Bilateral epiphysiolysis of the femoral heads in two dogs
J. Dupuis
J. DupuisFrom the Departments of Clinical Sciences (Dupuis, Breton) and Pathology and Microbiology (Drolet), Facultè de Mèdecine Vètèrinaire, Universitè de Montrèal, 3200 Sicotte, CP 5000, St Hyacinthe, PQ, Canada J2S 7C6.
L. BretonFrom the Departments of Clinical Sciences (Dupuis, Breton) and Pathology and Microbiology (Drolet), Facultè de Mèdecine Vètèrinaire, Universitè de Montrèal, 3200 Sicotte, CP 5000, St Hyacinthe, PQ, Canada J2S 7C6.
R. DroletFrom the Departments of Clinical Sciences (Dupuis, Breton) and Pathology and Microbiology (Drolet), Facultè de Mèdecine Vètèrinaire, Universitè de Montrèal, 3200 Sicotte, CP 5000, St Hyacinthe, PQ, Canada J2S 7C6.