To compare thoracic ultrasonographic findings in healthy horses before and after general anesthesia for elective MRI utilizing a recently developed ultrasonographic scoring system to aid clinicians in the early identification of pneumonia following anesthesia.
13 adult horses > 3 years of age.
Prior to anesthesia, horses underwent a thorough physical examination, CBC, thoracic radiography, and thoracic ultrasonography. Horses were then anesthetized for elective MRI, and thoracic ultrasonography was repeated within 3 hours after recovery. Thoracic ultrasonographic findings were scored utilizing a recently developed scoring system, and scores were compared before and after anesthesia.
There was no significant difference identified in total thoracic ultrasonography score before and after anesthesia, and there was no correlation between thoracic ultrasonography score following anesthesia and the body weight of the horse, the time recumbent, and the dependent side.
In healthy horses undergoing anesthesia for elective imaging, there was no significant change in thoracic ultrasonographic findings 3 hours after recovery from anesthesia. These data can aid clinicians in determining the clinical significance of ultrasonographic changes in the lung in the immediate postanesthetic period.