Objective—To compare microcrack density and length in the proximal and distal metaphyses of the humerus and radius in dogs.
Sample Population—Left humerus and radius from each of 10 dogs of medium to large size.
Procedure—Metaphyseal specimens were bulk stained in 1% basic fuchsin in graded alcohols and embedded in methylmethacrylate. For quantification of fatigue-induced microscopic damage, transverse sections were prepared from proximal and distal metaphyseal regions, and length and density of microcracks were determined, using light microscopy.
Results—Bone region, age, and body weight were not significantly associated with microcrack density or length.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—The hypothesis that fatigue-induced injury (increased microcrack density and length) caused by cyclic loading associated with daily activity is greater in bone regions prone to development of osteosarcoma was not supported by data from this study. (Am J Vet Res 2000;61:6–8)