Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia
Reviewed by Stephen A. Greene, DVM, MS, DACVA
The Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia is a comprehensive text aimed at practicing veterinarians. The book is written in a readable style with bulleted main points that cover the myriad of physiologic and pharmacologic aspects pertinent to the practice of equine anesthesiology. This book is intended to be a practical clinical guide and was written by the authors and 29 other contributors with recognized expertise in equine anesthesiology, surgery, internal medicine, and pain management. The book covers material from preoperative evaluation to recovery as it relates to anesthetic and analgesic management of horses. It is an up-to-date compilation of related subjects, such as interpretation of Gamblegrams, pharmacology of tramadol analgesia, and use of IV infusions of lidocaine. Readers will appreciate the book's organization and the ease with which information can be located throughout the 23 chapters. Descriptions of regional analgesic techniques provide opportunities for busy practitioners to add new pain management skills to their repertoire, and succinct indications and precautions that should be considered are also mentioned. The book provides clear explanations of basic physiologic concepts with excellent accompanying graphic illustrations, and it also contains many useful contemporary techniques for monitoring and manipulating equine responses during surgical anesthesia. The authors have masterfully accomplished their intended goals for this book. At the suggested price, the volume represents a sound investment for practicing veterinarians, who will find it frequently useful in improving the quality of care relating to anesthesia and pain relief in horses.—By Tom Doherty & Alex Valverde. 362 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 1-4051-2967-0. 2006. Price $89.99.
The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ferret and Rabbit
Reviewed by Laurie R. Hess, DVM, DABVP
The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Ferret and Rabbit is a comprehensive, organized compilation of common diseases that affect both ferrets and rabbits. The book provides an alphabetized list of frequently encountered clinical signs and recognized diseases in both species. For each clinical sign or disease, a brief description of the condition is given, followed by disease pathophysiology, body systems involved, disease incidence or prevalence, signalment of affected animals, signs, causes, possible risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, recommended follow-up care, and additional suggested readings. The book also contains a detailed appendix that lists common drug dosages, hematologic values, and select physiologic data for ferrets and rabbits. An extensive list of toxic plants, including clinical signs caused by ingestion and antidotes or treatment for toxicosis, is also included. In addition, the end of the book contains a user-friendly, detailed index. Finally, the insides of the front and back covers include color schematic diagrams of a ferret and rabbit to illustrate anatomic features of both species.
With thorough descriptions of 85 clinical syndromes in ferrets and 80 clinical syndromes in rabbits, the book is written for clinicians whose practice includes exotic animals and fully accomplishes its goal of educating this audience about frequently encountered problems of ferrets and rabbits. Given the detailed descriptions of each syndrome, even seasoned exotic animal clinicians are likely to learn from this book. This hardcover text is fairly priced and would be an excellent addition to any clinician's exotic pet library for ready reference.—By Barbara L. Oglesbee. 422 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 0-7817-9399-8. 2006. Price $89.99.
The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline Specialty Handbook—Ophthalmology
Reviewed by Michele E. Stengard, DVM, DACVO
The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline Specialty Handbook—Ophthalmology is a compact reference guide designed to provide quick access to practical information regarding a wide range of ophthalmic conditions. The consulting editor is a recognized expert in the field of veterinary ophthalmology with an interest in glaucoma in dogs and ocular manifestations of systemic disease. His collaboration with 17 authors has created a concise, thorough, and easy-to-navigate manual.
The information in the text is organized in the same manner as the parent textbook, The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult: Canine and Feline, 3rd edition. Topics are arranged alphabetically for quick reference and include specific diagnoses (eg, ectropion, corneal and scleral lacerations, and hyphema) as well as common ophthalmic problems (eg, blind quiet eye and red eye). Each topic is divided into the following categories: Basics, Diagnosis, Treatment, Medications, Follow-up, and Miscellaneous. Suggested reading for additional information is listed at the conclusion of every topic.
The strengths of this book include appropriate organization of material, thorough practical coverage of each topic, and easy-to-follow algorithms. A special feature of the book is the appendix that contains an in-depth review of how to perform and interpret an ophthalmic examination, which is enhanced by numerous practical tips. Most of the 40 full-color photographs provided to complement the appendix are helpful, although some figures are dark. Overall, this book would be a valuable resource for general practitioners and veterinary students.—By Paul E. Miller, Larry P. Tilley, and Francis W. K. Smith, Jr. 306 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 0-7817-7063-7. 2005. Price $34.99.
AO Principles of Fracture Management in the Dog and Cat
Reviewed by Joseph Harari, DVM, MS, DACVS
The third edition of AO Principles of Fracture Management in the Dog and Cat (previous editions were published in 1983 and 1997) is an expansive text on the surgical principles espoused by the human and veterinary medical AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen) group in Switzerland. Veterinary clinicians in the United States have experience with these orthopedic approaches in the form of continuing education courses and the marketing of surgical equipment. The initial dogmatic guidelines of the AO philosophy (ie, fracture stability with bone plates or screws and early return to function) have been modified to reflect a more biological approach that includes use of less rigid implants, and this information is detailed for readers.
The book is written and edited by an international group of veterinary surgeons. The content is organized into chapters devoted to general perioperative principles, specific types of bone fractures (including those involving the vertebral column), complications, and joint fusion. An appendix on biomaterials and a glossary are also included. Additionally, a DVD-ROM of animation and laboratory techniques is provided to enhance viewers' understanding of the text. Similar to previous editions, this volume is highly user-friendly in terms of presentation of the highlighted and printed text. Chapters are easy to read and adequately illustrated with attractive line drawings, radiographs, and bone-implant photographs. Basic and simplified surgical approaches are provided, and references are minimal.
This text should be considered required reading and a necessary reference for surgical specialists, residents in training, and practitioners interested in bone and joint surgery. It is hoped that readers will appreciate the depth of the artistic and scientific aspects of clinical orthopedics and will not underestimate the in vivo complexities of surgery that are difficult to depict in print or video.— By Ann L. Johnson, John E. F. Houlton, & Rico Vannini. 529 pages with DVD-ROM; illustrated. Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, 333 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10001. ISBN 3-13-141571-1. 2005. Price $249.95.
Ear, Nose, Throat, and Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs and Cats
Reviewed by David Holt, BVSc, DACVS
From the picture of the porcelain cat with dyspnea gracing the preface page onward, it is clear that Ear, Nose, Throat, and Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs and Cats is an interesting book on a subject that is important to the author. The book draws on the author's lifetime professional experience in the field and her long involvement with the International Veterinary Ear Nose and Throat Association. The stated purpose for the book is to provide a more complete overview of diseases and to increase understanding of the function of the respective organs, and it succeeds admirably. Each chapter of the book begins with a concise and relevant section on functional considerations in which relevant anatomic structures and physiologic processes are reviewed, and then continues with discussions of diagnostic techniques in each area. The clinical sections of each chapter are well laid out and are illustrated with radiographs, computed tomography images, and color plates. In particular, the bronchoscopy images are outstanding.
Some of the clinical sections have a primarily European perspective; for example, enilconazole is recommended for treatment of nasal apergillosis but is not readily available in the United States. Some conditions that are not thoroughly discussed in many textbooks, such as cholesteatoma of the middle ear and laryngeal hypoplasia, are adequately described. The inclusion and integration of neurology into the text are excellent and particularly appropriate to the discussion of laryngeal paralysis and pharyngeal and swallowing disorders. With many quick-consult and how-to texts on the market, this beautiful book provides a more detailed yet approachable, interesting, and thought-provoking look at diseases affecting the ear, nose, throat, and tracheobronchial tree in dogs and cats.—By Anjop J. Venkervan Haagen. 237 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 3-87706-635-6. 2005. Price $124.99.
Arthropod-borne Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat
Reviewed by Steven A. Levy, VMD
Arthropod-borne Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat is a beautifully illustrated book that provides an overview of some of the most important vector-borne diseases affecting companion animals. The book is organized into 2 sections. In the first 4 chapters, vector biology, vector-host-pathogen interactions that are crucial to immunology and pathogenesis, and laboratory diagnosis are discussed. Specific diseases are discussed in the subsequent chapters.
Although the text provides an easy-to-read and rapid overview of each disease, it will not be a sufficient stand-alone reference for clinicians who are seeking a detailed resource for complex medical cases related to organisms vectored by arthropods. The book has a strong European perspective, which is most apparent in the discussions of Lyme borreliosis and anaplasmosis (granulocytic ehrlichiosis). Practitioners in the United States will miss the important vector-host discussions necessary to understand borreliosis and anaplasmosis that are seen in endemic areas of the United States. Literature citations throughout the text are limited, particularly in the section on borreliosis, where, despite a 2005 publication date and other citations from as recent as 2003, the chapter fails to provide much of the clinical and natural exposure literature from 1993 to 2003. This leads to a deficiency of discussion of vaccination and the C6 ELISA (used in a test for borreliosis). These 2 areas are most crucial to practitioners who face issues concerning serologic diagnosis and immunoprophylaxis against borreliosis on a daily basis. Some readers will need to seek primary references in these areas to fill in the gaps.
The first section of the book is an excellent introduction to the complex and vital issues of host-vectorpathogen interactions. The book is reasonably priced; can easily be enjoyed while being read from cover to cover; and has beautiful photographs, diagrams, and figures to support the text. I recommend that clinicians with an interest in arthropod-borne diseases of dogs and cats and any scientist wanting a clinical overview of these diseases add this book to their library.—By Susan E. Shaw & Michael J. Day. 152 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 0-7817-9014-X. 2005. Price $69.99.
Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat (2nd edition)
Reviewed by Patricia F. Ashley, DVM, DACVD
The authors of this second edition of Skin Diseases of the Dog and Cat undertook to expand the original text by incorporating information from international dermatology congresses and electronic communications among veterinary dermatology specialists. This premise has been fulfilled.
The text is the highlight of the book. The writing is succinct, and diseases are logically categorized according to inflammatory process and the histologic region affected (eg, epidermis and adnexa). Dermatologists and residents will find the feature on clinically relevant groupings within the chapters useful. Clinical descriptions and expanded lists of differential diagnoses for clinical and histopathologic changes are clearly written. For each disease, a paragraph is devoted to the important topic of selection of a biopsy site, a decision that can determine whether the biopsy specimen leads to a diagnosis. This second edition has a greatly expanded section on neoplastic diseases that includes discussion of immunohistochemical features of nearly every neoplastic process described.
The authors also offer opinions and nonreferenced observations of conditions that are not adequately described in the veterinary literature. Although this could be challenged scientifically, it is an important aspect of what makes this text a valuable resource for dermatologists and pathologists. The authors' sense of humor is apparent in certain instances, such as in the discussion of cable box kitty syndrome in relation to erythema ab igne.
The book has numerous color photographs, but most histologic photographs are black and white; this is the only disappointment I have with this book. The book has a justifiably hefty price tag. It is more detailed and advanced than might be needed by general practitioners and veterinary students, but it is a worthy and necessary investment for veterinary dermatologists, pathologists, and residents in these disciplines.—By Thelma Lee Gross, Peter J. Ihrke, Emily J. Walder, & Verena K. Affolter. 923 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 0-632-06542-8. 2005. Price $299.99.
Practical Veterinary Dermatopathology
Reviewed by Claus D. Buergelt, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Designed as a practical guide for students, residents, pathologists, and practitioners, Practical Veterinary Dermatopathology is a softcover book that is composed of 7 chapters (referred to as sections), 168 color photomicrographs, 32 tables, numerous sketches, 3 appendices, and a list of recommended reading. The authors provide a plethora of information related to skin diseases and describe sampling and tissue processing procedures, clinical and microscopic features of skin diseases, morphologic responses of skin to injury, and differential diagnoses of skin diseases and pathologic lesions. This constitutes a potentially rich source of information. The authors attempt to accommodate as much information as possible within the book, short of designating it a textbook, and incorporate various informational and recollection techniques, such as checklists, tables, and icons, to indicate importance of information. This has regrettably resulted in disorganization of information and overkill of the volume of information conveyed to readers. Topics of sections are provided out of logical sequence; lesions, differential diagnoses, and tissue responses should more logically precede the more technical sections. As a result, there is some disorder and confusion to the flow of the text. There are too many tables, checklists, and sketches, which diminish the learning and retention values of the text and are contrary to the authors' declared intention. At the same time, expanding the case reviews beyond the 2 examples included in appendix C would have been helpful.
In summary, the book may burden readers with redundancy and unsequenced details. It is not constructed to be used as a practical guide for diagnosis of skin diseases. Unfortunately, I believe it complicates, rather than facilitates, understanding of dermatologic problems. There are other, smaller details for which the explanation should have been augmented or avoided altogether. There are many other available textbooks that do a better job on the same topic.—By Sonya Bettenay & Ann Hargis. 214 pages; illustrated. Teton NewMedia, PO Box 4833, 90 E Simpson, Ste 110, Jackson, WY 83001. ISBN 1-893441-96-2. 2006. Price $75.00.
The Dog and Its Genome
Reviewed by Thomas R. Famula, PhD
The editors begin the ambitious The Dog and Its Genome with a quote from Franz Kafka, that “all knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained in the dog.” Although this premise is perhaps a bit over the top, in the ensuing pages of the text, the editors chronicle the “unprecedented advancement and accomplishment in dog genetics.” For the most part, I judge their effort to be a considerable success. However, in evaluating the potential contributions of this collection of articles, it is important to consider the potential audiences for this book.
The most obvious audience is that of the authors' colleagues, the community of dog geneticists around the globe. For this group, the book will be a welcome addition to an office library. This audience will find useful insights to their own research through continual reference to haplotypes; quantitative trait loci; the measure of linkage disequilibrium; and the familiar nomenclature of genes, mutations, and single nucleotide polymorphisms. In this, the editors have made a serious attempt to highlight all of the areas of canine genetic research, ranging from a historic review of breed clubs and the origins of canine domestication to the mapping of genes involved in diseases and behaviors of dogs. The degree of sophistication required to benefit from these articles ranges from that of a seasoned professional geneticist to graduate students and would include advanced and motivated undergraduates. One concern for this audience might be the fleeting nature of the results provided. Investigators expect that a book of this sort will be nearly obsolete in 10 years, and little is contained in the articles here to dispute this anecdotal insight. Nonetheless, the articles currently have much to offer the canine research community.
A second audience might be veterinary clinicians. Although the orientation of the articles is toward discovery of new insights regarding pathology, motivated clinicians may turn to a text such as this when interested in offering guidance to clients with affected dogs. However, if the goal is to find information on patterns of inheritance with an eye toward breeding recommendations, most articles provide little such information. This was not the intent of the editors in designing the text or of the authors in developing their narratives, but it is mentioned because readers interested in practical and current solutions to disease prevention in dogs should look to other resources. Even so, many of the authors close their chapter with a summary that outlines hope for the future in breeding and eventual animal improvement.
A final audience is the community of geneticists who work with inherited diseases in humans. Throughout many chapters, the authors promote the usefulness of dogs as a method for studying disease in humans. In several instances, which are chronicled in the text, this promotion has been justified. However, I am skeptical that dogs will ever become important for the study of disease in humans. This point aside, the editors and authors of this volume prove with great clarity that unlocking the mysteries of the canine genome has much to offer. Therefore, they have addressed the rich potential of Kafka's promise.—By Elaine A. Ostrander, Urs Giger, & Kersten Lindblad-Toh. 584 pages; illustrated. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 500 Sunnyside Blvd, Woodbury, NY 11797-2924. ISBN 0-87969-742-3. 2006. Price $135.99.
Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 2004
Reviewed by A. Wayne Groce, DVM, PhD
Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition 2004 is the published proceedings of the 38th University of Nottingham Feed Conference, which was held September 14 to 16, 2004. The planning committee does a good job of balancing topics and engaging qualified speakers for each topic. Most of the presentations could be classified as review articles. It is obvious that the various authors assume that their audience has advanced knowledge in nutrition. Speakers represent several nations, and some of the material on new feed legislation is specific for Europe or the United Kingdom. Information on new laboratory techniques for detecting and quantifying mammalian tissues in feedstuffs may become more globally relevant in the future.
Topics covered range from a complete review of recently (2003) published nutrient requirements of companion animals to a comprehensive group of presentations on nutritional management for modern dairy cattle operations. Nutritional considerations of swine feed intake and utilization, utilization of new fat sources by swine, and the role of the leptin axis in modulating energy partitioning are among the topics included. Preliminary information is provided on a nutrient-based, feed-evaluation model for dairy cows that has the potential to enable more accurate prediction of production from feed analytic data.
A CD supplied with the book appears to contain verbatim PDF files of the published text. This publication is neither a textbook nor a comprehensive nutritional reference text, but it would likely serve primarily as a review publication for practicing animal nutrition professionals or for graduate students in animal nutrition programs.—By Phillip C. Garnsworthy & J. Wiseman. 308 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 1-904761-00-3. 2005. Price $119.99.
Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats: Animal Nutrition Series
Reviewed by Ryan Yamka, PhD
In 2006, the much anticipated Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats was published by the National Research Council (NRC). Last updated by the NRC in the 1980s, this compilation of canine and feline nutrient requirements provides updated nutrient recommendations for dogs and cats in accordance with life stage (growth, adult, and gestation-lactation) and amount of physical activity.
The publication covers in detail nutrient metabolism, deficiencies, and toxicoses and diseases related to inadequate or substandard nutrition in dogs and cats. Nutrients covered extensively include water, energy, carbohydrates and fiber, fat and fatty acids, protein and amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. Other subjects include comparative physiology, feeding behavior, physical activity and environment, food formulation, processing, and nutrient composition of ingredients.
Potential shortcomings of the publication include inconsistent use of the term safe upper limits, which can become confusing when readers are interpreting and extrapolating data. Many of the safe upper limits were established with purified foods and do not reflect the composition of many foods formulated for dogs and cats that are currently on the market. In addition, the list of ingredients in the new publication does not include many ingredients commonly found in foods formulated for dogs and cats.
The publication can be used as a resource for veterinarians, scientists, students, and members of the pet food industry because of the extensive review of literature and reference material pertaining to nutrition in dogs and cats.—By the Subcommittee on Dog and Cat Nutrition, Committee on Animal Nutrition, National Research Council. 398 pages; illustrated. The National Academies Press, 500 Fifth St, NW, Washington, DC 20001. ISBN 0-309-08628-0. 2006. Price $295.00.
Psychoactive Herbs in Veterinary Behavior Medicine
Reviewed by Christine M. Egger, DVM, MVSc, DACVA
When first asked to review the book Psychoactive Herbs in Veterinary Behavior Medicine, I was prepared for a somewhat dry and scientific discussion of the use of herbal medicines for behavior problems in veterinary patients. As a certified veterinary herbalist and avid gardener, however, I found this book to be highly interesting and informative. This is an excellent book with a tremendous amount of information that is of interest to veterinary behaviorists and any veterinary professional with an interest in behavior and alternative veterinary medicine.
This is a well-referenced and clearly written book in which the author discusses desirable and undesirable effects of psychoactive herbs and the evidence supporting or not supporting their use in veterinary medicine. Major frustrations in clinical application of herbal medicine are the conflicting evidence and general lack of scientific evidence supporting its use. The author has performed an exhaustive and critical review of the available literature, which will aid veterinary professionals in the use of evidence-based medicine to treat clinical patients with behavior problems.
The book is organized into traditional medicine categories, including Asian, Ayurvedic, Western, and Native American traditional medicine. The author discusses how the herbs are used for each of these herbal medicine traditions. In the final chapters, clinical applications of psychoactive herbs as well as approaches to certain common behavior problems of animals are discussed. The appendices list the most commonly prescribed synthetic psychoactive drugs used in veterinary medicine and provide a number of online resources. The book is adequately indexed and contains a general index and an index of psychoactive herbs.—By Stefanie Schwartz. 400 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 0-8138-2299-8. 2005. Price $69.99.
Systemic Pathology of Fish: A Text and Atlas of Normal Tissues in Teleosts and Their Responses in Disease (2nd edition)
Reviewed by Scott E. LaPatra, PhD
The first edition of Systemic Pathology of Fish: A Text and Atlas of Normal Tissues in Teleosts and Their Responses in Disease was published in 1989. This revised and expanded second edition is an excellent reference for anyone involved in aquatic animal health. This version, similar to the first edition, is edited by Professor Hugh Ferguson. However, the number of contributors to this second version has been expanded to 14 (vs only 4 authors in the first edition), which substantially increases the book's usefulness.
The book consists of 14 chapters organized according to organ system. The Introduction chapter sets a good tone for the rest of the book by summarizing postmortem examination techniques and general principles of pathology. The writing style is easy to read but does not compromise technical detail. The last chapter is titled Physiological and Clinical Pathology and is new to the second edition. At 366 pages, this publication is substantial. The book contains many photographs of the highest quality, including numerous electron micrographs, easily justifying the purchase price.
The book is an excellent reference tool for pathologists and diagnosticians who work with various finfish species. It is also an excellent reference for those who study or work with finfish but who are not necessarily experienced in pathology. In summary, this book is highly informative and superbly illustrated. It would be a valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in fish.—By Hugh W. Ferguson. 367 pages; illustrated. Scotian Press, Dalton House, 60 Windsor Ave, SW19 2RR, London, England. ISBN 0-9553037-0-2. 2006. Price $229.32.
Progress in Fish Vaccinology (Developments in Biologicals Series volume 121)
Reviewed by Liliana Jaso-Friedmann, PhD
Progress in Fish Vaccinology is a compendium of the research summaries presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Fish Vaccinology in Bergen, Norway, in April 2003. That meeting was distinguished by the participation of > 260 scientists presenting the latest in research (conducted in > 30 countries) on fish vaccines. This wide representation provides a comprehensive view of the state-of-the-art advances in a rapidly changing field. Thus, the book is a valuable tool for persons interested in assessing knowledge in the area of veterinary immunoprophylaxis and control of fish diseases.
The book has 9 sections that reflect the organization of the meeting, starting with a thorough justification of the need for effective fish vaccines. The rapid and unprecedented worldwide growth in aquaculture practice adds pressure to the development of effective methods of disease control in fish. Additional problems discussed include the international spread of infectious agents and subsequent appearance of new diseases that have detrimental environmental and economic effects. The subsequent sections of the book describe gaps in our knowledge of the immune system in lower vertebrates and provide an update of current vaccines as well as adjuvants for fish vaccines.
To my knowledge, the dedication of an entire section to development of DNA vaccines and to establishment of national and international standards for safe vaccines in food animals was a first. Finally, production of vaccines for non–disease-related applications (eg, to control the reproductive system) is also assessed.
It is apparent that although researchers have made substantial advances in the knowledge of lower vertebrate immune mechanisms during the past few years, future growth in this field will be necessary to produce effective fish vaccines.—By P. J. Midtlyng. 337 pages; illustrated. S. Karger AG, Allschwilerstrasse 10, CH-4009 Basel, Switzerland. ISBN 3-8055-7936-1. 2005. Price $286.50.
Veterinary Embryology
Reviewed by Anna D. Fails, DVM, PhD
Veterinary Embryology is an inexpensive softback textbook written by the author and his colleagues at University College Dublin. The text fills a vacancy in basic veterinary education by combining descriptive embryology of domestic animals with a good introduction to molecular developmental biology. The text begins with chapters about cellular differentiation; genetics and cell signaling; gametogenesis; fertilization and placentation; and early developmental events. The bulk of the book covers organogenesis from a systems approach. The text is clearly written with readable prose and language that conforms to nomenclature established by the Nomina Embryologica Veterinaria. The text is abundantly supported with figures that, although hand drawn and published in black and white, are for the most part an excellent adjunct to the text.
Although the comprehensive approach to development is probably of greater interest to veterinary students than to practitioners, the latter will find useful descriptions of common developmental anomalies in various domestic animals and an extensive table listing known teratogens (including infectious agents, plants, and drugs). Adding to the utility of the text is a glossary of terms and the Further Reading bibliographies appended to each chapter. Overall, this is a well-written and comprehensive presentation of veterinary embryology that will be extremely useful to veterinary students, practitioners, and researchers whose particular interests are in developmental events and diseases.—By T. A. McGeady, P. J. Quinn, E. S. FitzPatrick, & M. T. Ryan. 377 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 1-4051-1147-X. 2006. Price $84.99.
Dellmann's Textbook of Veterinary Histology (6th edition)
Reviewed by M. Renee Prater, DVM, PhD
Dellmann's Textbook of Veterinary Histology is the sixth edition of the hardback book published as the fifth edition in 1998. It reflects 30 years of accumulated experience in histology since the first edition was published in 1976 by H. Dieter Dellmann and Esther M. Brown.
The book is divided into 18 chapters, each of which centers on the structure and function of an organ or organ system. Chapters are followed by a detailed index that provides the basics of histology, cytology, and microscopic anatomy at the organ, tissue, cell, and molecular levels. Each chapter begins with a concise outline of principal notions relating to a body system, and these notions are reflected in bolded subsections throughout the chapter, making the text reader-friendly and easy to understand. Pertinent vocabulary words appear in bold font and are clearly defined in the text, which will be helpful to the target audience of first-year veterinary students who are learning the language of histology. Each chapter contains numerous photomicrographs, electron micrographs, and schematics in black-and-white and color plates, often totaling more than 2 dozen/chapter. These images support improved understanding of concepts described in the text. The pictorial representations are extremely clear, of high quality, and appropriately labeled and described. The author provides a short list of suggested readings from textbooks and recently published scientific journals at the conclusion of each chapter, with which readers may glean additional information pertinent to specific topics of interest. Finally, an outstanding interactive CD-ROM histology atlas is included with the textbook. The CD-ROM contains > 800 high-quality color photomicrographs that are clearly labeled and described.
The book is clearly written in an organized format that facilitates easy access and retrieval of information. The systems approach permits comparisons among veterinary species. The index is appropriately cross-referenced such that each topic is easy to find under several different contexts throughout the book. As an introductory textbook, this edition achieves its goal of providing first-year veterinary students, graduate students, and veterinarians with a simple overview of histology of the various organ systems.—By Jo Ann Eurell & Brian L. Frappier. 405 pages and 1 CD-ROM; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 0-7817-4148-3. 2006. Price $84.99.
Veterinary Epidemiology (3rd edition)
Reviewed by Whitney A. Mauer, DVM, PhD
The third edition of Veterinary Epidemiology is a comprehensive resource for epidemiologic principles as they are applied in veterinary medicine. Along with a historical review of veterinary medicine and epidemiology, this book provides an in-depth description of epidemiologic principles, including causality, the hostagent-environment complex, data collection and management, and study design and statistical techniques, among other topics. The book also includes a discussion of animal disease economics and livestock and companion animal health strategies. A new chapter in which disease surveillance is discussed and the enhancements made in the chapter on diagnostic testing are timely.
Throughout the book, the content has been updated to include current events, research literature, epidemiologic terms, and analytic techniques. Within chapters, the text is appropriately outlined, with subject titles included for quick reference. The tables, figures, illustrations, and footnotes in each chapter help clarify the material.
Examples of large animal and companion animal problems in developed and undeveloped countries are used to illustrate concepts. A welcome addition to this text would have been inclusion of problem sets, which would have facilitated integration and application of concepts among chapters. Nevertheless, the extensive resource and future reading lists that are provided direct readers to other appropriate resources.
This edition of Veterinary Epidemiology is an outstanding reference and teaching tool that is appropriate for veterinarians or epidemiologists who work in a regulatory, research, or clinical capacity; human or veterinary public health practitioners; veterinary medical or epidemiology graduate students; agricultural economists; and others interested in this field of study—By Michael Thrusfield. 584 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 0-632-06397-1. 2005. Price $159.99.
Forensic Investigation of Animal Cruelty: A Guide for Veterinary and Law Enforcement Professionals
Reviewed by Bonnie V. Beaver, DVM, MS, DACVB
Forensic Investigation of Animal Cruelty: A Guide for Veterinary and Law Enforcement Professionals brings crime scene investigation to veterinary medicine in the form of a book. The book is a welcome tool for veterinarians and law enforcement officers who have to cope with the potential of animal cruelty cases. At some time, probably every practitioner has been confronted with a case that has strong evidence of cruelty and that necessitates a decision be made: do I forget about it, notify someone, or get more information? If I intercede, what is my role and how can I prove that cruelty is involved? This book provides answers to these difficult questions.
Thankfully, the book is not the type of reference that practitioners will need every day or even every year, but all practitioners will probably find it useful at some time. In this way, the book can be likened to an antidote for poison: it may not be needed often, but when it is needed, it is needed immediately. In the beginning of the book, legal decisions and various state laws that deal with punishment for animal cruelty are discussed. Included is an excellent chapter on serving effectively as an expert witness. Approximately two thirds of the book is devoted to detection of signs of various types of cruelty. Topics include burns (thermal, chemical, scalding, hot-implement induced, and electrical burns), blunt-force traumatic injury (from being hit by cars, falls, binding, bites, and beating), sharp-force traumatic injury (stabs, chops, punctures, iatrogenic causes, incisions, dicing, and bites), projectiles (wounds from gunshots, pellets, darts, and arrows), asphyxia (mechanical or chemical), drowning, poisons, neglect, animal hoarding, animal sexual assault, abuse (including occult and ritualistic forms), and animal fighting. A number of charts and tables are included that contain supporting information to help make determinations of various conditions. The text is clear and concise.
The information in this book has been needed for a long time, and it is written by individuals who know what they are talking about in a style that is easy to read. The book provides a wealth of information for practicing veterinarians and is a must-have for every veterinary hospital library.—By Leslie Sinclair, Melinda Merck, & Randall Lockwood. 262 pages; illustrated. Humane Society Press, 2100 L St NW, Washington, DC 20037. ISBN 0-9748400-6-8. 2006. Price $59.95.
Animal Welfare: Limping Towards Eden (UFAW Animal Welfare Series)
Reviewed by Stephen A. Smalley, VMD, MBA
Animal Welfare: Limping Towards Eden is the second book by John Webster on the topic of animal welfare written for the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare. This organization is based in the United Kingdom, and the book is written from a United Kingdom and European Union perspective. Understanding the European viewpoint is important for the future evolution of animal welfare regulation in the United States.
The book is a comprehensive look at animal welfare in farm animals, companion animals, laboratory animals, and animals used for sport. The author indicates the 5 freedoms that define animal welfare and uses these freedoms in discussions of the issues for a given species and to assess the fitness of treatment and environment. Although the importance of the use of science in formulating solutions is stressed, 1 weakness in some areas is an apparent bias against intensified animal agriculture without scientific evidence to support the views. There are international variations in data in this area that are not addressed. In the Solutions section of the book, the need for protocols for animal-based assessment of animal welfare is mentioned. Also discussed is the importance of education in creating general awareness of these issues for the public good and the good of professionals involved in animal care. The author states that the process of assessing animal welfare should involve science, ethics, and action.
This book is recommended for anyone involved in policy making or who is seeking thought-provoking views on animal welfare. The book meets the goal of suggesting approaches to solving animal welfare issues.—By John Webster. 283 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 1-4051-1877-6. 2005. Price $89.99.
Clinical Signs of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
Reviewed by Jared D. Taylor, DVM, MPH
The intent of Clinical Signs of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy is to familiarize veterinarians with the clinical signs of BSE and the type of assessment needed to detect it. The authors describe abnormalities most commonly associated with BSE by using a video format that enables demonstration of the signs beyond what could be conveyed in a textbook. The CD presentation features multiple languages and therefore has international applicability.
The CD is logically organized and effectively reinforces key points. It provides a thorough review of ancillary procedures that can be used to make a clinical diagnosis of BSE. However, it does not include information on a complete neurologic examination. Thus, the video is useful for those who must make a distinction between BSE and other progressive neurologic disorders, but it is less beneficial for application in everyday situations. Rather than attempt to make a clinical diagnosis, practitioners in North America should be encouraged to submit all suspect animals for postmortem examination. This may not be the case in other geographic regions, and the CD would be more valuable in those situations.
The temperament of the animals used in the video may make it difficult to extrapolate to other populations of cattle. Most cattle examined are extremely docile and submit to extensive evaluation. A brief section reveals that the procedures are applicable to beef cattle, but a veterinarian would likely want to perform the examination in a number of unaffected cattle to establish a reference baseline for the population.
The cost of the CD is prohibitive for most practitioners who would have limited applicability for such detailed information. Nevertheless, it would be a worthwhile investment for those involved in training bovine practitioners or in situations in which a clinical diagnosis is imperative.—By Ueli Braun, Simon Hauri, & Christian Gerspach. 1 CD-ROM; illustrated. University of Zurich, Department of Farm Animals, Winterthurerstrasse 260, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland. ISBN None. 2005. Price $72.00.
Agricultural Medicine: Occupational and Environmental Health for the Health Professions
Reviewed by Lisa M. Tokach, DVM, DABVP
Agricultural Medicine: Occupational and Environmental Health for the Health Professions provides a great deal of information on occupational and environmental disease and injuries, along with material describing prevention and usual treatments. The book is aimed at health science professionals, such as physicians, veterinarians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics.
The primary authors have considerable experience in agricultural and health professions. The book is meant to be used as a reference text and is organized in such a way as to make it easy to find topics. It includes an extensive index that was helpful for locating specific items of interest. The authors approach the subject from a medical perspective and use terms meant for professionals with medical backgrounds. The purpose of the book is to outline risks and diseases associated with working in agriculture, not to serve as a reference for diagnosis and treatment of those conditions.
This book's usefulness is enhanced because these are times in which many health care professionals did not grow up in a rural setting and therefore may not have inherent knowledge of the risks of agricultural occupations. In addition, many agricultural laborers travel to the nearest city for health care. Veterinarians are often asked to comment on diseases in livestock and their zoonotic potential. Veterinarians are also increasingly involved in management aspects of agricultural operations, including management of the agricultural workforce. This book is a good reference for issues concerning those individuals. It covers many subjects, including risks to respiratory tract health, skin diseases, environmental hazards, and physical factors. I recommend this book to any veterinarian who finds himself or herself acting as a local health resource in areas where there are diseases that have zoonotic risk and to anyone involved in managing an agricultural workforce.—By Kelley J. Donham & Anders Thelin. 429 pages; illustrated. Blackwell Publishing Professional, 2121 State Ave, Ames, IA 50014-8300. ISBN 0-8138-1803-6. 2006. Price $99.99.