Two-dimensional echocardiographically guided pericardiocentesis in a horse with traumatic pericarditis
Károly Vörös
Károly VörösFrom the Departments of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery, and Pathology, Large Animal Hospital, University of Veterinary Science, 1078 Budapest, Landler, Jenö u. 2, Budapest, Hungary.
Csaba FelkaiFrom the Departments of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery, and Pathology, Large Animal Hospital, University of Veterinary Science, 1078 Budapest, Landler, Jenö u. 2, Budapest, Hungary.
Zoltán SzilágyiFrom the Departments of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery, and Pathology, Large Animal Hospital, University of Veterinary Science, 1078 Budapest, Landler, Jenö u. 2, Budapest, Hungary.
Antal PappFrom the Departments of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery, and Pathology, Large Animal Hospital, University of Veterinary Science, 1078 Budapest, Landler, Jenö u. 2, Budapest, Hungary.