To investigate in vitro effects of triclosan coating of suture materials on the growth of clinically relevant bacteria isolated from wounds in dogs.
6 types of suture material and 10 isolates each of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, methicillin-resistant S pseudintermedius, Escherichia coli, and AmpC β-lactamase and extended-spectrum β-lactamase–producing E coli from clinical wound infections.
Isolates were cultured on Mueller-Hinton agar with 3 types of triclosan-coated suture, uncoated counterparts of the same suture types, and positive and negative controls. Zones of inhibition (ZOIs) were measured after overnight incubation. Sustained antimicrobial activity assays were performed with susceptible isolates. The ZOI measurements and durations of sustained antimicrobial activity were compared among suture types and isolates by statistical methods. Suture surface characteristics and bacterial adherence were evaluated qualitatively with scanning electron microscopy.
ZOIs were generated only by triclosan-coated materials; triclosan-coated suture had sustained antimicrobial activity (inhibition) for 3 to 29 days against all tested pathogens. The ZOIs around triclosan-coated suture were significantly greater for S pseudintermedius isolates than for E coli isolates. Bacterial adherence to uncoated polyglactin-910 was greatest, followed by triclosan-coated polyglactin-910, and then uncoated monofilament sutures, with least adherence to coated monofilament sutures.
Surface characteristics of suture materials may be as important or more important than triclosan coating for microbial inhibition; however, triclosan coating appeared to affect bacterial adherence for multifilament sutures. Triclosan-coated, particularly monofilament, sutures inhibited pathogens commonly isolated from wounds of dogs, including multidrug-resistant bacteria. Further studies are required to assess clinical efficacy of triclosan-coated suture materials in vivo.