To evaluate incidences of pyometra and orthopedic, behavioral, urinary/reproductive, neoplastic, or atopic disease processes as outcomes for dogs undergoing either a laparoscopic-assisted ovary-sparing spay/hysterectomy (LapOSS) or a laparoscopic ovariectomy (LapOVE).
33 client-owned dogs.
Medical records of client-owned dogs presenting between August 2013 and May 2020 for elective LapOSS or LapOVE were reviewed. A multiple-choice client questionnaire was emailed to all clients whose dogs’ complete medical records were available.
17 of the 33 dogs were in the LapOSS group, and 16 of 33 dogs were in the LapOVE group. Of the 17 dogs undergoing LapOSS, 5 of 17 (29%) underwent an elective OVE at a later date. The mean follow-up time was 4.2 ± 1.8 years for the LapOSS group and 4.3 ± 2.0 years for the LapOVE group. No dogs developed stump pyometra. One LapOSS dog developed mammary tumor, and 2 others developed nonreproductive malignant neoplasia while 2 of the LapOVE dogs developed malignant neoplasia. One of the LapOSS dogs with malignant neoplasia had an ovariectomy prior to development of disease.
Laparoscopic-assisted ovary-sparing spay appears to provide a safe and reliable method of sterilization, with no observable increased risk of pyometra with hysterectomy. Owners must be counseled prior to surgery regarding the consequences of gonadal hormone retention and multiple heat cycles.