knowledge of antimicrobials is addressed by adding 2 editors (now a team of 5 pharmacologists and microbiologists) and recruiting 36 contributing authors for the 39 chapters. This edition is published on a larger page size with 2 columns of text per page, which makes it easier to read than the single broad column used in preceding editions. There are abundant headings and subheadings throughout the text, which makes it easy to scan for specific information. The text contains numerous tables of data (pharmacokinetic parameters, spectrum of activity, dosages and treatment intervals, and indicated uses) that are relatively consistent in style and format. Other than a couple of reversed < and > signs in tables on minimum inhibitory concentrations, only a few errors were found.

The fourth edition has been organized in 4 sections that are apt to have differing appeal and value for various audiences. The first section on general pharmacologic principles contains 6 chapters that are likely to be consulted mostly by students and teachers of antimicrobial pharmacology. The second section contains 12 chapters that describe classes of antibacterials, a chapter on antifungals, and a chapter on antivirals. A chapter on anthelmintics contained in previous editions has been discontinued. Updated information is provided for most available antimicrobials, including newer human formulations that have not received veterinary approval, whereas much of the information that is no longer of practical use has been removed. These chapters provide a thorough compilation of clinically important pharmacologic characteristics of the drugs that should be useful to veterinary students and practitioners. Some inconsistencies in the depth of coverage and updated information among these chapters are evident. Examples include the omission of ertapenem; reliance on antimicrobial susceptibility data from the 1980s; omission of antivirals such as nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, integrase, and neuraminidase inhibitors; and lack of discussion of combination antiviral treatments.

The third section contains a collection of 7 chapters on special topics, including prophylactic use, growth promotion, drug residues, regulation, prudent use, and other special considerations. The fourth section contains 12 chapters that are oriented toward practitioners responsible for prescribing antimicrobials. Each chapter is a clinical guide to antimicrobial treatment in selected animal species (horses, dogs and cats, cattle, sheep and goats, New World camelids, swine, poultry, companion birds, rodents, rabbits and ferrets, reptiles, and aquatic species). These chapters alone make the text a valuable edition to any clinician's library. Each chapter includes scientifically based indicated uses in addition to approved label usage with dosage and treatment interval recommendations, and most include species-specific pharmacokinetic information and susceptibility information for common pathogens.

This textbook is an essential-knowledge resource of information for veterinarians as they prescribe antimicrobial treatments and participate in public policy discussions on antimicrobial use and development of resistance.—By Steeve Giguére, John F. Prescott, J. Desmond Baggot, Robert D. Walker, & Patricia M. Dowling. 626 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-8138-0656-3. 2006. Price $124.99.

Handbook of Veterinary Anesthesia (4th edition)

Reviewed by Meghan T. Richey, DVM, DACVA

In the fourth edition of the Handbook of Veterinary Anesthesia, the authors once again do an admirable job of condensing the ever-expanding spectrum of the anesthetic experience and are to be commended for their continued inclusion of relevant physiologic and pharmacologic aspects while still providing practitioner-friendly drug protocols. Each chapter begins with a quote that sets the tone for the chapter. These often humorous quotes (eg, “There are no safe anesthetic agents; there are no safe anesthetic procedures; there are only safe anesthetists” by Robert Smith) prompt readers to think beyond typically dry anesthesia textual information.

The first 10 chapters are appropriately organized and flow in a logical manner from patient evaluation through preanesthetic drugs, local anesthetics, and regional blocks to intravenous induction drugs and finally to inhalants. However, on the negative side, the momentum for readers typically decreases starting with chapter 12. This is a function of the order of chapters rather than their content. For example, the content of chapters 11 through 18 is important information, but their placement order shortchanges the relative importance of some chapters, such as neuromuscular blocking drugs versus patient monitoring. In addition, although chapter 24 on cesarean section appears to contain good content, it also seems to be misplaced in the midst of species-specific considerations in chapters 19 through 25. Finally, chapters 26 through 29 on fluid administration during anesthesia, shock, respiratory emergencies, and cardiovascular emergencies would be better placed before the speciesand procedure-specific chapters because their subject matter again returns to a more physiologic and conceptual format.

The authors provide many concise, user-friendly tables and useful summary boxes to stress important points in some chapters, but summary boxes are not included in many chapters that could benefit from them. Although most of the newer drugs are included, many older drugs are still included (eg, chloral hydrate, scopolamine, and methohexital) and terms often vary (eg, anticholinergic vs parasympatholytic, or narcotic when opioid is intended). Many currently do use the metric system, but inclusion of both systems, similar to the format used in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (ie, kg [lb]), would make it a more practitioner-friendly text.

Overall, this book should prove to be a welcome addition to the library of any person, whether they are experienced practitioners who want to stay current, recent graduates faced with new and different protocols, or veterinary students trying to integrate the art and science of anesthesia.—By William W. Muir III, John A. E. Hubbell, Richard M. Bednarski, & Roman T. Skarda. 643 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-323-04678-7. 2007. Price $66.95.

Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants

Reviewed by Jennifer N. Langan, DVM, DACZM

Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants is a long-awaited and much-needed text in the field of zoologic medicine. Elephants are one of the most recognized species in the animal kingdom and evoke strong emotions in many societies. Whether as animals of wonder, beasts of burden, or crop-raiding killers, these animals have captured the interest of humans for thousands of years. Despite the long history of managing these enormous animals in captivity as well as in the wild, this is the first comprehensive text of its kind.

The editors are known for their work and contributions to elephant medicine and do a great job of selecting other specialists from around the world to contribute to this text. This book includes 36 chapters, 16 of which cover topics such as taxonomy, legislation, behavior, husbandry, nutrition, preventive health care, restraint, anesthesia, surgery, infectious diseases, parasites, antemortem and postmortem diagnostics, and therapeutics. After these chapters, there is an excellent system-by-system (eg, integument, respiratory tract, and cardiovascular) review. I found the chapters that cover reproductive topics and foot disorders to be exceptionally useful. The chapter Veterinary Problems of Geographical Concern highlights many challenges that face elephants and veterinarians around the world and adds great global perspective for those who work to conserve elephants. There are numerous helpful charts within the text and 10 extremely useful pages, including 36 high-quality photographs that depict disease conditions and the anatomy of elephants and 12 photomicrographs that detail unique hematologic attributes of elephants. The appendices are also extremely useful, collating important reference documents necessary to care for these animals in captivity. This book is highly recommended for anyone who works with captive elephants and is a tremendous contribution to this body of literature.—By Murray E. Fowler & Suzan K. Mikota. 565 pages, illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-81380676-1. 2007. Price $159.99

Handbook of Primate Husbandry and Welfare

Reviewed by Margaret S. Landi, VMD, MS, DACLAM

The Handbook of Primate Husbandry and Welfare is written by well-known British primatologists. It consists of 9 chapters that cover a wide array of species of nonhuman primates. Although some information in the book will be of value to practitioners, the primary target audience is veterinarians and other professionals who work with primates in research settings. The price of the book is similar to comparable professional reference books.

The book is aligned with practices and procedures common in Europe, specifically the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) is most frequently used in research, whereas in the United States, it is generally the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). Within the United Kingdom, injuries to personnel by Old World monkeys are handled differently than those in the United States, where infection with Herpesvirus simiae (herpes B) is always a consideration. To exemplify this distinction, readers should remember the difference in medical and veterinary practice for animal bites in the United Kingdom and United States with regard to potential transmission of rabies.

Overall, the book is a clearly written reference for standards of care and welfare for nonhuman primate populations in the United Kingdom. The standards may differ from those in the United States, but the principles of humane care, treatment, and welfare are the same for both countries. The major difference readers should remember is that within the United Kingdom and Europe, the emphasis is for more naturalistic environments within research settings. However, what is best for the animals should be determined by qualified personnel who know and understand the behavior, characteristics, and needs of each specific species of nonhuman primate within any captive setting. This book will be a good reference for such qualified staff.—By Sarah Wolfensohn & Paul Honess. 168 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 1-405-11158-5. 2005. Price $69.99.

Veterinary Emergency Critical Care Manual (2nd edition)

Reviewed by Kari E. Moore, DVM, DACVECC

The second edition of the Veterinary Emergency Critical Care Manual is a compact reference guide designed to help guide readers through emergency and critical care decision making and management. The editor is a recognized expert in the field of veterinary emergency and critical care. Her collaboration with 34 authors results in concise, easy-to-follow diagnostic algorithms and treatment guidelines. It is an organized compilation of 110 chapters on various emergency and critical care topics.

In the second edition, 73 chapters were added from the initial edition (which was published in 1996). These include acid-base assessment, lactate, and magnesium; additional chapters on neurology and endocrinology; and new sections such as sepsis, reproductive tract (male and female), and exotics and small mammals. Most chapters have additional recommended reading. Many chapters offer the author's personal clinical experiences and treatment preferences for emergencies and critical care management. Although not based on referenced studies, the editor always indicates this fact in the text, which I found helpful because there is much in critical care that is learned during a clinical residency or through clinical experience that has not been published. Readers will appreciate the book's organization and the ease with which information can be located along with the practical coverage of each topic. This textbook is a valuable resource for veterinarians at any 24-hour facility with an internship program or emergency practitioners and is also a quick reference guide for general practitioners.—By Karol A. Mathews. 809 pages; illustrated. Lifelearn Inc, MacNabb House, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada. ISBN 978-1-896985-47-3. 2006. Price $98.00.

Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals: Textbook and Colour Atlas (3rd edition)

Reviewed by Robert M. Bowker, VMD, PhD

The third edition of Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Animals: Textbook and Colour Atlas is not just another anatomy text made simple. Instead, it is an integration from all fields, from basic scientists to practicing clinicians and more, for the teaching of anatomy. It is a thorough comparative anatomy reference book that is quite readable with many cited and authoritative detailed drawings and photographs from many of the classical anatomists and teachers of the past several centuries as well as those of the 21st century. The language of the text seems to be concisely distilled to provide the material in the clearest and crispest manner possible, which makes the text extremely readable. In addition, the pictures and drawings from other anatomists will readily be appreciated by today's visual-learning students. The mixture of basic comparative and topographic anatomy along with microscopic anatomy, physiology, and radiology makes this book ideal for use in a comparative anatomy course in veterinary medical schools, as well as courses in many undergraduate and graduate institutions, because sufficient details of the various animal species and important clinically relevant topics are included. The introductory chapter on the history of veterinary anatomy is enjoyable and reaffirms that anatomy remains one of the cornerstones of veterinary medical science and that anatomists are among a unique group of individuals in today's world of highly technical molecular biology courses that have dominated the curricula in veterinary medical schools. References are provided for those who wish to obtain further detailed information. This comparative anatomy book will be a valuable addition to the literature and should become an often-used textbook in comparative anatomy courses in most veterinary medical schools.—By Horst Erich König & Hans-Georg Liebich. 768 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-3-7945-2485-3. 2007. Price $389.99.

Anatomical and Clinical Radiology of Birds of Prey (Including Interactive Advanced Anatomical Imaging)

Reviewed by Karen L. Morrow, DVM, MS, DACVR

Anatomical and Clinical Radiology of Birds of Prey (Including Interactive Advanced Anatomical Imaging) is appropriately organized, clear, and concise. Exceptional (but brief) descriptions, photographs, and anatomic illustrations accompany the radiographic images throughout the book.

The book provides an interesting introduction of the history of radiography; an in-depth section on restraint and positioning; and a good review of special techniques such as magnification and contrast radiography. The main body of the book provides a radiographic catalogue of the Saker and Gyr falcons, Steppe eagle, palm nut vulture, Eurasian honey buzzard, northern goshawk, red kite, common barn owl, and Eurasian eagle owl. Each species has a complete set of radiographs with easy-to-follow labeled anatomic drawings for each radiographic view. A nice touch is the inclusion of beautiful photographs of the various birds. A review of clinical and pathologic conditions with sections on trauma-related, management-related, infectious, and neoplastic diseases is then provided through the use of radiographic images and descriptions of the radiographic findings.

Worthy of mention is the fact that the radiographic images are conventional, and at first glance, the radiographic quality appears questionable in today's age of high-contrast digitalization. However, the radiographs are of extremely good quality, especially considering that all were taken with a portable radiograph unit of limited kilovoltage and milliampere settings and with regular cassettes. All radiographs depict the authors' points extremely well.

The final chapter is a brief overview of advanced imaging techniques, including ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging along with a useful introduction to Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). A DVD related to this final chapter is provided. The objective of the DVD is to be a learning tool for the acquisition of basic knowledge of veterinary digital imaging in the field of avian medicine. The DVD is as appropriately organized as the textbook is. To use the DVD does require downloading some software for viewing real-time images and a free DICOM server for learning how to manipulate images. For those who are interested in advanced imaging techniques and are somewhat computer savvy, this is an extremely pleasant introduction, especially to the use of DICOM.—By Jaime H. Samour & Jesus L. Naldo. 279 pages and DVD; illustrated. Elsevier Saunders, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 978-07020-2802-1. 2007. Price $190.00.

BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal Imaging

Reviewed by Cynthia Sloan, DVM, DACVR

The BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal Imaging is a welcome addition to the arsenal of information needed to address diagnostic challenges (imaging and otherwise) within the daily practice of veterinary medicine. With the rapid expansion of knowledge and the vast amounts of information available, this manual dedicated to musculoskeletal imaging is vital to provide accurate and timely access as the need arises.

The structure and organization of this manual make it a tool that readers would expect could be used to quickly find the information needed. Brief yet succinct paragraphs and a bulleted format will assist readers to rapidly access information without becoming bogged down by laborious text. Reference lists at the end of the chapters provide a resource for additional investigation as needed. Throughout the text are numerous selections of pertinent radiographic examples and diagrams, concise reviews of anatomic and physiologic aspects, and technical factors. Completeness of the lists of differential diagnoses encourages recall of those uncommonly encountered (and commonly overlooked) maladies.

Compiled by an amazing panel of contributors, the authors of this textbook are a fine example of the current expertise that permeates the field. The breadth of information and technical advice is suitable to expand the knowledge base of veterinary students and general practitioners, yet also reaches the needs of specialists.— By Frances J. Barr & Robert M. Kirberger. 286 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-905214-86-3. 2006. Price $134.99.

Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dentistry

Reviewed by Anson J. Tsugawa, VMD, DAVDC

Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dentistry is a softcover book designed as a user-friendly chairside guide for rapid access to information regarding common oral and dental diseases in small animals. The book includes contributions of 28 authors and the editor, an accomplished veterinary dentist who has coauthored 2 popular books in veterinary dentistry.

The paper quality is above average to complement the > 200 full-color photographs. The book is divided logically into 11 sections, 58 chapters, 2 appendices, a glossary, and an index. The appendix on handouts includes useful templates, with a space to add the name of your animal hospital so that they can be readily reproduced for the purpose of client education. Although primarily devoted to topics on canine and feline dentistry, the book does include an excellent section on dentistry in rodents and lagomorphs.

The first 2 sections cover the basics of diagnostics and techniques and are organized into easily referenced categories (Indications, Equipment, Procedures, and Comments). Skills in the techniques section are provided in a convenient photograph-rich, step-by-step format. Editing of figures in several areas is suboptimal (eg, blurry images, fingers evident in radiographs, and incorrect legends), and the images in the chapter on extractions are noticeably dark.

The remaining 9 sections of the book cover common oral and dental diseases in small animals. The chapters in these sections retain the familiar format of the 5-Minute Veterinary Consult series: Definition and Overview, Etiology and Pathophysiology, Signalment and History, Clinical Features, Differential Diagnoses, Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Comments, and Suggested Reading. The depth of coverage for each topic varies among chapters but is sufficient and appropriate for the intended format of the book. For those desiring more information, an adequate reading list is supplied at the conclusion of each chapter.

The strengths of this book include the appropriate organization of sections and chapters and clinically oriented coverage of basic veterinary dentistry diagnostics and techniques as well as oral and dental diseases in small animals. Overall, this book succeeds as an appropriately priced clinical handbook that would be a good purchase for veterinary students and a worthwhile addition to the library of any general practitioner.—By Heidi B. Loprise. 414 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-0-7817-6230-4. 2007. Price $89.99.

The Feline Patient (3rd edition)

Reviewed by Sandy Sanford, DVM, DABVP

The third edition of The Feline Patient is by far the best edition. The authors do an excellent job in organizing information and providing it in a logical and accessible format. The best update in this edition is the quantity and quality of photographs, radiographs, and ultrasonographic images. I have not seen this many excellent images in a ready-to-use and easy-to-use text. The intent to provide an excellent resource for practicing veterinarians has been met. Even the busiest practicing veterinarian can easily and quickly view this text. The ability to pull out useful information quickly is a must for busy practitioners.

New sections cover dermatology, ophthalmology, behavior, and dentistry. Each chapter provides readers with concise information and further suggested references when more information is desired. The sections on internal medicine and imaging are the most extensive. I found the ultrasonographic images to be extremely helpful and clearly explained. The images and artifacts are beneficial for those practitioners who are just starting out to use ultrasonography. More extensive texts on ultrasonography are available and recommended for in-depth explanations and techniques, but those provided in this text are excellent.

I believe that every practice should have a copy of this excellent feline reference. This is a text that will be used every day. The authors provide a unique and useful feline reference book.—By Gary D. Norsworthy, Mitchell A. Crystal, Sharon Fooshee Grace, & Larry P. Tilley. 776 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 9780-7817-6268-7. 2006. Price $124.99.

Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis

Reviewed by Linda Wallace Bartow, DVM, DABVP

Small Animal Medical Differential Diagnosis is a book of lists separated into 3 sections (Clinical Signs, Body Systems, and Laboratory Values). This ambitious text is designed as a pocket reference to help avoid the necessity of perusing multiple references to make a list of differential diagnoses. For veterinary students or new practitioners, the book succeeds in being easy to use and succinct. For more seasoned veterinarians, however, there are areas in which the differential diagnoses are too broad in meaning or items have been omitted.

Overall, the organization is logical and desired information is easy to find. The section on clinical signs is predictable and orderly. The section on body systems is unpredictable in that listings vary from general systemic disorders with lists of differential diagnoses to specific disorders with lists of clinical signs, recommended ancillary laboratory tests, and potential complications. These extended areas are inconsistent throughout the section and beyond the stated purpose of the text, which provides the section with the feel of being incomplete. The section on laboratory values is particularly good as a rapid reminder of standard differential diagnoses based on single laboratory values. No attempt is made at interpretation on the basis of multiple laboratory values.

This book can serve as a handy reference for a quick review of differential diagnoses. Although the section on body systems is confusing in intent, the text appears to be sound overall. Users of this textbook should keep in mind that it does not replace the more extended information available in larger references.—By Mark S. Thompson. 301 pages; illustrated. Elsevier Saunders, 11830 Westline Industrial Dr, St Louis, MO 63146. ISBN 978-1-4160-3268-7. 2007. Price $49.95.

Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology: Honoring the Human-Animal Bond

Reviewed by Sue Downing, DVM, DACVIM

Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology: Honoring the HumanAnimal Bond describes the challenging connection between the human-animal bond and applied cancer treatments. Anecdotes illustrate the importance of acknowledging clients' perceptions and the measures clients will pursue for their pets, reminding clinicians that a short life expectancy does not justify withholding treatments. The author commemorates patients in case examples and offers suggestions of dialogue that could be used to facilitate communication. Readers are encouraged to overcome personal biases against age and cancer and consider reasonable, practical home-care options as an alternative to premature euthanasia. Reputable online references for clinicians and caregivers are provided. Candid observations are made regarding the importance of the first surgery undertaken in geriatric patients. A thoughtful review on anticipating and monitoring pain is included, although bisphosphonates are largely ignored beyond mention in a client handout. Unfortunately, the book is proposed as a decision-making tool, in which readers are instructed to “use,” “excise,” and “administer” in accordance with the author's recommendations. The established use of dexrazoxane for treating animals after doxorubicin extravasation is dismissed in favor of an unreferenced, highly invasive procedure that involves incising around the patient's limb. Other questionable advice includes forgoing submissions to established diagnostic laboratories for confirmation of in-house cytologic results and dispensing atropine for intractable vomiting. Appendix I contains an important 10-fold inaccuracy in the vincristine dosage. Capecitabine is advocated without any veterinary references or mention of corneal toxicosis reported in dogs. Illustrations are crude, and acronyms are distracting. Text and charts vacillate between jargon and medical terms and between generic and trade drug names. Other editing errors include incorrect captions, duplicate paragraphs, and misspellings.—By Alice Villalobos & Laurie Kaplan. 381 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 978-8138-0266-4. 2007. Price $79.99.

Pet Loss and Human Emotion: A Guide to Recovery (2nd edition)

Reviewed by Susan Dowd Stone, MSW, LCSW

The past 10 years has seen an increase in available information on animal companion loss and its social and emotional importance and guidance materials for bereaved owners. Among the best is Pet Loss and Human Emotion. This clearly written and appropriately researched guide fulfills its mission of providing a concise resource of depth and breadth for professional and lay people in an organized format. The compassionate voices of the authors expertly guide readers through the various stages of pet bereavement, which provides current information on resources, responses, and treatment while consistently validating the profound impact of such losses. As a mental health professional who leads a pet loss group at a regional animal hospital, I recognize that the experiences, feelings, questions, and answers provided in this book offer a range of contexts and reactions critical to the understanding of pet loss when counseling or comforting bereaved people. This text should be required reading for mental health professionals and veterinary staff alike. It offers compassionate validation for the professionals charged with caring for animals as well as pet owners. Destined to become a classic text, this book delivers its promise of recovery by offering practical and spiritual guidance to those anticipating or experiencing the loss of a beloved animal companion. The book's additional validation of the often profound grief reactions experienced by professionals charged with the care of animals makes a strong case for bereavement services as a part of best veterinary practices. Finally, readers are led to understand that although grief reactions are normal and expected and honor the life of the bereaved pet, the human capacity to love animals and renew bonds ultimately survives the agony of the experience. Many thanks to the authors for bringing us this compassionate guide.—By Cheri Barton Ross & Jane Baron-Sorensen. 273 pages; illustrated. Routledge–Taylor & Francis Group, 270 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016. ISBN 978-0-415-95776-8. 2007. Price $25.95.

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