Long-term follow-up information was obtained for 17 cats with cerebral meningiomas treated by surgical excision. Three cats died or were euthanatized in the immediate postoperative period: 2 cats, because of brain herniation and 1 cat, because of acute renal failure. In the remaining 14 cats, most clinical signs resolved within 1 week of surgery. Three cats (21.4%) had confirmed or presumed local tumor recurrence. Two of these cats developed recurrent neurologic signs, and died or were euthanatized at 3 and 9 months, respectively, after surgery. One cat was euthanatized for an unrelated problem 72 months after surgery, and on postmortem examination, had a recurrent meningioma at the surgery site. The remaining 11 cats (78.6%) did not develop evidence of local tumor recurrence within follow-up periods ranging from 18 to 47 months (median, 27 months).