Molecular diagnostic tests for ascertainment of genotype at the mucopolysaccharidosis type VII locus in dogs

Jharna Ray From the James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (J. Ray, K. Ray), and the Section of Medical Genetics and Laboratory of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (Haskins).

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Mark E. Haskins From the James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (J. Ray, K. Ray), and the Section of Medical Genetics and Laboratory of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (Haskins).

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Kunal Ray From the James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (J. Ray, K. Ray), and the Section of Medical Genetics and Laboratory of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (Haskins).

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To develop a molecular diagnostic test to ascertain genotype of the mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII) locus.

Sample Population

Blood samples from 45 mixed-breed (German Shepherd Dog X Beagle) dogs that were phenotypically normal or affected with MPS VII.


The canine ß-glucuronidase gene (exon 3) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using 2 pairs of primers to determine the genotype of the MPS VII locus by 2 independent methods. For the first method, PCR products were used for heteroduplex analysis, using conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis. In the second method, an allele-specific restriction site was created by use of a mismatch primer in PCR. The amplified DNA fragment was digested with a restriction enzyme (Eag I) to enable identification of the wild-type and mutant alleles.


Conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis resulted in a single DNA band representing homoduplex when the sample contained a wild-type or MPS VII allele, but 2 bands representing hetero- and homoduplexes when both alleles were in the sample. Restriction digestion of the DNA fragment obtained by use of a mismatch primer was cleaved only when the template was a wild-type allele. Thus, samples from phenotypically normal carrier dogs that contained wild-type and MPS VII alleles were partially digested by the enzyme.


The diagnostic test used 2 strategies for independently ascertaining the wild-type or mutant MPS VII alleles in dogs. Thus, test results can distinguish phenotypically normal MPS Vll-carrier dogs from homozygous normal dogs. (Am J Vet Res 1998;59:1092-1095)



To develop a molecular diagnostic test to ascertain genotype of the mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPS VII) locus.

Sample Population

Blood samples from 45 mixed-breed (German Shepherd Dog X Beagle) dogs that were phenotypically normal or affected with MPS VII.


The canine ß-glucuronidase gene (exon 3) was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using 2 pairs of primers to determine the genotype of the MPS VII locus by 2 independent methods. For the first method, PCR products were used for heteroduplex analysis, using conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis. In the second method, an allele-specific restriction site was created by use of a mismatch primer in PCR. The amplified DNA fragment was digested with a restriction enzyme (Eag I) to enable identification of the wild-type and mutant alleles.


Conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis resulted in a single DNA band representing homoduplex when the sample contained a wild-type or MPS VII allele, but 2 bands representing hetero- and homoduplexes when both alleles were in the sample. Restriction digestion of the DNA fragment obtained by use of a mismatch primer was cleaved only when the template was a wild-type allele. Thus, samples from phenotypically normal carrier dogs that contained wild-type and MPS VII alleles were partially digested by the enzyme.


The diagnostic test used 2 strategies for independently ascertaining the wild-type or mutant MPS VII alleles in dogs. Thus, test results can distinguish phenotypically normal MPS Vll-carrier dogs from homozygous normal dogs. (Am J Vet Res 1998;59:1092-1095)

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