Bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv) infections resulting in clinical disease developed in calves, despite vaccination of dams and high maternal bvdv antibody titers in calves. Eight persistently injected (pi) calves born to immunocompetent dams were identified in the herd. Neutralizing bvdv antibody titers of pi calves had decreased greatly by the time the calves were 1 to 2 months old. Antibody titers of pi calves decreased more rapidly than antibody titers of calves that were not pi. Reduced antibody titers in pi calves allowed detection of bvdv in serum specimens of all pi calves by the time they were 8 weeks old. Persistent infection in suspect calves was detectable serologically and was confirmed by virologic examination of serum specimens 4 months after weaning, when the calves were 9 months old. Growth rates were reduced in viremic calves.