Mark RishniwDepartments of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (Rishniw, Marks) and Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy. Pharmacology and Physiology (Tobias), Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6610, and Clarkston Animal Hospital, Clarkston. WA 99403 (Roen).
Anthony H. TobiasDepartments of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (Rishniw, Marks) and Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy. Pharmacology and Physiology (Tobias), Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6610, and Clarkston Animal Hospital, Clarkston. WA 99403 (Roen).
Steven L. MarksDepartments of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (Rishniw, Marks) and Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy. Pharmacology and Physiology (Tobias), Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6610, and Clarkston Animal Hospital, Clarkston. WA 99403 (Roen).
David RoenDepartments of Veterinary Clinical Sciences (Rishniw, Marks) and Veterinary and Comparative Anatomy. Pharmacology and Physiology (Tobias), Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6610, and Clarkston Animal Hospital, Clarkston. WA 99403 (Roen).