A flow cytometric procedure was evaluated to measure the oxidative burst activity (hydrogen peroxide formation) of bovine neutrophils. The method involves measuring the oxidation of intracellular dichlorofluorescin to fluorescent dichlorofluorescein (dcf). Phorbol myristate acetate (pma) was used to perturb the neutrophil plasma membrane.
The sources of variation introduced into the dcf assay were also examined. The sources of variation were attributable to the isolation of neutrophils from blood, variation between duplicate assays and duplicate flow cytometric determinations of oxidative product formation, variation in neutrophil oxidative product formation among cows, and the variation (over repeated daily and weekly neutrophil isolations) in neutrophil oxidative product formation.
A final objective was to determine effects of dexamethasone on oxidative product formation, and whether differences existed between blood and mammary neutrophils in oxidative product formation.
There was an increasing trend in the formation of dcf with increasing time of incubation and with increasing pma concentration. Increasing the concentration of pma decreased lag time and increased the rate of oxidative product formation. The increase in dcf formation was statistically significant up to a pma concentration of 10 ng/ml. This concentration was considered optimal for bovine neutrophils.
Examination of the sources of variation indicated that (i) the neutrophil isolation technique was a major source of variation (17.2 to 28.4% of the total variation), and that more than one neutrophil isolation within a cow would be required to obtain an accurate estimation of dcf formation in neutrophils; (ii) duplicate assays and duplicate readings on the flow cytometer accounted for < 0.05% of the total variation and would not be necessary when performing the dcf assay; (iii) large variation (62.4 to 70.8%) existed among cows in neutrophil oxidative product formation, indicating that any treatment being compared should be done either within or preferably repeated across a large number of cows; and (iv) the variation over repeated daily (0.3%), but not weekly (19.6%) determinations of neutrophil oxidative product formation, were small enough to allow for the evaluation of major physiologic and environmental effects.
Intramuscular administration of dexamethasone (50 μg/kg of body weight) resulted in an approximate 80% decrease in neutrophil oxidative product formation. Oxidative product formation was 75% less for neutrophils isolated from mammary secretions when compared with neutrophils from blood. These results indicated that the dcf procedure was responsive to factors known to interfere with oxidative metabolism of bovine neutrophils.