Bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) was performed on 16 horses to determine whether it caused local or diffuse inflammation in the lungs. In 7 horses, bal was performed in both lungs twice, 48 hours apart. Although total cell counts of the bal samples did not change significantly, there were increased numbers and percentage of neutrophils in the second lavage fluid samples. In 5 horses, bal was performed in 1 lung and repeated 48 hours later in the same lung and in the corresponding airway in the contralateral lung. The absolute cell count and percentage of neutrophils were significantly (P = < 0.05) increased in the second sample from the lung that was lavaged twice. In 4 horses, bal was performed in 1 lung and 48 hours later, repeated in an adjacent airway to the first bal site, and in the corresponding airway in the contralateral lung. Significant differences were not detected the total or differential cell counts of the bal fluid recovered at any time, except for an increase in neutrophil percentage in the second sample in the contralateral lung. The increased neutrophil percentage values were within the range of normal for healthy horses.
Results of the study suggested that, in horses, bal induces a localized pulmonary neutrophil influx that persists at least 48 hours and is characterized by a relative and absolute increase in the number of neutrophils in the lavage fluids.