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emergency setting. By simplifying the definition of shock to a state where DO 2 does not meet tissue oxygen demand, direct measurement of cardiac output (CO) with a pulmonary arterial catheter would be ideal to diagnose hemorrhagic shock. However, this is

Open access
in American Journal of Veterinary Research

instrumented and had cardiac output (CO) measured via thermodilution (TD) and via evaluation of the arterial pressure waveform by a novel monitoring system (Edwards Acumen IQ sensor and HemoSphere monitor system [HS-IQ]; Edwards LifeSciences) using 2 different

Open access
in American Journal of Veterinary Research

T ranscardiac thermodilution (TD) is largely considered the clinical reference method for cardiac output (CO) measurement in people. 1 , 2 This method is also widely used in dogs in the research setting. The need for a pulmonary artery catheter

Open access
in American Journal of Veterinary Research

Cardiac output can be defined as the volume of blood moved by the heart per unit of time. 1,2 Measurement of CO also allows for calculation of oxygen delivery, oxygen consumption, and systemic vascular resistance ( Appendix ). 3 Monitoring of CO

Full access
in American Journal of Veterinary Research

Cardiac output provides a useful measurement of cardiovascular function and the capacity for whole-body oxygen delivery. In human medicine, this information is used extensively during anesthesia 1 and to monitor critically ill patients. 2 Recent

Full access
in American Journal of Veterinary Research

, and to identify appropriate therapeutic interventions when abnormal values are obtained. ABBREVIATIONS MAP Mean arterial blood pressure CO Cardiac output SVR Systemic vascular resistance CI Cardiac index LiDCO Cardiac output

Full access
in Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

Cardiac output is defined as the volume of blood ejected by the heart per unit of time. Cardiac output, blood hemoglobin concentration, and oxygen saturation of hemoglobin are major factors in determining global tissue oxygen delivery and

Full access
in American Journal of Veterinary Research

. Correct placement of the thermodilution catheter was determined on the basis of observation of characteristic pressure waveforms and pressure values after it was connected to the PACTD monitor (Cardiac output-IntelliVue; Phillips Healthcare). For PACTD CO

Open access
in American Journal of Veterinary Research

. Additional studies in hemodynamically compromised dogs with naturally occurring disease are needed to evaluate the clinical usefulness of the UCOMS. ABBREVIATIONS 2-D 2-dimensional CO Cardiac output TDCO Thermodilution cardiac output UCOMS

Full access
in American Journal of Veterinary Research

decision making with regard to the course of treatment. Cardiac performance can be defined as the blood volume per unit of time supplied to the body and organs. 2 Cardiac output is the most precise variable for evaluating overall cardiac function. 3 In

Full access
in American Journal of Veterinary Research