Objective—To evaluate day-to-day variability of serial blood glucose concentration curves in dogs with diabetes mellitus.
Design—Prospective clinical study.
Animals—10 dogs with diabetes mellitus.
Procedure—Paired 12-hour serial blood glucose concentration curves performed during 2 consecutive days were obtained on 3 occasions from each dog. Dogs received the same dose of insulin and meal every 12 hours on both days. For each pair of curves, comparison was made between the results of days 1 and 2.
Results—Mean absolute difference (without regard to sign) between days 1 and 2 for each parameter was significantly > 0, disproving the hypothesis that there is minimal day-to-day variability of serial blood glucose concentration curves when insulin dose and meals are kept constant. Coefficient of variation of the absolute difference between days 1 and 2 for each parameter ranged from 68 to 103%. Evaluation of the paired curves led to an opposite recommendation for adjustment of the insulin dose on day 2, compared with day 1, on 27% of occasions. Disparity between dosage recommendations was more pronounced when glucose concentration nadir was < 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L) on 1 or both days. In this subset of 20 paired curves, an opposite recommendation for dosage adjustment was made on 40% of occasions.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—There is large day-to-day variation in parameters of serial blood glucose concentration curves in diabetic dogs. Day-to-day variability of serial blood glucose concentration curves has important clinical implications, particularly in dogs with good glycemic control. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2003;222:317–321)