Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Animals (6th edition)
Horst Erich König & Hans-Georg Liebich
804 pages. 2014. Schattauer Press, distributed by Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-3-7945-2833-2. Price $350.00.
The authors intend the sixth edition of Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Animals to provide updated and accurate anatomic knowledge to veterinary students and practitioners, and they have succeeded. Although this book is relatively expensive, it is an excellent singular resource for the comparative anatomy of domestic animals.
Revisions to this edition include expanded discussions, additional dissection images, and more vibrant illustrations, which will appeal to more visual learners. From a clinical perspective, the chapter on clinical topographical anatomy is reinforced by the addition of a chapter that depicts sectional anatomy, which describes the use of plastination, endoscopy, and a variety of imaging modalities such as radiology, CT, MRI, and ultrasonography as tools of anatomic representation that facilitate diagnoses.
This hardbound book now includes 1,089 figures, including 991 color figures, 105 reproductions of imaging procedures, and 53 tables. It retains the sectionalized table of contents, an alphabetized (by author) list of relevant literature, a glossary, and an index with bolded references to main discussions. These facilitate rapid access to specific structures. Similar to previous editions, the text is prefaced by an introduction to general anatomy presented from a historical perspective and then transitions from terminology and tissues to the components of organ systems. The sequencing of chapters is regionalized, beginning with the axial skeleton followed by appendicular anatomy. The locomotor systems are integrated by a brief chapter on statics and dynamics that relates architecture to support and gait. The remaining chapters progress through the body cavities and organ systems, ending with a chapter on the common integument. All chapters are complemented with appropriate illustrations or image modalities.
Reviewed by Hugh D. Dookwah, DVM, PhD
University of Georgia Athens, Ga
Manual of Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Dogs and Cats
Karen L. Overall
812 pages. 2013. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-323-00890-7. Price $81.95.
The long-awaited Manual of Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Dogs and Cats provides inspiration for general practitioners, veterinary students, residents, and the entire veterinary team to become comfortable with the integration of the principles of behavioral medicine into all aspects of patient care. This book includes the scientific and theoretical aspects of behavioral medicine including neurobehavioral development and ontogeny of normal and abnormal patterns of canine and feline behavior. Interspersed in the text are color photographs, which illustrate the practical application of the principles discussed. The diagnosis of abnormal behaviors and pathologies is differentiated from normal, but undesirable, behaviors. The author's experiences, opinions, biases, and recommendations are candidly shared throughout the book. The chapter on the neurochemistry of pharmacology provides elaborate and insightful details and discussions of various receptor subtypes and drug classes, effects, intermediate metabolites, and half-lives; it also includes a discussion of the dozens of psychotropic medications used in human patients. The myriad of psychopharmacologic options that might be useful for dogs and cats is ultimately reduced to a 4-page overview that is hidden on pages 507 to 510; however, it is likely that the frequency with which this information is referenced will soon cause the book to automatically open to those pages. The last part of the book contains supplemental materials including extensive detailed handouts and protocols for use by veterinary students and experienced clinicians alike; unfortunately, undermotivated clients may find the material daunting. Additional handouts and an explanatory video are included on a DVD, which is conveniently included with the book. Throughout the book, the teachings of Flash, an Australian Shepherd that came to the author after being subjected to abusive, outdated training methods, provide inspiration and encouragement for all veterinary professionals about the need to expand their knowledge of veterinary behavior.
Reviewed by Theresa L. DePorter, DVM, DACVB
Oakland Veterinary Referral Services Bloomfield Hills, Mich
Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XV
John D. Bonagura & David C. Twedt
1,413 pages. 2014. Elsevier Saunders. ISBN 978-1-4377-2689-3. Price $153.00.
Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XV is another excellent edition, and the introduction of an electronic version of this book is very welcome. The general theme of the book continues to be the delivery of concise and updated therapeutic options for veterinary practitioners. This edition also contains excellent information about the pathophysiology, diagnosis, staging, and prognosis for each of the conditions discussed. Additionally, the section on pain management has been expanded. Like its predecessors, this book will be an indispensable addition to the library of any practitioner.
Reviewed by Deborah Adams, DVM, DABVP
Crown Valley Animal Care Center Laguna Niguel, Calif
Notes on Feline Internal Medicine (2nd edition)
Kit Sturgess
428 pages. 2013. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-67117-7. Price $59.99.
We all know cats are not small dogs; however, most textbooks focus on canine medicine. Notes on Feline Internal Medicine is a quick reference guide that focuses on feline patients. The outline format of this book makes it an easy-to-access reference for veterinary students or busy general practitioners. Although this book is not intended to provide in-depth descriptions of feline medicine topics, it provides sufficient information to guide the decision-making process of clinicians.
An understanding of the layout of this book is crucial for its use as a quick reference. It is divided into 5 sections entitled Key topics in feline medicine; Clinical signs; Common abnormalities of haematology, biochemistry and urinalysis; Organ systems; and Infectious disease.
The Clinical signs section will be very helpful for students who are just learning to work up cases. It follows a logical path for many of the clinical signs commonly encountered in feline patients. For each clinical sign discussed, this section outlines its potential causes, the key history that should be obtained, what to focus on during the physical examination, associated differential diagnoses, and diagnostic and management options. The unique decision-making process described in this book is helpful for student understanding. The section on common clinical laboratory abnormalities contains a list of differential diagnoses for each abnormality and will likely become the portion of the book that is most frequently consulted. Overall, this book is a well-formatted and user-friendly reference guide for common feline internal medicine topics.
Reviewed by Whitney Nelson, DVM, DACVIM
Pieper Memorial Veterinary Center Middletown, Conn
Basic Veterinary Immunology
Gerald N. Callahan & Robin M. Yates
337 pages. 2014. University Press of Colorado. ISBN 978-1-60732-218-4. Price $65.00.
Immunology is a subject that veterinary students often find difficult to conceptualize. The authors of Basic Veterinary Immunology have taken great care to make the subject matter relevant and accessible. Each chapter begins and ends with a clinical correlation section that highlights the clinical application of the material contained in the chapter. Learning objectives are clearly stated at the beginning of each chapter. Almost every page contains an excellent full-color illustration or chart that helps readers understand the material presented in the chapter; however, there are no online resources such as animations provided with this book. Chapter 1 is an overview of the immune system and how the different components work together. The next 5 chapters concentrate on the innate immune system—a tribute to the importance of this arm of the immune response. Chapters 7 to 13 cover the basic immunology of the adaptive immune response, followed by chapters on the more clinically focused topics of neonatal immunity, vaccination, genetic and acquired immune-mediated diseases, and the immune response to neoplasia. The final chapter of the book, written by guest author Amy L. Warren, describes some immunologic-based clinical laboratory tests such as those used to detect antibody-antigen reactions (eg, ELISA, immunoblotting, immunofluorescent microscopy, and immunohistochemistry), blood type incompatibilities, immunodeficiencies, and autoimmune diseases.
This book will be a welcome resource for veterinary and graduate students who are studying the fascinating and increasingly complex subject of immunology. It is reasonably priced for practicing veterinarians who want to review the mechanisms or diagnosis of immune-mediated or immunodeficiency diseases or brush up on the concepts of vaccinology.
Reviewed by Margaret C. Barr, DVM, PhD
Western University of Health Sciences Pomona, Calif
Veterinary Allergy
Chiara Noli, Aiden Foster, & Wayne Rosenkrantz
448 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-4706-7241-9. Price $199.99.
The aim of Veterinary Allergy is to provide a detailed review of the immunopathology, clinical presentation, and management of allergic diseases of the skin, respiratory tract, and intestinal tract of dogs, cats, and horses. The book, edited by Drs. Noli, Foster, and Rosenkrantz, is a compilation of contributions from 55 authors recognized and respected within the field of veterinary dermatology. The uniqueness of this book is that it is a collaboration among many disciplines of veterinary medicine, including dermatology, parasitology, and gastroenterology. It is truly a comprehensive resource for all aspects of allergic diseases. The introduction of the book provides an excellent overview of the immunopathogenesis of the allergic immune response, and it is presented in a manner that makes it accessible and understandable regardless of the reader's level of familiarity with immunology. The remainder of the book is divided into 4 parts: canine allergy, feline allergy, equine allergy, and allergy in other species (ie, livestock, birds, rodents, rabbits, and ferrets). Each of those 4 parts is subdivided into chapters that provide detailed and in-depth information but are short and easy to read. These features make this a useful reference for veterinarians with an interest in veterinary allergy.
Reviewed by Casey Stepnik, DVM, DACVD
Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists Glendale, Wis
Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians (10th edition)
Dwight D. Bowman
477 pages. 2014. Elsevier. ISBN 978-1-4557-4006-2. Price $102.00.
The tenth edition of Georgis' Parasitology for Veterinarians is intended to be a complete reference on parasites of veterinary interest. Initial chapters provide information on arthropods, helminths, and protozoa. These chapters detail the taxonomy, life cycle, and basic biology of parasitic organisms in addition to recommended strategies for their treatment and control. This edition provides an updated chapter on vector-borne diseases, which is appropriate given the increasingly recognized role of those pathogens in both human and animal health. A chapter on antiparasitic drugs provides detailed information on the pharmacology and current scientific evidence supporting the use of various chemotherapeutic agents along with toxicity information and common trade names for those drugs. The chapters on the diagnostic and histopathologic identification of parasitic infections list useful protocols for parasite detection. A pleasing aspect of those chapters, and of the book in general, is the numerous color photographs, which are useful for parasite identification. New to this edition is a chapter on progress in the development of vaccines against parasites. Purchase of this edition grants access to a small collection of online resources; however, those materials are quite lean and are not nearly as educational and informative as the book. This book has been a standby for parasitology educators and veterinary students for years, and this edition will carry on that tradition. Furthermore, although this book is not specifically intended to be a patient-side clinical reference, it provides information of interest to both practitioners and veterinary technicians.
Reviewed by Matt Brewer, DVM, PhD
Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
Manual of Diagnostic Cytology of the Dog and Cat
John Dunn
275 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-4706-5870-3. Price $64.99.
The Manual of Diagnostic Cytology of the Dog and Cat is a new cytology textbook edited by John Dunn, a senior clinical pathologist at Axiom Veterinary Laboratories Ltd. This reference is intended for individuals seeking to enhance their diagnostic cytology skills. Although there are several extensive and thorough cytology reference textbooks designed more specifically for pathologists and pathology residents, the focus of this manual is on sample collection techniques and the more commonly observed lesions encountered in a small animal practice setting. This makes it uniquely designed for its target audience of small animal practitioners and veterinary students, although residents in disciplines such as veterinary pathology, internal medicine, and surgery will also find the information provided in this book quite useful.
The book is logically organized with information that is accessible and easy to follow. The text is inherently readable, and adequate detail is provided in the figure legends to allow them to stand alone. This is a desirable feature because busy clinicians may not have time to cross-reference the written text to find adequate information for interpretation of a specific image. Cytology is a visual discipline; therefore, high-quality, representative images are the cornerstone of a good reference textbook. This manual provides numerous detailed images in each chapter, not only of cytologic findings, but also of sample acquisition and preparation techniques. The latter, in particular, is a noted strength of this book and will provide valuable information for the target audience. This book will serve as an excellent resource for small animal veterinarians who are seeking a reference with useful information on the acquisition and interpretation of cytologic samples.
Reviewed by Shannon Jones Hostetter, DVM, PhD, DACVP
Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
Veterinary Anaesthesia (11th edition)
Kathy W. Clarke, Cynthia M. Trim, & Leslie W. Hall†
694 pages. 2014. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-7020-2793-2. Price $112.00.
The stated aim of the 11th edition of Veterinary Anaesthesia is “to provide a text for veterinary students, a reference work for veterinarians in practice or working with laboratory animals, and a stimulating introduction to the subject for those wishing to specialize in veterinary anaesthesia.” It has achieved those goals admirably.
Basic physiology and pharmacology are described in detail
with a writing style that is easy to read. The mechanism of action and clinical use of various anesthetic agents are clearly explained. Generally, figures are simple and clear with line drawings and color enhancement that make them easy to understand, although occasional figures feature dark-colored animals, which make them slightly more difficult to interpret. The tables in the chapter on complications are exceptionally useful with clear descriptions of pertinent problems.
A few of the drugs described in the text are not available in the United States, but the information is pertinent in most other countries. The concise summary of injectable drug formulations and the table of considerations when those drugs are administered are useful information for students and others.
This book contains up-to-date information on all major areas of veterinary anesthesia and analgesia. Anesthesia for commonly encountered species as well as wildlife is thoroughly described with clear figures and tables to complement the text. For those interested in wild animals, the table on anesthetic protocols for wildlife is especially helpful as is the information regarding safety considerations for personnel during the administration of anesthesia to wildlife. The chapter on anesthesia of horses contains a sidebar that lists recipes for Triple Drip along with practical notes on the features of each recipe. This emphasis on the practical aspects of anesthesia makes this book appealing to those needing a thorough reference for everyday use.
The chapter on anesthesia monitoring is particularly excellent and includes descriptions of more-advanced forms of monitoring anesthetized patients with comments on the applicability of those techniques to clinical patients. The chapter on apparatus includes a description of laryngeal mask airways, which are available but not yet universally used for anesthetizing veterinary patients. That chapter does not contain information about V-gels, species-specific supraglottic airway devices, but this technology was probably not available at the time the book was written. Use of bronchial blocking tubes, another new technology, is described in the chapter on intrathoracic procedures. Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation is well described, and a helpful algorithm for management of the patient during and after resuscitation is provided. Most chapters contain sidebars with questions and corresponding answers that clarify issues about practical anesthesia commonly encountered by students.
In general, this book provides up-to-date information on veterinary anesthesia in a format that is easy to understand. It will be an excellent resource for anyone involved in anesthetizing veterinary patients.
Reviewed by Cheryl Blaze, MBA, PhD, BVSc, DACVAA
Tufts University North Grafton, Mass
Small Animal Anesthesia Techniques
Amanda M. Shelby & Carolyn M. McKune
317 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-1184-2804-7. Price $49.99.
Small Animal Anesthesia Techniques is a small book loaded with easily accessible information, thoughtful observations, and practical suggestions. Intended to be a resource for veterinary professionals, its frame of reference is anesthetic care in veterinary school or private specialty practice. From that perspective, it offers veterinarians who work in smaller clinics goals for improving anesthetic and perioperative pain management in their everyday practice. The introductory chapter outlines the general anesthetic process with emphasis on the preanesthetic workup and IV catheter placement. The descriptions of direct arterial and central venous blood pressures and mechanical ventilation are more detailed than are more commonplace techniques. Descriptions of protocols for specific procedures and patients with concurrent diseases are nicely broken into concerns or goals, special considerations, anticipated complications, and key points, followed by an explanation of anesthesia options. Similarly, the list and tables of drugs include practical notes and basic facts in an easy-to-follow format. Sufficient details about pharmacology and physiology are provided to satisfy readers interested in mechanisms of action, but not enough to alienate those who are not. The identification of anesthetic complications is mentioned in the relevant descriptions of specific protocols and covered in greater detail in a separate chapter dedicated to anesthetic complications. The book also has chapters dedicated to anesthesia and analgesia of exotic patients and locoregional blocks. Descriptions of approaches to troubleshooting problems that arise during pressure checking the anesthetic machine and during noninvasive blood pressure monitoring could be more thorough. The photographs, diagrams, appendices, and accompanying website complement the text well. Overall, this small book is an economical reference that should be in the library of any small animal practice.
Reviewed by Lydia Donaldson, VMD, PhD, DACVAA
Middleburg, Va
Farm Animal Anesthesia: Cattle, Small Ruminants, Camelids, and Pigs
Huichu Lin & Paul Walz
278 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-118-47435-8. Price $99.99.
Farm Animal Anesthesia: Cattle, Small Ruminants, Camelids, and Pigs is a softcover textbook. It is a good reference for anyone seeking guidance on practical anesthetic techniques and pain management in farm animals. The target audience for this book is not veterinarians experienced in anesthesia; rather, it is intended for farm animal practitioners, veterinary students, and researchers working with cattle, small ruminants, camelids, and pigs. The book contains 12 chapters that highlight key areas of farm animal anesthesia, including preanesthetic considerations, overview of anesthetic drugs, protocols for chemical restraint and standing sedation, field injectable anesthesia, inhalation anesthesia, local and regional anesthetic techniques, anesthetic management for common surgical procedures, pain management, fluid therapy, drug residues, and euthanasia methods for farm animals. It is fairly priced and well referenced. Photographs and illustrations are excellent complements to the text. The main benefit of this book is that it contains comprehensive, easy-to-consult tables with lists of anesthetic drugs, recommended drug dosages, farm animal species targeted, and durations and comments for specific anesthetic protocols. Minor weaknesses of the book include a few typographic errors and 1 figure legend (chapter 7) that contains information that conflicts with that provided in the text. Overall, this book is a comprehensive and practical reference for farm animal anesthesia and pain management.
Reviewed by Mélanie Boileau, DVM, MS, DACVIM
Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Okla
Llama and Alpaca Care: Medicine, Surgery, Reproduction, Nutrition, and Herd Health
Christopher Cebra, David E. Anderson, Ahmed Tibary, Robert J. Van Saun, & LaRue W. Johnson
789 pages. 2014. Elsevier. ISBN 978-1-4377-2352-6. Price $152.00.
Llama and Alpaca Care: Medicine, Surgery, Reproduction, Nutrition, and Herd Health is an excellent, thorough, well-written book that covers every aspect of the care of camelids. This book reviews the handling of llamas and alpacas, their nutrition, and vaccinations. It also discusses reproductive issues such as breeding soundness examinations and infertility (eg, repeat breeders). Surgical procedures, anesthesia techniques, and normal anatomy and radiographs are described both in words and figures.
As a mixed-animal practitioner, I eagerly read the sections on minimal-restraint venipuncture and injections and learned about the buckeye hold. I also enjoyed the sections that discussed the tests and protocols recommended for the management of repeat-breeder females. Ultrasonographic and radiographic images are clear and appropriately labeled with arrows, which enables readers to easily interpret them. The book also contains an informative and useful formulary or drug therapy section that lists medications and their appropriate dosages, routes of administration, and indications for use in camelids.
Overall, this book is very comprehensive and will be a valuable resource in the clinic or the mobile veterinary unit. I highly recommend it to any veterinarian with an interest in camelids and anyone who works with these animals.
Reviewed by Christina Dayton-Wall, DVM
All Creatures Veterinary Service Harrington, Del
Knottenbelt and Pascoe's Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of the Horse (2nd edition)
Siobhan B. McAuliffe
532 pages. 2014. Saunders Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-7234-3660-7. Price $163.00.
The second edition of Knottenbelt and Pascoe's Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of the Horse is a textbook that will be valued by veterinary students, veterinarians, and horse owners. Veterinary students will find the book to be useful in the classroom and in clinics. Field practitioners will value it as a quick reference in equine practice and as a tool to supplement clients' understanding of equine diseases. Horse owners will enjoy the photographs and wide scope of veterinary information.
The chapters of the book each address a different body system starting with the gastrointestinal system and concluding with the reproductive system and associated disorders. Although the information presented has an international spectrum, conditions commonly seen in North America are well represented in the book. Content is nicely outlined on the first page of each chapter. The pages of this edition are larger than those of the previous edition, and clear and relevant photographs are well placed to complement the text. The photographs depicting procedures; ultrasonographic images; cytologic, histopathologic, and pathological specimens; and clinical conditions are all useful.
New to this edition are additional tables and illustrations in some sections and bulleted summaries of diagnostic and treatment options for each condition discussed, which enhance the information provided in the first edition. Although references have been added at the end of each chapter, more specific citation of references within the text would have been beneficial. The electronic version of this book might be particularly helpful for field use.
Reviewed by Joan Howard, VMD, DABVP
Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and Imaging
Frances Harcourt-Brown & John Chitty
440 pages. 2013. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-9053-1941-1. Price $149.99.
As a general practitioner, I found the BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and Imaging to be extremely useful in the treatment of routine cases as well as more unusual ones. The format of the book makes it easy for in-clinic use during a workup or for more thorough reading when time permits. The range of topics addressed is quite complete, from common techniques such as intubation to advanced treatment of dental diseases. Topics are laid out in a logical manner; each starts with basic information and anatomy, followed by diagnosis of the disease in question, and finally a discussion of indications for surgery and other treatment options. Surgical descriptions are thorough and well written with copious photographs and diagrams. After reading a surgical description, readers feel prepared to perform the procedure, whether it is their first or fiftieth time doing it. One particularly nice feature of this text is that, in addition to several chapters devoted to different diagnostic imaging techniques, there are discussions about imaging techniques and images embedded within each topic. Located at the end of the book are several useful appendices, although the formulary is a little sparse and could be expanded to address more advanced or complicated situations. Overall, this text is an excellent resource for veterinarians who treat rabbits, whether occasionally or on a daily basis.
Reviewed by Matthew Ford, DVM
Scarborough Animal Hospital Scarborough, Me
Current Therapy in Reptile Medicine & Surgery
Douglas R. Mader & Stephen J. Divers
462 pages. 2014. Elsevier. ISBN 978-1-4557-0893-2. Price $152.00.
Current Therapy in Reptile Medicine & Surgery is essentially the third edition of a text formerly titled Reptile Medicine and Surgery. The first 2 editions were edited by Dr. Mader; this edition includes Dr. Divers, another leader in herpetological medicine and surgery, as the coeditor. The earlier editions covered the broad scope of veterinary care of reptiles and became the go-to authoritative standard (as a full disclosure, I wrote several chapters in both of the previous editions). This edition does not attempt to redo what was so well done in the earlier editions (the second edition was 1,264 pages and is still very relevant), but stays true to the title of current therapy and discusses what is new since the last edition. This was definitely needed because, in the decade since the last edition was released, the pace and amount of reptile medical research has quickened and enlarged and changed from empirical to scientific. Also, publications on the topic are widely scattered, and a comprehensive review such as this book is appreciated. This book contains > 12 novel chapters and is divided into 4 sections: Advances in reptile medicine; Advances in anesthesia, surgery, and analgesia; Advances in amphibian medicine; and Advances in biology, conservation, law, and research. The 39 contributors to this book are to be commended for making every chapter engaging, interesting, well researched, and illustrated. I learned something from each chapter and consider this book well worth the price. The few mistakes present are not worth mentioning; however, I would have liked to have seen more discussion about nutrition. Any veterinarian who treats reptiles and amphibians should have this book as well as the second edition on his or her shelf. This book will also be of interest to herpetologists, nutritionists, conservationists, and reptile and amphibian professionals. Let's hope this series continues; reptilian and amphibian medicine needs it.
Reviewed by Thomas H. Boyer, DVM, DABVP
Pet Hospital of Penasquitos San Diego, Calif
Fish Vaccination
Roar Gudding, Atle Lillehaug, & Øystein Evensen
383 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-470-67455-0. Price $199.99.
As aquaculture expands worldwide, Fish Vaccination is an opportune book for the future of disease prevention in an industry faced with outbreaks of infectious diseases and substantial economic losses. This book takes advantage of the knowledge of a host of international authors and is divided into 14 chapters that cover general information regarding fish vaccination, followed by 15 chapters that cover specific diseases. The general section describes the history and use of vaccines in aquaculture, the various types of vaccines and adjuvants that have been used in fish, vaccination procedures and strategies, and the role of modern technologies in future vaccine development. The book also has 2 concise chapters on the innate and adaptive immune responses of fish and how those responses differ from those of mammals. The subsequent chapters provide a comprehensive overview of the history and recent advances in vaccine development for the major viral and bacterial pathogens that affect the fish industry. Each chapter reviews the occurrence and importance of a particular disease, its etiology and pathogenesis, the major antigens or virulence factors associated with the causative agent, available vaccines and vaccination procedures, possible adverse effects of vaccination, and potential directions for vaccine development. Discussion of mycobacteriosis and ichthyophthiriasis, 2 economically important pathogens for which considerable efforts have been devoted to the development of a vaccine for fish, is noticeably absent from this book. That notwithstanding, this book is an essential resource for veterinarians, aquaculturists, and fish biologists interested in disease prevention and biosecurity, improvement of aquaculture production, and the enhancement of the health and welfare of captive fish populations or for anyone interested in fish vaccinology.
Reviewed by Stephen A. Smith, DVM, PhD
Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Va
Electrocardiography of Laboratory Animals
Jeffrey W. Richig & Meg M. Sleeper
129 pages. 2014. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-415936-5. Price $199.95.
Electrocardiography of Laboratory Animals describes the history of ECG development and how to interpret ECGs and provides good examples and explanations of ECG tracings of various arrhythmias. Therefore, this book might be beneficial to ECG neophytes, veterinary and laboratory technicians who are involved in performing ECGs, and veterinary and graduate students.
The title of the book is somewhat misleading. Although dogs, macaques, and miniature pigs are commonly used in research, the information regarding ECG of each species would apply regardless of their use (eg, research, pet, or zoo). The book also contains a lot of repetitive information, includes irrelevant discussion of preclinical drug safety testing study design and evaluation, and has a less-than-optimal format. Furthermore, the book describes treatments for several arrhythmias, which, in my experience in a laboratory animal setting, would not be performed because they would affect the data obtained for the study. Although the book contains statements that it supports adherence to the FDA requirements for ECG performance, it does not summarize these requirements so that readers can determine for themselves how well the information provided adheres to those requirements. Finally, biographies are not provided for either author, so readers cannot develop an opinion regarding the weight or value of the information provided. Unfortunately, given these deficiencies, I consider the book overpriced and would not recommend it to my colleagues.
Reviewed by Dawn Ruben, DVM
Johns Hopkins Medicine Baltimore, Md
The Guide to Investigation of Mouse Pregnancy
B. Anne Croy, Aureo T. Yamada, Francesco J. DeMayo, & S. Lee Adamson
808 pages. 2014. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-394445-0. Price $199.95.
In The Guide to the Investigation of Mouse Pregnancy, mouse pregnancy is discussed in exquisite detail from fertilization through parturition and selected postpartum outcomes and complemented with color photographs, photomicrographs, and clearly labeled explanatory illustrations. The book has an international scope of authorship, something that will render its acceptance worldwide more likely. The text is clear and concise and contains something for beginning and expert investigators alike. As with any book, some information was probably out of date immediately after the book went to press, but much of the information in this book is a compilation of photographs and protocols that will be useful for years to come. Chapters 1 through 6 comprise an atlas, which is organized and printed in a landscape orientation for ease of use and photo comparison. The atlas is followed by chapters on the basic biology of pregnancy, including the maternal-fetal interface, placental biology and analysis, and perinatal and postnatal changes. The final section comprises protocols for pregnancy investigation, including the monitoring of estrous cycles, placental perfusion, and uterine leukocyte isolation. For each protocol, a good level of detail is generally provided and confusing or key steps are illustrated for ease of use. Many protocols also include troubleshooting tips, which are valuable to investigators new to the procedure. An appendix adds further detail by providing normative reproductive data gathered from the large production colonies of a commercial mouse breeder. This book will be a valued addition to the library of any pregnancy researcher who uses mice as their model organism.
Reviewed by Kathleen R. Pritchett-Corning, DVM, DACLAM
Harvard University Cambridge, Mass
Pathogenic Escherichia coli: Molecular and Cellular Microbiology
Stefano Morabito
316 pages. 2014. Caister Academic Press. ISBN 978-1-908230-37-9. Price $319.00.
Overall, Pathogenic Escherichia coli: Molecular and Cellular Microbiology is an excellent textbook. It is current, comprehensive, and a great resource. Eleven of the 15 chapters of the book focus on E coli virulence factors and associated pathogenetic effects at the molecular and cellular level. The first 2 chapters provide an overview of disease in humans and animals, and the last 2 cover vaccines against E coli in humans and animals. The 11 chapters in the middle cover a variety of E coli–related topics. Some chapters discuss the various categories of virulence factors (eg, shiga toxins and hemolysins), whereas others focus on a mechanism that involves multiple virulence factors (eg, attaching and effacing lesions), and 1 chapter is devoted to the entire diarrheagenic class (eg, enteroaggregative E coli). Extraintestinal E coli infections of humans (eg, urinary tract infections and neonatal meningitis) are covered in a latter chapter of the book that focuses on host cell invasion, instead of in the first chapter that introduces human infections. The information in each chapter is highly detailed and most suitable for research scientists or other academicians, although the editor states that this book is also intended for students and others who simply want to know more about the subject. Given the variation in the organization of topics among the different chapters, there is a minor amount of redundant and overlapping information; however, this can be helpful to readers who are somewhat new to the subject, and the intent to address virulence factors as principle topics is especially helpful to those conducting research in this area.
This is a small (9.9 × 7.1 × 1 inches) hardbound book, which makes it sturdy yet lightweight and easy to handle. Within each chapter, figures are small and printed in grayscale; however, many of the figures are also provided in color in a separate section at the end of the book, which is essential for readers to appreciate the fine details of those figures. Similar to the text, tables are comprehensive, informative, and well referenced. The format of the references (eg, comprehensive listings of authors, titles, and page numbers) is complete and very helpful. Although this book is rather expensive, it is a worthwhile investment for those interested in the molecular and cellular microbiology of pathogenic E coli.
Reviewed by Rodney A. Moxley, DVM, PhD
University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb
Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria (3rd edition)
Charles O. Thoen, James H. Steele, & John B. Kaneene
413 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-118-47429-7. Price $159.99.
True to its title, the third edition of Zoonotic Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium bovis and Other Pathogenic Mycobacteria
focuses on the zoonotic aspect of M bovis and builds on the pattern established in the previous editions. The target audience for this book is broad, and the intended purpose of the book is to provide current information on the “significance of M bovis in the elimination of tuberculosis in animals and humans.” Indeed, there is something for everyone in the text. For physicians and public health workers, there are chapters on the one health approach, public health significance of zoonotic tuberculosis, and the zoonotic impact of bovine tuberculosis in numerous countries, both developing and developed. For epidemiologists and animal health officials, there are chapters on the current state of M bovis infection in livestock, wildlife, and humans in > 35 countries. The book includes detailed chapters on the epidemiology, diagnosis, and role of wildlife in the spread of zoonotic tuberculosis in New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Such country-specific information is often difficult to find in the general literature. For veterinarians, research scientists, and students, there are updated chapters on the pathogenesis and molecular epidemiology of M bovis. The chapters on advances in isolation, identification, and genotyping of M bovis are as up-to-date as one could possibly expect in a rapidly changing field. The third edition complements the previous editions and will be a useful text for readers interested in both human and animal tuberculosis.
Reviewed by Mitchell Palmer, DVM, PhD
National Animal Disease Center Ames, Iowa
Sustainable Agriculture (Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture Series Volume 1)
Christine Jakobsson
505 pages. 2012. Baltic University Press, CSD Uppsala. ISBN 978-91-86189-10-5. Price $56.78.
Ecology and Animal Health (Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture Series Volume 2)
Leif Norrgren & Jeffrey M. Levengood
382 pages. 2012. Baltic University Press, CSD Uppsala. ISBN 978-91-86189-12-9. Price $45.46.
Sustainable Agriculture and Ecology and Animal Health are the first 2 volumes of the 3-volume Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture Series. The third volume of the series is entitled Rural Development and Land Use. This series is an extensive collection of teaching materials published by the Baltic University Programme and is available in print copies or electronic format (pdf), which can be downloaded from
The purpose of the Baltic University Programme is to focus on a sustainable Baltic region through industrial ecology, ecological economics, culture, and law. It involves approximately 2,220 universities in the Baltic Sea drainage basin. The program takes the approach that the Baltic Sea region is not a unique environment and has many similarities with other regions, especially the Great Lakes region of North America.
The Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture Project, of which these 2 books are a product, addresses rural development, sustainable agriculture, and animal health simultaneously. It is readily apparent that this group has discussed and researched the many aspects of sustainability. Although the chapters of these books are written by various authors, they maintain a cohesive theme of the pursuit of maximizing public good in rural settings. Benefits to farmers, communities, ecosystems, and biodiversity are simultaneously addressed across multiple objectives including animal health.
The complexity of this subject does not always lend itself to an easy read. However, it is a rewarding pursuit that should involve veterinarians as well as the broader scope of participants in our landscapes.
Reviewed by John Deen, DVM, PhD
University of Minnesota Saint Paul, Minn
Large Animal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians
Laura Lien, Sue Loly, & Sheryl Ferguson
442 pages. 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-118-34671-6. Price $64.99.
Large Animal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians is a well-organized book. The contents are clearly outlined, and the index makes this an easy-to-use reference. The basic large animal subjects are well covered. This book will be most beneficial for veterinary technicians who are looking for a quick and easy-to-use reference on the topic and veterinary technician students who have already been exposed to anatomy, physiology, bacteriology, virology, and the basic mechanisms of infection and immunity. Descriptions are provided for a wide range of infectious and metabolic diseases that affect large animals, some common and some less common. There were some types of infections I thought would be discussed that were not, but how do you cover them all? The easy-to-follow format, photographs, and figures complement the text and make it easier to understand. Overall, I like this book and plan on using it in our veterinary technician program.
Reviewed by Christopher Harvey, DVM
Northeast Iowa Community College Calmar, Iowa
Cat Mastery
Tony Buffington
iBook. 2014. The Ohio State University.
Available at: Price $4.99.
Cat Mastery is an interactive online manual designed for owners to understand feline behavior and identify ways to create an environment that meets the physical and emotional needs of cats. The author begins the book by outlining feline body language; identifying different facial expressions, ear positions, and body positioning in relation to a cat's perceived level of stress; and explaining this behavior in relation to feline evolutionary history. This overview of feline behavior then leads into a discussion of environmental stressors related to feline health. The remainder of the manual focuses on enrichment of a cat's environment to encourage natural feline behaviors. Topics include providing safe areas for sleep or rest, resource management, scratching and scent marking, multicat interactions, hunting and play, and safe options for outdoor access. A guide on how to make appropriate changes to a cat's environment and resources for information on feline health and behavior are also provided.
This is a succinct, clearly written guide for cat owners. The online book is very affordable and includes interactive online graphics and instructional videos. Tony's Tips, short audio segments from the author, serve to reinforce the information provided in the text. This book is a must-read for owners who are interested in improving their cat's quality of life or individuals interested in becoming cat owners.
Reviewed by Jessica Stern, DVM, DABVP
Cats Exclusive Veterinary Center Shoreline, Wash
The Rabbit Raising Problem Solver
Karen Patry
319 pages. 2014. Storey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-61212-142-0. Price $19.95.
The author of The Rabbit Raising Problem Solver provides readers with a book that is easy to follow, adequately supported by facts, and delivered in a question and answer format. Within each chapter, the subjects are outlined in several paragraphs and further developed within the question and answer section. Illustrations throughout the book complement and support the text and provide readers with additional information on the subject.
The first 2 chapters contain background information for first-time rabbit owners and cover a wide range of topics such as ethology, nutrition, and biology. Descriptions of the various breeds of rabbits are provided to help familiarize prospective owners with the general traits of each specific breed so that they can choose a rabbit that will have features compatible with their needs or expectations.
Chapters 3 through 5 contain information on rabbit husbandry and nutrition. The intended audience for those chapters is primarily rabbit producers; however, information applicable to pet rabbit owners is interspersed within each chapter. For instance, the section on housing describes the ideal hutch as having wire flooring, whereas veterinarians who treat pet rabbits have been recommending solid flooring since rabbits were moved indoors. The nutrition section recommends that rabbits be fed pellets and hay and discusses appropriate fruit and vegetable treats as well as safe objects for rabbits to chew on; this information is applicable to the care of both pet and breeding rabbits. In that section, vegetables are designated as treats rather than as a major proportion of the rabbit diet.
Chapters 6 through 9 cover breeding and rearing young rabbits, and again the intended audience is primarily rabbit producers. This information would be beneficial for pet rabbit owners who want to breed their rabbit, provided some modifications were made to reflect the differences in the scale and nature of rabbit breeding in a commercial versus pet setting.
The last section of the book covers medical conditions common to rabbits. Overall, the conditions are described and explained in a way that is appropriate for laypersons. However, information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions is often presented without mention of the importance of veterinarian involvement in these processes. The last subject covered in this section is euthanasia, which describes a technique without pharmaceuticals or veterinarian supervision. I cannot endorse the use of this technique as described because it does not meet the definition of humane.
This book is most appropriate for rabbit producers. Although it contains valuable information for pet rabbit owners, the emphasis on breeding and production can lead pet rabbit owners toward a different standard of care than is generally accepted for pet animals. Also, the risk associated with owners trying to diagnose and treat their rabbits after reading this book without consultation with a veterinarian makes it difficult to recommend this book for pet rabbit owners. I can recommend it for veterinary students who are interested in a basic rabbit textbook or for veterinarians who are just beginning to care for rabbits.
Reviewed by Paul A. Chace, DVM
Advanced Veterinary Care Farmington, Conn