Reviewer CE Credit

Reviewer CE Credit

The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) and the American Journal of Veterinary Research (AJVR) are delighted to announce a new program to award continuing education (CE) credits for peer reviewers. The AVMA recognizes that reviewing a manuscript for publication requires specific skills and knowledge to ensure that manuscripts published in the JAVMA and AJVR are of the highest quality and meet the standards of integrity and objectivity set by the AVMA. Please see our FAQs below for more information.

How many CE credits might I be eligible for?
Two CE credit hours for reviewing a full-length manuscript (eg, Original Research, Narrative Review, or Currents in One Health article) for either journal, and 1 credit hour for reviewing a Clinical Challenge manuscript (eg, What Is Your Diagnosis? or Pathology in Practice article) or a Technical Tutorial Video manuscript.

What are the criteria for earning CE credit?
Scoring a review is a judgment call on the part of each Associate Editor. Associate Editors assign an R-score to reviews on a scale of 1 to 4 for both the quality and timeliness of a review (1, review was not returned; 2, review was below average/severely delayed; 3, review was sufficient/slightly delayed; 4, review was highly relevant/on time). CE credit would only be awarded for reviews receiving an R-score of 3 or higher and if the review was submitted within the communicated timeframe. A score of 3 or higher demonstrates that the learner/reviewer understands the attributes of an effective review of a scientific manuscript, can accurately identify strengths and weaknesses of a scientific manuscript, and can communicate review feedback effectively.

Can I still receive CE credit if I recommend rejection or revision of the manuscript?
Yes. It is the quality of the review that warrants CE credit, not the quality of the manuscript.

If the manuscript is returned for revision, is additional CE credit available for subsequent reviews?
No. Only the first review is eligible for CE credit.

How do I get my CE certificate?
At the end of each month, reviewers who qualified for CE credit will receive their certificates via email.

Who do I contact with CE questions?
The AVMA’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Lisa A. Fortier (