Bacterins are widely used in the swine industry as aids for prevention of bacterial infectious diseases. Of the bacterins currently recommended for use in swine, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae products are one of the elements widely used in preventive measures for the control of PRDC. There is little doubt that these products, when used properly, will induce a protective immune response in inoculated swine, and their use to control PRDC certainly reduces economic losses associated with Mycoplasma-induced pneumonia. However, certain commercially available bacterins can potentiate the effects of PCV2 and promote the development of PMWS in PCV2-infected swine.1–3
The TTVs are recently discovered, single-stranded, circularized DNA viruses currently classified in the Circoviridae family as the genus Anellovirus.4,5 Species-specific Anelloviruses are widely distributed in human and domestic animal populations, and infected humans may remain viremic with TTV DNA for many years.4–6 At least 5 distinct clusters of human TTVs have been identified, but no positive associations have been found between TTV infection or viremia with TTV DNA and clinically relevant diseases.4,5 It is the general consensus of virologists who study TTV that the agents are orphan viruses and are a part of the normal microbial flora of humans.4–9
Swine are also infected with species-specific TTVs.9–15 Two clusters (g1-TTV and g2-TTV) have been identified in porcine serum samples.11 Similar to their human counterparts, porcine TTVs appear to be widely distributed in pigs throughout the world, and aside from a strong statistical association between viremia attributable to g2-TTV and PCV2-associated PMWS in European swine,13 the porcine TTVs are also believed to be nonpathogenic. Swine populations have been surveyed for evidence of TTV,10 and results of those efforts suggest it is possible that certain bacterins for use in pigs may harbor occult TTV. However, this possibility has not been formally examined. In support of this hypothesis, porcine circovirus type 1 DNAs have been detected in several European bacterins, which again suggests that products may contain unwanted adventitial agents.16 In the study reported here, commercially available Mycoplasma bacterins licensed in North America and Europe for use in pigs were screened for g1- and g2-TTV DNA11,13 by use of direct PCR and nPCR assays at 3 research laboratories.
Materials and Methods
Sample population—Sets of M hyopneumoniae bacterins licensed for use and commercially available in Europe, Canada, and the United States were purchased from distributors as multiple-use vials that contained 50 to 100 vaccine doses/vial. At The Ohio State University, 9 North American bacterins (products 1 through 9, respectively)a–i were examined. Aliquots from the first set of US products were used to determine whether these bacterins potentiated PCV2-associated PMWS when given to PCV2-infected gnotobiotic swine.3 A second set of bacterins was purchased from the manufacturers and stored until used for examination of TTV DNAs. At the University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine, 5 Canadian bacterins (products 10 through 14, respectively)e,j–m were examined. At Queens University Belfast, 8 European bacterins (products 15 through 22, respectively)o–u were examined. Serial lot numbers and expiration dates of each bacterin were recorded.
PCR assay for TTVs—Primer pairs for g1- and g2-TTV were prepared from published sequences,13 and nPCR assays for specific TTV DNAs were performed essentially as described elsewhere.13 At the 2 research laboratories in North America, a direct PCR assay was developed to amplify g1-TTV signals from the bacterins. The direct assay used g1-TTV primers11,13 and also a primer pair specifically designed to be 100% homologous to g1-TTV identified in sera obtained from swine in Ohio; the US and Canadian bacterins evaluated were also tested by use of this PCR reagent. In addition to conventional water-only negative control samples for the experiments conducted at the laboratory in the United States, sera from gnotobiotic pigs known to have negative results for g1-TTV DNA and conventional and gnotobiotic pig serum known to contain only g1-TTV DNAs were used as positive control samples. At the other 2 laboratories, negative control samples consisted of multiple samples of water and sera obtained from Cesarean-derived, colostrum-deprived swine that were known to have negative results for TTV DNA; positive control samples at those 2 laboratories consisted of g1- or g2-TTV DNA (or both) from conventional swine. The PCR reactions were performed in triplicate and included water-only control samples between each bacterin DNA sample. The nPCR assays were considered valid only when all negative control samples had negative results for the assay. As an additional technical control sample, the US bacterins were shipped to the laboratory in Europe for testing with primer pairs and conditions used in that laboratory.
In each laboratory, bacterins were removed from the sealed vials with a syringe, and total DNA was extracted from each by use of a blood DNA extraction kitv in accordance with the manufacturer's protocol for blood. The Taq master mixturew contained Taq polymerase at a final concentration in 25μL of 1.25 U of Taq/μL, 1.5mM MgCl2, and 200μM of each deoxynucleoside triphosphate. To this, 0.5μM of each primer and 5.0 μL of template were added. A typical reaction mixture for direct PCR assay contained 12.5 μL of Taq master mixture,w 1.25 μL of forward primer (10.0μM), 1.25 μL of reverse primer (10.0M-), 5.0 μL of water, and 5.0 μL of template. Cycling conditions at the US laboratory were as follows: 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 minutes, 94°C for 30 seconds, 55°C (g1-TTV) or 54.4°C (g2-TTV) for 30 seconds, and 72°C for 60 seconds; and then 72°C for 10 minutes. For all reactions, PCR-amplified products were resolved in 1.20% (wt:vol) agarose gels in Tris-borate-EDTA buffer at 100 V for 75 minutes. The primer pairs used for the g1-TTV direct PCR assay were as follows: forward, 5′–G CGG TCA AAA TGG CGG AAG G–3′ and reverse, 5′–GGA CTT GAG CTC CCG ACC AA–3′.
For the nPCR assays, primer sequences specific for porcine g1- and g2-TTV were used.13 For the first round of PCR amplification, the same conditions as those used for the direct PCR assay for g1-TTV were used. An aliquot (4.0 μL) of product from the first round of amplification was then used in the second round of amplification. The cycling conditions used differed slightly from those used for the direct PCR assay for g1-TTV; conditions were as follows: 40 cycles of 95°C for 9 minutes, 94°C for 30 seconds, 49.7° to 52°C for 20 seconds, and 72°C for 30 seconds; and then 72°C for 7 minutes. For the g1-TTV nPCR assay, primers in the first round of amplification consisted of the following: forward, 5′–TA CAC TTC CGG GTT CAG GAG GCT– 3′ and reverse, 5′–A CTC AGC CAT TCG GAA CCT CAC–3′. For the second round of amplification, the primers used were as follows: forward, 5′–C AAT TTG GCT CGC TTC GCT CGC–3′ and reverse, 5′–TAC TTA TAT TCG CTT TCG TGG GAA C–3′. For the g2-TTV nPCR assay, primers for the first round of amplification were as follows: forward, 5′–AG TTA CAC ATA ACC ACC AAA CC–3′ and reverse, 5′–ATT ACC GCC TGC CCG ATA GGC–3′. Primers used for the second round of amplification were as follows: forward, 5′–CCA AAC CAC AGG AAA CTG TGC–3′ and reverse, 5′–CTT GAC TCC GCT CTC AGG AG–3′.
The amplified DNA products from all samples with positive results (g1-TTV, 260 to 290 bases for the nPCR assay and 120 bases for the direct PCR assay; g2-TTV, 230 bases for the nPCR assay) were recovered from the gels and independently sequenced in commercial laboratories by use of standard automated methods. Sequences for all amplicons were then compared with GenBank references for swine g1-TTV (accession No. DQ229865) and g2-TTV (accession No. DQ229860) sequences.
North American bacterins—Of the 9 bacterins tested at the US laboratory, 6 (products 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9) contained g1-TTV DNAs, as indicated by the fact that amplicons were recovered for both nPCR and direct PCR reactions. Three bacterins (products, 1, 4, and 8) contained g2-TTV DNAs (Figure 1). One lot of bacterin 1 had negative results when tested with published11,13 g1-TTV primers but positive results when tested by use of the direct PCR assay with the specially designed g1-TTV primers (Table 1).
Results* for direct PCR and nPCR assays conducted at a US laboratory to detect g1- and g2-TTV DNAs in commercially available Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterins commonly used in swine in the United States.
Product | Serial No. | nPCR† | Direct PCR‡ | ||
g1-TTV | g2-TTV | g1-TTV | g2-TTV | ||
1a | 271-130 | − | ND | − | NA |
271-150 | − | + | + | NA | |
2b | 1619100A | − | ND | − | NA |
1619112A | − | − | − | NA | |
3c | 1151179A | − | ND | − | NA |
1152343A | − | − | − | NA | |
4d | A472 266 | + | + | + | NA |
A609 632 | + | + | − | NA | |
5e | A606 545 | Trace | + | + | NA |
6f | 05434 | − | ND | − | NA |
95489 | − | − | − | NA | |
7g | 201 009 | + | ND | + | NA |
8h | 143-056 | + | + | + | NA |
9i | 97883903A | + | ND | + | NA |
Water§ | NA | − | ND | − | NA |
g1-TTV tissue homogenate∥ | NA | + | ND | + | NA |
Results for the PCR-amplified sequence for TTV DNAs (g1-TTV, 260 to 290 bases for the nPCR assay and 120 bases for the direct PCR assay; g2-TTV, 230 bases for the nPCR assay) were scored as negative (negative sign), trace, or positive (positive sign).
Assay performed with primers specific for g1- and g2-TTVs.11,13
Primer pairs were designed from sequences amplified to be 100% homologous with the sequence for the g1-TTV recovered from swine in Ohio.
Negative control sample.
Positive control sample.
ND = Not determined. NA= Not applicable.
Findings for TTV DNAs in Canadian bacterins in assays performed at the laboratory in Canada were summarized (Table 2). Two Canadian products (products 10 and 12) had positive results for both g1- and g2-TTV DNA. The remaining bacterins, which were tested by use of both the US and European laboratory extraction and hybridization protocols, had negative results for TTV DNA.
Results* for nPCR assays conducted at a Canadian laboratory to detect g1- and g2-TTV DNAs in commercially available M hyopneumoniae bacterins commonly used in swine in Canada.
Product | Serial No. | g1-TTV† | g2-TTV |
10i | 271-149 | + | + |
11k | 1619110A | − | − |
12e | A606995 | + | + |
13l | 05477A | − | − |
14m | 07165904A | − | − |
Water‡ | NA | − | − |
g1-TTV serum§ | NA | + | − |
g2-TTV serum§ | NA | − | + |
Data obtained for the European bacterins at the laboratory in Europe were summarized (Table 3). Of the 8 bacterins tested, 5 (products 15, 18, 19, 21, and 22) had positive results for both g1- and g2-TTV DNAs.
Results* for nPCR assays conducted at a European laboratory to detect g1- and g2-TTV DNAs in commercially available M hyopneumoniae bacterins commonly used in swine in Europe.
Product | Serial No. | g1-TTV† | g2-TTV† |
15n | 271-356 | + | + |
16o | 1522354 A | − | − |
17p | 1542167 | − | − |
18q | L55192 | + | + |
19r | L62832 | + | + |
20s | A47502 A | − | − |
21t | 7547A02 | + | + |
22u | A180381M | − | − |
Water‡ | NA | − | − |
g1-TTV serum§ | NA | + | − |
g2-TTV serum§ | NA | − | + |
As an additional quality-control procedure for the PCR assays, bacterins purchased in the United States were tested at both the US and European laboratories; the PCR assays were performed by use of local conditions for each laboratory (Table 4). All bacterins that had positive results when tested for g1-TTV by use of the nPCR assays at the US laboratory also had positive results when tested at the European laboratory. However, one of the bacterins (product 1) had negative results when tested at the US laboratory but positive results when tested at the European laboratory.
Results* for direct PCR and nPCR assays conducted at a European and a US laboratory to detect g1-and g2-TTV DNAs in commercially available M hyopneumoniae bacterins commonly used in swine in North America.
Product | Serial No. | g1-TTV | g2-TTV | ||||||
Direct PCR† | nPCR‡ | Direct PCR‡ | nPCR | ||||||
Europe | US | Europe | US | Europe | US | Europe | US | ||
1a | 271-150 | + | + | + | − | − | ND | + | ND |
2b | 1619111B | − | − | − | − | − | ND | − | ND |
3c | 1151179A | − | − | − | − | − | ND | − | ND |
4d | A600 651 | + | + | + | + | − | ND | + | Trace |
5e | A605 489 | Trace | Trace | + | + | − | + | + | + |
6f | 05489 | − | − | − | − | − | ND | − | ND |
8h | 143-056 | + | + | + | + | − | ND | + | Trace |
Water∥ | NA | − | − | − | − | − | ND | − | ND |
The direct PCR assay for g1-TTV was performed at the European laboratory with primers for g1-TTV developed atthe US laboratory.
Assays performed with primers specific for g1-and g2-TTVs.11,13
Negative control sample.
§The primer pairs for g2-TTV were also used as a direct PCR method to detect g2-TTV DNAs.
See Table 1 for remainder of key.
PCR inhibitors—To determine whether a component or components in a product with negative results for TTV DNA may contain PCR inhibitory substances, samples of a bacterin (product 5) that had positive results for TTV DNA were diluted in a bacterin (product 2) that had negative results for TTV DNA and then retested for detection of g2-TTV DNAs by use of nPCR assays. The results revealed that the TTV-negative bacterin (product 2) contained material or materials that inhibited the g2-TTV DNA PCR signal in the TTV-positive bacterin (product 5; Figure 2). Thus, the TTV DNA status of the test-negative bacterins (predominately the various formulations of products 2, 3, and 6) could not be definitively determined because of contamination with a PCR inhibitor or inhibitors in the bacterins.
Sequence analysis of amplicons—At the US laboratory, amplicons from 4 bacterins with positive results for g1-TTV DNAs were sequenced and compared with the reported g1-TTV sequence (GenBank accession No. DQ229865). All had sequences > 90% identical to the sequence for DQ229865; however, each contained multiple unique single base substitutions, which indicated that laboratory contamination of these bacterins with 1 or more TTV DNA could not account for the positive TTV signals detected (data not shown). Similar results were obtained with the 2 bacterins that had positive results for both g1- and g2-TTV at the Canadian laboratory, except that sequence identity for the g1- and g2-TTV amplicons recovered from the bacterins was even higher (95% to 98%) than the identity for those obtained at the US laboratory. The situation at the European laboratory was similar in that bacterin sequences aligned (r 90% identical) with published g1- and g2-TTV sequences. Overall, sequencing of amplicons in all 3 laboratories revealed that the primers used resulted in amplification of g1- and g2-TTVs and not spurious DNA sequences contained in the bacterins.
The study reported here revealed that many serials of M hyopneumoniae bacterins licensed and marketed in North America and Europe contained TTV DNAs, as detected by direct PCR or nPCR assays. Critical to these experiments, particularly for the use of PCR techniques, was reproducibility within each laboratory as well as among laboratories. These data were generated in 3 separate laboratories on 2 continents and used a common experimental design that enhanced and reinforced each of the data sets. As well, sequence analysis of amplicons identified by PCR assay confirmed that all were homologous to g1- or g2-TTV. Finally, alignment and homology analyses revealed that the amplicons recovered from each bacterin were unique, which indicated that laboratory contamination of bacterins by a common source of TTV DNAs cannot account for the TTV DNAs detected in these bacterins. By inference, these data also suggested that other bacterins manufactured for use in swine (or other species) that contain swine sera may also be inadvertently contaminated with TTV DNA sequences.
The source or sources of TTV contamination were not determined, but it is probable that locally obtained bacterin components used in the in vitro culture of M hyopneumoniae organisms were the most likely immediate source of porcine TTV DNAs. Certainly, this scenario could account for the differences between products with positive and negative results that were produced by the same manufacturer in different locations, presumably under identical production conditions. On the basis of the frequent detection of TTV in swine throughout the world, the pooled porcine sera that are used in vaccine production are likely to contain TTV DNAs.10,12–15 Although the specifics of each manufacturer's processes are proprietary and thus not available for examination, it is possible that swine serum is a key growth supplement needed for the successful propagation of M hyopneumoniae. This is the most logical source of TTV, although other sources (such as porcineorigin pepsin17 or porcine kidney cell monolayers18,19) cannot be excluded as possible sources of TTV.
Contamination of serial lots of these bacterins with TTV DNAs may be problematic for the biologics industry in general and the swine biologics industry in particular. In contrast to other killed or inactivated products, the mycoplasmal component in the bacterins described here was subjected to comparatively gentle inactivation procedures because harsh inactivation conditions are likely to damage immunoreactive epitopes contained in or on microbial plasma membranes. The TTVs, similar to other members of the Circoviridae family (including PCV220), are resistant to disinfectants and inactivation by mild fixatives. Thus, in contrast to the situation of contamination of several bacterins with porcine circovirus type 1 in which strong inactivation conditions were used,16 there is some likelihood that the Mycoplasma bacterins that had positive results when tested for TTV DNAs may still have contained infectious TTVs.
The larger issue is the unanswered question of an increased risk of disease if TTV-naïve pigs are inadvertently infected with TTV through the practice of routine inoculation with TTV-contaminated Mycoplasma bacterins. It is clear that a positive DNA signal obtained from a biological sample is not synonymous with the presence of infectious virus, and as such, these preliminary data should not be interpreted to mean that some or all of these bacterins contained infectious encapsulated virus or infectious DNAs. However, on the basis of the infectious nature of naked PCV2 DNA (as determined by the experience of one of the authors [SK]), it is likely that DNA from the biologically similar TTVs may also be infective without the absolute requirement for encapsulated DNA or intact virions. This issue (infectivity of TTVs contained in bacterins) is currently being investigated. In preliminary studies conducted by one of the authors (SK), multiple species of both g1- and g2-TTV DNAs were recovered from multiple tissues, including bone marrow of inoculated gnotobiotic swine. If these results are confirmed in additional experiments, then these data indicate that there is infectious TTV contained in at least some of the bacterins tested in the study reported here. Currently, we are not aware of any in vitro culture system for recovery of infectious TTVs in any species, including swine.
It is increasingly clear from studies with other members of the Circoviridae (ie, PCV2) that infection of the relevant host species with these viruses alone is not sufficient to induce clinical disease.21,22 However, coinfections of PCV2-infected swine with other pathogens (such as porcine parvovirus,15,21–25 porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus,26,27 and M hyopneumoniae28) and immunizations29,30 may potentiate scenarios in which the porcine circovirus–associated disease is more severe. Currently, questions regarding infection and increased risks cannot be answered directly because specific inoculation and challenge-exposure experiments with TTV-positive bacterins alone or in conjunction with other infectious agents must be performed for conditions in which environmental contamination as a nonvaccine source of TTVs or challenge agents can be excluded.
The study described here revealed that both g1- and g2-TTV DNAs were detected in many commercially available swine Mycoplasma bacterins available in Europe and North America. Additional studies31–33 to determine the pathogenicity of g1-TTV have been competed, and further studies on the potential impact of TTV contamination of vaccines on health and disease of pigs are being conducted.
g1-TTV | Genogroup 1 torque teno virus |
g2-TTV | Genogroup 2 torque teno virus |
nPCR | Nested PCR |
PCV2 | Porcine circovirus type 2 |
PMWS | Postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome |
PRDC | Porcine respiratory disease complex |
TTV | Torque teno virus |
Ingelvac M hyo, Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc, St Joseph, Mo.
Suvaxyn MH-One, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Fort Dodge, Iowa.
Suvaxyn Respifend MH/HPS, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Fort Dodge, Iowa.
RespiSure One, Pfizer Animal Health Inc, Exton, Pa.
Respisure, Pfizer Animal Health Inc, Exton, Pa.
M+PAC, Schering Plough Animal Health Corp, Omaha, Neb.
PneumoSTAR Myco, Novartis Animal Health, Larchwood, Iowa.
Myco Shield, Novartis Animal Health, Larchwood, Iowa.
Myco Silencer ONCE, Intervet Inc, Millsboro, Del.
Ingelvac M hyo, Boehringer-Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc, Burlington, ON, Canada.
Suvaxyn MH-One, Wyeth Animal Health, Guelph, ON, Canada.
M+PAC, Schering Canada Ltd, Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada.
Myco Silencer BPM, Intervet Inc, Millsboro, Del.
Ingelvac M hyo, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany.
M hyo Suvaxyn, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Southampton, England.
M hyo Suvaxyn parasuis, Fort Dodge Animal Health, Southampton, England.
Stellamune, Pfizer Animal Health Inc, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Stellamune ONCE, Pfizer Animal Health Inc, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
M+PAC, SP Essex Animal Health (Burgwedel), Burgwedel, Germany
Porcilis M hyo, Intervet International BV, Boxmeer, The Netherlands.
Hyoresp, Merial Animal Health, Harlow, Essex, England.
QIAamp DNA mini kit, Quiagen, Valencia, Calif.
Qiagen Hot Star Taq polymerase, Quiagen, Valencia, Calif.
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