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Introduction One health focuses on the interrelationships between the health of humans, animals, and the environment. 1 The concept of one health dates back to at least the 1800s when the term “zoonosis” was introduced, linking human and
environment of companion dogs with CCD and humans offers an advantageous one-health perspective for examination of the influence of environmental factors on disease manifestation. Importantly, due to their pivotal role as first responders in the diagnosis and
senior category, reflecting an alignment with the aging “baby-boomer” generation in the human population. While current guidelines offer valuable recommendations for senior pet care, the broader One Health Initiative calls attention to a significant
stimulation or priming is commonly referred to as MSC licensing and is addressed in the companion Currents in One Health by Koch and Schnabel, AJVR , October 2023. In a recent study, inert ultrafiltration probes were placed into surgically induced SDFT core
A ntimicrobial resistance (AMR) is recognized a global health crisis. 1 Veterinary researchers and practitioners play a critical role in identifying and mitigating AMR in collaboration with other professional sectors using a One Health approach
, livelihoods, and well-being. 1 – 3 Tragically, some parts of the world have already experienced limits to how much they can adapt to their changing environment. 1 Veterinary medicine has provided leadership in the comparatively recent field of One Health
One health is defined as a collaborative transdisciplinary effort to attain optimal sustainable health for humans, animals, and the environment. The underlying rationale is that extensive overlaps exist among these three domains and there are many
. 3 The Brucella genus includes 13 species infecting a range of susceptible hosts, but those of greatest one-health relevance in the US include species infecting dogs ( Brucella canis ), swine ( Brucella suis ), and cattle and domestic bison
sources of nutrition. Veterinarians throughout the profession have a role to play by educating themselves and others on dairy production’s positive contributions to a modern society through a one-health lens. Among the needs of society, where dairy plays
from synovial fluid samples in cases of septic synovitis. 36 , 38 , 39 While it appears that, in human medicine, standard practice has transitioned to primarily using blood culture vials to submit synovial fluid, the companion Currents in One Health