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874 Association of intestinal disorders in cats with findings of abdominal radiography In cats, intestinal obstruction can be hard to identify on radiographic views of the abdomen, unless a radiopaque foreign body is present, but results of a
obstructions caused by foreign bodies all survived to hospital discharge. Four pigs were euthanized during surgery: 2 because of extensive adhesions that prevented correction of an intestinal obstruction, 1 because of a perforated spiral colon, and 1 because of
should be considered for affected dogs, although its role in these dogs was unclear. See page 1053 Proximal duodenoileal anastomosis for treatment of small intestinal obstruction and volvulus in a green iguana A 13-year-old green iguana
that is ingested during licking. In most instances, trichobezoars are an incidental finding at slaughter, but in rare instances, they can result in obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract. A review of medical records of 15 cattle with small intestinal