Hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (hscas), an anticaking agent for agricultural feeds, was added to aflatoxin (af)-contaminated diets of 3 lactating dairy cows and evaluated for its potential to reduce aflatoxin M1 (afm1) residues in milk. During phase I, cows were fed alternating diets that consisted of 200 μg of af/kg of feed for 7 days, 0.5% hscas plus 200 μg of af/kg of feed for 7 days, and feed with the hscas removed for a final 7 days. The afm1 milk concentrations from the intervals with hscas added to diets were compared with those times when hscas was absent. The presence of 0.5% hscas in feed containing 200 μg of af/kg reduced afm1 secretion into the milk by an average of 0.44 μg/L (from pretreatment of 1.85 μg/L to 1.41 μg/L with hscas, a 24% reduction). Following a 10-day period of noncontaminated feed consumption and no afm1 residues in the milk, phase II of the study was begun. The same experimental design as phase I was used, but the dosages of hscas and af were changed to 1.0% and 100 μg/kg of feed, respectively. The addition of 1.0% hscas in feed containing 100 μg of af/kg decreased afm1 content in the milk by an average of 0.40 μg/L (from a pretreatment of 0.91 μg/L to 0.51 μg/L when hscas was present, a 44% reduction). These findings suggest that hscas, a high-affinity sorbent compound for af in vitro, is capable of reducing the secretion of afm1 into milk.