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of the large distended, gas-filled structures were emphysematous pyometra, gastric distension-volvulus (GDV), or severe mechanical ileus. The smaller gas-filled structure was most likely a part of the emphysematous pyometra or mechanical ileus

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in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

Emphysematous changes consolidating into subpleural blebs were observed along the margins of all lung lobes, with the ventral margins of the left cranial, right cranial, and right middle lung lobes most affected. Partial lobectomies of the ventral aspects of

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in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

radiographic diagnosis is emphysematous cystitis with a mass in the caudal aspect of the urinary bladder and probable urethral thickening. Figure 2— Same radiographic views as in Figure 1 . A large volume of gas (white asterisk) is seen in the cranial

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in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association



To develop a model of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infection that induces severe disease similar to that seen in some cattle with naturally acquired BRSV infection.


25 male Holstein calves, 8 to 16 weeks old.


17 calves were given a low-passage field isolate of BRSV by aerosolization; 8 control calves were given supernatant from noninfected cell culture. Disease was characterized by evaluating clinical signs, virus isolation and pulmonary function tests, and results of blood gas analysis, gross and histologic postmortem examination, and microbiologic testing.


Cumulative incidence of cough, harsh lung sounds, adventitious sounds, and dyspnea and increases in rectal temperature and respiratory rate were significantly greater in infected calves. Three infected calves developed extreme respiratory distress and were euthanatized 7 days after inoculation. Virus was isolated from nasal swab specimens from all infected calves but not from mock infected calves. On day 7 after inoculation, mean Pao2 and Paco2 were significantly lower, and pulmonary resistance was significantly higher, in infected calves. During necropsy, infected calves had varying degrees of necrotizing and proliferative bronchiolitis and alveolitis with syncytial formation. The 3 calves euthanatized on day 7 had emphysematous bullae in the caudal lung lobes; 1 had unilateral pneumothorax.

Conclusion and Clinical Relevance

Severe disease similar to that seen in some cattle with naturally acquired BRSV infection can be induced in calves with a single aerosol exposure of a low-passage clinical isolate of BRSV. Our model will be useful for studying the pathogenesis of BRSV infection and for evaluating vaccines and therapeutics. (Am J Vet Res 1999;60:473-480)

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in American Journal of Veterinary Research

are scattered throughout the right cranial and middle lung lobes (vesicular emphysematous lung pattern; Figure 2 ). On the ventrodorsal view, the bronchus of the right middle lung lobe is oriented caudally. On the lateral view, the bronchus to the

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in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

considerations for the constellation of findings were ruminal perforation and septic peritonitis, secondary to severe progressive gastrointestinal stasis and emphysematous rumenitis. Figure 3 Follow-up left (A) and right (B) lateral abdominal radiographic

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in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

conjunction with diabetes mellitus, including pathological changes to the gallbladder such as emphysematous cholecystitis. 1 Porcelain gallbladder is defined as calcification of the gallbladder wall. The condition is rare in companion animals. To the authors

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in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

surgery were performed. The right caudal lung lobe was diffusely emphysematous and had a large bulla ( Figure 4 ). The other lung lobes appeared grossly normal. A right caudal lung lobectomy and placement of a thoracic tube were performed. The dog

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in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

, sharply marginated fragment displaced slightly caudodistally ( Figure 2 ). Soft tissue swelling and an emphysematous tract leading from the skin wound toward the elbow joint are visible. An additional flexed proximocaudal-distocaudal radiographic view

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in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

been proposed to explain the vesicular gas radiographic pattern, including incomplete lobar consolidation following acute torsion associated with the presence of air trapped within the alveoli, formation of emphysematous bullae as the result of

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in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association