Use of corrosion casting techniques to evaluate coronary collateral vessels and anastomoses in hearts of canine cadavers

Arne Noestelthaller Small Animal Practice Tierarztpraxis Josefstraße, Dr. Theodor Koerner Straße 25, A-3100 St Poelten, Austria

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Alexander Probst Department of Pathobiology, Institute of Anatomy, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Veterinärplatz 1, A-1210 Vienna, Austria.

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Horst E. Koenig Department of Pathobiology, Institute of Anatomy, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Veterinärplatz 1, A-1210 Vienna, Austria.

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Objective—To study and investigate branching patterns of the canine coronary arteries and collateral circulation by use of corrosion casting techniques.

Sample Population—31 hearts obtained from cadavers of clinically normal dogs of various ages and breeds and of either sex.

Procedure—3-dimensional reproduction of coronary arteries was achieved by postmortem injection and perfusion with casting materials into the aortic sinus via the ascending aorta. Perfused hearts were macerated and carefully irrigated; the air-dried specimens were examined macroscopically and with a magnifying headset.

Results—Collateral arteries and inter- and intra-arterial anastomoses were successfully detected in 8 corrosion cast specimens. In total, 9 coronary collateral arteries and 3 interarterial anastomoses were found.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Our finding of coronary collateral arteries in canine hearts is in agreement with recent findings in coronary flow study. On the basis of our results, vasodilation treatment to improve collateral vessel remodeling in dogs with myocardial dysfunction may be warranted. (Am J Vet Res 2005;66:1724–1728)


Objective—To study and investigate branching patterns of the canine coronary arteries and collateral circulation by use of corrosion casting techniques.

Sample Population—31 hearts obtained from cadavers of clinically normal dogs of various ages and breeds and of either sex.

Procedure—3-dimensional reproduction of coronary arteries was achieved by postmortem injection and perfusion with casting materials into the aortic sinus via the ascending aorta. Perfused hearts were macerated and carefully irrigated; the air-dried specimens were examined macroscopically and with a magnifying headset.

Results—Collateral arteries and inter- and intra-arterial anastomoses were successfully detected in 8 corrosion cast specimens. In total, 9 coronary collateral arteries and 3 interarterial anastomoses were found.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Our finding of coronary collateral arteries in canine hearts is in agreement with recent findings in coronary flow study. On the basis of our results, vasodilation treatment to improve collateral vessel remodeling in dogs with myocardial dysfunction may be warranted. (Am J Vet Res 2005;66:1724–1728)

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