Myoelectric activity was monitored from the terminal ileum, cecum, and colonic pelvic flexure by use of Ag-pAgCl bipolar electrodes in 4 adult horses before, during, and after general anesthesia. Horses were anesthetized by way of 3 commonly used regimens, including xylazine (1.1 mg/kg of body weight) and ketamine hydrochloride (2.2 mg/kg); thiopental sodium (7.7 mg/kg), followed by halothane vaporized in oxygen; and thiopental sodium (2.5 g) in guaifenesin (100 mg/ml) solution given to effect, followed by halothane in oxygen. All 3 anesthetic regimens decreased intestinal spike-burst activity in the areas monitored. The slowest return to preanesthetic myoelectric activity was observed after xylazine and ketamine administration. After both of the barbiturate/halothane anesthetic regimens, there was a rebound increase in spike-burst frequency, without alteration in the proportion of propagative myoelectric events. All 3 anesthetic regimens appeared to reset the timing of the small and large intestinal migrating myoelectric complexes. By 9 hours after recovery from anesthesia, the effects of anesthesia, irrespective of regimen, had disappeared. Although anesthesia significantly (P < 0.05) altered intestinal myoelectric activity, no particular anesthetic regimen had a prolonged effect. Results of our study indicate that the particular chosen regimen of general anesthesia is unimportant in development of motility disturbances in horses after anesthesia.