To assess clinical signs and response to surgical treatment in Dalmatians with urate urolithiasis.
Retrospective study.
38 Dalmatians.
Medical records from 1980 to 1995 of Dalmatians with urate urolithiasis were reviewed to obtain information on history, results of physical examination, hemogram, biochemical analysis, urinalysis, bacterial culture of urine, diagnostic imaging, analysis of calculi, treatment, and recurrence.
35 (92%) dogs were males. Mean age at admission was 4.9 years. Common clinical findings and initial complaints included dribbling of urine, stranguria, vomiting, tense abdomen with signs of pain, and a large bladder. Hematuria was found in 85% of dogs in which urinalysis was performed. Crystalluria was found in 54% of dogs. Bacteria were isolated from urine from 36% of dogs. Contrast radiography and abdominal ultrasonography were the most sensitive diagnostic tests for uroliths. Dogs that underwent scrotal urethrostomy and cystotomy had the fewest number of recurrent clinical signs that were attributable to urinary calculi. Clinical recurrence rate in dogs on a protein-restricted diet was 27%, compared with that (36%) for dogs on a commercial diet.
Clinical Implications—
Urate urolithiasis is more commonly recognized in male Dalmatians compared with females. Contrast radiography and ultrasonography appear to be the most useful techniques for detecting urate uroliths. Scrotal urethrostomy and cystotomy was the most effective surgical treatment for preventing recurrence of clinical signs associated with calculi. Complete removal of calculi and protein-restricted diets may have a beneficial effect in reducing recurrence of calculi. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998;213:833-838)