Evaluation of relationships between pretreatment patient variables and duration of isolation for radioiodine-treated hyperthyroid cats

Ralph C. Weichselbaum Veterinary Imaging Consultants, 2932 108th Ln NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433.

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Daniel A. Feeney Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN 55108.

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Carl R. Jessen Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, St Paul, MN 55108.

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Objective—To determine relationships between commonly measured pretreatment variables and duration of isolation for unrestricted dismissal after oral administration of iodine 131 (131I) for treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats.

Animals—149 hyperthyroid cats treated with 131I.

Procedure—A dose of 131I (2.9 to 6.04 mCi [1.07 to 2.23 × 108 Bq]) was administered orally to all cats after hyperthyroidism was confirmed by evaluation of serum total thyroxine (T4) concentrations. Forward stepwise regression analysis was used to determine whether pretreatment total T4 concentration, serum creatinine concentration, body weight, age, 131I dose, or concurrent administration of cardiac medication (specifically excluding thyroid suppression drugs) could be used as pretreatment predictors of duration of isolation in a clinical setting. Gamma radiation emission rate at dismissal was < 2.0 mR/h at skin surface over the thyroid region.

Results—Mean ± SD duration of isolation was 16.67 ± 4.42 days (95% confidence interval, 9.2 to 24.1 days). The regression equation for duration of isolation calculated on the basis of dose of 131I (duration of isolation [days] = 3.2 + [2.66 × mCi – 131I dose]) yielded a regression line with a 95% confidence interval of ± 3.3 days; only 15% of the variation was explained.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—A pretreatment estimate for duration of isolation could be determined only from an equation based on the orally administered dose of 131I. These findings suggest that administration of the lowest efficacious dose possible is the dominant factor in reduction of duration of isolation for cats treated with 131I. (Am J Vet Res 2003;64:425–427)


Objective—To determine relationships between commonly measured pretreatment variables and duration of isolation for unrestricted dismissal after oral administration of iodine 131 (131I) for treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats.

Animals—149 hyperthyroid cats treated with 131I.

Procedure—A dose of 131I (2.9 to 6.04 mCi [1.07 to 2.23 × 108 Bq]) was administered orally to all cats after hyperthyroidism was confirmed by evaluation of serum total thyroxine (T4) concentrations. Forward stepwise regression analysis was used to determine whether pretreatment total T4 concentration, serum creatinine concentration, body weight, age, 131I dose, or concurrent administration of cardiac medication (specifically excluding thyroid suppression drugs) could be used as pretreatment predictors of duration of isolation in a clinical setting. Gamma radiation emission rate at dismissal was < 2.0 mR/h at skin surface over the thyroid region.

Results—Mean ± SD duration of isolation was 16.67 ± 4.42 days (95% confidence interval, 9.2 to 24.1 days). The regression equation for duration of isolation calculated on the basis of dose of 131I (duration of isolation [days] = 3.2 + [2.66 × mCi – 131I dose]) yielded a regression line with a 95% confidence interval of ± 3.3 days; only 15% of the variation was explained.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—A pretreatment estimate for duration of isolation could be determined only from an equation based on the orally administered dose of 131I. These findings suggest that administration of the lowest efficacious dose possible is the dominant factor in reduction of duration of isolation for cats treated with 131I. (Am J Vet Res 2003;64:425–427)

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