books for veterinarians
Vaccines for Veterinarians
Ian R. Tizard, BVMS, PhD, DACVM, DSc
321 pages. 2020. Elsevier.
ISBN 978-0-323-68299-2. Price $99.95.
Vaccines for Veterinarians is a timely and informative book that will be a useful reference for veterinarians and veterinary scientists. The organization of the chapters and the technical detail of the writing make this book very relevant for anyone involved in veterinary medicine.
The first several chapters provide a good and very interesting historical review of the development of vaccines and immunization procedures in veterinary medicine. The immunologic and infectious disease principles described form a good foundation for the subsequent sections of the book. The technical descriptions of those principles are clear and will be useful to anyone interested in veterinary vaccines. The technical reviews of different types of vaccines, vaccine formulations, components (eg, adjuvants), and delivery systems are well organized, which enhances the usefulness of this book as a primary reference.
The discussions of the clinical applications of vaccines and descriptions of vaccine protection and safety are particularly interesting and relevant. In particular, the description of canine distemper vaccines provides a good example of how the developmental history of a vaccine is related to current clinical standards of care. The book also contains information about species-specific and other special (eg, neoplastic diseases and immunity to parasites) considerations for vaccination. This information will be interesting and informative for veterinary clinicians, immunologists, and vaccinologists.
In short, this book chronicles the developmental research history of veterinary vaccinology and will be informative and useful for anyone involved in veterinary medicine.
Reviewed by David Scott McVey, DVM, PhD, DACVM
University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb
Veterinary Cytology
Leslie C. Sharkey, DVM, PhD, DACVP; M. Judith Radin, DVM, PhD, DACVP; Davis Seelig, DVM, PhD, DACVP
998 pages. 2021. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-119-12570-9. Price $199.99.
The editors of Veterinary Cytology have brought together an impressive international group of contributors, and the product does not disappoint. This is a much-needed addition to the literature because it is an inclusive reference textbook for all species.
The text is engrossing and accessible owing to crisp editing, and the explanations are well supported with exemplary images. Accessibility is further enhanced by the thoughtful organization of sections. The first 2 sections focus on technique and include discussion of the expected fundamental topics, such as sample collection and staining, and a general approach to diagnostic cytology that will benefit those newer to the discipline. Also included are informative chapters that address the timely and important topics of quality assurance in cytology, concepts of evidence-based cytology, cytogenetics, and application and techniques of cell block preparation.
Reflecting the species from which samples are most commonly submitted for cytologic assessment and those in which the most knowledge has accumulated, the bulk of the book focuses on cytologic assessment of tissue, organ, and fluid samples obtained from dogs, cats, and horses. Those sections provide a robust, yet concise, review of the cytology literature, including relevant clinical perspectives that are supported by images, references, and summary tables. The book also has an expansive, well-organized section on cytologic evaluation of specimens from numerous nontraditional species, including a chapter dedicated to invertebrates. It concludes with an interesting and informative synopsis on the role and application of cytology in biomedical research and toxicity studies.
Overall, this book is a comprehensive, expansive, and reasonably priced resource that complements currently available cytology atlases. It presents in-depth clinical perspectives that are lacking in other textbooks. It also provides an evidence-based review for clinical pathologists and will be an excellent addition to the reading list for clinical pathology residents. I expect that this book will become a valuable reference textbook for clinical specialists and their trainees as well as general practitioners (especially those in mixed-animal practice) and veterinary students. I am thrilled to add this book to my library.
Reviewed by Lisa M. Pohlman, DVM, MS, DACVP
Kansas State University Manhattan, Kan
Climate Change and Infectious Fish Diseases
Patrick T. K. Woo, BSc, PhD; Jo-Ann Leong, PhD, DVSc; Kurt Buchmann, PhD, DVSc
512 pages. 2020. CABI.
ISBN 978-1-789243277. Price $235.00.
Climate Change and Infectious Fish Diseases is particularly suitable for veterinary students, lecturers, biologists, and anybody wishing to learn facts from scientists about what is currently known regarding the occurrence of fish diseases under the perspective of global climatic change. This comprehensive book includes 25 chapters written by 50 competent contributors from around the world and is beautifully illustrated and organized so readers can quickly find information. The first section of the book examines the vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems to abiotic and biotic changes, especially those changes converging on the Great Lakes Basin and Southeast Asia. The following 22 chapters are dedicated to basic and advanced descriptions of infectious agents. Of particular note, chapter 6 provides an in-depth analysis of the high adaptability of Aquabirnaviruses to changing environments, and chapters 18, 19, and 20 examine the dynamics of relevant fish parasites under shifting biological conditions. Some chapters are densely written and merely focus on detailing phylogenetics or etiology, but that is most likely due to the current lack of scientific evidence to support a defined impact of climate change or global warming on the natural variability and virulence adaptations of fish pathogens. It is challenging to define relationships between environmental variations and altered susceptibility of aquatic wildlife to infectious pathogens. Indeed, many emerging etiologic agents and host-pathogen interactions are still being studied. This book facilitates understanding of the disease dynamics in aquaculture and fisheries, including important suggestions for future studies. The book is fairly priced and definitely worth the investment for anyone with an interest in the effect of climate change on fish diseases.
Reviewed by Bartolomeo Gorgoglione, DVM, PhD, CertAqV
Michigan State University East Lansing, Mich
Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties (6th edition)
Valerie Porter
425 pages. 2020. CABI.
ISBN 978-1-78924-153-2. Price $130.00.
The latest edition of Mason's World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties provides an accurate and comprehensive listing of livestock breeds found throughout the world. The book is organized into sections on the basis of species. This edition contains sections on asses, cattle, goats, horses, pigs, sheep, and water buffalo, which have been updated and expanded from those in the fifth edition, as well as new sections on camelids and yaks. The purpose of this book is to list the names and synonyms of formal livestock breeds and other less formally identifiable groups, types, and varieties of animals that have a common origin or are similar in appearance and to suggest names for those animals for use in the English language. Each breed entry provides, when possible, a brief description of the area or country of origin, use, breed characteristics, relationship with other breeds, other names or synonyms, and status as rare or extinct if applicable. It is important to note that this book is not meant to be an encyclopedia of breeds and does not provide detailed descriptions of breed characteristics. There are no photographs or illustrations. The entries often contain abbreviations, the definitions of which are listed at the beginning of the book. This book will be useful for students, animal scientists, livestock owners, breeders, and veterinarians who need an easy-to-use comprehensive reference for livestock breeds found throughout the world.
Reviewed by David Matsas, DVM, DACT
Tufts University Medford, Mass
The Slaughter of Farmed Animals: Practical Ways of Enhancing Animal Welfare
Temple Grandin, PhD & Michael Cockram, BVetMed, PhD
336 pages. 2020. CABI.
ISBN 978-1-78924-057-3. Price $70.00.
The Slaughter of Farmed Animals: Practical Ways of Enhancing Animal Welfare is a great compilation of an extensive amount of practical and scientific information as it relates to animal welfare, slaughter, and meat quality written in an easy-to-read and understand format. This book can be used as a reference for anyone involved with the slaughter and handling of animals, including plant managers, workers, inspectors, veterinarians, and producers. It is written with a global perspective and care must be taken to apply the appropriate regulatory references for the area. Assessment of consciousness in all types of stunning practices is broken down by species with specific signs to monitor during the process. Physiology of the brain and how it relates to insensibility and unconsciousness is explained in detail that helps reinforce what animals experience during stunning. Religious slaughter practices and welfare during the slaughter process are addressed in a straightforward and practical manner. Stress and preslaughter handling are correlated to meat quality, and much of the book focuses on connecting information found at slaughter with possible welfare issues on the farm, in transit, or at the slaughter facility. Opposing sides of legislative issues are discussed as well as ethical beliefs associated with the raising and consumption of meat.
As a regulatory veterinarian of state-inspected facilities, I found this book to be an excellent reference for assessing animal welfare and humane handling during the slaughter process. It is important to remember that it is necessary to assess and investigate animals at slaughter that have indications of past or current welfare issues.
Reviewed by Erik Jopp, DVM
Minnesota Department of Agriculture Meat Inspection Program Supervisor Saint Paul, Minn
Handbook of Exotic Pet Medicine
Marie Kubiak, BVSc, DZooMed
510 pages. 2021. Wiley Blackwell.
ISBN 978-1-119-38994-1. Price $95.00.
The Handbook of Exotic Pet Medicine is a book designed for general veterinary practitioners who treat exotic pet species in a private practice or zoo setting. Each chapter is dedicated to a particular species, and a wide breadth of species are discussed, ranging from marmosets and gerbils to koi and several invertebrate species, such as giant African land snails.
Each chapter begins with a review of the husbandry requirements for a given species and a chart of common biologic variables. Subsequent chapter subsections describe manual restraint techniques, sex determination, sample collection, anesthesia, and recommended methods for euthanasia. Unlike for domestic species, this type of basic information can be challenging to find for lesser known exotic pet species and makes this book particularly useful for general practitioners who may have little to no experience with some of the described species. The text is complemented by multiple color photographs of clinical patients. It also includes brief descriptions of common medical and surgical conditions, preventative medicine protocols, normal radiographic anatomy, and an abbreviated formulary for each species.
Compared with other exotic pet medicine textbooks, this book discusses many less commonly treated species. Thus, it represents a substantial addition to the published literature in this field. Notably absent from this book are descriptions of several of the more popular exotic pets, such as rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and chinchillas; however, those species are covered in depth in other textbooks.
Overall, this handbook provides a well-organized overview of common techniques and diseases of uncommon species maintained as pets and in zoological institutions. I highly recommend this book for the reference library of any general practitioner who may treat these magnificent animals.
Reviewed by Olivia A. Petritz, DVM, DACZM
North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC
Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery (4th edition)
Katherine E. Quesenberry, DVM, MPH, DABVP; Connie J. Orcutt, DVM, DAVBP; Christoph Mans, Dr med vet, DACZM, DECZM; James W. Carpenter, MS, DVM, DACZM
646 pages. 2020. Saunders (an imprint of Elsevier).
ISBN 978-0-323-48435-0. Price $96.95.
The new fourth edition of the classic textbook Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery has been updated and extensively reorganized for 2021. This edition is accompanied by an enhanced digital version. The first edition was published in 1997. This edition includes chapters on 3 additional species: degus, prairie dogs, and skunks (although only skunks are highlighted on the cover). Even though the chapter dedicated to behavior has been omitted from this edition, there are brief discussions of behavior conveniently included within each species-specific chapter.
The sections on ferrets and rabbits contain multiple chapters that focus on medicine. Discussions about surgical and dental procedures have been moved to a separate section, which makes it much easier for readers to locate that information. A very minor stylistic inconsistency is that most, but not all, chapters have been renamed to emphasize that the conditions discussed therein are specifically restricted to ferrets or rabbits.
As in previous editions, the text is generously complemented with outstanding photographs, illustrations, and useful charts. A concise formulary is provided as an appendix.
In the preface, senior editor Dr. Katherine Quesenberry notes that with the rapidly expanding knowledge of small mammal medicine, it is increasingly “difficult to capture and filter the relevant and timely information into one source.” Nevertheless, this edition continues to serve as an indispensable textbook on the subject for both students and experienced practitioners.
Reviewed by Edward R. Bennett, DVM
All Pet Animal Hospital Gibsonia, Pa