CASE DESCRIPTION 5 mares were evaluated because of reproductive complications following long-term (> 1 year) use of intrauterine glass marbles for estrus suppression.
CLINICAL FINDINGS 3 mares had 1 intrauterine glass marble, and 2 mares had 2 intrauterine glass marbles. On examination, 2 mares had signs of chronic endometritis, and 3 had signs of pyometra. Marbles or glass shards adhered to the endometrium were identified by means of hysteroscopy in 3 of 5 mares. Five of 7 marbles had surface imperfections or were broken.
TREATMENT AND OUTCOME All patients were treated with uterine lavage and intrauterine and systemic administration of antimicrobials chosen on the basis of results of bacterial culture and susceptibility testing. Two of 5 mares were treated with intrauterine Tris-EDTA. One mare underwent 3 unsuccessful embryo transfer procedures and was subsequently lost to follow-up. One mare was euthanized because of severe vaginal and cervical adhesions and chronic vaginal discharge. Three mares had no apparent signs of reproductive disease at the time of follow-up but were not rebred.
CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results of the present small case series suggested that use of intrauterine glass marbles should be discouraged because of the potential for severe reproductive consequences.