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enzymes in spermatozoa. The primary ROS generated by equine spermatozoa appears to be the superoxide anion, which is rapidly converted to hydrogen peroxide. 13 The mechanisms responsible for the production of ROS by spermatozoa remain controversial. 2
reaction. 4 Evaluation of the acrosome of equine spermatozoa has proven challenging because of its small size 5 and fewer methods have been validated for equine spermatozoa than for other species. Acrosomal staining with fluorosceinated lectins, such as
. For example, Candida albicans typically is susceptible to fluconazole, whereas Candida krusei and Candida glabrata are inherently resistant to fluconazole. 9 Amplification of fungal DNA by PCR assay has been used in equine medicine to provide a
rate of tissues, including equine endometrium. 16 The monoclonal antibody Ki-67 binds to a nuclear cell antigen that is expressed in cells undergoing mitosis. Determination of caspase 3 and Ki-67 may thus be used to assess tissue removal and
difference. Attempts to postpone ovulation with progestogens have been unsuccessful, which leaves equine practitioners with advancement of ovulation as the only effective means of manipulating ovulation within a given estrus cycle. 6 We concluded that
considerations . Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract 1988 ; 4 : 263 – 290 . 10.1016/S0749-0739(17)30641-7 13. Sreenan JM Diskin MG . Early embryonic mortality in the cow: its relationship with progesterone concentration . Vet Rec 1983 ; 112 : 517