Objective—To determine the effects of prolonged anesthesia with desflurane in dogs undergoing laparotomy or abdominal laparoscopy.
Design—Randomized prospective study.
Animals—20 adult mixed-breed dogs.
Procedure—Dogs were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups with 10 dogs/group. Anesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with desflurane and fentanyl, and pyloroplasty was performed. In 10 dogs, a ventral midline laparotomy was performed; in the other 10, abdominal laparoscopy was performed. Dogs were monitored for cardiovascular and respiratory responses (ECG, oxygen saturation [SpO2], arterial blood pressure, rectal temperature, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide [PETCO2], and expired desflurane concentration). Recovery times were recorded.
Results—Mean ± SD duration of anesthesia was 201 ± 25 minutes for dogs undergoing laparotomy and 287 ± 15 minutes for dogs undergoing laparoscopy. Anesthesia was accompanied by hypotension that was less severe in dogs undergoing laparoscopy. Heart rate did not vary significantly during anesthesia. The SpO2 was > 97% in all dogs at all times, and PETCO2 remained within reference limits. Recovery times for dogs that underwent laparotomy were not significantly different from those for dogs that underwent laparoscopy. Mean ± SD time to standing was 13.6 ± 2.4 minutes for dogs that underwent laparotomy and 12.5 ± 2.9 minutes for dogs that underwent laparoscopy.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Results suggest that induction of anesthesia with propofol and maintenance with desflurane and fentanyl is safe in dogs undergoing abdominal surgery. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2001;219:941–945)