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To determine the analgesic agents administered to animals frequently used in biomedical research.
Telephone survey.
Sample Population
Diplomates of the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine.
200 of 429 active diplomates listed in the 1993 directory of the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine were selected at random for telephone interviews. Diplomates were asked to identify the species that they cared for and the dosages, dosing intervals, and routes of administration for analgesic agents.
90 of 200 (45%) diplomates completed the survey. Twenty-two analgesic agents were identified for use in 472 applications in 16 species. Opioid analgesics were the most frequently selected agents, with buprenorphine hydrochloride and butorphanol being most frequently used. Intramuscular and subcutaneous routes of administration were used most frequently.
Clinical Implications
Among diplomates of the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, opioids are the most frequently selected agents used to induce analgesia in animals used in biomedical research. Dosages and dosing intervals used vary widely among animals of various species as well as for animals in each species. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 1996,209: 918-921)
Objective—To evaluate the use of midazolam, ketamine, and xylazine for total IV anesthesia (TIVA) in horses.
Animals—6 healthy Thoroughbred mares.
Procedures—Horses were sedated with xylazine (1.0 mg/kg, IV). Anesthesia was induced with midazolam (0.1 mg/kg, IV) followed by ketamine (2.2 mg/kg, IV) and was maintained with an IV infusion of midazolam (0.002 mg/kg/min), ketamine (0.03 mg/kg/min), and xylazine (0.016 mg/kg/min). Horses underwent surgical manipulation and injection of the palmar digital nerves; duration of the infusion was 60 minutes. Additional ketamine (0.2 to 0.4 mg/kg, IV) was administered if a horse moved its head or limbs during procedures. Cardiopulmonary and arterial blood variables were measured prior to anesthesia; at 10, 20, 30, 45, and 60 minutes during infusion; and 10 minutes after horses stood during recovery. Recovery quality was assessed by use of a numeric (1 to 10) scale with 1 as an optimal score.
Results—Anesthesia was produced for 70 minutes after induction; supplemental ketamine administration was required in 4 horses. Heart rate, respiratory rate, arterial blood pressures, and cardiac output remained similar to preanesthetic values throughout TIVA. Arterial partial pressure of oxygen and oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin were significantly decreased from preanesthetic values throughout anesthesia; oxygen delivery was significantly decreased at 10- to 30-minute time points. Each horse stood on its first attempt, and median recovery score was 2.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Midazolam, ketamine, and xylazine in combination produced TIVA in horses. Further studies to investigate various dosages for midazolam and ketamine or the substitution of other α2-adrenoceptor for xylazine are warranted.
Objective—To determine the effect of dexmedetomidine, morphine-lidocaine-ketamine (MLK), and dexmedetomidine-morphine-lidocaine-ketamine (DMLK) constant rate infusions on the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of isoflurane and bispectral index (BIS) in dogs.
Animals—6 healthy adult dogs.
Procedures—Each dog was anesthetized 4 times with a 7-day washout period between anesthetic episodes. During the first anesthetic episode, the MAC of isoflurane (baseline) was established. During the 3 subsequent anesthetic episodes, the MAC of isoflurane was determined following constant rate infusion of dexmedetomidine (0.5 μg/kg/h), MLK (morphine, 0.2 mg/kg/h; lidocaine, 3 mg/kg/h; and ketamine, 0.6 mg/kg/h), or DMLK (dexmedetomidine, 0.5 μg/kg/h; morphine, 0.2 mg/kg/h; lidocaine, 3 mg/kg/h; and ketamine 0.6 mg/kg/h). Among treatments, MAC of isoflurane was compared by means of a Friedman test with Conover posttest comparisons, and heart rate, direct arterial pressures, cardiac output, body temperature, inspired and expired gas concentrations, arterial blood gas values, and BIS were compared with repeated-measures ANOVA and a Dunn test for multiple comparisons.
Results—Infusion of dexmedetomidine, MLK, and DMLK decreased the MAC of isoflurane from baseline by 30%, 55%, and 90%, respectively. Mean heart rates during dexmedetomidine and DMLK treatments was lower than that during MLK treatment. Compared with baseline values, mean heart rate decreased for all treatments, arterial pressure increased for the DMLK treatment, cardiac output decreased for the dexmedetomidine treatment, and BIS increased for the MLK and DMLK treatments. Time to extubation and sternal recumbency did not differ among treatments.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Infusion of dexmedetomidine, MLK, or DMLK reduced the MAC of isoflurane in dogs. (Am J Vet Res 2013;74:963–970)
Objective—To determine the effects of IV administration of enalaprilat on cardiorespiratory and hematologic variables as well as inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity in exercising horses.
Animals—6 adult horses.
Procedure—Horses were trained by running on a treadmill for 5 weeks. Training was continued throughout the study period, and each horse also ran 2 simulated races at 120% of maximum oxygen consumption. Three horses were randomly selected to receive treatment 1 (saline [0.9% NaCl] solution), and the remaining 3 horses received treatment 2 (enalaprilat; 0.5 mg/kg of body weight, IV) before each simulated race. Treatment groups were reversed for the second simulated race. Cardiorespiratory and hematologic data were obtained before, during, and throughout the 1-hour period after each simulated race. Inhibition of ACE activity was determined during and after each race in each horse.
Results—Exercise resulted in significant increases in all hemodynamic variables and respiratory rate. The pH and PO2 of arterial blood decreased during simulated races, whereas PCO2 remained unchanged. Systemic and pulmonary blood pressure measurements and arterial pH, PO2, and PCO2 returned to baseline values by 60 minutes after simulated races. Enalaprilat inhibited ACE activity to < 25% of baseline activity without changing cardiorespiratory or blood gas values, compared with horses administered saline solution.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Enalaprilat administration almost completely inhibited ACE activity in horses without changing the hemodynamic responses to intense exercise and is unlikely to be of value in preventing exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage. (Am J Vet Res 2001;62:1008–1013)
Objective—To compare 4 analgesic protocols in dogs undergoing stifle joint surgery.
Design—Randomized, blinded, prospective clinical trial.
Animals—48 client-owned dogs that underwent stifle joint surgery.
Procedures—Dogs undergoing tibial plateau leveling osteotomy were randomly assigned to receive a constant rate infusion of a combination of morphine, lidocaine, and ketamine; a lumbosacral epidural with morphine and ropivacaine; both treatments (ie, constant rate infusion and lumbosacral epidural); or only IM premedication with morphine. Indices of cardiorespiratory function and isoflurane requirement were recorded at 5-minute intervals during anesthesia. A validated sedation scoring system and the modified Glasgow composite measure pain score were used to assess comfort and sedation after surgery and anesthesia once the swallowing reflex returned and a body temperature of ≥ 36.7°C (98.1°F) was attained. Pain and sedation scores were acquired at 60-minute intervals for 4 hours, then at 4-hour intervals for 24 hours. Dogs with a postoperative pain score > 5 of 24 were given morphine as rescue analgesia.
Results—No differences in heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic arterial blood pressure, end-tidal Pco2, end-tidal isoflurane concentration, and vaporizer setting were detected among groups. No differences in pain score, sedation score, rescue analgesia requirement, or time to first rescue analgesia after surgery were detected.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Pain scores were similar among groups, and all 4 groups had similar rescue analgesia requirements and similar times to first administration of rescue analgesia. All 4 analgesic protocols provided acceptable analgesia for 24 hours after stifle joint surgery.