Objective—To evaluate the effect of prolonged water exposure on tissue mass and solutes of outer and inner layers of the stratum medium, sole, frog, and the stratum medium (SMZA) zona alba layer of horses' hooves.
Specimen Population—10 hooves from 10 horses without foot abnormalities.
Procedure—Hoof wall tissue specimens were obtained and immersed for 10 days in distilled deionized water. Serial changes in mass were recorded during the immersion period. Subsequently, osmolarity and Na+, K+, Cl–, and protein concentrations of the immersion solution were quantified.
Results—Fully cornified outer hoof wall, sole, and frog epidermal structures increased in mass, whereas the SMZA lost mass when immersed in water. All hoof structures had a variable loss of crystalloids during immersion, but none of the specimens lost proteins. The frog epidermis was distinct in that total solute lost during immersion could not be ascribed to Na+, K+, and Cl–.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Data support a 2-compartment model for the fully cornified outer stratum medium, frog, and sole that permits the exchange of crystalloids, but not proteins, across the cell membrane and infers that topical agents containing proteins cannot benefit the hoof. The unique osmotic behavior of the SMZA relative to other hoof structures suggests the hypothesis that it is composed of transitional epithelial cells. The solutes lost from frog epithelium are interpreted to reflect its unique lipid composition. (Am J Vet Res 2002;63:1140–1144)